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Topics - Skele

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Gallery / Security Keypad
« on: August 14, 2008, 11:19:24 PM »
A few other people showed off their security keypad systems. I don't think any of them put the time or the thought that I did. I wanted mine to not only be functional, but user friendly and have the ability to simply change the password using print bricks. I tried to make it handicap proof... basically people pressing keys all over the place. It has a master reset at the back just in case.

I'm not going to post the save, I rather post once I have the game again, mainly to show it off in person first. I can't show a video of it in action, no Fraps, so you'll have to take my word on it.


Faces, Decals, Prints / Skele's V9 Repackaged Decals
« on: August 09, 2008, 11:33:06 AM »
I repackaged all but a few of my decals. The ones left out were older and less blocky ones.

[2x1f] TV Remote and BLP



[2x2r] Monitor 3



[Chest] Ice Cream, UFO, Rocket, Portal Tribute



Suggestions & Requests / A forum for sharing artwork
« on: May 05, 2008, 08:46:48 PM »
I think a new section for artwork would be a good idea. Probably the biggest reason would be showing off your decals BEFORE you release them or making test decals and having people criticize, compliment and give tips about them. This would clean up the decal section and hopefully keep a lot of future failing decals out of it.

Of course this could be used to show off other pieces of work, models, drawings, paintings, videos, etc, since there really is no place other than gallery and off-topic to post that stuff in. Gallery isn't the best place since lots of people see it as a spot for builds rather than just any creation.

Suggestions & Requests / Pacman and Doughnut Gun!
« on: February 13, 2008, 09:06:21 PM »
Basically the same idea for both just different particles. You have a doughtnut/whatever pacman eats projectile, then have either a police dressed minifig chase the doughnut or the chomping pacman chase the other object but as a particle trail or something. Stupid, maybe, but epic, definitely. :cookieMonster:

Modification Help / White Outlines Around My Decals - Question to Badspot
« on: December 08, 2007, 09:25:39 PM »
Just to let everyone who reads this know, I searched this, went to the first thread, and read through it. However, I have further questions on it, so please don't say, "Use the search button".

Anyways, Badspot, you said to use the SuperPNG exporter at the default settings and then put it into PaintShop Pro 4, etc, etc. My question is this, did you, originally use Photoshop to create the decal, then use the exporter and finally put it into PaintShop Pro and did the mask thing? Or did you originally use PaintShop Pro to make it. Also, is it possible to use the same concept but instead use Photoshop?

Suggestions & Requests / Capture the Castle
« on: November 25, 2007, 06:12:50 PM »
Or base. There needs to be a mod where you can set capturable structures.

Things that should be included:
-Colour change bricks.
   - Set bricks that change colour, depending on the team that captures it. For flags,     banners, etc.

-Team triggers.
   - With V9 approaching, have trigger bricks only set for specific teams, mainly for artillery and security doors and such. Would need to be added in after V9 of course.

-Game modes.
   - Mainly between Round mode and like an RPG mode. Round mode would be similar to capture the flag, only you need to capture all the structures as a team. RPG mode would be more guild based. You could have the option to create your own guild or join one. Then you could take over structures for your own and withstand sieges. Would be an ongoing thing. Don't know how you'd win.

Might be fun.

Gallery / Skele's Apartment Complex (MotE App) Unfinished
« on: November 25, 2007, 03:26:27 PM »
The apartment is done, somewhat...lets just say it's as far as it is ever going.
The build is 92 000 bricks, and, from what I wanted it to be, it is a little less then half done.


Benches near entrance:

Lobby vending machines:

Plant thing (if someone could give the real name of this I would greatly appreciate it):

1 of 4 corner planters:

Lobby desk:

First Floor (same as other floors):


Suggestions & Requests / Movie effect style throw backs
« on: November 24, 2007, 10:43:32 AM »
I didn't know what to call it. Anyways, whenever you get hit by a projectile that throws you backgrounds, depending on the force/speed, you should get blasted through bricks. I got the idea from Muffinmix's rocket skies. When you hit a brick with them, as if you were to crash, it blows up bricks. Same sort of thing here only when you get hit by a rocket launcher or something, you get thrown through the any bricks behind you, depending on the speed you are moving. Might be cool. :cookieMonster:

AoT General / Storeclerk's AoT Website
« on: October 28, 2007, 10:21:14 AM »
He wanted me to post this because he's banned.

