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Topics - ScratchTehEPICSpaceDude

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I forgot it, what was it?

Yes, it's my sister birthday! Time to celebrate! :D

EpicMuffin's on!

Featuring Kalphiter's New Years 2012 Music Pack! Come one, come all!

Off Topic / Question about Wine installation on Mac.
« on: August 26, 2012, 07:28:40 PM »
It's taking a REALLY long time, should that be? Here's where I am right now.


What's going on?

It always worked, it never did this.

It can't even open.

Drama / Abelboto has returned with his stupidity under the name Buu.
« on: August 25, 2012, 03:33:56 PM »
Ok, so Abelboto has returned, yes he is Buu. And he is completely low this time.

A couple of days ago, my grandfather had his 2nd stroke ever, so I made a thread about it. Everyone was supporting me, sharing condolences and making me feel better, until:
I have a feeling this is fake
Are you loving KIDDING me? This is very low, even for you, Abelboto, or should I say Buu.

So, I proceeded to say this:
I hope you're kidding.

That's it. This is ALL I said. Of course:
handicap, were did I imply IT WAS fake?

REALLY?! Are you serious?!? I began to reason with him.
I'M the handicap? You were the handicap. Your really think this is fake? Why would I waste my vacation time researching Wikipedia, getting details on the incident, exposing my family, and posting it into a thread?

That brings us to today. After my vacation ended 2 days ago, he decided to send a loving stuffload of PMs, which I list here.

you're so handicapped it hurts
Responding to my last post about him on the thread.

oh yeah, I'm handicapped, look at the "castle wars" game-mode you made
What? Irrelavant.

ALSO, NOT TO MENTION, you get overly defensive over stuff you get involved, get EXTREMLY butthurt, not to mentioned YOU'RE EASILY TROLLED BY ANYONE, and you then make a drama after wards since you can't FINISH A FIGHT WITH SOME-ONE IN BLOCKLAND AT ALL, and besides, you quit on everything you start on, remember that midi and your "rpg"?
Ok, ok, ok, wait. I promised I would not overreact 2 months ago, and have I since? No. I quit on the midi because the file got corrupt. My RPG was horrible and Bot Events was CRC'd banned. Why the forget are you using that against me?

Here, he quoted me replying to him saying I'm working with MIDIs and then quoted me saying the midi got corrupt. I did not say I was working on THAT midi. Use your head.

I'm sorry, but I have a right to get loving butthurt.

I'm stupid? No, you're stupid.


looks who talking
Hello? That's from a long time ago. You may notice he forgeted up the top thing. It was treynolds insulting me for no reason in my shut down Dedicated Hosting Service.

WOW, just, wow
Ok, what.

how can you not know I'm an alt?

really, take a wild who's alt am i
I replied to him saying you're new, not knowing he was Abelboto, and why you were so butthurt against me. But oh, ho, ho, I was wrong.

forget, nvm

Im an alt of abelboto since everyone mis-spelled it and it got old
Well there we go. Wait, did you EVER get banned? I haven't seen it or remember it.



(argument ends)
Oh, really?

Sorry if I sound butthurt, but all I said was are you kidding and apparently that brews a stuffstorm filled with stupidity from yours truly, who? Oh right, Abelboto, or should I say Buu. /discuss

Off Topic / Cool Discovery I found about Pokemon Games!
« on: August 24, 2012, 06:32:17 PM »
This is about the music.

Ever wondered why'd it sounds, well like it sounds?

That's because the game doesn't contain real sound files!

The game runs with MIDI files!

Pretty cool, huh? I was able to rip off some music files from a Pokemon Black ROM.

