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Topics - Nethog

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Help / Some sort of server lag problem
« on: December 22, 2010, 01:46:27 PM »
Whenever I start a server the whole thing is laggy as hell. I cant even move my curser much its just very glitchy. I dont know whats causing it, could anyone help me out here?

Suggestions & Requests / Hat mod v3
« on: December 13, 2010, 02:11:48 PM »
Hey,well I have the hatmod but then people told me i was able to grant hats and stuff so i tried it didnt work.
Then i did some research and i realized i have like v1 or v2 or the hatmod, so im requesting the link for v3

Suggestions & Requests / Skatepark/offroad racing map
« on: December 13, 2010, 10:46:18 AM »
Well I was thinking, now that we have these vehicles that can do tricks (motorcycle and skateboard) I think we should have a map that has a skatepark in it and an offroad race track for the motorcycles.
You might say just build it. But with bricks the vehicles can gltich through them dont work well at all times and with a map it would work pretty well.

Gallery / Some car I made
« on: December 09, 2010, 09:15:13 PM »
Well I was bored today, so I started a server and randomly worked on a car. I now wish I had truces buildable vehicles script.
Its like some future car or something

Suggestions & Requests / Halo energy sword (BL Video)
« on: December 09, 2010, 03:38:11 PM »
Hey, well I was just looking through the gallery and I stumbled upon this video
at 1:20 it has the halo energy sword
So... im wondering if anyone has the link to it

Off Topic / PSP2
« on: December 08, 2010, 05:33:02 PM »

Gallery / New phy cars and jetski
« on: December 06, 2010, 04:23:19 PM »
Well today I was bored and I see phy's server is up. So I join and phy has made 2 new vehicles that are once again beautifuly modeled.
So, heres some pix.

Didnt know phy had a jetski, just added it
Now I added jetski wars! fun

Then I went afk and when I got back everyone was in the pickup :P

Suggestions & Requests / Carpet prints
« on: December 04, 2010, 08:55:16 AM »
Is it me or do we not have any carpet prints for houses and stuff? It would be useful for building a lot of stuff because a lot of buildings have carpets.
So I think someone should make them.

Off Topic / Furries
« on: December 02, 2010, 06:06:38 PM »
Alright so I was looking through this one forum,(well actualy looking for an avatar there :P) and good god.
I found a bunch of people with furry avatars and the first one really scared me.

Off Topic / Can you trust this person? =New Person=
« on: December 01, 2010, 09:03:11 PM »
This is something that I decided to do. I guess. Anyway, I will show a pic of someone and in your post you say if you can trust them.
Heres the first one and its untrustable, you guys were right


Alright, so here is the next pic:

Trust or No Trust?

Forum Games / Avatar Megathread
« on: November 30, 2010, 04:49:54 PM »
I've decided that it would be good to have an avatar mega thread because it will help find avatars that are good for you.
So basicly you should post at least 1 avatar per post. Ill start.

Gallery / My cardboard box
« on: November 28, 2010, 02:32:32 PM »
Well today me and Takato14 got stranded for reason I will not explain. So, I started working on my shelter. Heres what happened

Its not so bad, look I even have my own bucket.

Its better but they are still off a bit. Ah well.

Games / Assassins's Creed Brotherhood-spoilers-
« on: November 27, 2010, 03:01:10 PM »
This game is so freakin epic. I can't get over how fun the multiplayer is and if you don't have the game I will explain the gamemodes. In each gamemode you can choose different special abilities, one of them is a smoke bomb which stuns your persuar.

Wanted Mode
My personal favorite, you are assasign a target(another player) and you have to assassinate him and the more discreet you are the more points you get.
At the same time someone is trying to hunt you, so you need to blend into your surroundings and such. Multiple people could be after you at once, the most is 4.
Here is something that will help you understand it.
Manhunt is a mode which is split into 2 rounds. Each team choose a character for what to be. Half the game one team is hiding from the other team. While the other team is trying to kill them. When the round ends they switch positions. So the team that was hiding is now attacking. Here is a video that shows what manhunt is:

In alliance there is only 6 players total and 3 teams. Each team has 2 player. Heres and example. Lets say the three teams are: Harliquins, nobles and prowlers.
The prowlers would try to kill the nobles, while the harliquins would try  to kill the prowlers and the nobles would try to kill the harliquins. So if you think about its, basicly a triangle. Here is a video to help you see it.

The single player is still really fun. This time around you get to make a brotherhood of assassins, and you can call your assassins down at any time. They can also shoot arrows at some guards from up above. Also in the single player you will be able to ride and use a bunch of Leonardo Da Vinci's war machines. Such as his tank, a boat with rockets a turret mounted on a chariot and a hanglider with rockets. You also can preform combo attacks on enemys to take them out faster unlike AC 1 and AC 2. Overall this game is really worth buying, as ezio continues his journey but this time in rome. The biggest map in AC franchise.

Pix time.

This tank is in it.

And to finish it off here is a gamespot review on it.


Help / Sqlite Error
« on: November 25, 2010, 11:29:11 AM »
Whenever I start or join a server, I get a sqlite error. I reinstalled blockland and v19 but it wont go away.
And when I checked off the read only, when I started blockland it just went back on. I use windows vista.
Please help.

Off Topic / Assassins Creed Brotherhood
« on: November 21, 2010, 07:41:49 PM »
Alright so, my dad said if i got good grades i could get the game. And now i have good grades and he says its too mature.
So i said what if i get the game and just play multiplayer because its not that bad.
He says he'll think about it. Any suggestions on how to convince him?

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