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Messages - Gear

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Since I and Gravity Cat stopped actively playing this game, I have decided to give out links to Gcat's last few projects:
NOTE: All of these addons are unpolished and only about 90% done. I can't guarantee that these won't break things but so far they've proven to work reliably.

Yep, that is the legendary weapons pack.
Features: "Authentic" Accuracy - bullet spread decreases gradually while firing and while moving around. Using the iron sights and crouching increases accuracy.
Tracer rounds: Just type in /tracer to toggle tracer rounds.
Several RTB Preferences I can't think of: Toggleable options such as infinite/limited ammo, headshots and wonky bullet entry mechanics.
Bipod: The bipod gives you a passive bonus while it is in your inventory. It increases accuracy while crouching for rifles and such.

This pack includes other misc. explody things such as grenades and  the smart C4 explosives. I should point out that the Stinger does not work correctly. It's missiles no longer home on vehicles.

It's a simple 50-damage-per-swing combat knife as seen on the server.

A "Heavy" version of the default tank. This thing includes a double barreled cannon and two guided missiles. The missiles are controlled by the passenger. You can duck in & out of the hatches at the front by hitting spacebar.

Sorry that I couldn't be bothered to give a full list of the features - but I assume most of you already know whats inside. If anybody can be bothered to write down all the contents of these and post them in the Add-ons section - feel free to ask me for more details via PM.

You can stop dreaming. GCat is very unlikely to come back to Blockland - and even if he does, he probably wouldn't actively work on add-ons anymore. The main reasons for this are the lack of a proper dedicated server and a lack of interest in Blockland itself.
Now this doesn't mean he will be gone forever - maybe someday he will make an epic comeback like Stratofortress.

This. And trade that stuff up

EDIT: I can trade my keys for either a nice-ish bayonet skin or a stuff butterfly skin.
What get?
I'd get the bayonet

Soo I kind of lost interest in Tf2 and this update seemed really disappointing for me.
As a result I'm offering everything in my Tf2 backpack for sale:
Obviously I'm only going to accept metal/keys but I'll consider other offers aswell.
Just send me a PM or something if anyone is interested.

I'm selling everything slightly below prices.

Forum Games / Re: YOU LAUGH YOU LOSE v666
« on: May 26, 2015, 03:54:18 PM »

Off Topic / Re: CTRL+V Game v5
« on: April 09, 2015, 03:42:50 PM »

Off Topic / Re: just let it all out 1
« on: April 09, 2015, 03:37:08 PM »
Probably not. There are a lot of people who self diagnose themselves with diseases and disabilities to explain why they're faulted, instead of trying to fix the problem or seeing a professional about it.

Self diagnosis is indeed rather stupid but I highly doubt he just self diagnosed himself with BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder). Saying something like that to somebody who suffers from this disease is counter-productive to say the least.

Borderline is a rather severe personality disorder so it affects both the personality and a person's behavior. The line between disease and fault in the personality is very, very blurred or maybe even non-existant. Also while it is treatable and curable to some extend, it takes a lot of time.

Off Topic / Re: just let it all out 1
« on: April 09, 2015, 02:41:27 PM »
ive been kicked out of friend circles because of my moodswings caused by BPD
its funny because i always tell them about it when i start hanging out with them
then when something particular happens and i tell them its because BPD they claim im BSing, hiding behind it and that im a coward

people have flat out told me i deserve my BPD and depression, and that i should off myself (this is IRL, ex-friends, not just forum banter). when other friends from that friend circle see it they just either bat a blind eye or agree with it

i could rant about this all day but what i just wrote only scratches the surface
huff, i even have screenshots of someone telling me all this, but theyre in Dutch, sadly.

I feel very sorry for you. A very good friend of mine suffers from BPD aswell, so I can somewhat understand how you feel. Hopefully you'll find better friends who will stick with you despite your condition.

here's a tip: stop blaming all your faults on your mental disabilities and good things will come
I seriously hope you're joking.

Due to the 9/11 incident, there was a special lock that was placed inside the pilot's cabin. The lock is design to keep everyone from getting in the roosterpit. This is what the co-pilot used to lock the pilot and flight attendants outside the cabin so he could crash without being overrun. The main pilot apparently disobeyed protocol by not sending a flight attendant to the cabin while he was taking a leak.
This paticular airline (Germanwings) had no such protocol before this incident.

Hey, question. I forgot what key it is to shoot the grenade launcher on some of the default styled weapons. What is it again?
Hit Numpad 0 (clear ghost brick)to switch between the grenade launcher and the rifle.

Time to get into archery

Off Topic / Re: national socialists
« on: January 25, 2015, 07:11:27 AM »

Doesn't matter at all.

Whaaaaaaaaat, you think we actually buy that crap? Lol.
On steam you can only buy the censored version of certain games if your location is set to Germany. Since a lot of games are only available on online game platforms such as steam "we" still have to put up with immersion-breaking and handicapped censorship. Yes uncut patches and other methods to remove the censorship do exist for some games but not for all of them (Half life 1 & it's expansions for example).

Hl1's censorship pisses me off the most because it totally ruins the game for you. They did not only remove blood, gibs and the goddamn death animations of human characters but they also replaced the marines with loving ROBOTS.

What the forget were they thinking???!!!?!!!

Off Topic / Re: ► self lewinsky self forget tutorial - STICKY PLEASE
« on: January 14, 2015, 09:24:05 AM »

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