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Topics - Gen. Hothauser

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Suggestions & Requests / Suggestion for Brick Event-like Server Events
« on: February 16, 2012, 10:07:56 PM »
We have brick events in blockland.  You click a brick with the wrench and do some eventing stuff.  I was originally going to post something else here that is similar but got this idea while making the other topic.  What I'm asking for is a system that is similar to Brick events but are for the server, and can be accessed through the Admin Server GUI.  Originally, i wanted a menu system similar to the City RP /help and /job list commands, but i thought of this

Why not have a server events menu that you could insert server events to change the server, via events.  Pretty much server commands, but for the newer to blockland blocklanders.

What i mean in the above /help and /job list would be that a server event input would be

0 [onplayertype] [client] [if] ["/help"] [1 2]

1 [oncommandtrue] [client] [centerprint] ["you found the help menu"]

2 [oncommandtrue] [player] [kill]

3 [onplayertype] [client] [if] ["/job"] [4 5]

4 [oncommandtrue] [client] [centerprint] ["yay"]

5 [oncommandtrue] [player] [kill]

The boxes with quotes are typable boxes

i guess this would be more like VCE but for when a player speaks, dies, is killed, spawns, there is no mini, the game is started, the map is changed, etc.  This could actually just replace the default Server Options like the welcome message.

Discuss the possiblity of this, the use of this, and support all you want.  No flaming but helpful comments are accepted.

Suggestions & Requests / Wedge side ramp brick
« on: February 12, 2012, 09:17:07 AM »
I remember that there was a topic about this a while ago and that someone had tried to make this but i dont know if they every released it or not.  Ive searched everywhere for it.

The brick i want is pretty much a 1x3 ramp brick corner but with a slanted corner instead.  below are some typed pics of it.

|  |    /

this is from the top view and the slant i have is supposed to be a 45 degree angle

Help / VCE Minigame Time help
« on: January 17, 2012, 11:32:16 PM »
i need a minigame set time so i can pay peopl every half hour and have hourly bell go off.

Help / Varlinks not working
« on: January 07, 2012, 07:24:02 AM »
I'm not sure if it's because of the V20 BL update or not, but Varlinks don't work for me.

I'm using the correct format
  • onactivate - client - chatmessage - <varlink:Add Money_Money:1>

  • onvariableupdate - client - ifvariable - Money == 1

  • onvariabletrue - client - modvariable- Dollars - add- 500
Could it also possibly because I'm using 10+ different  if statements on the same bick

I'm also wondering if I need to change Ifvariable to ifvalue.

Help / Elevator mod is broken
« on: December 02, 2011, 11:23:38 PM »
Is anyone else having issues with elevator plates not loading the elevators when they are ghosted?  Cuz having to redo all of my elevators in my city build is annoying.

How do you make a link type thing that when you click on it, you go to a preset spot on the same page.  This is used often on OP's that are longer than usual.

Help / When I open inventory while in vehicle, needed up things happen
« on: November 29, 2011, 07:15:48 PM »
Ya, whenever anyone in my server opens their inventory, then closes it while seated in a vehicle, they stand up but are still mounted to the seat.  Anyone know why this happens?

The Gold Brick.  That impossibility that has befunklefied many a blockhead.  But say, for it should be real, how we not know that which we see as gold, but may otherwise be intervenial light, endorsing our game with a malfacious endemic, or of darkened remembrances, could that of Badspot truly exist?

Sorry for random sentence that may or may not make sense.  I was just typin down words I know out of random.

Ok, real reason for this thread. 

The Gold Brick is like Santa Clause.  Noobs believe he's real, medium peeps hope he's real, and experienced players know and can show evidence that he cannot exist.

We all know the Gold Brick is said to exist on Slate.  I am thinking about making a video describing several events that could happen if someone found the Gold Brick.  Here we can discuss the possibilities that could arise from the Gold Brick's revelation.

Here's my findings

You find said 'Gold Brick' on the outskirts of Slate.  Since the Gold Brick can neither not be real nor exist, there is only one situation that could arise-blackhole.  And since we as a blockland community don't have a blackhole, we use portals.  But think.  If we replace blackholes with portals from the portal gun, and since one blackhole connects to another blackhole through a worm hole, where is the other end of the portal?  Where can this other end exist?

Continue this thought as I sleep.

