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Topics - Paradon

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Suggestions & Requests / More satisfying damage
« on: November 18, 2013, 01:00:08 PM »
In the current version of Blockland shooting someone feels like throwing cotton balls on a concreate wall, until the moment you kill them in which it feels like the concreate wall has had enough and decides to fall over. Now, I'm not gonna ask for some kind of CoD 360noscope pro bleeding your eyes out thing, but rather a more arcadish take on the whole damage thing. Guns would feel a lot more satisfying if they felt like they actually had some kind of impact on other player when you hit them. You could achieve this by making players flash white for about 1/10 of a second if they are hurt, and if they have ~10% hp or less they could start flashing red (like the blink fx but red). You could probably pretty easily create a playertype like this by modifying the default no-jet one. (Though idk if you can save a characters appearance)

Now this second thing I'm not sure if it would be possible, but modders are true wizards so I'll just suggest it anyways.
Damage numbers, you know like in every RPG game there is? I love those.
Just do something like the current damage emote (ouch) where small damage is a white and small ouch, while a bigger amount of damage is a lot larger and red. (idk if I got these switched around but you get the idea)

Gallery / Big tree
« on: November 12, 2013, 12:09:34 PM »

Games / World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor [NEW SHINY OP]
« on: November 08, 2013, 03:45:41 PM »

Click logo for site

Carve a Path Through History

It is the era of an Old Horde, forged with steel rather than fel blood. A union of great orc clans, the Iron Horde, tramples the planet Draenor beneath terrifying war machines. Azeroth falls next. Worlds uncounted will follow.

You must mount a desperate charge on Draenor – savage home of orcs and adopted bastion of stoic draenei – at this pivotal moment. Your allies are legends from across time; your fortress a foothold in an alien land. Lead the armies of one world against another…before the future itself is unmade.

World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor Announcement Trailer
Warlords of Draenor: Faction Zones (EU)

New character models!

Take Command on Draenor

To clash with the greatest army Draenor has ever known, you’ll need your own forces and your own fortress. Construct a mighty garrison: an enduring home base integrated seamlessly with the world, not a hiding spot far from the action. Customize it with specialized structures like farms, stables, armories, workshops and more.
Establish trade routes and unlock new quests, gear and pets to support your war for Draenor. Recruit stalwart followers to man your base, and send them to loot dungeons, fulfill missions, and craft items, even if you’re offline. Tame a deadly realm, and build an unbreakable monument to victory.

TL:DR - Sunsong Ranch x10

Arise a Champion

Opposing the Iron Horde are the heroes of Azeroth—at the heights of power they’ve always been destined for. Even if you’re new or returning to the game, Warlords empowers you to immediately upgrade one of your characters to level 90 and master new abilities at the gateway to Draenor, so that you can charge into grand combat right away. Play the races and classes you’ve always wanted to try, wage war alongside your friends, and take your place among Warcraft’s finest.

TL:DR - one free level 90

The new continent

Copy/pasted feature list
New continent of Draenor (7 zones, 1 PvP zone)
Build and upgrade your Garrison
A level 90 character upgrade—play immediately!
New player character models
6 new Dungeons and 2 new Raids
Heroic versions of 2 classic Dungeons
New Challenge modes
New Battlegrounds and World Bosses
New Normal and Heroic Scenarios
Level cap raised to 100
New class talents and permanent ability bonuses
Refined quest system with hundreds of new quests
. . . and more!

Games / Anyone got a spare Hearhstone beta key?
« on: October 16, 2013, 09:28:51 AM »
Well blizzard just called and they said that any Blocklander with a key should give it to me.
I accept cash, card and pms.

I want to make a super mario 64-like gamemode and a way of detecting if the player has opened a certian amount of chests (stars) would be really good for levels and stuff. I'm pretty sure I've already figured out how to let the player save his/her game. (persistence player)
Also, is there a command that shows you how many chests you've opened?

Modification Help / My sky doesn't work.
« on: August 29, 2013, 04:10:14 PM »
I've been looking on a bunch of other sky addons and I have no idea why it's broken.
This is what my files look like:

And this is how it shows up like ingame (the light blue one):

Every file but the thumb is 512x pixels and the thumb is 64x.

