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Topics - The Murderous Cop

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this is incredibly god damn impressive

Off Topic / Crappypasta: Memory Card
« on: September 18, 2017, 06:09:41 PM »

you need to get to later on in this video. you will not be disappointed

Off Topic / iphone x info leaked, here's some details
« on: September 11, 2017, 10:29:45 AM »

Almost two days after the iOS 11 GM build leak and revealed pretty much everything about the new iPhones from Apple, developers continue to dig deep into the firmware’s code to find out more info about the iPhone X, iPhone 8, and iPhone 8 Plus.

Now that it has been confirmed that there is no Touch ID on the iPhone X, many wondered how Apple Pay transactions would work on the device. As discovered by Jeffrey Grossman, users will have to confirm the payment by double clicking the sleep/wake button after they first authenticate a payment using Face ID. The code also points to Apple bringing Face ID to the iPad down the line.

Details about the A11 chip Apple will be using in its 2017 iPhone lineup has also been revealed. It will be a 6-core chip, with four low-power ‘Mistral’ cores and 2 high-power ‘Monsoon’ cores. All the six cores can work independently of each other. This is not a Fusion chip as we saw on the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus last year.

In terms of RAM, developer Steve Troughton Smith confirms the iPhone 8 will feature 2GB RAM, while the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus will feature 3GB. The lower amount of RAM on the smaller iPhone 8 is because it will come with a lower resolution display compared to the other two devices.

The iOS 11 GM code also points to wireless charging being present on the handsets, though the code does not provide many details about its functionality. Apple is rumored to implement Qi wireless charging on its iPhone lineup this year, though it remains to be seen if it will be compatible with other third-party Qi chargers or not.

Lastly, the iPhone X will continue to feature a 12MP rear camera and a 7MP front camera. The rear camera will be capable of recording 4K video in 60fps and Full HD at 240fps. It was expected that the front camera would also be upgraded to record 4K videos, but that is not going to be the case this year.

At this point, apart from its price, almost every other key detail of the iPhone X, iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus has been revealed.

while these features sound pretty nice, the price will probably be so loving extravagantly high

Games / happy birthday sega dreamcast
« on: September 09, 2017, 01:28:57 PM »

one of my favorite video game consoles of all time is celebrating its birthday today.
let's not forget some of the classic series this system birthed/had super good games on:

guilty gear X
jet set/grind radio
jojo's bizarre adventure fighting game
king of fighters
MvC 1 & 2
phantasy star online
pop n' music
power stone
sonic adventure series
worms armageddon & world party

dreamcast will still remain one of my favorite consoles to play on after all these years, and with DreamPi and 3rd party unofficial games still being released, i think the community will thrive for a long time.

happy birthday, dreamcast. thanks for being a great game console.

Off Topic / Khonjin- Episode 4
« on: September 07, 2017, 06:16:58 PM »

Khonjin is rewarded one thousand dollars in less than 30 minutes for gusher extortion.

Off Topic / Khonjin Returns 9
« on: September 01, 2017, 01:58:51 PM »

Off Topic / Huge security breach from Onliner Spambot
« on: August 30, 2017, 07:51:04 PM »

In one of the largest single data sets of emails yet discovered, computer security experts have come across a spam list containing a pretty extraordinary 711 million email addresses. Initially uncovered by the Paris-based security researcher known as Benkow, it contains two separate troves of data, one simply of email addresses, while the second more serious set contains addresses and passwords.

The important thing to do now is to stick your email into to see if yours is one of the unlucky 700 million address that has been harvested, or one of the even more unfortunate souls to have also had their passwords picked too.

The site is run by a computer security expert Troy Hunt, who is the one who first got his hands on the mega list after Benkow sent it to him, and subsequently uploaded it. As he writes on his website, this is the largest single data set he has ever loaded into Have I Been Pwned, and that “for a sense of scale, that's almost one address for every single man, woman, and child in all of Europe.”

The data was harvested by a machine known only as “Onliner Spambot”, which pointed Hunt and Benkow to an IP address listed in the Netherlands, though Hunt stresses that he won’t publish this bit for fear of spreading the data further.

While law enforcement has been notified in an attempt to get it shut down, that doesn’t seem to have happened yet. So, as I’m sure you don’t need telling again, you should really check whether or not your email is on the list, and, more importantly, if they have your password too.

If you find that it has been hoovered up, then by now we should all know what to do. But I’m going to tell you anyway. Change the password. This goes not only for the email address in question, but also for any other websites that you may have used that password for. We all know that this is a total pain in the ass, but if someone had made a copy of your house key, you’d sure as hell get the locks changed.

you can check to see if you were affected using this link.

if you are, change your passwords now, or risk being compromised.

i was affected on my main email, but i use authenticator so i shouldn't be in too much of harm

Games / how to sell a account?
« on: August 30, 2017, 06:11:25 PM »
so i haven't used my acc with overwatch on it in like a literal eternity, so i feel like selling it to someone who actually will use it.
it's nothing special, maybe a couple skins or smth here and there (that aren't rare in any way iirc)

how would i go about actually selling this? i removed my payment info, changed the email to my generic email i use for receiving spam and other stuff, and disabled Real ID. not sure what to do next.

not really sure what price to sell it at either, probably not the price of the game

any help on this subject would be nice

Drama / master matthew - does not know when to shut the forget up
« on: August 30, 2017, 03:07:55 PM »

