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Messages - spideykong

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Creativity / Re: Drawings Megathread
« on: September 16, 2015, 01:04:49 PM »

so this is 3 days worth of your stuff, right

sure seems awfully varied.
The first two seem pretty similar to me, the last one not so much. I'm using Flash on that last one and I'm trying something new.

Drama / Re: espio - what
« on: September 16, 2015, 01:03:12 PM »
Are you equating your father to a 15 year old watching anime with 3 friends under the influence? I fear for your upbringing. This stuff isn't rocket science. You seem to have this mentality that once a person injects 1 alcohol (using the wrong terms on purpose to emphasize your lack of knowledge on the subject) they suddenly are all the same, do the same stuff, act the same way, and they all have the same traits. This is incorrect and you are dumb.

Congratulations on your ability to talk to drunk people. You still don't have any experience with alcohol.

I am assuming you are a dumbforget who has literally no idea what he's talking about. Prove me wrong. Pro-tip: you can't.
See why your logic is bullstuff?

Also, the forget are you even trying to say anyway?
>one was me telling you to stop making assumptions about my life
>one was me making me assumptions about someone else's life
You literally just confirmed the contradiction.

It's slang. Wtf is your point? At-least I posses the mental capacity to back up my accusations. brother
I've literally never watched an anime, the forget? Saying my personal experiences aren't personal experiences is dumb, I've grown up with a man under the influence for 15 years, you've drank a few times. See the huge difference here? Why are you so offended I sniffed out some bodies bullstuff lie? I have no reason to believe it because it's ridiculous. Deal with it.

You can believe what you want, but you should be able to understand why others think it's dogstuff rather than throw a hissyfit about it.

Drama / Re: espio - what
« on: September 16, 2015, 12:56:48 PM »
aight look:
A. older friends means that they're older than 16, which means they're probably more mature about drinking than a 15 year old first timer. they're probably better at communicating drunk than a 15 year old.

B. alcohol is not a fixed constant of inebriation, like a tab of acid or something. the drunker you are, the less intelligible you are. not every experience you've had with a drunk person is applicable to every drunk experience

C. it's your fifth account, watt-son. you really gonna try to start being tribal now?
It's not tribal to call someone a brainless ape. I have nothing against whatever race you're associating that insult with.

Drama / Re: espio - what
« on: September 16, 2015, 11:24:53 AM »
I literally explained my experiences with you, interacting with my father when he's drunk is pretty personal imo, how are they irrelevant? You said I have no experience, I explained how I do. This is irrelevant? What?

That last point makes no sense because neither of those statements even correlate. One was me telling you to stop assuring I have no experience, the other one was me assuming hes a liar. Nice flawless argument. /sarcasm

What's with this 'brother' and 'homie' stuff you're tossing around? Are you emphasizing you're a brainless ape?

Drama / Re: espio - what
« on: September 16, 2015, 10:31:28 AM »
I guess I've been playing a lot of devils advocate recently so I'll just drop this for some context: Personally I don't really care about Espio, he should be banned for posting under the influence which is against the rules of pretty much every forum except this one. But the amount of pretentious judgmental bullstuff going on here is ridiculous.

When I said "experience" I meant having been drunk yourself. Your dad and your friends are not Espio. The situations you are talking about did not reflect Espio's. This is not an assumption, this is a logical deduction. You don't know what you're talking about because you do not have experience with drunk texting.

How do you reckon you're going to explain to me the difference between someone who's faking drunk texting and someone who is actually drunk texting when I have had personal experience with drunk texting and your only experience is your internet friends and your adult father? Everyone has a different personality when they are drunk, and drunk texting differs from person to person and is influenced HIGHLY by this drunk personality, as well as experience with alcohol, age, ect.

80% of the people in that thread were also expressing their irrational terror of having alcohol anywhere near their circulation system. I somehow doubt these people know what the forget they are talking about. 80% of the people in that thread were stuffting on Espio because they know he has a bad rep and they figure they can get away with stuffting on someone for a daily e-peen stroke. Just because 80% of people are wrong does not give you the right to be wrong as well. I don't know if you've noticed but 80% of the people on this forum have a tenancy to be loving stupid. Try not to fit in with them.

I don't see how the burden of proof is on Espio in this situation. You're the one making the claim. Espio doesn't need to prove stuff to you, and if you're gonna sit there and bitch him out, it's your job to back up the claim you're making. If it's so easy to act wasted on the internet, why are you so sure he's lying?
Wait, so my experiences have no signifigance but for some reason yours do? How does that make any sense? You're ridiculous lol.

It's not the burden of proof, I'm assuming he's lying. I don't need to prove an assumption. If it bothered him that people think hes bullstuffting, he'd prove it.

Creativity / Re: Drawings Megathread
« on: September 16, 2015, 08:01:30 AM »

I warmed up today with a little something... different, I used Flash mainly. Before you ask, the head is tilted, so if I did a bad job drawing tilted I'm sorry ;v;


Drama / Re: Chadmaverick - The Epitome of Stupid
« on: September 16, 2015, 07:24:01 AM »
He went from windows vista from Compton,just mentioning its kind of weird
Well I mean yeah, he uses relatively garbage avatars but I don't mind

Drama / Re: Chadmaverick - The Epitome of Stupid
« on: September 16, 2015, 07:17:26 AM »
What's with his Compton avatar?
Someone made it for him, what's the problem exactly?

Drama / Re: espio - what
« on: September 16, 2015, 07:16:48 AM »
I'm not assuming. I've drunk texted people before and I know what's fake and what's real. You very clearly don't, it's something you have to experience before you understand.

Chances are your 'older friends' are not first timers, like espio. And it was hardly 'incomprehensible gibberish', forget outta here with that weak ass stuff, it was practically just a few spelling errors in a run-on sentence.
Yes, you are assuming. I have experienced plenty, I have online friends who drink and have talked to my dad on several occasions when he had been pretty wasted over the phone, and over text too. Again, stop assuming.
There wasn't any proof to anything that espio did, it's really easy to 'act' wasted on the internet. You realize 80 percent of people in OP's thread that he linked were calling espio a bullstuffter right?

Drama / Re: espio - what
« on: September 16, 2015, 07:08:59 AM »
Drinking, or drunk? There's no one reaction to drinking, it depends on how much they've had and the person drinking.
He was pretty stufffaced, we were on a tinychat

Drama / Re: ViperXLink (7044) Rude host, Edgy attitude (IMAGE HEAVY)
« on: September 16, 2015, 03:03:42 AM »
Go through bootcamp "Kid"
This isn't a boot camp, even then in bootcamps they aren't starfishs to you because it's 'their property'. They're hardening you, because you're a soldier?

Off Topic / Re: "fnaf world"
« on: September 16, 2015, 02:25:04 AM »
because you said a bad word you loving idiot rooster
dad put the belt away, please

Off Topic / Re: "fnaf world"
« on: September 16, 2015, 02:21:28 AM »

Holy stuff lol, this is why I never get involved with groups or anything on Steam. They have people in control that shouldn't even have power for some reason.

I remember being in a large group and for some reason got perma-banned by saying "lmao" in the chat. Like someone posted a funny picture, I said lmao, got perma'd. Nice.

Creativity / Re: Drawings Megathread
« on: September 16, 2015, 02:17:01 AM »
this is a buncha old stuff from pretty much a year ago
i'm surprised it's been that long honestly

I like it, your style is simple and it's cute. It looks like something I'd see in a cartoon or animation, which is very cool.

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