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Topics - TheBlackParrot

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Music / Well, forget you texas.
« on: June 23, 2011, 02:58:11 AM »
Yes, I perfectly looped that song.
If you don't know this song, go to the "4chan trolls ghost" topic in Off-Topic.

And I felt like this needed it's own thread.

EDIT: I have nothing against Texas. In fact, I lived there for a few years.

Music / My loop pack [36 loops], also taking requests
« on: June 22, 2011, 06:24:19 PM »

Artist - Title (hyperlinked to a YouTube video containing the song)
YouTube link
1. Eric Prydz - Call On Me
2. Doop - Doop
3. Bloom 06 - Blue
4. David Guetta - Memories
5. Bad Lip Reading - Magic Man
6. Kitsune^2 - Crab Nicholson Extreme Sleepover
7. Pendulum - The Island Part 1
8. Mr. Oizo - No Day Massacre
9. The Immigrant - Summer of Love (Tommy Trash Remix)
10. Tom Follin - Title (Pictionary NES)
11. Weird Wilbur - forget You Texas
12. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Hyrule Castle Halls
13. Donkey Kong 64 - Hideout Helm (During Countdown)
14. Mario Kart Wii - Toad's Factory
15. Terraria - Boss Fight
16. Mayhem - Dan's Got a Fever
17. The Lonely Island - The Creep
18. Escape the Fate - Issues
19. Robert Miles - Fable
20. Skrillex - All I Ask of You
21. Skrillex - Kill Everybody
22. Basshunter - Boten Anna
23. Daft Punk - Derezzed
24. Daft Punk - Fragile (Redlight Remix)
25. Justice - Dvno
26. TeddlyLoid - Fly Away
27. Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Waluigi Pinball
28. Bad Lip Reading - Dirty Spaceman
29. Bad Lip Reading - (Rockin') All Nite Long
30. Rymdreglage - 8-Bit Trip
31. Mike Tompkins Rolling in the Deep (Acapella Cover)
32. Swedish House Mafia - Save The World (Mikael Wills and Justin Sane Remix)
33. Disasteradio - Gravy Rainbow
34. Fatboy Slim - Magic Carpet Ride
35. TheBlackParrot - Hey Look a Loop
36. Justice - Civilization

Get requestin' so I can add some stuff to this, lol.

The pack is hosted in my Dropbox, so it should update rather quickly without a change in the link.

Help / Dedicated server authentication problems
« on: June 12, 2011, 05:08:51 PM »
In the console:
No user/host entry in master server, re-sending authentication request
Authentication: Sending Initial Request...

And then most of the time it never does anything afterwards, except for the usual "Posting to rtb/master server". The server also does not appear in the list when this happens, but if it manages to report a "SUCCESS" for the authentication, the server appears.

I can still connect to the server through my local IP and, but not (I feel better leaving that x'd out, even though I know nobody can do anything.)

webcom_postserver(); also does not help.

Any ideas?

Off Topic / Skype, y u do this
« on: May 29, 2011, 06:45:02 PM »
So I'm just browsing the internet like usual, and something called "EasyBitGames" wanted access through Skype.

I declined it out of suspicion
And what do I see installed in my start menu?

The godforsaken thing that wanted access.

Apparently, a lot of people are seeing this too.

Anyone else seeing anything?

Music / paradise
« on: May 22, 2011, 05:09:09 PM »

pair of dice
parent dice
para dies
parrot dies
parrot ice
pair of dyes

Creativity / Remixes and stuff, yeah. [updateded]
« on: May 14, 2011, 11:25:16 PM »
(misspelling was intentional)
This time I'll keep it updated, I think I've improved enough to where most of you will like it.

[ORG] = Original song
[RMX] = Remix

The most recent stuff will be on the bottom of the lists.

EDIT: If you want to download any of them for free, just enter 0 in the "Buy now" thing.

June stuff:
[ORG] TheBlackParrot - Selection :: 6:17
[RMX] Adele - Rolling in the Deep (TBP Re-Remix) :: 4:57
[RMX] Britney Spears - Til' The World Ends (TBP Remix) :: 4:57 <--- Most recent!

