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Topics - Planr

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Off Topic / What are your favorite fictional characters?
« on: August 16, 2014, 01:36:19 PM »
Hey guys. This is the thread for posting about your favorite fictional characters, be them heroes or villains, be them from movies, tv shows or video games, or even from books. Post your top 5! Show your favorite scenes they were in! But one condition: NO SONIC OR SHREK BULLCRAP (but if they are your favorites thats ok).

My top 5 male protagonists:

1: Ratchet (Ratchet and Clank)

2: Spiderman

3: Robocop

4: Captain Kirk/Badspot (Star Track)

5: Odd Della Robia (Code Lyoko)

My top 5 female protagonists (oh boy here we go):

1: Samus Aran (Metroid)

2: Aelita Schaeffer (Code Lyoko)

3: Kathryn Janeway (Star Trek Voyager)

4: Noriko Takaya (Gunbuster)

5: Astrid Hofferson (How to Train your Dragon)

What are your favorite characters guys?

I got a Galaxy Tab 4 today but I need a word processor app for it. I dont quite remember the app that was recommended for that by the people at best buy where I got the tablet, but they recommended one that had a name like "Fword" or something. Obviously thats not the name of it but its something similar to that.

Off Topic / What kind of Nook should I get?
« on: August 09, 2014, 11:51:10 AM »
I'm going on a cruise tomorrow and i'm grounded so i'm not allowed to bring my laptop with me, but my mom says she wants me to read more so she's looking in to getting me a Nook today. I know my friends at school (especially in Creative Writing) have Nooks, and they can write on them and type on them, and they appear to be really helpful tools for when in class. I was wondering what kind of Nook I should get that has those writing and typing capabilities I am looking for.

Anyone able to help? I'd appreciate it.

Drama / Aeschylus's "Space Station RP"
« on: July 25, 2014, 01:37:11 AM »
Pre-Emptive Spoiler: This server is an absolute craphole of freekilling, admin abuse and makeshift blockhead love.

I was bored of playing TF2 and Unturned all day today, so I decided I'd dust off my old Blockland folder and play the game again (it's been 20 days since I last actually played it).
I went on the master server and saw a bunch of crappy Sonic/Family/Military RPs in the list, and knew I wouldn't be joining those.

However, Aeschylus's server caught my eye as I had remembered being to it several years ago. It has an amazingly-detailed and large moonbase build that was great for having a Space RP on, so I thought I'd give it a try.

So I joined it, and waited about 5 minutes for the game to download add-ons for the server.
When I spawned, I thankfully discovered that, like all good RPs, it had a dedicated minigame going, so that was a good sign. It was neatly organized too, with several different "teams" to differentiate jobs people had on the space station. It also had the RP Chat mod, which was another good indication that the server would be great.

NOTICE: Because of the RP Chat and Slayer mods, player's nametags naturally do not appear in-game. The only way to confirm things is to keep an eye on the chat.

So I just spawned, and I turned my head, and (in an ironic twist, considering the good build and the good choice of addons the server had) next saw an admin dressed as a guard chasing and attacking another player for no reason with a stunstick:

Wishfully thinking to myself that "maybe he had robbed someone or something, maybe the admin isn't just harassing him" I walked on, trying to ignore the potentially-unjust situation I had just witnessed.

I walked out of the main hallway and down a corridor. I reached a junction and met another player named Bacchus, and we roleplay-talked for a little bit, with another guy standing by the corner. I was about to turn around and walk away, having finished the conversation, when suddenly the admin known as "u egg" teleported in front of me, pulled out a shotgun, and blasted Bacchus in the face with it:

He then teleported away, leaving me with just the other guy who also witnessed the incident:

Then we find out that "he killed the wrong guy". I confronted u egg about his admin abuse but I was promptly ignored.

After that a few more beautiful jewels of freekilling, teamkilling and general chat garbage happened:

I then walked back down the corridor into the entry hall to go to whatever this "Job Assignment" meeting was that jntrauser had so rudely called, but at the entrance of the hall I was greeted by this sight:

Some more jewels of chat:

So I arrive back at the entrance hall, but this so-called "Job assignment meeting" that jntrauser called just turns out to be a coordinated ambush by the player known as "scoobs" on the other RPers. He rushed down at us from high up and killed one of the players for no apparent reason.

Some more DMing in chat while I explored the station:

I then pop the question again about the crappy stuff going on around the server. Only reply I get is from another player who is just as frustrated as me but powerless to do anything. I'm still ignored by the admins. Aeschylus himself is talking in RP chat himself at this time too, but even though he heard my message AND was getting all the death messages from the server, he ignored it all and didn't do jack crap.

Scoobs then comes back and starts chasing me around the station with a butterfly knife, a speedbooster syringe and what I believe is a Warhammer 40k gas mask, trying to kill me. Eventually he managed to hit and kill me.

