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Topics - Gojira

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From the wikipedia article

A recent strip (updated here whenever):
xkcd, sometimes stylized as XKCD, is a webcomic created by Randall Munroe. The comic's tagline describes it as "a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language." Munroe mentions on the website that the name of the comic isn't an acronym but rather "just a word with no phonetic pronunciation."
The subject matter of the comic varies, including statements on life and love (some love strips are simply art with poetry), and mathematical or scientific in-jokes. Some strips feature simple humor or pop-culture references. Although it has a cast of stick figures, the comic occasionally features landscapes, intricate mathematical patterns such as fractals (for example, strip No. 17 "What If" shows an Apollonian gasket), or imitations of the style of other cartoonists (as during "Parody Week").
The comic is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. New comics are added three times a week, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; although, on some occasions they have been updated every weekday.
Since July 2012, there has been a branch of xkcd called "xkcd What-If", updated every Tuesday. These attempt to answer unusual reader submitted science questions in a humorous, though mathematically sound way, doing so in a format much more akin to an article.

OP's Personal Favorites

Click for larger

Off Topic / Can't loving sleep AT ALL
« on: February 06, 2013, 04:51:37 AM »
So I've got this really bad head cold (sore throat, headaches, stuffy nose, the whole deal) and I haven't gotten any decent amount of sleep as a result. Does anyone know of any ways I can actually get some sleep?
And yes, I know that none of you are qualified doctors, I was just thinking that SOMEONE here had some experience with this.

Title about sums it up. So I was driving home from dropping my dad off at Denver International, and about 15 minutes after we left, I spotted two small blue jets that looked like this:

And before you ask, I unfortunately did not snap any pictures.
Anyways, yeah.

Off Topic / Massive forgetin thunderstorm
« on: September 26, 2012, 10:10:57 PM »
So I'm in a huge thunderstorm
And something exploded blue in the distance when a thunderbolt hit.
And I haven't lost power



Congratulations, trainee! You scored highly enough on your piloting tests to be admitted into the 118th Tactical Fighter Wing. This journey ahead will be a long and perilous one. Your skills will be greatly tested.
This is wartime. You will need to keep your wits about you, the enemy pilots will not hesitate to capitalize on the tiniest mistake.
You fly for the fictional alliance known as the Independent State Allied Forces (ISAF) against the country of Erusea. They were part of the ISAF for a long time, until they decided to focus on a military-oriented goal-world domination. Erusea has opened up a fearsome attack on ISAF and her member nations.
NOTE: All battles are on the same continent, the fictional Usea. There will be beachfront missions, but none far over the water.
ISAF needs its elite. The 118th Tactical Fighter Wing was hand-picked from the best pilots to be the leads in the air force assault on Erusea. It is up to you and your comrades to take down these defectors.
You will be supplied with a basic F-4E Phantom II aircraft to get you started. Depending on your performance and piloting styles, you will be awarded with new aircraft to fly.
Are you ready?

Forumer Name:
Character Name:
Character Age (18-50):
Piloting Style (Air-to-Air, Air-to-Ground, or Multirole):
Anything marked with an asterisk (*) is optional.

Memorial to the Fallen
First Lieutenant Heon Poskila - Killed by an onboard explosion in his F-22A Raptor.


Watcher In The Myst

Off Topic / Today is my birthday.
« on: September 06, 2012, 05:52:11 PM »
I'm turning 15 today.
I got:
Money put in an account towards a computer
Turtle Beach X12s (for use on my laptop until I get a gaming computer)
The Hunger Games
If you're feeling generous enough to gift me something, here's my Steam wishlist.

Off Topic / The Scale of the Universe
« on: August 15, 2012, 11:14:26 PM »
Okay, this is seriously trippy. This shows the size of anything from a string (string theory) or quantum foam to the estimated size of the universe.
To see how small we are, just zoom to 1 meter, then zoom all the way out.

Games / down?
« on: June 18, 2012, 06:53:54 PM »
The garry's mod add-on site ( for those who don't know) is not working for me. Anyone else got this problem?

So, the Roleplay thread for THG turned into total bullstuff, so I made another, except this time it's Roll to Dodge.
Roll to dodge

Roll to Dodge is a fun game where you normally play with a group of (5) people. This time it's (10). Think Dungeons and Dragons in a sense. You will be placed in a certain scenario, and you (may) be given a certain objective. Now here's the catch, for nearly every action you make, a die will determine the outcome.

The numbers on the six sided die are marked as such...
1) Epic fail
2) Kinda fail
3) Kinda success
4) Success
5) Perfect success
6) Overshot

For example:

Todd wants to light a fire.

5 would have the fire burn perfectly, at a good size.

1, the fire would not light one single bit.

