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Messages - F-22 Raptor

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Off Topic / Re: "Treated like blacks"
« on: July 07, 2016, 03:09:36 AM »
American black person here, wat up

Opening note: Stupid and ignorant people exist in all societies, as do bright intellectuals. starfishs exist in all societies, but so do those looking to do nothing but good for mankind.


The rift in American race relations stems from 190+ years of brutal and active suppression of rights for American blacks.

People often say "why don't black people just get over it.", and the simple answer is as a whole we're trying.

The long answer is more complex. The problem with those 190 years in American history is that slave owners, none all of them being immune to the ethical dilemma of slavery in their every day lives, needed a way to cope and or justify slavery itself. This is the big factor where race relations soured in America, and where the modern issue of race in America all stems from. All sorts of methods were created to try and justify slavery, and stereotypes of blacks became accepted in all parts of America, not just the South but in the North as well.

Despite concerted efforts by people, white and black, and the government, that 190 years still lingers in American society like the fallout from a nuke. Long term societal problems need long term societal solutions. We've made great strides of the last 60 years, but despite that much of the fallout will continue to linger.

The problem in America is that the majority of Blacks and Whites just don't live on the same playing field, even with concerted efforts to combat the social-economic problems, a cloud of ignorance and distrust still exists between Blacks and Whites.

Blacks and Whites in their distrust of one another forget the same common trait that all Blacks and all Whites living in America have.

We're all Americans.

Blacks as a whole simply aspire to be real Americans, and to be treated equally as ideal Americans.

We just want to be Americans living American lives, yet sometimes things happen.

Things like rampant black on black crime, A Police system left unreformed and corrupted, A Prison system which is practically a modern form of slavery creating a catch 22 system that keeps people trying to get out of poverty in absolute permanent poverty, defacto-segregation of the suburbs and inner city, A deteriorating education system for inner city kids, the list goes on and on.

Nobody wants to live in the reality that many poverty stricken Black Americans do, yet far too many do in America and they become exceedingly frustrated. When people are frustrated, they can do some stupid stuff, but also they can do some brilliant things.

Blacks and Whites must work together in the future to solve any of these issues, white people are adamant or become disjointed because race relations between Blacks and Whites continue to hit rough patches, they feel as if the "Black problem" was resolved as America moved into the next millennium, but it still keeps cropping back up and the black people "can never get enough". The reason blacks keep pushing the issue is because the issue is not solved. The issue can be solved, but it cannot be solved with blanket generalizations and an "Us versus them" mindset. To fix it we will have to not look at each other as "Black Americans" or as "White Americans", but look at each other as just "Americans", Americans who got the bad end of a 240 year deal, Americans who need don't want to live life in fear and poverty anymore, and American's who really just need some help.

I'll interject my little bit on this, apologies for spelling and format errors I'm typing this pretty late, while I typed this 43 replies were made, sweet baby Jesus in a chicken basket, in light of this some things I mention in this post may have already been discussed, oh well i'll post it anyway-

The length and duration of slavery and the Jim Crow south has basically stacked almost all of American history against a Black American. 240 years of concerted and organized efforts to keep American blacks "In their place" is an issue which only until relatively recently has been taken on. The 50-60 years of progressive effort after this period simply isn't enough time to undo that entire 240 years of history.

When things like de facto-segregation (Segregation by a matter of fact, not a matter of law) of neighborhoods, disproportionate amount of poverty among blacks, and absolutely terrible public schooling in the inner city where many minorities live (this ties into de facto-segregation) continue to exist, the real racial divide in the United States can't really be fully fixed. Hear me out, I promise I am not a BLM apologist.

Don't get me wrong, great strides have been made over the past 50 years, but it has only been 50 years. There's still more work to be done, but the issue has faded from the public perception yet still exists and rears its ugly head when you see blacks often doing some really counter productive and down right destructive things, like violent rioting or in this case, hi-jacking a ceremony that should have been just that, a ceremony. On the flip side, black on black crime accounts for far too large of gun crime in the United States, yet the majority (For the most part white) turn a blind eye to the deaths of thousands, and the lives utterly ruined by said deaths. It's not just "ignorant blacks killing themselves." as people often proclaim, it's truly a deeper issue that has not been resolved. BLM, or should i say, the radical BLM members do say this, but they don't say it in any matter of productive way, and in fact use the issues in an extremely destructive manner that only deepens the rift.

