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Topics - Gen. Hothauser

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Help / P51-Mustang explosion
« on: December 21, 2012, 07:32:12 PM »
I've know of the annoying lag that a P51 creates when it explodes on its spawn, but I've never really hosted a server where this was an issue.  Does anyone know of a solution to keep it from doing this, other than thoroughly monitoring the spawns constantly?

Suggestions & Requests / Event Request: Oncolorchange
« on: December 14, 2012, 06:55:21 PM »
Possible?  If so, could someone make it?

It triggers when the color of the brick changes.

Modification Help / Tree Part Bricks
« on: December 08, 2012, 08:56:47 AM »
I plan on making some tree bricks that can be built to create any number of trees.  I will be doing so on Google Sketchup.  The first thing I need is if anyone has a brick I can use for reference so the dimensions work well.

There will be three/four categories of tree parts: Trunk, Limb, Branches, and Leaves (maybe).  The trunks and limbs are hexagons, and the branches are rectangular.

Suggestions & Requests / Ramp pack: 1x centered diagona
« on: November 24, 2012, 10:26:25 PM »
I'm requesting a pack of ramps, like those in the 1randombrick pack, shown below, but with one stud on the top instead of two.

I want that in all standard ramp sizes-5x2, 3x2, 2x2, 1x2, 1x3, 1x4-but obviously the overall dimensions will be different because one stud worth of length is removed.

Gallery / Pacific: The Brink
« on: November 24, 2012, 05:17:00 PM »

The server is

-Information: Pacific: A WWIII TDM is the first installment of a series of WWIII TDMs, which will be based on my vision of WWIII, and I see it happening in the near future, so no laser guns.  Pacific focuses on island hopping, and the teams have to capture each island.  On every island, there are three to four outposts with a capture point at each.  Once the players cap all outposts on an island, they get that island.  If one team caps all islands, it is then possible to cap the opponent's base island.  Doing so wins the game.  There is a 60 minute timer on the game aswell, but from testing, I find that 120 minutes might be better.  The teams are the JCDN (Joint Collaboration of Democratic Nations) and the EUF (Economic Universality Federation).  

-Storyline This may be the first TDM I make for the series, but I intend to make another game that explains the beginnings of the war.  What I plan on doing is polling to see what battle should happen next, then I'd make that battle, then I'll host a tournament to see the outcome of battle.  From here, you guys can develop the story by playing in the server.

The year is 2064, there has been a major economic crCIA throughout second- and third-world countries due to a major radioactive pollutant introduced by the Russians. It has been 119 years since the end of the last World War, and tensions are rising.  All around the world, countries are banding together under similar political ideals.  The three leading organizations are the JCDN (Joint Collaboration of Democratic Nations), the EUF (Economic Universality Federation), and the CMEC (Consolidation of Middle Eastern Countries).  The entire conflict erupted at a UN conference in 2062, when America, the countries of the EF (European Forces), Israel, China, and Antarctica all laid claim to a democracy to be established on the newly formed moon colony (which America, Russia, and Syria all put effort towards creating back in '57).  The conference separated and left for the night to go think over the proposition.  The next day, all other countries present, besides Canada and Australia, countered the idea.  At this time, the separated UN disbanded and returned to their countries.

Three weeks later, a news alert struck America.  Russia, Syria, Irais (The Arabian Peninsula countries joined together in '32 to counter the coming economic trouble), Czechoslovakia (which conquered Austria and Yugoslavia all the way over to and including Ukraine), and India all signed a political coalition treaty to politically combat the Democratic idea on the moon colony.  This organization became the NADI (Nations Against Democratic Insurgence).

The following two years were shaky for the NADI, and it split under dissimilar ideas of economic states in the colony.  A large scale nuclear military buildup has begun, and everyone is trying to befriend the countries with the most warheads.  This is when Pacific: The Brink comes in.  The JCDN and EUF both go after Korea, and end up fighting each other in the first conflict of the war.  