6, he lights it, but he trips into it and burns his arm.

3, it burns but proves to not be reliable and the fire will die out soon.

I'm sure you can get what the rest of the numbers represent.

Only (10) people may play at a time.
-This is based on a first come first served basis
-If you did not make it in time, I can still add you to the waiting list
-I would like to keep this game moving at a good pace, so you will have 5 days max to take your turn or you will be removed from the game and the first person on the waiting list will take your spot
-If you have a legitimate excuse for an absence, then your spot will be frozen until you come back.

This game will use the declare system. You declare your move, then when everyone's move has been declared, they are all taken, the die is rolled, and results are decided.
-I will not post results of the actions until everyone has taken their turn

-Other minor actions may be used with your major action (look around, talk, ect)
-Observing your surrounding will not be effected by the die
-Talking to players will not be effected by the die

You may kill or be killed by players or your actions
-Be weary of what you do, if you attempt to kill another player early in the game and fail, the results can have devastating results
-Attempting to do something stupid can lead to a very funny death

Certain events can affect your next roll
-If you do something with perfect success there may be a chance your roll, or everyone's roll, can be increased by +X amount, or be predetermined
-The same can be applied if you have an epic failure, only your roll will have -X amount
-If a certain action has an effectiveness on a body part, then any action requiring that body part will be effected (Tim's arms are broken, -3 to any action used by his arms)
-The same can have positive attributes
You have twenty skill points total to spread around.
Here's how you get into the games:
  • Name
  • Gender
  • Age (must be between 12 and 18)
  • Running skill
  • Sword skill
  • Knife skill
  • Manipulation skill (ex how well you can play the crowd)
  • Bow skill
  • District
  • District token (if wanted)
There you go.
I'll add your players to the OP as we go along.
Do note, however, that I may have reality get in the way, so the thread might not get updated often.

this isn't a rp
you don't decide how well you do
just pick an action
or maybe two
and gojira will tell you how you do

Off Topic / Misconceptions
« on: April 05, 2012, 11:21:40 PM »
What are some misconceptions that you know of?
Post them, dispell them, whatever.
As an example:

Some say that the Great Wall of China is visible from space.
You can't. Apollo astronauts saw nothing, and even from low orbit it's barely visible.


First off, read all of his posts in this topic, then read his most recent posts.
More accurately, at least up to page three.
He used to be sort of okay.
But now, he is an idiot with no sense of humor and who often overreacts to jokes, and with a semi-overinflated ego:
Wrong just when they annouce it you'll think hmm poopsicle knew about it. AND WAS RIGHT
Informating from LOS ALMOS WORKER.
What is Los Almos
loving idiot ^
That's Los Alamos

I'm asking what Los Almos is
woah guys watch out, we gotta badass over here
Speaks for itself, doesn't it?
Anyways, discuss this idiocy.

Off Topic / Can't. loving. Sleep.
« on: February 20, 2012, 05:29:48 AM »
Okay, so, it's 3:30 in the morning, and I haven't slept a wink. I have an injured right foot, a sore throat, and a stuffy nose.
I really need help, if you could provide some, that'd be great.

Not attention whoring.
I can't


Drama / Senyor Derpy Hooves - Asking for a drama
« on: February 04, 2012, 08:01:02 PM »
First off, let me start by saying he multiclients, and constantly goes "HURR... DURR"

And this is my first ever drama topic.

Forum Games / Accused - Another one of those Minecraft text adventures.
« on: February 03, 2012, 10:16:37 PM »
Yeah, it's another one of these.

You, our hero, wake up in bed with an odd feeling. You can't remember anything, not even your name. You are also in severe pain, and you are covered in blood.

You look over at the other side of the room, and see a chest, a strange metallic thing, a cauldron, and a record player. You also see a staircase.

Investigate the chest or go down the stairs, or both?

Off Topic / I forgetin' LOVE Target.
« on: November 05, 2011, 04:28:13 PM »
My brother, my mom, and I went to Target to get a lamp and some soda, and my 11-year old brother saw a $4 deck of Pokémon cards. We go to pay for it and I notice the price on the receipt. What the hell, I think. I say, "These were labeled as $3.99." The cashier says that they were $11.99, and I repeat myself. My mom says that we can go to Customer Service after we check out.  We go there, and my mom repeats what I said. The customer service lady sends someone to check the tags. The woman that they sent said that they were all labeled correctly in all locations. We go to the location where my bro found the cards, and the price tag was removed, apparently by the woman who was sent. My mom says, "I am never shopping here again," as this has happened once before. We go back to Customer Service, and get our money back, and my mom said that she was tired of Target's malpractice. We get our money back though, as we had the good fortune to come across a manager.

tl;dr forget off.

Discuss business malpractice.

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