Some more garbage chat and DMing goes on:

Back in the main hall, "u egg" has now changed teams and admin-orbs to scoobs and kills him:

I ask about the admin abuse for the third time:

The admins "u egg" and "jitank" respond to my message by admin-orbing to me and killing me with stunsticks, subtly implying to me that I should "leave the server if I don't like it":

After this second time being killed for absolutely no reason, and having been repeatedly ignored by the host and his admins about their wrongdoings, I left the server.

Aeschylus's Space Station RP is anything but a space station RP. It's a free-for-all deathmatch. It's a love RP. It's anything you make it to be. And the admins don't give a crap about what you do or what you say. They're a lazy bunch of jerks proliferating a terrible server with a highly misleading title. The only thing praiseworthy about it is the add-on selections and the build itself. Everything else sucks.

Avoid this server at all costs.

Here's the BL_IDs of the people involved for anyone wondering.

Drama / xSetrox's heart-touching poem of Rule #5-ness
« on: July 17, 2014, 02:26:42 PM »
Anyone seen this yet?

Quote from: Setro's Profile
Long ago, I joined the forums, in hope of happiness and fun
And for a long time the forums, in my bookmarks they were number one
I spent a long time on them, reading every page and board
I never got tired of them, never did I get bored!
Slowly and slowly my reputation fell
People told me to go to hell
My life falling, piece by piece
I was wondering whenever this'd cease
I put up with it for such a long time
Checking new posts on a dime
Never cared much for those who put me down
And had me falling to the ground
They say I don't change, oh how wrong they are
I tried my best to be different, but the solution was far
I made apology after apology, in hope of some forgiveness
And all of them just turned into a big mess
The issue continued, for a long time did it last
But people kept insulting me very fast
I tried to stop me ways, could I? I could not
People tried to program me like a robot
Nobody did understand me
They just could never see
But now, I leave my bad past behind
No longer am I all that blind
I'll stop it all, and see how it works out
Will the plan fail, I highly doubt
I'll stop using BLF, happy the forumers will be
That I am gone forever, and they'll all celebrate with glee
I'll continue posting in the help board, for problems I can't fix
But in the other boards, I'll stay away, they'll barely have my clicks
I'll continue playing the game, every now and then
And I'll ignore those who try to put me down, again and again.
If you see me, drop by and maybe say hello
I'll respond with a nice, "hi, friend"
And the forums can return to what they were like
All the way back then

i'm not gonna delete it nal

how much you wanna bet he'll be back within 3 months?

Off Topic / Anyone seen this awesome Robocop rap?
« on: July 13, 2014, 12:29:27 AM »
This is just simply genious:

RoboCop has always been one of my favorite superheroes (if he can be considered one?) so I enjoyed this a good deal. Don't get me wrong, I certainly don't care for the profanity, but I cannot deny this is a great way to learn the whole movie in 10 minutes.

Off Topic / Planr is going on a cruise!
« on: July 04, 2014, 11:08:07 AM »
Been looking forward to this vacation for a long time. The family has been planning it for months.
We'll be boarding this ship tomorrow for a western carribean cruise, 7 nights:

see you all when I get back in 7 days!

and no this is not an "i'm leaving the forums" post for those freaking legalists among the community who love to try to get people banned

Off Topic / Just tried sushi for the first time
« on: June 26, 2014, 08:43:24 PM »
Publix-brand California Roll Plus

(basically looked like this)

It wasn't bad at all, though the fishy taste took some getting used to; it was imitation crab meat. I think the seaweed was the most difficult part of the dish to like.

Funny: my sister tried some, having never had sushi before, and she freaked out and threw up in the sink

but i'll say one thing though, it has a VERY fishy taste

/discuss sushi and other asian foods

Off Topic / Any good sites for uploading really large images?
« on: June 26, 2014, 04:31:42 PM »
I have a picture i've assembled of a series of killstreaks I had gotten in TF2 and I wanted to put it on my forum profile (since I figured that is the only permissible place to have an image as long as mine was). Unfortunately every time I try to upload it to imgur or tinypic the image gets auto-shrinked from its natural resolution of 640x11792 (that's two 11s, its not a typo, yes the image is really almost twelve thousand pixels tall) to something much smaller that looks extremely blurry when i put it on my profile. I already tried re-uploading a smaller-filesize version of it that was around 600 kb and was in a lower-quality jpeg format but that didnt work either.

I need to find an image hosting site that won't auto-shrink my image like this. Anyone got any leads or suggestions on good image hosting sites for pics this large?