Store's AoT Site

Help / Constant Crashing
« on: October 28, 2007, 10:03:56 AM »
I keep crashing from peoples servers. When I try to re-enter the server, I crash right after Loading Objects.

Like, I'll be able to play in the server, but then I'll get a crash and won't be able to re-enter the server.

Modification Help / Wedge + Skele's Decal Pack (Coming Someday)
« on: September 23, 2007, 05:36:19 PM »
Wedge and I have been slowly... very slowly, working on a decal pack. Something huge that would add quite a few new decals to the game. So far I have made 2, wedge has made 2-3 or more, not quite sure.

Each decal pack will contain two themes with around 10 decals per theme.

Themes we are currently working on include:
Electronics. (Examples of what are currently made below)
BLP - Blockland Portable
Just a little hand held that matches up with brick colour.

Residential Style Computer Monitor
Needed something better suited for houses.

Things that may come:
Mouse, BlockBerry, Cellphone, Stereo

Travel. (Wedge has been working on this)
(Send me comments for these if you want them)
Airplane Dash Board


Help / Making New Decal Bricks?
« on: September 02, 2007, 10:33:58 PM »
Okay, so I need some more decal bricks. The two I need currently are 1x1 flat and 2x2 round. How do I go about making these capable of using decals? For the 1x1 flat it seems simple, since there is already a decal brick of it. However, for the 2x2 round, would I need to make an entirely new brick? If so wouldn't that mean you would need to have the brick to join a server with and use the decal. I don't feel like wasting my time with a decal that will just be a hassle to everyone and therefore not used.

Gallery / Skele's Apartment Complex (WIP)
« on: August 20, 2007, 06:50:46 PM »
I haven't done much just yet, but I thought I'd post a WIP just to see how you guys thought of it so far.

Feel free to rate, regardless of the fact it isn't done, but please rate again once it's done if you decide do so now. That is, if it gets done.

Ants eye view:


Benches near entrance:

Lobby vending machines:

Plant thing (if someone could give the real name of this I would greatly appreciate it):

1 of 4 corner planters:

Lobby desk:

Main stairs:

That's all for now. Spent quite a bit of time working on just the lobby.

Still need:
- Build other floors
- Furnish other floors (will have an unfurnished version that I will release, for those who wish to make there own rooms in there own servers)
- Parking garage
- Maybe add some park or something on the outside
- Name

Maybe you guys could help me out with the name. If you think of something good, I don't want anything stupid, you could suggest it and I might use it.

Enjoy! :cookieMonster:

Suggestions & Requests / Brick materials?
« on: July 26, 2007, 09:33:58 AM »
I thought it would be cool to be able to add different types of material properties to bricks (mainly for DM purposes). When I mean material, I mean wood, stone, steel, etc. By adding this kind of thing to bricks, you can effect there strength in a DM. Along with this you could add sound effects to each type of material so that when it breaks it sounds like that material. I hate how certain bricks in Blockland don't get blown after being shot from a rocket. I also hate how bricks I dont want to be destroyed get destroyed.

What you guys think?  :cookieMonster:

Gallery / The Blockman Tower!!!
« on: July 25, 2007, 01:56:00 PM »
Okay, so I'm in Badspots server and I'm screwing around. I turn someone into a horse and I can mount him! Oh wow, thought it was cool. Lots of people knew about that. Then I tried updating the minigame, just hit update, didn't change anything. BAM, the horse changed into a person. That was even cooler.

It got me thinking. Could the person, who had someone mounted on there shoulder, mount another person? I tried it and voila, we had 3 people mounted together. We didn't stop there though, we added more!  :cookieMonster:

If you were involved and would like to add your own screens of this you have all the power to ya.  :cookieMonster:

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