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Topics - SuperSnake117

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« on: April 02, 2008, 12:50:50 AM »
I'm really getting tired of this crap, there is no way your flaming on Roblox will affect it in any way. All it will do is get you flamed even more. Talking crap about Roblox wont shut it down AT ALL. The game wont actually break down until you hack it and screw with it or something. Saying Roblox sucks isn't going to help at all. We all know it's infested with 5 year olds, but flaming about it is just annoying and dumb.

Drama / Patsy = StoreClerk?
« on: March 31, 2008, 07:25:03 PM »
K so I was on a poll that asked if you liked girls, and if you look at Patsy's profile it says she's a girl... Yet she posts and says she likes girls...

Either Patsy is StoreClerk or Patsy's a lesbian...

Games / Rock Band for Xbox 360
« on: March 29, 2008, 07:03:50 PM »
Anyone play Rock Band on the 360? It's pretty nice. You can sing, drum, play bass, or play guitar.

Seems better than Guitar Hero, for the fact Guitar Hero only has guitars.

Forum Games / Way of War
« on: March 29, 2008, 12:59:20 AM »
This is again, another movie. A man is put into prison for life, and to get his revenge, he plans to escape. He does so and, while he escapes he is chased down by police until he meets a hobo in a dumpster. The occasional hobo has some skills, and the two team up. The hobo is armed by weapons that were stolen by the man who escaped prison. They get themselves heavily armed, and get to the big stuff. The two steal a plane and fly to the military base. In there, they plan to get a bombs enough to not only blow up the police station, but the whole military also. Will he get killed? You will see.


Military Guy1: Zeroarmorclone
Military Guy2:
Military Guy3:
Military Guy4:
Police 1: Sheezy
Police 2:
Police 3:
Prison Escaper: Darkomni
Hobo: Junior
Gun Store guy:

If you want to apply for a character or help in the build, tell it in the topic and I will PM you the pass for the server.

You may also rate the plot of the movie 1 to 10.

Drama / LewnaJa
« on: March 29, 2008, 12:11:50 AM »
This bastard can suck my richard. He gets all worked up when someone says something, and he starts getting all pissed off and angry. For instance, look at the cigarette's Starwars topic in Suggestions. He is starting to piss EVERYONE off.

LewnaJa,  I have something for you.

Leave the damn forums, everyone hates you.

General Discussion / PPE
« on: March 28, 2008, 08:37:05 PM »
Pload, I'm in desperate need of your Prison Escape server. I want to see Sir Wuffels. :(

Drama / LOCKED**
« on: March 28, 2008, 01:26:58 AM »

Suggestions & Requests / Desert
« on: March 28, 2008, 01:07:18 AM »
I want a desert. A smooth, sloped, sandy desert. They make me feel alone and peaceful. Pls make.

Modification Help / Wall Climbing/sticking
« on: March 27, 2008, 09:14:23 PM »
I just want to know... Is it possible to create a player type that can climb/stick to walls? Yes or no?

AoT General / Men
« on: March 26, 2008, 12:49:49 AM »
mak men plz badsot u rok pls mak mein plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

User was not banned for this post.

Suggestions & Requests / The Perfect Mod
« on: March 25, 2008, 08:48:01 PM »
I was just thinking about something in the shower.

A mod, a mining, forging, eating, lumberjacking, cash, and body parts mod.

Lets start with mining. You plant a brick, and when you wrench it, there will be another additional button called "TPM" which stands for The Perfect Mod click it, it will have 3 options, "Forge" "Mining" and "Lumberjacking". Click the mining, and you can set whether you can mine it, and if you can mine it, you can optionally set an ore. There are Copper, Iron, Steel, Gold, or None. You can choose none, and the brick will be mine-able, but it will not give you anything. You can also set how long it breaks for, you can choose from 1 second to 10 minutes.
Once you've done that, go into a mini-game and make it have a pick-axe. Hit the mining brick several times until it breaks and gives you the chosen ore.

Smelting requires you to mine. Once you have 4 of the same ores, create a brick. Wrench the brick and click TPM. Click the forge button. There will be 2 options, forging: on or off. Click on, then drop 4 of Copper, Iron, Steel, OR Gold.
Once you have done that, it will make a weapon, Copper will make a Copper Sword, Iron will make a Iron Sword, Steel will make a Steel sword, and Gold will make a Gold Sword. Copper does the lowest damage, Iron does second lowest damage, Steel does second best damage, and Gold is the best.

Eating is alot different than all of those. Once you kill something, it will drop 2 pieces of meat. There is also a bar, which lowers if you dont eat, and if has continued to drain for ten minutes, you die.
The meat you receive will fill up a quarter of your bar.

