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Topics - Kingdaro

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Off Topic / Youtube video randomly disappears...? (Chrome)
« on: December 21, 2013, 03:37:36 PM »
I've been having this issue lately with YouTube, where the video sometimes just disappears right off the page:

I had a bunch of extensions enabled, and I disabled all of them, but the issue still presists. I've searched across google a couple of times and haven't found any valid or up-to-date answers.

Anyone else have this issue?

Off Topic / Parents working long hours.
« on: November 08, 2013, 06:48:29 PM »
Topic title changed because "pissed" wasn't really the right word.

Essentially, both my mom and my dad leave home at around 6:00 - 7:00 AM, and come home as late as 10 PM. My mom is a manager at McDonalds, and my dad is a communications director at the business department of a school. Because of where we live, it's a 30 minute drive every morning and evening.

Ordinarily, I wouldn't really care as much since most of what I do doesn't involve them, but it's problematic if I need to actually talk to them about something, because Mom often goes straight to bed after she comes home, and my dad doesn't really ever want to talk about anything, complaining "wow omfg i just got home leave me alone" and "dude can this wait i'm working on something" 80% of the time.

Plus...I guess I just get lonely, and I am worried for them, as working this long probably isn't all too healthy. To my knowledge, they don't get paid very much for their jobs at all, nor do they receive overtime (I don't think overtime applies in either case, but I'm not sure).

Luckily, I guess, we'll be moving sometime next year, and they'll both get new jobs, plus I'll be going to a college nearby, so I hope everything should work out by then.

Yeah, I know, "blogland forums" and all that, but I just wanted to talk to you guys, and maybe see if any of you have similar situations.

Off Topic / Faith in humanity has doubled.
« on: November 02, 2013, 10:47:49 PM »
Apparently there are these guys on YouTube who are randomly doing good deeds, e.g. giving $100 to homeless people, paying for people's meals in a drive-thru and tipping a waitress $200. Watching these videos has made me smile immensely and it's great watching these people's reactions.

You can find the channel here:

Drama / Re: "I am quitting"
« on: October 27, 2013, 09:39:30 PM »
As in, this topic:

If I can, may I discuss the legibility of this ban? Otherwise, I'll have the topic locked and I'll simply go with that the ban was indeed legitimate for whatever reason.

Of course, it's easy to simply fake a story like this, e.g. "my friend/sibling did it" so I won't take into account the story he's posted on his profile. What I will take into account is some points of relevance:
  • If you look at his recent posts, the typing style of the topic and grammar are both completely different from the rest of his posts.
  • He made a post a minute and 40 seconds after the topic was posted. If he were quitting, why post right after making the topic? There could be many reasons for a very timely post after another quitting post, such as furthering your Self Delete by posting research, or "spreading the message" of your leave, but in this post, he seemed to not know it even existed.
  • Adding onto the last part of the previous point, his latest post, "WHAT THE forget", makes it seem a bit obvious that the topic was posted without his knowing.
  • There was a post sixteen seconds right before that quitting topic, again unrelated to the quitting thread. Isn't the posting limit 20 seconds?

And if all of the above points were all planned/staged, why even pull all of this bullstuff in the first place? He's been a member since 2010, and I didn't know him very well (or at all really) but it doesn't seem like something this person would do "just because". A member of three years should know very well by now that a quitting topic leads to a permanent ban, and his mildly frequent posting showed no signs of a desired permanent leave.

However, it is possible that something happened outside of the forums (or outside of BL in general, still relating to us) that would prompt him to do something like this, but that doesn't exactly explain the frequency of (completely unrelated, I might add) posts before and after the topic's creation.

Again, if this is something I shouldn't be discussing, I'll lock and move on, but I'd just like to bring this to people's attention.

Off Topic / late for meeting
« on: October 25, 2013, 08:03:30 PM »

Off Topic / CryptoLocker - Ransomware, hardcore as stuff.
« on: October 23, 2013, 06:31:31 PM »
CryptoLocker is essentially a virus that encrypts your entire computer and gives you a limited amount of time to pay $300 to gain access to your files back.

The encryption algorithm used is basically uncrackable, and attempting to remove or interfere with the virus will cause your time to end, and you're left with a brick of a PC unless you wipe your drive.

From what I've read, you should be fine as long as you don't download random attachments from emails.


Wikipedia entry:
Encrypting ransomware reappeared in 2013 with a worm known as "CryptoLocker". Distributed as either an attachment to a malicious e-mail or as a drive-by download, CryptoLocker encrypts data with the RSA-2048 algorithm on any local or network storage devices that the computer can access. While the public key is stored on the computer, the private key is stored on a command and control server; CryptoLocker demands a payment of US$300 with either pre-paid cash or Bitcoin to recover the key and begin unencrypting files, and threatens to delete the private key if a payment is not received within a certain timeframe.

Off Topic / It's star9578's birthday!
« on: October 07, 2013, 05:02:23 PM »
If you don't know who he is, it's this super cool guy.

Happy 17th!

Off Topic / Notch quits(?) work on 0x10c for smaller games
« on: August 19, 2013, 03:58:17 PM »
Back before anyone knew who I was, I used to wanted to make huge games. Games where you can do anything, and everything you see in the game is there for a reason in the game. No fake doors that don’t lead anywhere, no trees you can’t cut down, and no made up story being told to the player to motivate them. Instead, the player would make their own story, and interact with the game world, decide for themselves what they want to do.

