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Topics - Marios

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5]
Help / Gamemode makes server initialization loop
« on: February 12, 2016, 10:41:18 AM »
I'm trying to get my addon freebuild gamemode working, and every time I load it the "Loading Add-ons" bar resets to 50% after it reaches ~78%.

I inspected the console output and, quite literally, loading is looped. It knows that stuff has been already registered when it goes back to the start of server initialization, and once it is back at 78% it loops again, and so on. According to the log, it loops after all server addons are loaded. Any other gamemode (non-default too) works just fine.



Additional Notes: Gamemode has custom colorset and blank save.bls.

What to?

Gallery / Special Containment Procedures [WiP RP Build]
« on: February 09, 2016, 03:30:17 PM »
This is the map I'm building for my SCP-RP server. It's an attempt to create a worthy map to roleplay within.

Here's a showcase of 8 DOF screenshots of the map, taken on a dark enviroment lights-out w/o shaders (with minimum shaders it looks minimalistic and ugly)

Class-D area. Timed control panel activates with a Level 3 keycard, for opening or closing all cells with ease. Cells can also be triggered manually with same level keycard. Yes, those are JVS doors.
Also, yes, those bars at the roof are lights.

Top-view-control-panel-direction-wise, bottom left corner cell, with a bed on the left and view of the area on the right. No idea how the cell door became that foggy.

View of hallway from Class-D area door. Darker doors require Level 2 or above; lighter (currently just Class-D are and cafeteria) just Level 1. Hallway wide enough to have 2 lines of blockheads.

Cafeteria viewed from a corner behind the counter. Not much to talk about here. Yes, I know there's 12 cells but only 8 seats.

SCP-173's [sarcasm]lovely[/sarcasm] containment chamber. That's about it. Perhaps I should add blood or something. The room behind transparent glass is for inspecting any testing with it, safely.

MTF armoury. If Class-Ds are clever they can loot all of these and take over the facility. Unless they want the RP to proceed normally, without any takeovers.

Control room. Always has lights on for convenience. Will include more stuff to tamper with but currently only has a light switch.
However, it is not softly taken, security-wise...

Security measure before the real control room. Sticky material drags whoever wants to cross it, slowing them down but not making trespassing impossible. A Level 4 keycard or the button within the real control room will temporarily render material non-sticky, for quick exits or entrances.

So, how is it? On a scale of 1/10, how do you rate it for a first build?

Off Topic / What is a good administator?
« on: February 08, 2016, 12:52:44 PM »
According to your own standards, who is worthy of being an administrator?

Not just limited to Blockland, anywhere.

Help / Need copy of "Drop items on death" add-on
« on: February 06, 2016, 02:33:57 PM »
This is not an add-on request, because it already exists.
There is this add-on on RTB which drops the whole inventory of the player when they die. For some reason the download returns a 404.

I pretty much need a copy of this add-on, or if not possible, another add-on that does the same thing.

Modification Help / Help debugging a simple script
« on: February 06, 2016, 01:16:29 PM »
I am trying to get this simple script, which when someone tries to toggle their player light, it checks whether they're admin, enabling the light when they are, otherwise returning a chat message.

The game claims the error is at the last line of the script, but I see nothing.
Is it because I falsely attempted to pack the meat of the script in a single line?
Here's the whole thing:

Code: [Select]
package NoPlayerLight
function servercmdLight(%client)
if(%client.isAdmin) Parent::servercmdLight(%client); else messageClient(%client,'',"Player lights are disabled for non-admins.");

As I was unable to find anything Blockland-specific to use on Blockland, and probably insufficient Torquescript knowledge*, I would like you to guide me there, as you most certainly know better.

This way I'll be able to utilize my ideas and prove that I'm not the alt of a hated forumer, at the very least. But mainly materialize what I'm thinking of doing here**

TL;DR: Title.

*There's a sticky, yes, but it mainly contains Torquescrpt in general.

**No, it's nothing malicious, Jokers.

General Discussion / A new player!
« on: February 01, 2016, 07:39:40 AM »
Greetings, Blockland Forums! I am Marios*. I am the same guy seen here and here. I am Greek, age 14 (at the time of writing), I have experience on coding (Lua) and I've lurked the forums for quite a bit.

I love Blockland due to it's modifiable potential, the fact you can't get permanently tired of it (Even if you get "gameplay fatigue", you'll come back eventually), the automatic port forwarding, which got me host my first online server (My router appears not to support port forwarding at all, but I got to the server list first time I tried), and the active modding community. And some stuff I most probably missed.

I am certain I will get a lukewarm welcome at least (in contrast to a few others), and hope to enjoy my time on the forums. At least from where I've lurked, what I saw contrasts the negative reviews in Steam, and in general most negative criticism.

So, go ahead, discuss all details about me, or simply greet me back. As for whether or not I am an alt, you can see below...

*Alt of this guy

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