Suggestions & Requests / Taller ramp bricks
« on: November 24, 2011, 11:07:38 AM »
I tried using the 5 height ramp brick for a somewhat pyramid like skyscraper I making but they weren't high enough.  So then, I put a 2x2 5 height brick under each ramp brick and the height was perfect, but now it looks lumpy.  So I'm requesting a 10 height ramp brick.  2x2, 2x2 corner, and 1x2 base with 30 plate height.

Help / Problems with the Setascheckpoint event
« on: November 24, 2011, 10:23:02 AM »
I need the setascheckpoint event for my Uber City RP and it doesnt seem to be working with what i need it to do.  I even did the simple test of onactivate-namedbrick=xx-setascheckpoint

and it still didnt work.  Does anyone know know of a better event-based checkpoint saving system that works?

ive already searched all over and couldnt find anything good.

Help / Issues with the 1x print brick
« on: November 23, 2011, 04:02:19 PM »
I've been working on a build requiring me to use the 1x print brick as a light in an intersection.  I get everything set up one time, save it, quit blockland and all that stuff, and when I go to load the build on my new server, most if not all of the 1x print bricks had been deleted.  They were not deleted through ghost saving and no one had deleted them.  They just disappeared.

General Discussion / Aspects of my City RP I need aided with
« on: November 22, 2011, 11:07:02 PM »
I made this topic to discuss what additions to aspects should be added to my Uber City RP.  Such aspects are crimes, jobs, resources, and so forth.  Forgot to mention this is all done with events.

At the moment, I have figured out resources and jobs, but now I'm stuck on crimes and jailing.


I will eventually have an epiphany on how to event crimes, but until then I need specifications to the crimes.  Examples are robbery and murder.  Below are listed the crimes that I plan on making possible in the RP.  If you see any crimes that I missed that are possible in City RP event wise, ie no matricide or rape, tell me here and if I can figure out how to make it work, I'll include it.

-breaking and entering/trespassing

See I need more


At the moment, I have only made the miner, axeman (lumberjack) and hunter.  Soon I'm gunna add fisherman to the list and so the bottom, blue-collar social class should be done unless I want to add more jobs.  I have a plan of jobs I'm going to add.  Again, see any I missed?

-cop line—cop, deputy chief, police chief, inspector
-assassin line
-chef line
-lawyer line
-doctor line
-political line

Help / Problems with printing a 1, 2, and 3 on a print brick
« on: November 17, 2011, 07:50:55 PM »
This has Bren happening quite regularly now and it's getting annoying.  Whenever I go to print a number on a print brick, I can't type 1, 2, or 3.  I can press a key for all of the other number put those three.  I would then have to use the print selection screen like a unprofitiant person.

The other part of this is when I go to load a build that I have 1, 2, or 3 prints on a brick, and it wouldn't load.  All other numbers load but those three.

Any advice on how to fix it or why this is happening?

Gallery / Uber City RP Revamped (new stuff added as of 12/1/11)
« on: November 07, 2011, 11:30:26 PM »
This is the new thread for my Uber City RP because the old one got too old.

What was made before:
-1 bridge
-The beginning of a class-based residential area
-Some ground
-A house design

-Event based instead of Mod based
-Lots can be bought
-First class-based residential area finished
-Resource basics finished
-New road ways added
-One bridge
-jobs and promotions basics finished
-two new house designs added
-Another bridge added
-second highway finished
-Traffic lights have been added
-Education added
-admin + poor areas
-ramp up to the soon to be mine area
-forest area and river
-central city area
-gasstations added

Soon to come:
-Streets sign
-official mine, forest, and lake
-more house designs
-The city center
-Upper class neighborhood
-The academy
-Resource reliance?
-wild animals
-subway system
-bus+taxi system
-archaic legends cave
-city hall
-clock tower

Things i don't know how to do:
-Buying pre-owned houses
-Drug network
-wet road effect

Uber City RP is different than normal City RPs.  First off, you see the word Uber, German for a huge ass piece of awesomeness. This is correct.  Where most city RPs are just some road baseplates crisscrossing to form large pits where houses can be made and having a stuffty mod system to support it all, the Uber City RP is a colossal monstrosity of infinite land and roads without those nasty pits to ruin the view.  My main focus on this RP was to incorporate as many realistic concepts as possible in blockland.  Such regulations as speed limits and property taxes.  I also wanted this to look as best it can which is why I rejected the road baseplates and substituted with my own road creations.

An interesting feature added is that people can buy lots where they can build their houses.  This is accomplished by using the setbrickowner event.  In the future, I hope to add the ability to but pre-owned buildings on the lots to replicate that aspect.

