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Messages - Elphie

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 68
Creativity / Re: Cool avatar, should I make it for people?
« on: September 21, 2010, 10:50:35 PM »
Do you like this avatar:

If you do, vote yes, And I can make robot avatars for people if the yesses are high enough.
That looks badass imo. I would love to have an avatar like that

Gallery / Re: Taboo's Big 'Ol Obstacle Course!
« on: September 19, 2010, 09:39:31 PM »
It looky lovey

General Discussion / Re: Forum Lightening up?
« on: September 11, 2010, 11:26:12 AM »
I don't know if it's just me, but it seems like less and less people are getting flamed these days. I once remembered the forum as being extremely hostile. Maybe just less people are noobs now.
Now is less flaming a bad thing?

Can my friend Moo get in (You've seen the app. with the pics. I posted)
Just shut the forget up.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Trains.
« on: September 11, 2010, 03:20:00 AM »
I saw that, its a piece of crap.
You're a piece of crap.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: mover wand
« on: September 11, 2010, 03:19:27 AM »
forget this I want ten bucks.
Alright, what you do is go into RTB and get the swiss army gun tool because that has just about all the things in every different tool
You arent going to get payed and i will laugh

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Ragdoll for blockland possibly
« on: September 11, 2010, 03:17:25 AM »
Jesus Christ we can live without realistic physics for forgets sake.

It's a game about building blocks. I see absolutely ZERO usefulness that Badspot would find in ragdolls in the game.

The only reason he added events and physics is because they are ideas that are actually useful to the game. Events make bricks more interactive and turns them into contraptions almost, and physics make sense because the game is about individual separate blocks that can be blown up.

However I see nothing of value in ragdoll physics for Blockland. There's just no purpose of it.

"oh but the othr games like garry mod and modern combat 2 have it!"

Good for them, except those games have actual people represented by polygons within the video game. It's not like when someone dies in the Source Engine they just freeze up and fall over or immediately flip onto their backs with their arms and legs up.

Blockland however, is not using any real people. Only "blocko" avatars.

I have an idea for what the video should be:

(A sign made out of bricks saying "Blockland" with smiling people around it)
RANDOM KID: You build stuff!
(Kid smiles and his head explodes in gore)
(Camera points to a bloody wall with a whole bunch of dead kids on it)
(Camera switches to MYST Island and a guy can be seen)
GUY: I must find the treasu-
(Message is interrupted by loud screeching and camera switches to other builds, with more disturbing screeches)
(Camera switches to a wall with "HELP" written in blood)
(Loud screeching and creepy slow music starts playing)
(Camera switches to a normal room with Eksi, Squideey and a bunch of other blockheads just staring at the screen)
(3 blockheads leave the room)
Eksi: You guys like it?
Squideey: Potato pants!
(Credits roll)
(Static at end of credits)

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Ragdoll for blockland possibly
« on: September 10, 2010, 09:42:34 PM »
Stop pretending you're smart, you have no idea how torque works. When you license Torque, you get access to the C++ source code and can modify it all you want. Badspot could put in ragdoll code. I'm not saying it's easy, but there is the possibility.
And how much do You know about torque?

Wait what

Kohna is confused.
When are you not?

Clan Discussion / I be done.
« on: August 18, 2010, 11:39:36 PM »
Im done spammin all your guys topics, im deeply sorry. I decided to post this so people dont go crazy trying to find where i went. Goodnight all and have a wonder day :D

Clan Discussion / Re: [OE] OasisEngineering
« on: August 18, 2010, 11:37:35 PM »
You loving complained about being accused of being a female, now you're whining about male accusations, pick a loving gender.
Wasnt complaining- Meh, screw it. I have school in the morning, tired of trollin.
I am a guy, the name was from WoW, I have a lvl 80 Bloodelf Pally named Elphie. I hate you.

User was banned for this post

Clan Discussion / Re: {K} Krypt - Now with more allied
« on: August 18, 2010, 11:35:51 PM »
Holy stuff. ._.
I do it like once a month

Clan Discussion / Re: [OE] OasisEngineering
« on: August 18, 2010, 11:34:54 PM »
1. Since when is "Elphie" a guy's name?
2. I assumed you were a girl because of your name, which I have never heard used for any other gender than female.
Who said i was a guy? (God you people assume so much)

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