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Messages - Hacumi

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Suggestions & Requests / Re: Need Help Finding Old Map
« on: February 22, 2016, 06:03:16 PM »
Ayyyyyyyyyye thanks guys.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Need Help Finding Old Map
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:21:43 PM »
I got it myself from somewhere and I would host a server and play on it with friends and we would build rooms and stuff in the houses but I don't remember anything about it, any information at all, and then I also remember a server used it for this like TDM/FFA gamemode thing at night.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Need Help Finding Old Map
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:18:09 PM »
There were beaches and bridges and all kinds of stuff and there was like a big volcano I think, it was huge. The volcano is one of the distinguishing factors between it and like the GTA based city maps. This map was like a huge GTA map style but original.

There used to be a map, a very large city(edit: it wasn't one dense urban area like a "city" it was more a big place with lots of different areas including city type places but also more remote places too) map, with houses and such that were sized to incorporate blockland bricks (like the default window bricks fit inside window brick sized holes in the houses). It was very vast with lots of different colored houses that you could go into and such. I'm trying to find it but I can't remember the name so if someone can get me a name I can do the searching on my own, or if someone has the download link on hand that'd be great as well. Edit: Let me clarify, when I say "map" I mean a map from the time when maps were part of Blockland, not a player built map.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Bring Back Maps!
« on: February 07, 2015, 11:24:15 PM »

I just think personaly, that there should be an option when you start a server to use a map, or the slate wastes or V21. Because then you'd have both the modern, and the Ancient.

Exactly. I just feel like there should at least be an option.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Bring Back Maps!
« on: February 07, 2015, 07:22:02 PM »
So it has been decided. There needs to be a Saves sections where people can get terrain.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Bring Back Maps!
« on: February 07, 2015, 07:03:31 PM »
I do not mean a whole seperate Legacy version of the game, just a legacy option in the "Start a Game" menu. The idea of a "Saves" section sounds very nice, downloading terrain that other players have built like maps used to be downloaded would be a step in the right direction as well.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Bring Back Maps!
« on: February 07, 2015, 06:57:33 PM »
I see the maps as a foundation for building, I wanted to use one on my freebuild to make it more interesting. I had 'Paradise Island' in mind, an island map with a nice flat area perfect for building. The map gives a nice scenery for building a city persay. Having to build terrain out of bricks just isn't the same as having the smooth natural terrain with trees and an ocean. The most important point is the nostalgia and the experience. Why eliminate the option for players to use maps, why do they need to get better at building, why not allow them to use a map. The maps may have been ugly, but that is just an opinion, not really a reason to remove the feature from the game. Personally if I were developing the game I would simply implement a 'Legacy Maps' option that does not implement the new lighting system and other things that would make the maps a hassel to use. This would allow for the progression of the game and the experience of maps.

Suggestions & Requests / Bring Back Maps!
« on: February 07, 2015, 06:40:29 PM »
My Blockland ID is 8343, I have had Blockland for a long time. I haven't played for a very long time, years, I cannot remember exactly. I recently started playing again and was greeted with the new "Start a Game" menu. I was initially searching for the option to select a map in the custom settings, when I found nothing I just started a Freebuild (Karp's Freebuild). I have had a Freebuild server up for the past few days and I recently wanted to get a nostalgic map for it. I went onto the RTB downloads page (I don't know how it still works) and found some maps I remember using long ago. I put the maps in my addon folder, but as you can predict, I couldn't select them. I then learned that maps had been removed from the game. This is probably the dumbest thing a game developer has ever done to their game. Why, WHY, would this incredible aspect of the game be removed. Maps were such a fun part of the game when I played. I cannot express to you the nostalgia I and many players feel when reflecting back on the maps they used to play. The maps have been removed, but more than that is gone. The experience I and many others once knew is gone. Blockland is now restricted to preset gamemodes and the only creativity in the current map system is the enviornment. With maps ranging from GTA San Andreas remakes to tropical islands, it was very depressing to see this great feature has been removed. I don't see what is wrong with allowing players to use custom maps on their games.

Incase you were curious, this is the link to the RTB Downloads System:

General Discussion / Re: Old Times
« on: April 28, 2013, 05:19:51 PM »
I'm sorry to say, but anyone with "bubbles" in their name hasn't been on since mid-2012.

Specifically, a "mr. bubbles" hasn't been on since April of 2010. Both according to RTB.

Idk he changed his name multiple times.

General Discussion / Re: Old Times
« on: April 28, 2013, 03:52:48 PM »
I think I joined right when V9 came out. I don't know that could be wrong to I don't have all my facts calculated but that sounds right.

General Discussion / Re: Old Times
« on: April 28, 2013, 01:37:20 PM »
I remember being in elementary school, seeing an ad for Blockland on one of the schools macs. I think I had the demo for a while and then I got the game, Idk it might have been like 4th or 5th grade but it definitely was in elementary school. And yah I haven't been on my forums account in literally years, I'm not 18 I'm 15. I'm not trying to trick people in any way I don't see why everyone is getting so upset, all I know is that my name is Jake, I am 15, and that my ID is 8343.

General Discussion / Old Times
« on: April 27, 2013, 07:55:58 PM »
I started playing Blockland in 2nd grade and it was awesome. I'm in high school now and I started thinking about Blockland again. It's so weird coming back to Blockland and seeing how long things have change. My ID is 8343 and IDs like that used to be considered noobs a long time ago. I have a lot of memories from this game and I was friends with a lot of people, one day I just stopped playing Blockland and never came back. I wonder what happened to the people I used to talk to. I remember someone named Mr. Bubbles, who changed their name a few times and a few others that I don't remember there exact name. I just made this post to try to maybe re-connect with some of my old Blockland friends. My Blockland name was Hacumi for a really long time but I recently changed it to Jakethebakedrake because that is my Youtube channel name and the name of every other account I use. So if you remember me. Message me on Youtube or on the forums. I came back to Blockland because I really liked the Prison RPs and hopefully there are some good servers. I'm making this post before I re-download Blockland so it will be interesting to see all that's changed. I also wonder what has happened to the REALLY old Blockland users with IDs in the hundreds...

Help / Forgot how to get my key back.
« on: July 15, 2012, 01:47:09 PM »
I just started playing blockland again and it asked me for my key. I haven't played in a while so I forget how to recover my key. Can you please help me?

Help / Re: Add-On Help
« on: March 22, 2012, 07:42:15 PM »
thank you I didnt know the new way of installing add-ons

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