A few days after (INSERT FUTURE TOURNAMENT VICTOR)'s victory in the Korean battle, the UN calls another meeting.  This time, it is to decide whether this impending war is worth the blood, sweat, and tears.  This assembly did not end well, and the special forces for all of the groups were brought in.  This is when UN: The Mistake comes in.  The teams will be the special forces of the JCDN, the EUF, the CMEC, the LAWCA (Latin American World CrCIA Association), the Japanese, and the South African Government.  The purpose of this skirmish is to kill all enemies.

The following day, the JCDN, EUF, and CMEC all declare themselves in a state of war with the others; WW3 has begun.

Pictures: Alright, the long awaited pictures.  Lets start with some basic island photos.

Here we have a large island.  It is called "North Island"

Here we have a medium sized island called "East Island"

Here we have the "sandbar island".  It doesn't look like much, but it is one of the best islands to capture.

Here we have "West Island"

Here we have "Volcano Island"

Here we have the Japanese Base island

Here we have the Ally Base island

Here we have a basic beach Outpost

Here is an outpost with a tank.

Here is an outpost with a plane.

This is a main island flag that changes color when a team captures all of the outposts on an island group.

Here is an AA turret that a team gains access to when they capture the island group it is on.

This is an outpost on the Volcano Island on the edge of the volcano.

Ammo Crate

Shell Case for the Howitzers

The capture point on the Japanese Base Island.  The Ally Base Island cap has a similar format.

This is the format for changing classes.  I forgot to put a frame around the door, so that'll be different.

The not-so-minimap in the spawn room.  The small cylinder bricks on there are the different caps.  They show who has capped them and allow players to teleport to the outpost, if they capped it.

This is the Minimap chousing area.  Not sure why I took a picture though.

More info for this when I get home from school.

Help / Glitch: OnItemPickup doesn't work with the new default balls
« on: November 23, 2012, 09:34:11 AM »
Anyone know why?

I think I thought of a clever way to make a piano add on, somwthing everyone has wanted for a long time.  I draw upon processes of other mods that could make this work.

The addon is just an item, an empty hand, that when clicks a brick, it enables the player to play music.  This is how it works.  First, on clicking a brick, it changes the player's datablock to no-move player, as used in camera events.  Next, coding disables all keybinds, so as to make the keyboard into a piano keyboard, such as used in the restricted server mods, like toggleable lights and Slayer's no painting/building ability.  Then, the coding keybinds pre-recorded tones to a series of keys, from S to K, and it acts as an emote when the key is pressed, such as the alarm emote (it would be good if the key could be held to elongate the note, and if emote spamming could be overridden).  Once the player is done, he clicks the brick again to be changed back to his old datablock.

My other idea is to emulate a midi keyboard for blockland.

Help / Blockland Crash on load bricks
« on: November 16, 2012, 10:37:33 PM »

I just realized, unless these are already made and I just never used them, that there aren't variable replacers for checking the condition of a player action, such as Onactivate or onplayertouch.

Here is a scenario.

Player touching/not touching the brick.  Uses Sub events because I can.
Code: [Select]
[0] [0] [Onplayertouch] [Self] [Dosub] [1 1]
[1] [1000] [Onsub] [Self] [Dosub] [1 2]
[2] [0] [Onsub] [Client] [Centerprint] [<var:pl:touch>]

What happens here is that, when the person touches the brick, the value comes back to be 1.  When the player stops touching the brick, it is displayed as 0.  Same thing for activate or any other default input event.


I was doing some digging around in the many Blockland folders and I discovered that some textures for the trees and other pre-V21 contents still existed.  Why didn't Badspot removed these?  Here's the file path:
Code: [Select]
C:\Users\Owner\Documents\Blockland\base\data\shapes\.  Both the Environment and Sharp_Trees folders have some pre-V21 content in them.


Help / Blockland Suddenly quit
« on: November 03, 2012, 11:39:08 PM »
Blockland suddenly quit, it didnt even show an error message.  I was doing some work on the Wheat/Barley/Sugar plant for my CRPG.  I'm pretty sure it was something from that because me clicking on the brick that resets the plant caused Blockland to not respond, then quit.

Off Topic / Pay no attention to this.
« on: October 30, 2012, 08:31:56 PM »
My parents took my desktop's keyboard away because they are anarchists, so im transferring the URL of an emulator to make my laptop a keyboard to my desktop.

