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Topics - Wedge

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General Discussion / Uhoh, the folders full.
« on: April 30, 2006, 07:42:07 PM »
The upload folder is full. Please try a smaller file and/or contact an administrator.

I'd guess this counts as contacting the administrator.


AoT General / Some Ore Ideas
« on: April 21, 2006, 04:25:11 PM »
Maybe to make some new items. Or to put a little bit more under that alchemical tab in the inventory. Just a few ideas.

Bauxite: Create Aluminum
Lodestone (Magnetite): Compasses
Pyrite: Ingredient for creating sulfiric acid(well, its one meathod) for use in fertilizer.

AoT General / AoT IRC Chat
« on: April 11, 2006, 09:11:20 AM »
Channel: #aotchat

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AoT General / Random Screenshots from AoT
« on: February 14, 2006, 08:00:09 PM »
Manually archived by Wedge. If you have a question or think the topic should be unlocked, PM me, and I'll probably unlock it.

Here is what happens when Badspot spawns a bunch of orcs in the arena:

Me stuck inside an orc:

OMG Glitch! (He killed someone through in the arena then fell through):

Dynamite orc chilling in the arena:

An orc stuck in the ground:

And Now The Feature Presentation, Speckzz's, Mocheeze's, and Wedge's Adventure.

This was phtotgraphed with a glitch horse that traveled at super high speed across water, like a waterski. You could take it up slopes and stuff and do "tricks" with it. But it wouldn't move on land. I Self Deleted so I could ride with Speckzz on the horse.

A shot in mid-air:

Sharp Turn:

TEH NOES! Caught on a reef, sand bar, etc:

Monsters attack!!! Mocheeze was trying to push us back out to sea.

A rocket orc kills the horse... :( Abandoned ship, running across land. Found lots of nice rocks, to bad I was dead.


So ends the tale of the super fast swimming horse. Too bad Badspot fixed it. :(

Maybe we will be able to make canoes later with wood, and maybe there will be an option to make it fast, hold multiple people, attack/ram, dye fishing options, etc, and it uses more wood depending on the options... It would be good to pack it up when you are done, and repair it everyonce and a while. If you don't get it repaired, it doesn't float.

AoT General / A GAИG! (Still around despite the lack of interest.)
« on: January 27, 2006, 05:28:56 PM »
Manually archived by Wedge. If you have a question or think the topic should be unlocked, PM me, and I'll probably unlock it.

NOTE: If your browser/computer can't read Baltic characters, then the awesome looking backwards N (И) will look like a little box or a ?.
NOTE: Oh, yeah, this thread was mostly a joke. But feel free to sign up.

Who then shall dare to say that the Third Estate has not within itself all that is necessary for the formation of a complete nation? It is the strong and robust man who has one arm still shackled. If the privileged order should be abolished, the nation would be nothing less, but something more. Therefore, what is the Third Estate? Everything; but an everything shackled and oppressed. What would it be without the privileged order? Everything, but an everything free and flourishing. Nothing can succeed without it, everything would be infinitely better without the others.

The other estates, criminal gangs, secret soceities, clans, clubs, police organizations, all seek to limit you by offering incentives to you which they deny others, and use you as a weapon for their own gain. Join THE THIRD ESTATE now, before the oppressors take over!

Sign here, and never join another estate/gang/society/clan/club/organization, and you will live in prosterity, as well as save your mind from the terrible tyrany of any estate/gang/society/clan/club/organization! If you don't sign, you will wake up a mile downriver.

CREDITS: Go to whats his name who is dead and wrote some essay about the third estate. Yeah.

AoT General / Leveling System Discussion
« on: January 23, 2006, 09:44:59 AM »
Probably everyone knows this, but now I'll post reasons why so on one has to ask.

1.Encourages less player interactions. Players will be to busy leveling up on monsters.

2. If you don't use monsters for leveling, I'll just boot up computer number 2 and start power leveling on Wedge Bot.

3. Creates an un-fair advantage from the start. Players right now can log on, buy a cheap sword, or crossbow, and start killing people from the start. Its all simple so you can do it from the start. No steep learning curve, if you have ever played an online FPS, then you can play AoT. Aim and fire. No rolling of the figurative 1d8 dice. No hit or miss depending on what you roll. Its all based on if your crosshair is lined up.

4. This is what makes AoT special. Its an FPS + RPG. It throws the crappy restraints of RPGs out the window. I can hook a window despite my low dexterity, or ride a horse just because I dumped all my skill points into cryptology. In a way, its more forgiving then the average RPG system.

5. It would take a long time to get this leveling system. Why a partial system? Then its not tested, it could have unforseen loopholes. Put in all the aspects of an entire leveling engine. Then you already know its been tested since the invetion of paper and irregularly sided dice.

6. Would require larger character files. Not much of a deal except on Badspots hard drive.

7. So what keeps me from leveling to level 100000? A cap? But then when I get to level 160 and I can beat everyone in the game, have every item, run a huge empire of merchants, assassins, and soldiers? Whats the point of playing anymore? With no leveling system, there are many new dimensions to combats. I'll sum them up here:

1. Who has the high ground?
2. Where are buildings positioned?
3. If there are multiple people, does the other team have the middle?
4. Is there a hill between us? Or a ditch?
5. Are we fighting across a body of water?
6. Is the other player mounted?