May stuff:
[RMX] Katy Perry - E.T. (TBP Remix) :: 6:01
[RMX] Lady GaGa - Bad Romance (TBP Remix) :: 7:15
[RMX] Paramore - Crushcrushcrush (TBP Remix) :: 5:26
[RMX/ORG] TheBlackParrot - Symphony of Bittersweetness :: 3:35
[RMX] ??? - Epic Sax Guy (TBP Remix) :: 4:00
[RMX] Michael Jackson - They Don't Care About Us (TBP Remix) :: 4:27
[ORG] TheBlackParrot - Marshmellow Cream :: 6:10

70 84 watchers/subscribers on one website.
27 30 watchers/subscribers on YouTube.

Off Topic / Any free video editors that are good/slightly good?
« on: May 02, 2011, 10:13:04 PM »
Movie Maker 2.6 isn't working for me in Windows 7, even with compatibility mode.
I don't want the Live version either, It takes like 4 times as long for it to render videos.

I just want to be able to use a picture, or even nothing at all with music playing. (like this for example.) That's all I want to do. I don't want to have to wait 15, 20 minutes for a 480p video to render, when it use to take 5, 6 minutes on XP.

Off Topic / What the hell did I just play?
« on: April 24, 2011, 01:04:40 AM »

...I'm at loss for words.

Creativity / I took a stab at remixing a while ago.
« on: April 17, 2011, 03:00:08 AM »
like, a month ago to be exact, and I think I've improved since the last time you've heard my music and stuff, which was 2 months ago.
EDIT: 1:50 and on is the part I primarily wanted you guys to hear.

I know I have ~60 fans at the moment, sadly none of them use, so...


This is happening more often. It's jumping around from 35% to about 90%.

Intel Pentium 4 "Northwood" 2.0GHz - 400MHz FSB - single core, quite obviously
Intel i845G chipset; micro ATX size
Windows XP Pro SP3

7 tabs in Chrome are open, and I do have an adblocker enabled. Nothing involving Flash is running.
Skype is running, currently in a call.
Steam is running.
Winamp (the old v2.95 one) is running in the background, playing music. (usually VBR Q4 mp3s) is running in the background.
YIM is running in the background.
Avira is running in the background.
Samurize (the thing pictured) is running, but that's only using about 1%, sometimes 0%. It only updates once per second.
RocketDock is running on my 2nd monitor, but it too is only using about 1%.
Total of 58 processes.

And this is usually common for me.
I'm low on money atm, and I cannot get a new computer. The highest I could upgrade my processor is a 2.4GHz 400MHz Pentium 4, which isn't much of an upgrade, it seems.

EDIT: I want to save up for a lot of games on Steam, but I can't play them because of my processor. Everything I want is saying I'd have to have at least a 3GHz Pentium 4. There are no 400MHz FSB Pentium 4s at this speed.

Off Topic / Akinator knows Badspot.
« on: April 13, 2011, 02:19:47 AM »

this isn't old news, is it?

Games / Review of Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown
« on: April 12, 2011, 05:38:53 PM »
Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown for the PSX/PS1
"It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, but I'm all out of gum."

Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown for the Playstation 1 is a port of Duke Nukem 3D on the PC. This port debuted in 1997, 1 year after the PC version's initial release. To my surprise, this game did not support the brown townog sticks. Using the D-Pad for this kind of game just isn't grand. It's just not.

Like the original game, you're shooting up mutated pigs and lizards that all look the same, you're getting steroids to run uber fast while running into walls, and watching pixelated strippers in pixelated strip bars around the game. I'd rather shoot them to tick off the mutations personally.

I played the game on the ePSXe v1.7.0 emulator, but I own the original PC port and it's expansion pack. I've beaten it several times, so yeah.

There is little story in the game except for a brief text prelude located under "Help" in the Main Menu, and a few cutscenes after the completion of an episode. The introduction establishes that the game picks up right after the events of Duke Nukem II, with Duke returning to Earth in his space cruiser. As Duke descends on Los Angeles in hopes for a vacation, a blast rips through from unknown hostiles and critically damages Duke's ship. While sending a distress signal, Duke learns that aliens are attacking Los Angeles and have mutated the LAPD. With his plans now ruined, Duke hits the "eject" button, and vows to do whatever it takes to stop the alien invasion.
It is true, there really isn't much of a story to the game. Unless you just want to say "Oh, he's just doing this for the 'chicks', not the world."
To be honest, I don't really think the 'chicks' would care, really.

