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Topics - Halmet

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Suggestions & Requests / Slayer - Freone gamemode
« on: September 26, 2013, 05:30:45 AM »
You all know of the great or not so the number of game modes for Slayer. So, I have a very interesting, in my opinion the proposal to add another one. Now I will briefly tell you about it. This game mode I got on my my favorite first-person shooter - Unreal Tournament 2004. In it I play since 2006 and the present.

It's like team deathmatch, but, when you "death", you freeze. You can help unfreeze teammates, or over time you unfreeze yourself.
You can: Include a self-unfreezing (+1 or 2 HP per second, when you frozen - optionally), specify how many HP you will be added when you are helped teammate, adjust multiple HP's, that you will be added by multiple thawers-teammates. Frozen players at times during freezing covered by a special texture that others have seen that these players are frozen. Frozen player can watch his teammates like Tezuni Jail RP for example. Optional - you can watch the enemies and turn off the team chat. I attach the GUI for the settings, that will be need to be in slayer (when gamemode is added to list)

I have already reported this to the Greek2Me, but he did not answer me, even after 4 days.

Help / Lighting issues
« on: September 24, 2013, 04:13:16 PM »
Hello everyone! All or many care about this topic. But not many people have seen similar questions. Perhaps I live in a cave and did not find any, but still. You all know about the problems with lighting. Especially if you put two different sources of light nearby. On other occasions corrupted the look I will not even talk. The problem becomes more frustrating when the colors are mixed. When shaders is on - problem is solved of course, but only partly. I still suffer a question, when there is a free moment - this is the final version of the lighting in the game or it will be improved and perfected?

In fact, I very much hope that the hundreds of projects not yet started will find a beautiful view, due to corrections, unless of course they will. Then the game becomes a lot more players.

The question - what is missing the game, the first thing I tell you - the right lighting. Thanks for giving me your time!

Suggestions & Requests / Personalization (BL_ID) events
« on: September 06, 2013, 01:21:19 PM »
All of us, sooner or later, faced with the need to put any protection on our doors. But the old methods (the keycard, a key, or any other useful tools) is not always possible to achieve the desired effect, and I propose, in a sense, a new idea. All you know is that there are as onAdminClick/onSuperAdminClick opening event, which allows the admin or Super admin to activate this or that event. But maybe I'm not the first to offer such an idea. It is to the player with a particular BL_ID could activate one or another event.

on BL_ID: 38849 activate
on BL_ID: 38849 touch
on BL_ID: 38849 spawn
on BL_ID: 38849, 39704 reach named brick

Or a list of necessary id

You can see that if you personalize some things with some of these events, the server, where plays a lot of players can become more interesting. Like Tezuni's Prison Escape (cool server, but sorry about advertising :D), that have a some people with a VIP status.

Help / Item scrolling problem
« on: August 23, 2013, 07:28:04 AM »
Hello again. I find the bug. It has long been seen by me. In which you can not scroll through the items in the Inventory when loading maps to the server.

Help / A problem with events duplicating
« on: August 20, 2013, 09:57:15 AM »
Hello everyone! If any of you encountered this problem, but did not see her counterparts at the forum. This time, the problem of duplicating. This Trouble I've noticed recently (2-3 weeks ago). When you put the door and make their personal event, everything works fine. You saving this. Then, when you load this save game, doors and levers as if dropping your opening event. E.g.:

Your event:

onKeycardRedHit -> self -> door -> Toggle
onKeycardRedHit -> self ->  playSound


Your events after loading your save:

onActivate -> self -> door -> Toggle - this is wrongly added event
onKeycardRedHit -> self -> door Toggle
onKeycardRedHit -> self ->  playSound

This is a very unpleasant consequence there is even a standard doors. About the levers and buttons of the JVS pack I'm not talking.

Maybe this is a problem in the game, I'm not sure, but she messed up a lot of my saves. Thanks a lot.

Help / How to play on the LAN without internet?
« on: July 22, 2013, 07:27:13 AM »
Hello everyone! I have created a new topic (or similar). The real question: how to play Blockland in LAN, and when the master server to authorize your key, you can play in the local network, if there is no internet connection - server simply not visible in the list of local servers. Both computers are running windows 7, is a commutator, wires, as well as all set. Thanks in advance.

Gallery / Halmet's TDM base (new)
« on: May 08, 2013, 02:12:00 PM »
I have worked for a long time, but then, unfortunately, lost his retention of the base. It was very sad, and I do not want to play blokland, but then he decided to build it again. The result you can see here. Now I would like to share with you, to make it easier to create a tag team match.