There is a lot more. But with a leveling system, it comes out to:

1. Am I 30 levels ahead of my oponent?

So what now? Do you suggest the adition of only players within a certain level can fight eachother? Well, what if I want to duel with my budy Greg, who happens to be 10 levels under me, to the death? Aparently I can't.

Then there is the case of no equal combat out in the ring anymore.

So I guess my bottom line is:
If you want more health, carry healing potions. Have your friends hold the ground for you. Always swing the battle in your favor, even if its an "unfair" tactic. 6v2 is fine in my opinion, the guys with 2 should have common sense to flee, not have such a high level that the other sides attacks are futile.
Do what Napolean did. Attack on holidays, while your enemy is AFK, where they least expect it.

AoT General / Dyes
« on: December 11, 2005, 08:08:00 PM »
Allright, first of all, the volcano crate fell through the interior so that no one can reach it, let alone break it, or something like that.

Also, does anybody know where you can get or if there are red dyes? Are pitch black dyes just random drops from volcano crates?

Which looks better, artificial green, or the normal green? Is there any kind of dye in the crates in dungeon 1? Does anybody want to buy grey dyes?

Clan Discussion / Idea for new clan spam.
« on: December 10, 2005, 09:01:56 AM »
Manually archived by Wedge. If you have a question or think the topic should be unlocked, PM me, and I probably won't unlock it. This topic is handicapped, I must have been sick or hit my head on something.

1. Open "Clan Discussion"
2. Press this button
3. Read something else.

Clan Discussion / ØMG THË UßÈ® £33T ©LÃÑ
« on: December 08, 2005, 07:30:17 PM »
Hey! Guess what! I'm starting a clan! YA, RLY, no joke. We are on all kinds of games, GTA, Halo, BF, Battlefield. RLY! We have lik, 50 active members! Our clan tag is <IDIOT>. We build and sometimes fight! RLY! We also like to post:

 :cookie: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookie: :cookie: :cookieMonster: a lot.

No, seriously, stop with the clans. Stop with the clubs to. Just go find a nice bottle of the finest vodka, shove a homeless guy off of his storm drain, lie down, and drink yourself to death. Please? Do it for me. I'll give you a :cookie:.

PS: If you don't die from the drinking, try crossing the street afterwards.

note: Edited out the "Ja!'s" It was an insult to all the various european languages that use the word "ja".

Clan Discussion / Clan Chowder
« on: December 04, 2005, 04:05:50 PM »
Anybody have a good recepie?

Manually archived by Wedge. If you have a question or think the topic should be unlocked, PM me, and I'll probably unlock it.

Starboard Town- A curious hole discovered durring update 11 has begun spewing hot ash and suphuric fumes into the sky. At 5:00am, before the eruption, several tremours measuring 4.0 on the richter scale were detected in Starboard Town. The PTAL (Port Town Advisor Leauge) suggest you do not breathe the air, as you may die.

Pre-Activity (Disaster waiting to happen)

The Volcano

Wedge, Port Town's leading volcanologist, has led an expedition to the bottom. No signs of return have been found, and it is speculated that he may have perished. Had he died at the bottom, it is estimated he would have left ~200gp and his last will and testiment...

More research is being carried out on this geothermal event, an exploartion team is being assembled.

Wedge- 26
The volcanolgist is speculated to be dead after disapeering within the fiery underworld of the volcanic event.

Sergent TMC- 31
The Port Town Army leading sergent, has fallen victim to the volcano. He has been missing for some time now, and is presumed dead.

Bandera- 24
The local horse hoarder is yet another unfortunate fatality due to this strange event.

Compuman- 28
Ruthelessly killed by "Hitman", then sacraficed into the volcaco. He is confirmed dead.

AoT General / AOT Mafia
« on: November 13, 2005, 02:24:12 PM »
The Mafia motto: "Explore, Exploit, Exterminate."

5 tips to being a Mafia member

1. Hold a never-ending grudge against the person who jailed you the first time.
2. Have lots of money.
3. Don't bother with horses, you can find them all over the place.
4. If you are a heavy offender, use the fact that you automatically sink in water to your advanatage. Run away on the bottom of the lake, or take a canoe for a boost of speed.
5. Its a good idea to know the location of Starboard Town.
6. Don't be a complete jerk, try and keep it within limits. You don't want to spoil the game for everyone.

AoT General / Time out error?
« on: November 06, 2005, 12:10:39 PM »
I have installed the game twice now, and fully updated it. I join the official server, and finish loading it. Then I sit at the loading screen for 15 minutes, and then finally, get a time out error.

What should I do? I really want to play AoT...

AoT General / Flying?
« on: October 30, 2005, 06:39:11 AM »
Badspot, you mentioned something about unlike other RPGs, you wanted this one to be lighter, and dealing with Leonardo dav Vince era type stuff (at least, I think thats what you posted somewhere). Anyway, I was wondering if you could possibly script and sell the following flying vehicles:

Oh, and a crossbow looking thing:

And how about a hand cannon? Some kind of firearm had been around since Midevil ages... It could fire slow but be very powerful. Just a few ideas.

AoT General / New Update Content...
« on: October 19, 2005, 03:35:30 PM »
Haven't downloaded it yet, but my brother says that you can't host servers anymore? Guess thats the end of mods then, unless someone mods in the ability to host servers. Was it taken out because people were making mods/maps? Or there were just to many servers up compared to the number of players?

The canoe looks cool.

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