STORY: 6/10

Be warned, it's pixelated goodness.

Sorry, ePSXe isn't liking this game too much.

The graphics are what you would expect from a PSX game; they're really not all great with today's standards, but I think they were actually really good for it's time. Some of the sprites were edited a bit, like the Lizard Trooper's corpse sprite (pictured above, top-right), and the Pig Cop's sprites were improved some.
Some animated elements of the game were a tad glitchy, and I don't think it was ePSXe's fault. For example, the fire in the dumpster in the beginning of level 1 in L.A. Meltdown will not start animating until you get close to it.


Oh don't get me started. The controls aren't good.
Turning around is a little hard to get use to. Sometimes it's too slow; sometimes it's too fast. To look up and down, you have to use L1 and L2 (buttons 5 and 7 on my controller, but the layout is just like a PS1 controller, so...) which I find to be difficult to use.

To move around, you press either up or down on the D-Pad. You cannot strafe left or right in this port, sadly. You move about the same speed as if you had steroids in the original PC game, which I think is a little too fast.

  • L1 - Look up
  • L2 - Look down
  • R1 - Jump
  • R2 - Crouch
  • D-Pad Up/Down - Move forward/backward
  • D-Pad Left/Right - Turn left/right; holding it down will cause you to turn a bit faster.
  • Select - Toggle map of the map
  • Start - Pauses game/brings up a menu
  • Triangle [B1] - Open doors, activate switches, etc.
  • Square [B4] - I honestly do not think this has anything bound to it. Nothing happened when I pressed it throughout the game.
  • X [B3] - Fires weapon
  • Circle [B2] - Switches to next weapon in inventory.
  • brown townog sticks do nothing in this game.
Thankfully, it does help you aim in the game with an autoaim. Not very helpful, but is a bit helpful.

CONTROLS: 4/10 - This really could've been done a bit better.

The music was actually top-notch for it's time. I especially enjoyed the 2 remixes of the 'Stalker' theme (one can be heard on level 1 of L.A. Meltdown, and the other on level 2 of L.A. Meltdown.)

The game features ~30 music tracks, some are remixes of the original .mid files from the PC game, and some are original music. Imagine the genres of Trance and Rock combined in the year 1997, and this is what they would sound like. They do not loop once they finish, which is a little disappointing there.

The sounds are alright. Some come from the original game, and some are slightly different. The pistol sound, for example, actually sounds better in this game. The shotgun remained the same though.


The game is OK. The controls are hard to get use to, but the graphics and music make up for it. Did I also mention there are 4 episodes you can choose from?

STORY: 6/10

I've never done this before, so any feedback/suggestions would be appreciated.

Creativity / Samurize stuff
« on: April 12, 2011, 01:08:30 AM »
This was just a simple media player info thing I made. Used it for about 3 hours and made something else.

I made this to go along with my XP theme. I used a lot more "PrefMon"s than I would usually use for stuff like this. Been using it up until now, which is... 3 days.

Made this back when I first started using Samurize over Rainmeter. Used this for about a week.

Made this when I first hooked up my old CRT monitor as a secondary monitor. Used this for about 3 weeks.

meh. Used this for about 3 days.

I challenged myself to make an iPod, and so I did. The buttons work too. Used this for 1 hour.

I wanted something that would go along with my Mac wallpapers. Used this for about 2 weeks, on and off.

Experimented to see if I could create a spinoff of SpringBoard and the iPad's lockscreen. Used this for about a week.
(I no longer use MM.)

I liked a top bar better, so I made this to go along with my XP theme. Also made just now, so...

Something old I made when I first got Samurize. Used this for... a week, I think.

Experimented to see if I could make a spinoff of the Android's stock media player. Used this for 10 seconds because it slowed my computer down a lot.

Anyone else ever heard of/use Samurize?
(Also, that is the old Winamp. v2.95 to be precise.)

Creativity / [Song] Type 2 Adult Onset Diabeetus
« on: March 15, 2011, 09:10:46 PM »
Someone at school asked me to do it, and I think this is the best thing I've ever created.


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