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Topics - Swholli

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Gallery / Scotts Home, Thursay 12-20-07
« on: December 20, 2007, 11:43:05 PM »
Sorry, no winners today, because the server wasn't there. I am however here to announce something that came to my attention the other day as a really good idea, so actually, I have two ideas. Here they go:

1. Falcondude brought up a very interesting and possibly entertaining idea. I'm gonna to get together some of the good builders of Scotts Home, and some new ones from Blockland to come a do a big festive compilation of all our skills. I have no idea what that theme will be as of now, but hopefully it works. Note: anyone can come and build that day just don't ask for trust on any of the builders (who will most likely be admins) so you can't screw with the big thing we'll be working on. If decided upon however by the builders the server may be password protected that day.

2. I don't know how many of you do this, this time of year, but I always have had some kind of game I go online to and throw a new years party. This year I'll be throwing one on Blockland! WEEE! Yeah. Ah-hem. Anyway, the party will just be a freebuild the whole day, no contests, just do something new years related. What will set this off as different than any other day is that we will have a mod (that i'm working on) of a keg or glass of beer of some kind. I'm hoping that if I get it right, once drank the beer will cause your controls to go loopy for a short period of time and will be different after every drink. Plus, I'm gonna use wrench events, or trap bricks, or something of the other to drop the 'ball' vehicle at 12:00 PM EST standard time (sorry, I live in Ohio) it'll probably set off fire works and stuff, drop confetti or something, and finally play old lang syn as mission music so everyone can hear it. It'll be awesome if I get it working.

So thats the news as of today, Sorry I didn't put up the server for those of you who like it.

Peace, and an early happy Christmas!


Gallery / Scotts Home, Wednesday 12-19-07
« on: December 19, 2007, 11:44:04 PM »
Alrighty... going this time along with the hot coco, what better to go with that, than, Christmas cookies! Now I was a little flexible on this one, it really was intended for cut out cookies, but everyone kept doing chocolate chip. So, when Nick found a loophole, I let him slide, and he won:

The cookies although aren't Christmas the plate is, therefor making them Christmas. Its a confusing thing, but it makes sense, so congratulations on a cool looking plate scene there.

Still looking for prizes...

Gallery / Scotts Home, Tuesday 12-18-07
« on: December 18, 2007, 10:20:04 PM »
Ok, todays topic was hot coco, cause its still freakin cold out.

Winner: Falcon dude with his awesome table:

Honorable mention with an equally awesome cupo of java coco, Warren:

Still no idea on prizes...

Gallery / Scotts Home, Monday 12-17-07
« on: December 17, 2007, 12:44:51 PM »
Today was, a, SNOWDAY. SNOWDAY!!!  Few... that was good.

So, since I had nothing better to have as a theme, Snowday was the theme. Also known as "anything snow related". So, once again, our good friend SPIDERPIG came to the rescue with his Santa sleigh:

That would be your second win so far, now prize ideas. PRIZE SUGGESTIONS ARE WANTED.

Gallery / Scotts Home, Sunday 12-16-07
« on: December 16, 2007, 09:18:48 PM »
Going right along with the igloo theme, here comes the snowmen!

Todays winner goes to Falcondude with his snowman scene:

Its a pretty awesome build if I say so myself, and yes, still looking for prize possibilities.

Oh, and if tomorrows not a snowday, the server will be open at about 4:00 PM at the latest (sadly I'm still in high school). See yah.


Gallery / Scotts Home, Saturday 12-15-07
« on: December 16, 2007, 10:27:30 AM »
Since where I live the forecast was a crap load of snow, I decided the theme for the day should be Igloos.

This time I got a few good entries and guess who came to my server? Spiderpig.. and he built an igloo... and won.

Now, I never set any specifications, so it isn't exactly your standardized igloo, however, it is made of snow and is very creative, so he won.

There was also the runner up Meese for his interesting igloo. I still don't have any prizes to give other than this and admin for the day... so if anyone has any good ideas, feel free to tell me.


Modification Help / Sound helps please
« on: December 15, 2007, 01:20:46 PM »
This should be easy. All I want is a code that will make something play a sound for the 'New Rewards' System in the Add-Ons section. Something like the UT or Halo 'Headshot' Sounds is what I'm aiming for. I'll do the sounds, I just need the code to play duh sound.



Gallery / Scotts Home, Firday 12-14-07
« on: December 14, 2007, 10:46:51 PM »
Ok, maybe you'll think its a good idea, maybe not. But if you've been on the server Scotts Home, then you'll know I had a little competition to see who could build the best of something of that theme. I don't know if anyone likes that idea, or if anyones tried it yet, but I thought it was good.

So todays theme being Friday was : "Dance Clubs"

No one entered but one person:


So she won, heres her entry:

Don't rate really unless its good (this one is ok, but not what you should rate on).

So, if you want to join in the competition, we're gonna try to do this everyday, so you'll get to be posted on the forums, and we're trying to think of a good prize to give away, any suggestions on that would be great also. Join Scotts Home tomorrow, and you can see the new theme to try and win, whatever we give away.


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