Figures, europe is already trying to commit Self Delete in every way possible.
If you don't cut off their income entirely due to poor decisions, they will never learn.
You have no idea what the hell is going on, get the hell out of your bubble and take a look at reality.
Random people are getting demonetized because their AI flags anything that remotely falls into their guidelines, regardless of context or anything.
But if you still think that's hate speech, then forget off to your safe space.
PhantOS: yo let me rearrange reality and make an argument that makes no sense in the actual forgetin' context.
Nobody will ever switch to facebook because myspace is a bigger platform.
Nobody will ever switch to Netflix, Cable companies are a bigger platform.
Nobody will ever switch to digital music, CD's are a bigger platform.
Nobody will ever switch to the Sega Genesis, Nintendo is a bigger platform
Nobody will ever switch to...

I could go on and on and on, the point is your "OMG STFU, YOUTUBE TOO BIG, forget OFF" logic is literally handicapped and does not coincide with any form of historical patterns.

When a company starts loving up because they think they can get away with it, they get slapped from behind and forgeted.

Facebook toppled Myspace, Digital music became common place during the early years of the internet and in turn Physical Music prices resulting in things like iTunes taking hold. Nintendo got loving flipped by Sega, Albeit a short term victory for sega, but Nintendo has never recovered from Sega's actions of years past.  Netflix took hold of TV Shows and other things, and while it hasn't toppled companies, it's only going to get worse when Netflix is more convenient than Cable.

You get to Big, you start to go outside your bounds because you think your unstoppable, but the people under you get pissed enough they tell you to forget off and migrate somewhere else. Developers Migrated to Non-Nintendo platforms because of their restrictive rules and regulations, Customers Migrated away from buying expensive CD's, taking a risk, because of one song, to obtaining them digitally, and iTunes made it all the more easy, causing CD Albums to be a novelty at best. Customers migrated from Myspace to Facebook because Facebook was simply superior.

Whatever it may be, whether it's laziness or going past your bounds to do unfair and unjust things, other companies or services will come up and topple you.

If I kept going on and on about this, I think I would run out of space to type this.

most of the spiel in this thread

and let's not forget his constant stream of shilling

Reminder of your new alternative to youtube :
Say it with me.
Vid Me.

Youtube is gonna loving kill themselves if they keep this stuff up.
Youtube is Killing themselves, and unless there is a clear alternative for people to jump to, Youtube will continue to pull this bullstuff unchallenged.
It aint for the money, its for when youtube says "forget you, pewdiepie" and then people run to vidme for pewdiepie and youtube dies.
Im already on the vid me train, but we got all these people saying vid me will never catch on. Its this mentality that kills third party candidates in elections.

It will never catch on if all you do is complain that it will never catch on and eat youtube's stuff for a living.

there are others i'm missing because i'm not willing to go back several pages to find this bullstuff, and there's other posts from other topics that i haven't found either that aren't but are equally handicapped/annoying

Singer Joy Villa, who famously wore a Donald Annoying Orange-themed dress to the Grammy Awards, said this week that her new song "Make America Great Again" was taken down by YouTube, according to the Independent Journal Review.

The song, which does not include any direct references to Annoying Orange, was released on the Fourth of July as a "love song for America," Villa said.

After several weeks on the video-sharing site, Villa said on Twitter over the weekend that YouTube took her video down.

attempting to paste this is a literal nightmare because fox's website has some weird clipboard bullstuff

i didn't bother listening to the song since it's probably bad anyways

Off Topic / Dangeresque: Puppet Squad - The Curly Fried Caper
« on: August 28, 2017, 10:01:33 AM »

dude they've been outputting a lotta stuff recently

Off Topic / new computer plan for christmas?
« on: August 22, 2017, 09:15:26 AM »
yes. i know. it's very early to be considering this but i need to think about this because i'm concerned that my current PC is dying

the damn thing is like 5 years old, and it's starting to have a lot of sudden lag spikes. the CPU isn't the best either, and its age shows whenever i try running certain programs.

for reference, here's my current specs on this old thing:

anyways, enough about my old computer for now. people can reply about that if they really feel like it

i need a computer that's not exactly amazingly powerful, but not weak/not made for games, either.

the games i usually play are like
- team fortress 2
- terraria
- minecraft (sometimes, not too much anymore)
- enter the gungeon
- (rarely) garry's mod
- blockland
- 20XX

and probably some other games i'll buy over christmas sale or my birthday if i have any leftover money i guess

basically i play games that can be intensive at times, but most of the time not really. nothing like crysis or some stuff like that

in terms of applications, i sometimes do video editing with like sony vegas. i've also been thinking about getting back into after effects music visualizers but that's something i gotta consider first.

nothing too intensive there, though. i'll sometimes tinker with audacity or fl studio, maybe forget with modules using openMPT. having more RAM for the memory sponge known as chrome might be nice too

budget-wise, i'm not too sure. maybe around $500-$600, but i can ask my mom about that later.

i've been considering maybe prebuilts from places like iBUYPOWER or CyberPowerPC, but i've heard bad things about prebuilts, at least from places like that or something. idk.

so forums, do you think you could help me with my issue? maybe help me come up with something that might work out well? i'll try to make a build on PCPartPicker and post it here, maybe get some thoughts on it.

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