This aspect did not take me all that long to figure out.  The resources are lumber, stone, and fish (soon to come).  It utilizes VCE and the axe and pickaxe items.  I hope to add different types of resources later on, like fur or farming, and I hope to use some different tools than the ones I'm using now.  I may use the resource reliance system where items and stuff need resources to be spawned.

Instead of using the usual road baseplate, I decided to make my own roads out of bricks.  I attemptes to make the roads as spamless as possible, but because I made the roads from bricks, they were still rather spammy.  The center portion of the road is a 16x16 print baseplate printed with a space to make it all flat-looking.  I was going to use the ramp-texture print for it originally but I forget why I didn't end up using it.  As for the lines, simple 2x1 print plates with space print for dashed lines and shaded on one side for double lines.

Jobs and Promotions:
I have figured out how to do jobs and promotions.  So far, only the miner and axeman has been made.  These jobs work on commission and for every tree/rock you take down, you gain logs/ore, respectively, and exp.  Exp varies per type of rock/tree you chop down/mine.  Once you reach a certain exp amount, you gain a level.  After so many levels as a miner/axeman, you can then go to the academy and get education.

The Academy:
As stated above, you get education at the academy.  Everyone starts out as a miner, axeman, fisherman, or any other ground level job i add.  This is so that incase i use the resource reliance system, well will have enough without me needing to add more constantly.  You can get and infinite amount of education.  I will most likely, when i get there, make it so you have to pay for the education, have a required job level, and then wait in the academy (or not) for so long before you may gain the education point.  This is so that people don't easily acquire education.

In the city RP, I hope to make vehicles cost a lot of money so spawning them would be discouraged.  Bikes would be free cuz I can host a lot o player-type vehicles.  The subway system will be added when I get to the city center part and will encircle the base of the city center.  The train will be automated and the track will be a square.  Want to know how I make smooth transitions at the corners?  Too bad.  I ain't gunna tell no one yet.  Buses and taxis will also be available.  Corresponding bus stops and metro entrances will be located throughout the city.

Chaos will include fires, disease, and wild animals (maybe).  If I can figure out a way to put these factors into the city, I will.  The fires will use the firemod and hydrants will be set up to use.  Disease will occur if you go to specific places, like the sewer or dump, an disease is randomly acquired there and can be spread if players come in contact with each other.

Delivery system:
Along with the resource reliance, I will probably use the delivery system.  This could include transporting wood, ore, fish, garbage, any place.  This would work, say for a garbage truck, so that the garbage man collects all trash made by places, storing the variables gained in to the vehicle, then dumping the variables when it reaches a point, the landfill.

Pictures Added

This is a picture of the gas pumps at one of the BP (Blockland Petrol) gas stations.  Instructions on how to use them will be added in-game.

This is the store area at any typical BP gas station.  It will soon be stocked with food and items to fuel your various food and item needs.

This is of the new bridge that passes over the highway.  The new one has four lanes running in opposite directions.  The old one had six lanes and was extremely spammy and badly made.  This bridge is part of the second highway that connects the middle class area, the internal city area, and the tunnel to admin and upper class areas.  The latter of the two pictures is the underside of the bridge.  I have measured all bridges to be just taller than the cement mixer, the tallest automobile in my game.

This is the first highway.  It is six lanes wide with a median and two side roads.  The highway is depressed into the land and has a grey slanted wall to keep the dirt off.  You can see the new bridge all the way down.  The median will most likely be changed to something better.  This is the view of the first straight part before it curves into the second straight part.

this is the view of the ATM type machined where you can change/check your job, sell your resources, or mess with your bank moneys (soon to come).  The brown polls are just testing blocks for the jobs and promotions.  The cave behind the brown rods houses the mine for now until I make the mining and lumbering neighborhood.  The woods are behind me and I can't decide whether to use the bad prop trees or make it complicated and make my own trees from bricks.

This is a better view of the trees.  Darker and more vibrant colors give more logs and exp, but take longer to chop.  The mine is in between the highway an middle class neighborhood.

Help / VCE evented City RP help
« on: November 06, 2011, 08:57:03 PM »
I am making a city RP with events.  I am currently in a predicament with the purchasing of houses.

You see, the way I am setting this up is that someone can buy a lot from me and build on it their own house or purchase a house on a lot and have all house bricks be theirs.  Ive figured out the plain lot buying thing but I need a way to name 1500+ bricks in a little amount of time with no glitching at all.  My current way is using the name wand to name all of them before purchasing but that lags my server out. Any suggestions on doing this?  Preferably event based.

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