Off Topic / NO! My grandfather has had his 2nd stroke; a TIA. :'(
« on: August 22, 2012, 09:11:41 PM »
A transient ischemic attack (spelled ischaemic in British English) (abbreviated as TIA, often referred to as mini stroke) is a transient episode of neurologic dysfunction caused by ischemia (loss of blood flow) – either focal brain, spinal cord or retinal – without acute infarction (tissue death). TIAs share the same underlying etiology (cause) as strokes: a disruption of cerebral blood flow (CBF). TIAs and strokes cause the same symptoms, such as contralateral paralysis (opposite side of body from affected brain hemisphere) or sudden weakness or numbness. A TIA may cause sudden dimming or loss of vision (amaurosis fugax), aphasia, slurred speech and mental confusion. But unlike a stroke, the symptoms of a TIA can resolve within a few minutes or 24 hours. Brain injury may still occur in a TIA lasting only a few minutes. Having a TIA is a risk factor for eventually having a stroke or a silent stroke. A silent stroke or silent cerebral infarct (SCI) differs from a TIA in that there are no immediately observable symptoms. A SCI may still cause long lasting neurological dysfunction affecting such areas as mood, personality and cognition. A SCI often occurs before or after a TIA or major stroke.

Well, a couple of hours ago (I'm on vacation), my dad got an e-mail from his sister that my grandfather had a transient ischemic attack (bascially a mini-stroke) over the weekend (she didn't say it immediately because she wanted us to enjoy our vacation). Crap. Here's the story:

My grandfather was telling a story to my aunt Tricia at her house about how he met the Blake family who owned the Friendly's restaurant chain a long time ago. However, he was having trouble finding words to say. She got quickly concerned and asked my aunt Threse over the phone what to do. Threse got on the phone with my grandfather and asked what he had for lunch. Pope (what I call my grandfather) answered, "A red magazine."

"Dad, go to the hospital now."

He went to the hospital. He was fine, all his scans were OK but yes, he had had a mini-stroke. His 2nd one ever.

He's on a stuffload of medicine right now for an 85-year-old man. My sister wants him to live to 100, but let's just say he's certainly not living another 15 years. Fortunately, our vacation is over tomorrow and we are having dinner with him. I'm glad he's OK now.

tl;dr: Read the whole goddamn thread.

Games / Share your Pokemon Friend Codes!
« on: August 22, 2012, 04:17:18 PM »
Pretty simple, post your Pokemon friend codes that show up in your Pal Pad.

Include your game, name and friend code. Alright, here's mine:

Pokemon Black - John - 0433-5418-5755

Here we go!

Off Topic / I'm back. :\
« on: August 20, 2012, 09:23:20 PM »
Yep, so I got a 1 week ban, and it has expired, so I'm back.

I'm attempting to get my name shortened, so wish me good luck. :)

I'm on vacation! I'm right in the heart of the White Mountains of New Hampshire.

So that's what going on with me.

So guys, what's happening in the Blockland forums?

Off Topic / Forum Challenge: THE ALPHABET
« on: August 13, 2012, 12:02:08 AM »
Can the forums surpass this challenge?

Only time will tell...

PLEASE NOTE: The one letter rule only counts for the OP!


User was banned for this post

Modification Help / Help with modifications on Rampage!
« on: August 12, 2012, 12:00:36 PM »
Ok, so I set the number of levels on Rampage to 15, but there are 2 glitches I need help with.

1.) When you lose, it doesn't go back to the beginning which I want it to do, it restarts the level.

2.) On level 6 and I think beyond, it glitches and says Level Failed the second after it starts.

Please help! Thanks!

Here's the server.cs:

General Discussion / Badspot came on my sister's server! :O
« on: August 11, 2012, 04:27:58 PM »
Check the picture!

Game Modes / Castle Wars by Saxophone!
« on: August 11, 2012, 11:17:56 AM »
Castle Wars!
By Saxophone

Battle in the famous C.T.F. Battle Grounds!

Recommened Players - 2-16

Weapons Used:

Note: This is a DM.


Help / I can't do anything on my own server without crashing.
« on: August 10, 2012, 11:08:05 PM »
I keep getting Runtime errors everytime I try to do something.

Also Slayer doesn't work well.

What the hell?

General Discussion / No Two Ship/Pirate TDM?
« on: August 10, 2012, 03:24:07 PM »
The DM for them isn't that fun. Can we make TDMs for them?

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