Off Topic / Need help getting rid of stupid adware on Chrome
« on: June 26, 2014, 03:07:49 PM »
So earlier today my mom spent most of her morning on the computer shopping for swimsuits and shoes

(an fyi about my mom: she is terrible with technology and is very gullible when it comes to internet ads so she tends to mistakenly click on ads that end up infecting our computer; meanwhile my dad refuses to get a good antivirus software so we are stucking with a subscription-paid Norton antivirus that doesnt detect this stuff)

now when I got on i noticed the default browser had changed to something like (some stupid third-party search engine scam crap) and that whenever i browsed on pages, like, literally just on the forums or on any other website, this crap shows up on my screen all the time:

<image removed because apparently youtube is piracy>

ive already downloaded and run malwarebytes but it didnt help. however i did manage to fix my chrome settings and remove several adware extensions that had parasited their way into my browser. i also managed to remove that stupid speedsearch engine. now all thats left is getting rid of this netcrawl adware crap.

also the one thing I can NOT do is uninstall and reinstall chrome. this is my family's desktop computer and my dad already doesnt like chrome (it took months of me persuading him to stop using internet explorer) so i'm already on thin ice. i've tried finding a way to save his bookmarks and pages but i have been unsuccessful. if i try to reinstall chrome and he loses all his bookmarks and favorites tab pages he will flip his lid and chances are he won't allow me to use the computer for a long time.

also considering my parents are extremely conservative, they have netnanny installed on the desktop too so every time these ads come up i have to click out of the stupid netnanny popups 500 times warning me that every webpage research

any help guys?

Off Topic / Hammereditor has a giantly long forum avatar
« on: May 16, 2014, 12:09:38 PM »

Off Topic / I just discovered Interior Crocodile Alligator
« on: May 05, 2014, 06:18:57 PM »
...I'm 7 years late

It feels so good 'cause I'm laughing so hard at this meme but I also feel bad because I'm really late.

[2:02:27 AM] Planr: so there was just a big opossum in my back yard
[2:02:32 AM] Planr: our dogs were barking like crazy
[2:02:37 AM] Planr: its 2 in the morning here so
[2:02:39 AM] Planr: awful time, plus i have school tomorrow
[2:03:03 AM] Planr: my mom had the delusion that people were going to shoot our dogs because they were making noise... she's a bit unrealistic and paranoid. its an expensive suburban country club neighborhood.
[2:03:13 AM] Planr: she wouldnt even let me call animal control
[2:03:33 AM] Planr: but we had to get the dogs out of the backyard
[2:03:36 AM] Planr: so we could go to sleep
[2:03:37 AM] Planr: so yeah
[2:04:05 AM] Planr: i brought a large kitchen knife out just in case the opossum attacked her and she needed help
[2:04:17 AM] Planr: brought laser pointers and a nerf longshot too to try to scare the animal away or something; idk
[2:04:31 AM] Planr: she was out there in sandals and pajamas trying to lure our dogs in to the house with an opossum baring its fangs 2 meters away from her

tl;dr, what a way to end the weekend.

anyone else had any wild animal encounters lately?

Off Topic / I possibly got phished by a phony Teamspeak site.
« on: April 21, 2014, 12:14:28 PM »
So the other day I needed to get Teamspeak so I could join the Tester chatroom for the Starmade Dev Livestream we were doing with MushroomFleet in the new Q&A.
I was in a hurry, and I had already dealt with Teamspeak before and found it to be a really crappy program compared to skype, with a hideous interface and website.
So I went to "" to try and get the program, but I couldn't seem to find a download tab. Being in a hurry (the livestream was already starting), I went ahead and made an account, hoping I would be able to get to a download link that way.
Unfortunately, it did nothing, and when I asked for help on the Tester Skype Chatroom, I was directed to the correct site. Only then was I told by Comr4de and others that the site I visited wasn't legit.

So, i've got a big problem on my hands. I had put in all my personal information into the account I made, including my home address. I also used the password I use for all my accounts (i know, beat me over the head for being simple in that regard). So, I've reported the site to google and I've changed my BL Forum, Gmail, and Skype passwords (my tinypic password was already different so i should be fine there), and I also need to change my Starmade site password, but I can't currently as the website has a bug where there is no option to change your password.

So yeah. This sucks.

Off Topic / How do I create a SKYPE account?
« on: April 15, 2014, 10:40:57 PM »

I'm trying to create a skype account so I can log in on my Skype program, but apparently when I registered for Skype it made me make a Microsoft account instead and told me I could only log in through skype this way. Problem is, I was never given a username to sign in with. I've tried using my email address and my actual name to log in to the Skype program, but it tells me those usernames aren't valid. No, I am not misspelling it. No, there is nothing wrong with the program. I just need to make a regular skype account like I used to have to so I can log in the normal way. This is the gayest crap ever.

Anyone use Skype that could lend a hand? I've tried using the Skype website's crappy support section FAQs to try and help solve my problem, but they don't help.

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