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Topics - TMAN7676

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Games / Damnit steam, you and your keys and stuff!
« on: November 28, 2010, 05:11:08 PM »
I bought M&B Warband off steam.
Got my code.
Tried to enter it.
there was an error.
The error was that the code had to be 4x4, not 5x5.

Discuss Steams error/errors.

Games / First Strike: A mod for BF2142
« on: November 25, 2010, 12:41:40 PM »
There was an old, old, old topic i made awhile ago about this game, it was also my first post :P.
Anyways, First Strike is a mod, But you feel like your playing something worth 50 dollars (Or whatever you Euro kats use for money)
Anyways, Have you ever player Battlefront? Alot of planned features that never was added? this is like Battlefront but 100000x better, Having vehicles from the Star Wars movie, and universe.

So yes, that means you can pilot...
Or perhaps...
or perhaps you can snipe with...

Whatever, anyways the downfall is this, you can really only play with people on Saturdays and Sundays, that's when what they call, community play dates.

Another is this: The single player maps suck. No, i dont mean the maps them selves, but the bots just suck and aren't fun to play with.
So thats why You have to play on Saturday and Sunday.

Theres 6 classes, Trooper, Heavy weapons, Medic, Support, Officer, and pilot, but the pilot you can only use in Space maps.

This the Link to their website:

Seriously though, if you have Battlefield 2142, Try this.

Off Topic / asdf its snowing
« on: November 25, 2010, 10:47:07 AM »
Its snowing, yes.
it will just melt, but still.

Off Topic / MY ASS!
« on: November 20, 2010, 11:50:59 AM »

Drama / Why is everyone leaving?
« on: November 15, 2010, 06:15:38 PM »
Well, for one Strato left. Squiqqles was banned, pew was banned (I think).
What is going on? Theres a couple people still left that have been here for awhile, like the Destroyer and Eksi (and if i say Eksi im gonna have to say Squideey too), But still, I feel like a small part of me dies when people that i have kinda looked up to leave.
Yes, i liked The forums with its sarcastic remarks, insults, and Kalphiter, but without people like these, it kinda looses its meaning
No, im not going to leave for a loooooong time, even if you cared or not, But all of the Veterans are, leaving.
So, discuss.
I look up to everyone here, even if they are a troll or idiot. They teach me really, in a indirect way.

:EDIT: I also forgot to add Magik to the special list
Please standby...

Gallery / Ethopia
« on: November 13, 2010, 04:15:57 PM »
Ethopia is a jump jet build, Based off of Tribes, and one Valve Game called Ricochet.
Ricochet had platforms in which you stand on, and Tribes had Jets. So, There are platforms everywhere, you have jets, and he only way to get to some platforms is by jet. And then you add guns.

The story is this, During a Civil war on the Planet G Ethopia, The planet Was soon just Decay and dust, and the planet left uninhabitable, from the gunpowder and smoke from tanks and bombs. However, they Continued fighting in space.
Soon, Places like these were founded, Areial combat In space became A new Infantry role.
And now, The fate of your planet and this war, is in Everyone hands, be it Enemy or ally, Friend or Foe.

General Discussion / Nemours Garden
« on: November 02, 2010, 06:47:02 AM »
Nemours garden is a build i am currently working on. However, due to the lack of some special pictures, im going to ask this.
If you find a picture you took while you were there, or were there, please let me know. I have started it, but due to no pictures of certain places, I cant continue. i haven't even started really, but the pictures are just beautiful and artistic pictures, not the ones i need. but thats why i need your guys help.

So please, if you've gone to it, or taken a picture of it, could you please show it to me/ tell me about it?
Anything i can get is appreciated.

Off Topic / I cant remember this one castle...
« on: November 01, 2010, 08:04:33 PM »
I kinda need some help for figuring out castle (its a mansion really) in America.
Ok, the Family was French, during the French Revolution.
He was a supporter, so he got caught or something, and moved to the US.
He made a company that made Gunpowder, later TNT and something else.
One of his Ancestors made a Mansion, out of his strong French Culture, He built it with a French like style.
His Garden was also a French like style.

His small pond infront was called the reflecting pool, two gates to the side of the mansion named Russian Gate and other i cant remember.
In the back, there was a small open Temple, called the Temple of love.
The castle was called the same name as a Town or something in France, starting with a H, on a map it would be right down from Paris.

Please help, I was going to do this in Blockland, or an Idea.

Games / Titan Quest
« on: October 24, 2010, 02:22:58 PM »
We will just call this TQ.
TQ is alot like Diablo, except its in the Greek, Roman, and In Egyptian ( i think).
There are a couple classes. you choose one after you level, however i dont know the names of any of them right now.
Except Storm, Earth and Nature
The storyline Takes place in the Golden Age. However, Mythological Creatures Appear In the lands, such as satyrs and cyclopes. You have to save the lands (Lul).
Gameplay is alot like Diablo, kill and money, items and stuff comes out.
Did i mention traps? well there are traps here too.

:EDIT:Here it is on Steam:


Off Topic / How do you change your name?
« on: October 20, 2010, 04:15:28 PM »
Before you ask, "loving search" i did, maybe not hard, but i did.
I typed in "How do i change my name on forums".
So, do i have to PM Badspot, email him, or request it?

« on: October 20, 2010, 03:34:44 PM »

This only shows stupidity right there.  

Games / Dead frontier 3D beta
« on: October 17, 2010, 08:52:54 PM »
Though yes this game is terrible, the devs released a demo of The 3d beta, which you can play in.
Just thought i would bring it out there.
Heres a link for your lazy Asses.

Off Topic / Father and son launch Ballon into space
« on: October 09, 2010, 07:43:00 AM »

Pretty cool, see for your self.
Also, before you say "itz dint rech spacz!11!!1!1" i know that. it says it in the article.

Off Topic / Infection! Game
« on: October 03, 2010, 09:08:51 PM »
I am the infected person, and i spread my AIDS sickness to a another person. once i do that, he becomes infected and i am still infected.
So, post.

P1 i infect p2!
P2: i infect P3!
P1:I infect p5!
P3:I infect p4!

Games / Starsiege
« on: September 09, 2010, 12:52:02 PM »
Starsiege is a Sim/Tacticalshooter that pits you into the roosterpit of a HERC or tank.
Starsiege is made by the same devs as Tribes. If you wondering why i have ACKNOWLEDGE//SUBMIT up there its because during the Cybrid Campaign, The guy who orders you (forgot his name) says that at the end of each Briefing of a mission.
Alright Duster!
The human Campaign Leads you into a Revolt Of the colinies of Mars and Venus. You play as a pilot of Free Mars. It leads into alot things like a war, and then Cybrids.
Ill add later. so far the topic is a WIP.

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