Lumberjacking is simular to mining. You wrench a brick and press TPM. Click the Lumberjacking option. It will have 2 things you can set. The first thing is how much bricks you want the brick to give the person once they break it with an axe. It can go up to 5. The second thing is how long the brick stays broken, it goes from 1 second to 10 minutes.
Start a minigame and get an axe. Hit the selected lumberjacking brick several times until it is broken, it will give you an option. It will give you an item of a log, and when you use it (click), it will let you have the selected option of bricks. Once you have planted the bricks, it will not let you use those bricks unless you get another log and choose the bricks.

Cash will be just like MrPickle's, but when you kill someone it gives you their money.

The body parts mod is a needed mod for RPGs. For example, when you hit someone with something that does damage, it will break the body part of that person it hits. When something hits your arm/hand, you cannot hold anything. When something hits your legs, it will make you have to crawl. When something hits your head, you die. When something hits your chest, you wont be able to breathe, and after 1 minute, you will die. However, these can be cured. This mod will also allow you to carry people with an item. There is a carry item. You hit someone with it, and you will be able to carry them. Once you carry them to a selected spot, you can hit them with a First-Aid Kit and it will heal them and restore their bodies fully.

If you like this idea, say it.

Drama / Bhant from rky's server for my name?
« on: March 24, 2008, 11:43:19 PM »
Okay, a long time ago I got banned from rky's server for a bad name, a perma ban. I was on Irk's Challenge, and I was chatting with Kirche and a few other people. Kirche claimed he did it, but I'm not sure if he did it or not. Rky, if you're reading please unban me.

Forum Games / Picture Wars
« on: March 22, 2008, 10:28:13 PM »
You have to find a picture on google to beat the picture posted, then you have to find another picture to beat the picture posted before yours. No, you cannot draw it. The picture has to be logical, so you cannot use the Blockland Logo to beat everything.


I post a picture of a mouse.

Someone else posts a picture of a nuke. DECLINED

Some other person posts a picture of a dog.

The other person posts a picture of a moose.

Get it? You have to post a logical picture to beat the picture before you.

I'll start:

Clan Discussion / The HoB Clan (House of Bricks)
« on: March 22, 2008, 10:19:34 PM »
Alright, this is my (first and) supposedly successfull attempt at a clan.

The HoB clan is a clan about RPGs, building structures, building challenges, and building medieval/ancient builds. We have creative minds, and we build with details.

How to Join

If you would like to join you have to have atleast a 2000 brick build. It cannot be a build you have already made or used to apply to another clan. If you cannot do such a simple task, then you are not worthy enough to join this clan.

If you want to join, you must follow the rules (which I will say later) and you must not either:

1. Have a bad reputation on the game and/or forums. (General Omega, as an example.)

2. Or not using proper grammar or failing to use good insults/jokes.


The rules of the clan are below.

1. Use proper grammar.

2. If you try to insult someone, try to actually make your insult... Well, an insult.

3. Have a good reputation. (If you're like Colten, you have a good reputation.)

4. Make your applications and builds detailed, not spammy with 1x1s placed all over.

5. If you actually try to cheat in a challenge, don't get caught.


This is the list of penalties, like how long you get banned for doing something.

Spam: Cleared bricks and kick. (Possibly a 1 to 5 min. ban depending on how much you spammed.)

Unable to follow rules: Ban, 30 to 2 hour ban.

Being a non-clan member and arguing with other non-clan members: 2 Hour to 1 day ban.

Arguing with clan members: If you started the argument and you are in the clan, you may be kicked out of the clan. However, if you are not a clan member and you started the argument, you will be 1 day to perma banned.

Insulting clan members/leaders: Possible kick out of clan, if you are not in the clan, you will face a perma ban. (Lol rhyme.)

Innapropriate builds: Ban, 30 mins to 1 day.


Rulers(Super Admin on all servers): Supersnake117
Leaders(Super Admin on all servers):
Co-Leaders(Super Admin on main server):
Royalty(Admin on all servers):
High class(Admin on main server):
Members(No admin):
Apprentices(No admin):

Failing to admin people on your HoB servers will result in a kick out of the clan, you will have to make another application.

The longer and better you are in the clan, the higher the rank you get.


Your application must be sent in galleries or it will not be accepted.

To join you must follow ALL rules.


Games / Powder Game
« on: March 22, 2008, 09:19:15 PM »
Anyone tried it? It's a fun physics game. Sort of like Falling Sand but better.

When you finish your machine or whatever, pause the game and by the text box above the game press the button called "get" and then copy and paste the code it gives you into the topic, to view the save paste the code into the text box and press "set".

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