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Topics - Nicepoint

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Forum Games / Describe the above user's avatar with one word v2
« on: February 16, 2017, 01:00:33 PM »
I took the idea from Here


Off Topic / [Poll] Which political party of the US do you prefer
« on: January 23, 2017, 02:53:23 AM »
Here we will see the opinion of the BLF on the political parties of the US

You don't have to be american to vote here, just choose the party you prefer over the others

Suggestions & Requests / Endless Zombies compatible Slayer
« on: December 07, 2016, 05:14:25 AM »
I'm going to bring back my Endless Zombies server and I need a Slayer mod with a version that works best with Endless Zombies.

The newest version has problems with round end trigger being last player standing instead of all players dead.

So if anyone has the newest compatible version of Slayer, I'd like to have it.

Off Topic / Nicepoint's Pollfest: Which comment section is most cancer?
« on: November 17, 2016, 01:10:32 AM »

It's basically the great debate topic, but with more meme.

Why you ripoff?

K den, what do I do?
I make the poll, you vote. During voting you can also suggest ideas for other polls and I'll consider them.

You can also PM me suggestions if you want.

Poll Queue

Which word is most cancer? [Solved] Winner: "Bae"

Who is most friend? [Solved] Winner: "Notorious B.I.G."

Which meme is most dead? [Solved] Winner: "John Cena"

Which comment section is most cancer? [Active]

What is love? [Queue]

Off Topic / Nicepoint's Pollfest: Which word is most cancer?
« on: November 16, 2016, 05:50:15 AM »

It's basically the great debate topic, but with more meme.

Why you ripoff?

K den, what do I do?
I make the poll, you vote.
During voting you can also suggest ideas for poll themes or options and I'll consider them.

Poll Queue

Which word is most cancer? [Active]

Who is most friend? [Queue]

Forum Games / YOU WHAT YOU LOSE V1
« on: October 06, 2016, 07:15:21 AM »
Let's get going

Any video that weirds you out, cringe and creepy stuff are okay

Help / WebCom_PostServer() error
« on: June 14, 2016, 05:06:17 AM »
I started up my dedicated server and was faced with this error:
Code: [Select]
ERROR: WebCom_PostServer() - mission is not running
BackTrace: ->TCPClient::onDone->UpdaterTCP::onDone->UpdaterRepoHandlerSG::queueOnDownloadFinished->UpdaterRepoHandlerSG::queueRemove->UpdaterRepoHandlerSG::queueOnEmpty->updaterDediContinue->initDedicated->createServer->createMission->[Event_Server]onMissionLoaded->[Slayer_FxDtsBrick]onMissionLoaded->[Slayer_MiniGameHandlerSG]onMissionLoaded->onMissionLoaded->webcom_postserver


General Discussion / Nicepoint's Endless Zombies
« on: June 07, 2016, 03:03:05 PM »

What is this?
This is a server I've been hosting since early 2015. Now I bring it back for the summer (I hope) and host it as often as I can.

What do I do?
This game is about killing zombies, getting paid about killing zombies, using the money to buy better weapons to kill even more zombies and so on. The theme is the perfect lovechild of Black Ops Zombies, Cookie Clicker and Legos.

There are no specific rules other than not spamming. Use common sense and don't begin needless arguments. If there are problems, simply ask the staff.

Moderators:Admins:Super Admins:
RedconerBlockStarGerNicepoint [Host]
Cannon666Dragonoid SlayerMac Workin
some random idiot

If I forgot you from the list, send me a personal message and I will add you in.

Application for moderator works with the following form:
Forum Name:
In-game Name:
Reason why I should accept you over others:
Moderation history:

NOTE: Moderation history is not limited only to the position of moderator. As long as you have enforced the servers security and order.
NOTE: Please make sure that I can ask the people who have recommended you for confirmation.





Off Topic / Are you addicted to BLF?
« on: April 28, 2016, 05:13:49 AM »

The 3 day ban from King of Page x was a pain to me...

Forum Games / BLF makes the best name ever 2.0
« on: April 25, 2016, 07:09:14 AM »

Exept, now we got some rules. You can add max 5 words in the name.

Let's get this stuff going

Off Topic / Funny forum post thread
« on: April 18, 2016, 04:10:48 AM »
It's simple, take a screenshot of a funny post, post it here!

Here, follow my lead:

Gallery / Annoying Orange is building the wall
« on: February 28, 2016, 09:49:15 AM »

Forum Games / BLF Guide to The Internet
« on: February 17, 2016, 08:36:32 AM »
This is simple!
Post here Rules or Tips on how to win the internet.

Post like dis:

Poster #1
"Rule 1. Don't post rule 1"

Poster #2
"Rule 2. Don't do stuff"

Poster #3
"Tip 1. Don't scrubscribe to Sam Pepper"

Poster #4
"Rule 3. Don't annoy the anon"
"Tip 2. Don't annoy the anon"

and so on

Here, Ill start:

Rule 1. [You need Blockland Gold to view this rule]


Also would like to know if a bot can also be immune to damage from players but not other bots.

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