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Topics - AutoBahn

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so I spoke to John Freeman a little bit because he told me I had talked to him about trading on Steam(I don't trade for the most part, maybe cards at the most) and found out there's some guy with the screen name of 'Autobahn' who plays BL. I checked his name list, not sure who the forget he is but he's apparently been around for a while.
So who the forget is this guy?

For reference, this is my actual Steam ID. You'll need to sign into steam to see it because I have it private to non-users.

Help / STEAM BUG: Blockland hangs as a process on startup.
« on: June 26, 2014, 01:45:10 PM »
I've been having this weird-ass bug since yesterday where I can't start up BL using Steam. Any time I try, Steam will freeze for roughly five seconds and then the blockland process will hang around, not starting the actual application or anything, at roughly 64,000 bytes of space.

Actually, as I was about to post this, it launched, but that still doesn't solve this in entirety-  I don't want to wait seven minutes just to start the game. Also, it seems to have strange problems ingame - the actual game will freeze up every 30 seconds, and my key won't validate.

This is really strange.
Managed to get a console log from the one time it actually started, it's attached.

Suggestions & Requests / 'Adjustable strength' bricks
« on: June 23, 2014, 02:53:21 PM »
I'd really like it if there was a way to make bricks that were fakekilled stick together as they move instead of just shattering at random, for example, instead of a box blowing apart in all different directions when shot, you could have it tear up into shreds or fly off as one piece. Is this possible?

It'd be nice to be able to manually set a brick's strength versus projectiles/explosions/whatnot, so you could have a 2x2 that could withstand rocket blasts because it's part of a large wall and whatnot, or have a cardboard box be a cardboard box and tear up when hit with just about anything. It'd be cool to have a onplayertouch version of this too, where speed is taken into account so you can only do things to bricks while going at such-and-such a velocity.

Off Topic / I can't stop loving coughing
« on: June 16, 2014, 01:36:57 AM »
Every thirty seconds or so I'll let out this loud-ass cough and my lungs will burn like stuff
It's been getting worse over the last 20 minutes
it loving hurts and I can't breathe without wheezing horribly

Off Topic / Danger Mouse - The Gray Album
« on: June 10, 2014, 08:30:53 PM »
So I normally don't like rap, but a little while ago I found this album on youtube, and it mashes up Jay Z's The Black Album and the Beatles' self titled album, more commonly known as The White Album, thus creating the title. It's actually pretty good, but I haven't heard much of this guy before. It looks like the album's been around for a little while(since 2004[source, also more info on the album]).


Drama / EnjoyedBen2002 - Won't stop bumping topics
« on: June 06, 2014, 08:28:14 AM »
So, I noticed EnjoyedBen2002 has been bumping a stuffload of topics recently.
So I sent him a message about it(two days ago?) asking him to stop.
He continues regardless, so I sent him a message yesterday, asking in a somewhat less polite way for him to stop bumping topics.
He still hasn't loving stopped, or even replied to my messages.

A quote from someone who's done the math on all of his posts:
Out of 42 posts, 48% of those posts are bumps. Yes, I did the math. That's 20 posts that are simply bumps. Please stop.
And of course,
His latest posts. The second page is almost entirely pointless bumps.

Off Topic / Post your voice v.whatevertheforget
« on: May 22, 2014, 09:01:51 PM »
noticed we haven't had one of these threads in a while so I decided to make a new one

Off Topic / Soap
« on: May 21, 2014, 10:00:10 PM »

Discuss soap and soap related accessories things.

Off Topic / What's the most evil computer virus you can think of?
« on: May 12, 2014, 10:01:25 PM »

I think the most evil virus would be one where it stops the user from being able to do anything, including attempting to perform a hard reset, and then promptly attempting to force the physical components of the system to destroy themselves any way they can (ex. spinning up the fans to such a high speed they break, forcing the HDD to scratch itself, etc.)
The second most evil one would probably be one that deletes the OS and simultaneously corrupts the BIOS, A la CIH.

Off Topic / Bionics Tedtalk
« on: May 11, 2014, 04:47:06 PM »
Interesting ted talk showing off some stuff about the improvements we've made in bionics.

General Discussion / What the forget, -1 BL_ID?
« on: April 28, 2014, 08:46:30 PM »
So, I joined a random server, and, uh, yeah.

What the stuff?

Suggestions & Requests / Parry weapons
« on: April 24, 2014, 01:15:40 PM »
I would really like to see weapons that, if you have two of them attack at once (ex. two people facing eachother attack at once) would simply parry attacks with some kind of noise or something.
Quick thoughts on how this might be possible:
Have a projectile(might be a bit hacky for slashinghue) follow the end of the weapon, when two projectiles collide they disperse and/or play sounds, maybe a little animation

Off Topic / Gnome Chompski
« on: April 12, 2014, 05:46:45 PM »
So I was browsing thebest404pageever and, i found an amazing gif of the following:
I seriously want this to happen now.

for those who don't know what this is:

General Discussion / Pitch Black DM [Offline.]
« on: April 05, 2014, 11:05:47 PM »
Welcome to Pitch Black DM
The server where you can't see past ten feet.

What is Pitch Black DM?
Pitch Black DM is a DM server that has two twists -
One, it's dark as forget, so stealth comes in handy.
Two, each player (the server holds up to 16 players at one time) has his own class that gets shuffled around each round.