In my attempts to make my CRPGas realistic and comprehensive as possible, I am implementing weather - this includes snow gathering on the ground, water run-off, seasonal changes.  As such, I am requesting a series of Brick-styled weather emitters.  Here is the list of what I want.

-An emitter that uses the top and bottom texture of a 1x1 plate, alternating between the two.  The emitter color changes to the color of the brick.  Has three degrees/densities, little, medium, large, for varying degrees of precipitation.  I plan to use these for leaves and snow.
-An emitter that uses the side texture of a 1x1 plate, again, color changes to the brick color and has three degrees.  I plan to use these for rain, hail, and sleet.

The lowest of degrees for each would be like 3-4 drops of precipitation per second, the middle would be 6-8, and the heaviest would be 12-14

Dunno how plausible this would be, but I think it would be a really good addition to a brick-based game.

Another thing I am requesting is a lightning-looking projectile, for use with [<Named brick>] [fireprojectileatbrick], or whatever it is, I never use it.  Could be good with more accurate lightning strikes.


Suggestions & Requests / Brick Suggestion: Letter .blb
« on: October 25, 2012, 11:09:00 PM »
We have prints which display a flat, white-with-black-outline letters, which look completely unrealistic for decorative signs and logos.  So I was thinking about letters in brick (1x, 2x) form.  One could even start making many series of brick alphabets in different fonts and bevel styles.  I would first like to see the default letters (impact) simple extruded and beveled along the edges.  Is this pheasable, or would it be to many datablocks - it would be some 35 or so bricks for each alphabet.

Suggestions & Requests / Event Suggestion: VCE Sets
« on: October 18, 2012, 12:27:34 AM »
I had this idea a while ago, before I knew functions, and when I reached the max of 100 lines of events on a single brick.  What this VCE extension does is that instead of entering a single variable in the output  paramaters for ifvariable and modvariable, you can type a set of variables, or values.  For ifvariable, the output param check value would then check if any variables, or every variable (maybe a check box for switching between all or any?), would fit the required check.  If a set is typed in the value box, then each number in the value box has to correspond to a variable in the output param variable box.  This way, fewer events can be used to make more complex creations.  The same can be done for modvariable.


For ifvariable with a Variable set and single Value.

Code: [Select]
[0] [Onactivate] [Client] [VCE_Ifvariable] [{Hunger, Thirst, Energy}] [==] [0] [1 1]
[1] [Onvariabletrue] [Player] [Kill]

For ifvariable with a single Variable and a Value set.

Code: [Select]
[0] [Onactivate] [Client] [VCE_Ifvariable] [Hunger] [==] [{1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75}] [1 1]
[1] [Onvariabletrue] [Client] [Centerprint] [Your hunger: <var:cl:Hunger>/100]

For ifvariable with a Variable set and Value set

Code: [Select]
[0] [Onactivate] [Client] [VCE_Ifvariable] [{Strength, Hunger, Thirst}] [==] [{100, 50, 100, 100}] [1 1]
[1] [Onvariabletrue] [Self] [Spawnexplosion] [Vehiclefinalexplosion] [------||-]

For Modvariable with variable set and single value.

Code: [Select]
[0] [Onactivate] [Client] [VCE_Modvariable] [{Hunger, Thirst, Energy}] [set] [100]

For Modvariable with single variable and value set. Not possible

For Modvariable with variable set and value set.

Code: [Select]
[0] [Onactivate] [Client] [VCE_Modvariable] [{Speed, defense, attack}] [add] [{5, -5, 5}]

If the number of variables in a set does not match the number of values a set, then the events will not work.

Code: [Select]
[0] [Onactivate] [Client] [VCE_Modvariable] [{Hunger, Thirst, Energy}] [set] [{100, 100}]
This won't work.

A check box after the variable set box can change between any and all for ifvariable variable set to single value event lines.

Code: [Select]
[0] [Onactivate] [Client] [VCE_Ifvariable] [{Hunger, Thirst, Energy}] [x] [==] [100]
[1] [Onvariabletrue] [Client] [Centerprint] [You win]
This checks if either Hunger, thirst, or energy is 100. 
/discuss or /make

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