Pole bricks
LEGO Fences
Plant bricks
Wire fences
Blockhead target (Print)
JVS Doors Pack 0
JVS Doors Pack 1
JVS Doors Pack 2
Decorative bricks
Round corners
LEGO Crates



Forgive me for too many inscriptions on images

Off Topic / Your rock music (Lists)
« on: May 08, 2013, 07:35:59 AM »
Here I would like to present to you my favorite heavy metal tracks

Russian translit: Ariya - goryashchaya strela (Eng. Aria - a burning arrow)

Russian translit: Alisa - nebo slavyan (Eng. Alice - the sky of the Slavs)

Russian Translit: Ariya - oskolok l'da (Eng. Aria - a splinter of ice)

Russian translit: Ariya (Kipelov) - Vot i vse dela (Eng. Aria (Kipelov) - That's all business)

Sabaton - The Final Solution

Axel Rudi Pell - Open doors

Trick or Treat - Evil Needs Candy Too

Dope - Now or Never

Green Day - Bolevard of Broken Dreams

Green Day - holiday

The Sisters of Mercy - Dominion_Mother Russia (GTA 4, Liberty Rock Radio)

Help / New error on game
« on: April 05, 2013, 11:49:01 AM »
More new bugs and errors presents us a game. This time when you run offline (off the internet) a portable version of the game has given the fact that, actually, you can watch below.

Suggestions & Requests / Quick brick remove\renaming
« on: March 19, 2013, 10:32:02 AM »
I think many of you who have used a lot on their maps Eventov noticed that sometimes you forget in a hurry to see all the names of bricks in order. Just most of them should be the default with no name.

So, without further ado, I would like to suggest an idea quickly delete and rename units.

Green means the removal of the name of the cross brick that you named
Red, by contrast removes himself brick.
I'm a bad artist, i know it :D

For realise this probably need to reading this topic developers.
Please, no flood

Add-Ons / I again search the weapons :D [VIDEO]
« on: March 11, 2013, 03:08:07 PM »
Once again, I beg your attention community. After the first such topic where I asked you to help find a weapon, was not so much time, and I certainly could not ignore your advice to search the entire board. But as it usually happens - worst-first. And second, too often. This time, things are a bit more complicated.
   Here's a video that uses (and not once) machine assault rifle (with silencer), and very good quality, I would have said. If anyone can throw download link, I would be grateful.


Sorry me

Help / LAN parties problem
« on: March 09, 2013, 10:37:43 AM »
Hello! I went back to the question, this time it is slightly different kind. And all the reasons Not able to play on LAN. Why? You ask. Probably because in version 16, which we used to play with my friend, the keys were not checked the master server, but now, when we bought on the key authentication to play the new version was not possible. For now to test the switch, you must have handy access to the Internet.
   This is exactly what is our problem. USB modem does not guarantee that you will not lose connection after 5 minutes after it came into play. Fortunately, for the validation key this time is enough. But still, it does not solve the problem. After updating the list of local servers my friend still can not see my server in the empty box. For this reason, we had to install version 16 and play it.
   Since I could not go to the router management page, then, accordingly, could not open closed my ISP ports, forcing us to play on LAN...
If you know the solution to this problem, please write it below

P.S. If anyone reading this, to doubt that we, as decent people, and bought each on a key, I can give you a BL ID me and my friend for confirming we as registered members

General Discussion / Portable version question's
« on: February 07, 2013, 05:40:19 AM »
Good day! Failing to find a similar theme in the forum, I decided to create it from scratch. And the issues discussed here are quite simple, as follows:
- Run the server through the portable version
- Run the server appear on official site
- Probably, the Russian version of the game (again, thanks to portability launcher)\

So perhaps the main issue will be the first in the list - How to run deditсated server via the *. Bat

Thanks to many Russian-speaking players will be able without difficulty to enjoy all the features of the game.
All of the information posted here, of course, if it will help, will be placed in a group game of Russia's largest social network

Gallery / New Acid, Radioactive prints and Electricity (need a help)
« on: January 14, 2013, 09:06:54 AM »
Before walked the RTB, and remembered that in one of the packs of bricks was a sign indicating a high degree of risk. I decided to find something like that and ask the community for help. Since I have already tried a few weeks ago to create prints in-house but nothing came of it, I decided to put it all here to see prices, if anyone is interested, he can tell me.
   This is not all that is in my possession. If you know \ know how to create \ created something like this and you are interested in this topic, you could write to me about it to make the game a little more interesting by creating such Prints.
   Below you can see what I propose that

Gallery / I search the best military helicopter
« on: January 10, 2013, 06:56:28 AM »
Good day! I bother you again in order to find a very nice and high quality made by helicopter. And I found it, oddly enough, the Sgt. A. Walter's server - creator of the best weapons for this game that I have ever seen. Just yesterday, I could see the miracle with my own eyes, I even managed to fly it. Of course, my enthusiasm was boundless.
   But neither in the RTB or on the forum I did not find it.
Here's a brief description:
  - Medium size
  - Armed with two sides worked minigun (sit down and shoot!)
  - Rocket launchers (working!)
  - Excellent (perhaps the best I've never met) animation helicopter blades.
  - White color
I'll give you a screenshot showing the take-off area for the same purpose helicopter. Unfortunately, I did not see him there. If you could help me with finding this miracle, please write here. I will appreciate any information.

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