The only way for the racial divide in America to be fixed is a concerted effort by both Blacks and Whites to reconcile the issues, however I feel and have been demonstrated that BLM often misses this message completely. The message of Martin Luther King wasn't "forget the white man and forget everybody who collaborates with him, forget all the other minority groups too because our issue is the one that needs hearing!", If that had been his message of MLK, chances are i'd still have to use a 'Colored' restroom to this day. On the flip side, whites must also make a concerted effort and try to understand blacks as Americans as well, Americans who often suffer more than them disproportionately, Americans who are often left with no options but the worst options in life, not entirely by a choice on their own, but because all the cards have been stacked against them. Black people aren't out to destroy you, like any peoples the general populace just want peace and prosperity in their life, but for many Blacks the general prosperity cannot be attained due to massive poverty. And please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not saying successful Blacks don't exist, there's an absolute ton of them, what i'm saying is there's is simply far too many in wide scale poverty.

 This makes things complex, and makes it an issue for both races. It's not a black problem, it's not a white problem, it's an American problem.

It's not about seeing people as categories and hard coded stereotypes, it is in the end about seeing people as people. I have an optimistic outlook on the future, I really truly believe things can get better, and America as a nation, white and black, can start healing one of it's oldest and more severe wounds once again.

That's basically my thoughts on these matters.

Off Topic / Re: lets discuss the current state of the rap game
« on: June 27, 2016, 01:26:23 AM »
Kendrick Lamar is my man.

I love just about everything by him.

The major news agencies aren't reporting this yet :/.

This seems like a pretty important issue.

Off Topic / Re: [NEWS] Turkish F-16 shoots down Russian Su-24 bomber
« on: November 26, 2015, 04:22:02 PM »
World War III isn't going to start, Russia is just going to use this as an excuse to further escalate their power in Syria. If Turkey shuts of the Bosporus strait to Russian ships, that's when World War III would probably start.

Off Topic / Re: New star wars trailer accused of "white genocide"
« on: October 22, 2015, 01:53:11 PM »
Finn might not even be the most crucial character, Rey is literally in the middle of the loving poster.

Off Topic / Re: 200 things to do when ur bored
« on: August 07, 2015, 01:32:41 AM »
426: Shut down the thread once it goes past 200 with more haste

cazadores wouldnt even be so bad if they made it forgetin possible to hit them outside of vats

I keep aiming for the wings and that slows them down, but there's too damn many.

You don't have enough AP... You never have enough AP man.

Off Topic / Re: ratchet realm fight at wal mart
« on: June 08, 2015, 07:08:34 PM »
Also i feel bad for the kid to have to have such a brat of a mom. Childs services should  get involved at these stages.

They probably will, give it a week or two.

Creativity / Re: Drawings Megathread
« on: May 24, 2015, 04:57:03 PM »
LoLBert is illumanti

Creativity / Re: Drawings Megathread
« on: May 24, 2015, 03:46:05 AM »

-edit for a slightly less potato picture-

Clone Commander in Phase I armor.

Probably going to add a background and touch it up a bit more.

Off Topic / Re: Oil Spill in Santa Barbara, California
« on: May 21, 2015, 01:38:48 AM »
Now not only will the land burn for the entire summer, the ocean will as well.

Off Topic / Re: Violent standoff of baltimore protesters
« on: April 28, 2015, 02:14:43 AM »
well how come police are vilified for using violence when its okay for protesters to use violence
Things need to change.

As an African American, looting a 7-11 has absolutely nothing to do with the shooting, it's simply a lapse into anarchy, and a good example of what America (or any nation for that matter) would be with almost zero general police/authoritative presence.

On the other hand...

The way the Police in America treat their mishaps and mistakes is disgusting, issues like police using live firearms when they could have attempted to use tasers first, or beating people down who are already unconscious. Things like these are simply skewed and twisted by the Department in their official statements to the public, the officer gets a slap and the wrist or a trial in which he wins, and then he's simply back to doing what he was before.

Problems like how Police officers are trained and punished for abusing their powers are either not forceful enough or non existent.

It's basically "What came first, the chicken or the egg?" Who started the cycle? Doesn't matter. If the Police get more violent, protesters will naturally use violence in response and vise versa, what needs to happen is somebody or something needs to stop the cycle of escalation that we've been constantly going down.



Creativity / Re: Drawings Megathread
« on: April 26, 2015, 09:52:29 PM »
I remember the good ol days of free hand trace.

If I traced or I had used pencil there would have been less imperfections than the pen drawing.

The biggest one is the shoulder pad and the location of his right arm. The shoulder pad is slightly wrong and the right arm is in a feasible position but compared to the actual photo, its too low.

The laser rifle isn't long enough.

The eye visor is a little big.


I wouldn't consider it tracing, I started from the top of the helmet and just built it up from there, I used a pen so I couldn't erase to correct proportions either. I did obviously use the picture as a reference, so Bushido is correct.

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