What are the classes?
Well, there's about 16 classes on the server, as I mention above. There's:
The Thing
The Thing is a fast-moving player armed with four black knives(you can throw them, so he gets backup knives), and a bunch of molotovs. He's not someone you want to meet in a dark alley, as he's faster than you, and will probably stick a knife in you before you can blink.
The Hunter
The Hunter is a player who can sprint. He's meant to be able to combat The Thing, and is armed with two covert pistols, a silenced SMG, and a crossbow. He won't bother to shoot anyone who gets in his way, however...
The Grunt
The Grunt is an unlucky soldier from wars past who's stuck in this mess now. His health slowly regens when he isn't being shot at, and he's equipped with a pistol, a shotgun, and an assault rifle.
The Heavy
The Heavy, like the Grunt, is a soldier from wars passed on. His health also regens, and he's armed with a pistol, a pump shotgun, and an LMG. He moves slightly slower when he's using the LMG, but don't underestimate him - He can tear you to shreds in seconds if he can get a bead on you.
The Grenadier
The Grenadier is a grenade-slinging soldier. His health regens, and he's armed with a grenade launcher, a machine pistol, and concussion and stick grenades. He's not the one to have suddenly barge in on you while you're fighting someone in close quarters.
The Scout
The Scout can, like the Hunter, sprint. He's armed with a pistol, a sniper, and an SMG. He's not that great at long range combat, but he can kill you quickly if you get hit a few times with his sniper.
The Anti-Tank Soldier
A rival to the Grenadier, this guy regens health and is armed with a magnum, an RPG, and a few stick grenades. Don't underestimate him - he can kill you in a few hits from any of his weapons.
The Sniper
This guy's sort of a mix between the Hunter and the Scout. His health regens, and he's armed with a covert pistol, a silenced sniper, and a silenced SMG. Be careful roaming open areas - This guy can blow your head off without you even noticing he's there.
The Shotgunner
The Shotgunner's a fast-paced soldier, who can sprint, and is armed with a pistol, a riot shotgun, and a machine pistol. Don't let him get too close.
The Marine
The Marine's similar to the Grunt - he's a soldier making his way in the new world. He's armed with a pistol, a bullpup, and an SMG. Don't think he's the same as the Grunt, though - his bullpup can deliver some serious damage.
The Jetpack Joyrider
This guy's straight-up dangerous - He's got a jetpack, and he's willing to use it. To take as much advantage as possible from this ability, he's armed with a magnum, an SMG, and a single-shot shotgun. He's dangerous if he gets the drop on you - his SMG will rip you to pieces before you can tell what's going on.
The Renegade
The Renegade's a hater of law and order - He deliberately fights simply to add to the chaos, and to get revenge for those who died at the hands of the soldiers. He's a sprinter, and he's armed with a magnum, a machine pistol, a rifle, and some molotovs. Don't let him hit you with a molotov - those things will take you out if he gets you in the center of their flame.
The Shocktrooper
This guy literally is the 'shock and awe' factor of an army - He's got regenning health, and is armed with a pistol, a battle rifle, and some concussion grenades. Don't think he's missing when he aims for the wall with a concussion grenade - They bounce, and can kill you in the blink of an eye. Also, watch out for his rifle - it's really accurate for an assault rifle.
The Leaper
This guy's almost the little counterpart of the Jetpack Joyrider - He's a leap-jet player, giving him his name - His jetpack-boosted jumps can send him flying as high as a kite, which makes good use for his dual SMG's and his shotgun. Watch out for his Pepperbox pistol, too - It's a little version of a shotgun. If you can get him at long range, though, you might be able to do something about him.
The Naval Trooper
This guy's another 'normal soldier' counterpart - He's got regenning health, with a magnum, an SMG, and a scattergun as his weapons.
The Stalker
This guy's a wannabe Thing - He's armed with dual covert pistols, nearly as fast as the Thing, and has a black knife and some stick grenades. Watch out - He may look like a slower version of The Thing, but he's just as deadly with his dual pistols and his speed.

Q & A
What's the weaponpack?
The weaponpack is Tier Tactical, which serves well considering it's diversity.
Why only sixteen classes/player slots?
I didn't want all the classes to seem like re-hashes of the others, so I decided to limit the server to an even amount of players, while still keeping a good amount of diversity.
Help! I can't see for stuff!
Please turn your shaders to minimum. If that doesn't work, check and make sure your draw distance is set at the maximum. If THAT still doesn't fix it, your computer may not be compatible with shaders. Sorry, there's no work-around for that except disabling one of the server's main features.
Can I apply for admin/moderator/whatever the forget?
Straight up no. I'll only pick administrators from people who play on the server often, and I know personally. If you post an admin application here it will be ignored.
Why don't you host a dedicated server?
There's three reasons for this:
One, I tend to switch houses, and thusly, computers, every once in a while, leading to different internet/saves/whatever the forget often.
Two, I don't have money for a dedicated server. If you sincerely want to donate to keep this running constantly, then I'll see what I can do, but no promises.
Three, I'm just not ready for a dedi server. I don't want to not be there and hope the administrators I have are doing their job, and I simply don't want the server to be left unchecked in the occurrence of an event of some kind, be it DDoS, cheating, or whatever may end up happening.

Feel free to suggest anything you like (as long as it's not insanely unreasonable.)

The only person I can really credit is myself at the moment, as I made the build, and came up with 99% of the ideas as far as I can remember. If you feel like you deserve credit for something that you suggested that ended up being put in, feel free to PM me about the matter and we'll sort it out.

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