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Topics - TurnipBlog

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Help / Is the avatar upload not working?
« on: July 16, 2014, 01:25:52 AM »
Right now I'm trying to add a new avatar to my profile, a .png picture that's 75x66 pixels, and is 9.66KB - is it just me, or is something up again?

Games / Requesting/Contacting Game Grumps?
« on: July 11, 2014, 08:56:17 PM »
Is there an email address you can contact the Game Grumps with to send over/request games?

I think I know their actual address, but anyone got ideas on their email?

Off Topic / I was spooked.
« on: March 29, 2014, 12:40:47 AM »
Gatysh, Bass and I are spooked out of our lives. "The Legit Spook" is scaring us to death on Skype. What should we do?

Off Topic / Blockland Forums on Omegle
« on: March 24, 2014, 11:05:50 PM »
Come on down partner, enter " blf " under "What do you wanna talk about?", check "find strangers with common interest" and click on "Text"

Let's do dis -

Help / One key on two different computers
« on: November 26, 2013, 10:21:53 PM »
Alright; before I start this, let me explain something:

A few years ago I had Blockland run under my key (9676) on two computers.

I downloaded it on Computer 1 first, followed by Computer 2.

Whenever I played on Computer 2, I would have trouble playing on Computer 1, but if I played on Computer 1 first, Computer 2 would run fine.

If I played Computer 2 after Computer 1, I would constantly be automatically logged out.


Is this fixed? Does this still happen? Wat do?

Off Topic / TurnipBlog's Ye Olde Pumpkin Carving Game
« on: October 11, 2013, 07:47:48 PM »
Alrighty, so I made this thread last year: and it seemed like a lot of people enjoyed it.

So I'm here to revive this old thing I made on the forums again!


Also: If there are any bugs, let me know, please!

Requirements: Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 or later.

Is there a way that I can get Final Cut Pro for my project on a Windows computer, or at least a program that accepts Final Cut Pro files?

My school owns Macs and I need a way to get the Mac software onto my Windows computer - is this possible?

Help me, please.


So I realized my only two options are that I need to find Final Cut Pro that can work on Windows or some type of Software that can allow a simulated Macintosh computer on Windows.

Any ideas?

Gallery / [VIDEO] - The Super Duper Cool Action Movie - The Requiem.
« on: August 26, 2013, 09:11:10 PM »

As part of getting 100 subscribers, I made this as a reference to my (currently) most viewed video.

I thought it would be nice to mix my most notable video with my most viewed video and create something completely different -


Gallery / [Video] Churn_The_Buttermilk_To_Reveal_The_Secrets_0072
« on: June 12, 2013, 08:35:22 PM »
Just a fun little Blockland project me and a couple of friends recorded a few days ago out of fun.

Credits also to Mysteroo for the house and farm and Filipe for the new intro. This video is not to be taken seriously at all.


Off Topic / Finding Dory - The Sequel to Finding Nemo confirmed.
« on: April 03, 2013, 05:52:45 PM »

You heard right, Ellen DeGeneres is going to play as Dory in the sequel to Finding Nemo, which shall be released in 2015.


Suggestions & Requests / Some greyscale emmiters.
« on: April 01, 2013, 08:21:22 PM »
Hello gentlemen, I need some assistance making an old mafia game in black in white colors, so doing so I would like to have the original Thompson model's wood to become a grey scale color, along with muzzle flash and bullets.

No rush, please take your time if necessary but if possible I would like to have this soon.

Here's a link to the original:

Just got this done, I would like for someone to make the default gun shot spark muzzle flash and bullet projectiles, as well as the shells, recolored to black and white greyscale, please.

Off Topic / Assistance- Does anybody know a good online .gif maker?
« on: February 06, 2013, 08:45:38 PM »
I'm trying to upload a video file on my desktop that is seven seconds long, does anybody know where I can make this into a gif without downloading silly nonsensical programs?

Creativity / -Request- Please assist me with this Model A picture.
« on: January 15, 2013, 05:04:22 PM »
If one of you amazing artist can do so, can you please have the car and the shadows in a transparent background, please?

Gallery / [Video] - TurnipBlog Presidental Advert - 2013
« on: January 09, 2013, 06:47:38 PM »

Every vote counts, assist please!

Sidenote: make sure to turn you speakers down at the end after it fades to black.

Gallery / The Invisible Eskimo [VIDEO]
« on: November 06, 2012, 10:13:49 PM »
Just when you thought it was safe to go on Blockland.

Based on the 1933 film with Claude Rains.

Credits to myself for making the music old timey, yet all credits to Pablo for making this video worthwhile.

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