I’ve worked on two games like this. The first one I made with Rolf, and it was called Wurm Online, and it’s slow and grindy, but amazing. A few years later, I made Minecraft just as indie games were becoming a big thing, and it absolutely exploded. Because I enjoy talking to the players and community, and possibly because I will gladly share my opinions on things, I became recognized and got loads of fans. And then my tweets started becoming gaming news.

About a year ago, I started working on a third “omg you can do anything” game, called 0x10c. It was supposed to be a space game about actually being in character in space rather than playing as a space ship like you do in most space games. You’d try to keep your ship live while shooting aliens with laser guns, putting out fires and programming your own virtual computer in the ship. It was quite ambitious, but I was fairly sure I could pull it off. And besides, if I failed, so what? A lot of my prototypes fail way before they get anywhere at all.

What I hadn’t considered was that a lot more people cared about my games now. People got incredibly excited, and the pressure of suddenly having people care if the game got made or not started zapping the fun out of the project. I spent a lot of time thinking about if I even wanted to make games any more. I guess I could just stop talking about what I do, but that doesn’t really come all that natural to me. Over time I kinda just stopped working on it, and then eventually decided to mentally file it as “on ice” and try doing some smaller things. Turns out, what I love doing is making games. Not hyping games or trying to sell a lot of copies. I just want to experiment and develop and think and tinker and tweak.

Recently, I was streaming some Team Fortress 2, and got asked about the progress on 0x10c. I said I wasn’t working on it, and it became news. I understand why, and it really shouldn’t surprise me, but I really really don’t want to turn into another under delivering visionary game designer. The gaming world has enough of those.

Some people in the 0x10c community decided to work together to make their own version of their game, called Project Trillek. I find this absolutely amazing. I want to play this game so much, but I am not the right person to make it. Not any more. I’m convinced a new team with less public interest can make a vastly superior game than what I would make.

Last week, I participated in the 7dfps and made a hectic shooter greatly inspired by Doom, called Shambles, and it was some of the most fun programming I’ve done in many months. This is what I want to do. I want to do smaller games that can fail. I want to experiment and develop and think and tinker and tweak.

So that’s what I’m going to do.

I’ll also keep talking to the players and I’ll keep streaming myself rocket jumping in tf2 for whoever wants to listen to or watch that, but for now I don’t want to work on anything big.

TL;DR: He's tired of people hopping on his stuff when he starts big projects, and the pressure of him having to complete it and it having to be the best thing ever was too much, so he'll start on smaller projects that would have less repercussions if they were to fail.

Meanwhile, another group of people are now resuming the work of 0x10c under a different name.

And in my opinion, he's doing the right thing. I've actually been where he is (of course on a much, much lower scale) with my game, "That Falling Box Game", which was originally meant to be a silly little arcade fighter game, but then expanded into this huge project that I took months to work on. Every time someone asked me about it, I almost cry thinking about how it's been recoded a million times and would probably never get into a finished form, and that I could disappoint too many people.

This post was kind of touching.

Off Topic / PSA: [code][/code] vs. [tt][/tt]
« on: August 06, 2013, 10:10:23 PM »
I wouldn't be surprised if I'm the only one who feels this way. Regardless, this:

Code: [Select]
print "Hello World!"

Is ugly as forget. All it does is make the text smaller and obscure it in front of an unattractive, gray, unpadded background. Doesn't even have syntax highlighting.

A nice alternative is [tt][/tt]:

print "Hello World!"

At least then, the text is far more readable, and is in a monospaced font.

If you wonderful forum-goers would be so kind as to use the latter rather than code tags, that would be great. Thanks.

Off Topic / I hate being nocturnal.
« on: July 28, 2013, 10:24:00 AM »
forgetin' anyone who's actually doing anything is probably on the other side of the world speaking whatever ching chong ying pong wow language or some stuff.

Always during the summer, my sleep pattern manages to get flipped backwards, inside-out and upside-down until nothing intelligible remains.

Discuss forgeted up sleeping I guess.

Off Topic / Makanix is streaming LSD Dream Emulator!
« on: July 26, 2013, 11:17:39 PM »

Also, seizure warning.

Off Topic / Oh hey, another BLF style.
« on: July 24, 2013, 02:40:27 AM »

Was going for sort of a CrunchBang-ish feel, and it ended up looking a lot like the Steam theme.

If you guys like it, with a few tweaks here and there, I'll think about uploading it on the stylish website.

Only thing, not sure what to do about the ugly-ass buttons...

Off Topic / research blocked by default in the UK.
« on: July 22, 2013, 04:18:48 AM »

Of course, you can just turn the filters off, but it's still hilarious that they're actually trying.
Silly Britcigarettes, I can't hear you over my FREEDOM.

Creativity / Node Blaster - A silly little space shooter thing.
« on: July 20, 2013, 10:46:34 PM »
So I return to the realms of love2d, with a sort of small project I've been working on in the past couple of days.

It's relatively simple; you're a ship, flying through space, and you shoot the enemies that fly down, trying to damage you on touch. Kill these enemies, and you get points. You can get more points by collecting the purple gems that they may drop (10% chance). There's also a powerful laser that appears later in the game.

Virus scan: townysis/1374374693/

Bitbucket Page:

Instructions are on the title screen. You have the choice of holding to shoot with autofire, or mashing the Z and X keys to shoot a little faster.
And yes, I know you can use an automatic relay, but it's your choice if you'd rather win over challenging yourself.

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