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Messages - TheGreenChampion

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Help / Re: Server Problems
« on: July 25, 2017, 07:11:54 AM »
I posted in another thread due to the fact a lot of people are complaining at once, it might be at the fault of the master servers. I'd try and ask badspot himself if he can restart the Master Server since this is happening.

Help / Re: People cannot connect to my server
« on: July 25, 2017, 02:59:28 AM »
I had the same issue recently, and it cropped up again at the same time as yours (Yesterday! a friend dropped out of the server, while I was AFK, and hasn't been able to join back, neither has anyone else.). I think it has something to do with the servers, rather than our hosting individually, last time someone contacted Badspot on the issue.
As shown in this post

Drama / Re: Phanto's alt-left SJW agenda.
« on: July 07, 2017, 10:39:30 PM »
>Alt Left
>Starting drama because you disagree with him

forgeter, I hope you even know what the Alt-Left is. Because it's the left that goes against SJWs and stuff.
Having an agenda against the right isn't a loving crime either.

Help / Re: Connection issues on a server I was able to get on before.
« on: June 20, 2017, 03:29:26 AM »
is anybody else able to connect to them?
it may just be that they're incorrectly set up and nobody can join them
how are you trying to connect?
pretty sure normally in that case you'd use LAN or the local IP
I've had practically everyone on my friends list try.

Help / Re: Connection issues on a server I was able to get on before.
« on: June 20, 2017, 01:41:06 AM »
Quite a few people are experiencing this today, Dux_Eligos can't connect to his own server, and no one is capable of connecting to mine.
I think there is an issue with the master server.

Add-Ons / Re: [Server] Custom health
« on: June 15, 2017, 06:06:47 PM »
This is really nice after I saw the invulnerability I thought about a mirror-type invulnerability? where it reflects all damage dealt back to the dealer?

High-Quality Addons, I just love rips.

Add-Ons / Re: Slayer | CTF Update: New events & more!
« on: June 15, 2017, 09:38:41 AM »
Something that would be nice under the Advanced tab is the ability to choose if a player either drops all items on death, their mainhand on death, or nothing on death (default).
This is a great idea, it would be better if it was made team specific: EG Team A can drop items whilst Team B cannot

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Does anyone have the SetMaxHealth event?
« on: June 12, 2017, 05:44:00 AM »
Yea I'm sorry for not being specific. I rewrote the health system I had and it's working way better. The only problem of course is when mods use maxDamage, they should use getHealth() and getMaxHealth() instead so it could work for any other health mod using the same vars - HealthDetection.cs has those functions
Thank you, you're a big help. Playertypes with specific stuff like no items pickup become hard to work with without adjustable HP :P

Suggestions & Requests / Does anyone have the SetMaxHealth event?
« on: June 11, 2017, 12:53:58 AM »
The original download here seems to be broken

Drama / Re: Cavik's CityRPG - Bad admins, bad gamemode
« on: April 30, 2017, 06:56:06 PM »
No I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about the guys who literally have a house with the sign 'Whites Only' on it and fill it with national socialist imagery, they also shoot anyone on sight that so much as even bothers them. it's handicapped. The point of the matter is that Saves, the guy who leads it, is a unironic /pol/ tier national socialist. I am not ok with that.

Drama / Re: Cavik's CityRPG - Bad admins, bad gamemode
« on: April 30, 2017, 06:15:37 PM »
Seriously though, Cavik's needs to control its resident national socialists. the Whites Only Clan is reaaaally bad RP.

Drama / Re: Cavik's CityRPG - Bad admins, bad gamemode
« on: April 30, 2017, 05:48:15 AM »
>My war against Survivals national socialist autism is now finely engraved into this forum post
Even if I die, you will know I was real.

Drama / Re: Comrade Green AKA The Green Builder: Totalitarian Admin
« on: February 03, 2017, 03:45:09 PM »
/support i dont like him
Could you please read what I have to say instead o just 'i don't like him hurr durr' i don't think I've even talked to you. How can you dislike someone you've never met lmao

Drama / Re: Comrade Green AKA The Green Builder: Totalitarian Admin
« on: February 03, 2017, 12:22:14 AM »
Ah jeez, I've been trying to avoid this.
Alright, first things first, I'm not TGB. I realised how much of a prick i am and grew up. K?
I'm fairly certain hosting an open WIP server has always been an invitation for people to join and richard around

even for the people actually helping out, he says "work on the server" and then immediately afterwards says something someone did was "wrong"

if you're going to try and enlist free labor you need to be specific on what you want them to do, obviously this dude wasn't doing that
I was actually specifying, I was asking for help with CCTV systems, Figuring out how to make SCPs in BL, ect. A major issue on the server is faffing, people richard around when I ask them to do stuff. I admit I'm a little harsh on this case. but I've had to be on the server due to the pure lack of progress. another thing on that point, I'm not the host. the host is a bit weird and wants to have it up open as a 'Beta' to show off the work. Which is a little annoying but our host (DooM Marine) is after all, the host and we have to put up with his antics.

you joined a WIP server and was freebuilding, probably in an area where they needed to build. what did you expect him to do lmao
This, seriously this. Too many people join and forget around and then complain when I ban them. if you want to come, please make some props, furniture or figure out how to do some SCPs in blockland. I'm a little paranoid of seeming a 'Stalinist' admin or anything. And I'm a little paranoid about pissing people off. Dead_Space_2 keeps telling me I'm being a bit soft so that plays a part in things. I've also contributed a forget tonne to the project and I get a little annoyed working hard with 1 or 2 other people while people jerk around and faff.

As a closing note, I left BL for a year or so, and recently came back (I'm hoping a little bit more mature), I'd appreciate it if you left your grudges in the past. *cough*
still a prick

*Cough* I was a stupid 12-year-old and I deserve what I got. I'm mature enough to see that now. so please dont hold the past against me. I waited a year to try and let these grudges die.

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