Gallery / Greenlight cake
« on: August 28, 2013, 02:42:44 PM »
Blockland got greenlit, so I made a cake.

It's supposed to look like a swedish princess cake (prinsesstårta).

Games / Battlefield 3 lagspikes, help me
« on: August 15, 2013, 05:56:08 PM »
So I just got the humble origin bundle for Battlefield, but when I join a game I can run around for about 15-30 sec fine before my game goes complete apestuff and lags like a motherforgeter. I've already googled my problem and have found multiple 'solutions' (neither of which worked). I've updated my graphics drivers, typed some commands in the console and some other stuff.

I'm running on the bare minimum graphic options but that doesn't do stuff.

Here's a video for those who want to see the problem.

Gallery / I made a pretty birch tree.
« on: August 13, 2013, 10:21:17 AM »
I think I just figured out how to make good trees, feel free to rest your eyes upon this beauty.

Ratings are welcome.

I've looked trough the whole server.cs and found nothing mentioning the mouse or firing the projectile.
I'll ask more questions once I've got help with this.

Can I use zonebricks?
Any part except from start/finish that must be included?
Is it even possible?

Suggestions & Requests / Erik's colorset
« on: May 07, 2013, 04:04:10 PM »
Anyone got the link to Erik's colorset? I'm getting sick of Trueno's.

Gallery / [Events][Download] The Random Weapon Spawn Point
« on: April 25, 2013, 05:13:34 PM »

The Random Weapon Spawn Point

What is this and what does it do?
This beauty right here is the Random Weapon Spawn Point (RWSP). That's right, spawn, not spawner.
The RWSP will magically scrape your blown up, bullet-hole filled, sliced and even bird-pecked
body parts off the battlefield, suit you up with one out of three random weapons and carelessly
throw you right back onto the battlefield to most likely die again. Does it care? No, it's a mindless
machine crafted by some sick bastard who enjoys watching poor blockheads fight to their deaths.

How does it work?
The RWSP is a simple spawn point inside a floating box, but with a little of that eventing magic
it turns into a simple spawnpoint inside a floating box which gives you 1 out 3 weapons.

Let me explain to you how it all works.
First of all, a player will spawn on the red spawn point, after a couple of seconds the player will trigger
an onPlayerTouch event on the spawn which makes it shoot a projectile downwards. The projectile
will instantly hit one out of the three bricks under the spawn. Each of the bricks, when struck by a
projectile, will spawn a certain weapon. The brick will also send a relay both up and down activating
disappear events in both the spawn point and the 6x6 plate that holds everything up.
Now, when the spawn is struck by the relay it apart from disappearing, also sends a relay back down
into the three weapon bricks making them disappear too.

When all of this has happened, all the bricks holding the player up should be invisible for 1 second
letting the player fall out from underneath the box with the weapon destiny chose for them.

How do I modify it?
To change the three weapons from what they are already set to (Guns Akimbo, RL and Bow),
simply punch a hole in the box from behind (might have to destroy some bricks to find the right one),
and change the spawnItem event on any of the bricks to spawn any weapon or item you want.

Notes/fun facts
  • This "build" requires no addons at all.
    (though you might want to duplicate the box for more than one spawn)
  • When you duplicate this box or any spawn point, the spawn point will stop working,
    to fix any broken spawns, make sure you've copied the spawn point events, then
    simply replace the spawn point with a brand spanking new one and apply the spawn
    point events to it.
  • You can make the box randomize evenly between 9 items or unevenly between any
    number under 9 (except 3) by replacing the three 1x3 weapon spawner plates with different bricks.
  • This build consists of 22 bricks which include a base plate and 3 cubes holding the box up.
  • You can camouflage the box by placing it inside of a ceiling or any similar place.
  • I came up with the idea for this the same way I come up with most of my little contraptions,
    while standing in the shower.
  • I should really go to bed right now

And lastly, a
(Put it in your saves folder, a save picture is not included.)

By downloading this save file, you are agreeing to not tell anyone you made this build yourself.

Please tell me if I've missed something or anything is unclear.

I hate this mod, not only does it make it impossible to see if you get shot, but it also doesn't fit into the game's theme at all.
Can I like edit my addon and make the effect invisible or something? I don't care about the corpse, but the blood is just plain annoying.

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