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Topics - Ethan

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Off Topic / What's your spammer name?
« on: December 09, 2008, 06:27:51 PM »

Now we need a "What's your spammer name?" topic. :D

What to do: Replace all vowels in your name with o's.

Gallery / History of The Epic Citybuild.
« on: November 24, 2008, 11:54:29 PM »
^ The Epic Citybuild Link ^

This is the topic with all the pictures taken in The Epic Citybuild to date.  This topic will be constantly changing, due to The Epic Citybuild being a WIP.  If you wish to apply to help, please click the link above.

In order from oldest to newest pictures:

Server is on from time to time, 'The Epic Citybuild'.

General Discussion / The Epic Citybuild.
« on: November 21, 2008, 10:22:39 PM »


Started by Ethan, the Epic Citybuild is a collection of some of Blockland's best building talent.  Only the best have built in this team effort.


If you think you have a talent for building, find building fun and entertaining, and love hanging out with a good crowd, consider helping.  The more builders, the better.
Your work must be good, and you must be able to work relatively fast.  An example of the standard of building:

Here is the template you must use when applying to build:

Blockland Name:
Blockland ID:
How you rate yourself as a builder (x/10):
A pic of my work:


(10 spaces left as of current time)
Red = admin.

-Ethan (3985)
-Alexander (6141)
-AwesomeThing (7XXX)
-Randomguy (4508)
-Beachbum (1114)
-Sirrus (5082)
-Aphtonites (909)
-Ace (1139)



No spamming, of ANY kind.
No elitism, if you are a better builder than anyone else.
Swearing is O.K, just don't offend anyone purposefully.
No building if you are not on the helpers' list.


Will be on whenever possible.  It will be dedi, so if I am not on, don't freak.  Server name, 'The Epic Citybuild.'

If anyone that is not allowed to build does so, the build will be destroyed immediately and the offender will be notified with a warning.  Second offense, if any, will be an immediate 30 minute ban.  Third offense, will be treated by a permanent ban.

Drama / ben1000000000000
« on: November 20, 2008, 07:37:13 PM »

Drama / Rate how tired you are of rant topics of 'Rate this' topics.
« on: November 17, 2008, 07:04:29 PM »
'Rate how tired you are of these types of threads.' is one.
Seriously, just let it go.
They can be fun, you know.

Off Topic / Boring forum day.
« on: November 14, 2008, 07:23:13 PM »
Boring day on the forums today, eh?
So, uhh, unalive.
It's usually really hard to keep up at this time.
Wtf has happened.

Drama / "zizema"
« on: November 14, 2008, 06:09:28 PM »

This has got to be BL's most immature member.

Gallery / King's Architects - Ethan's 2nd USSR application.
« on: November 14, 2008, 03:02:53 PM »
Hey there, this is Ethan and this is my 2nd application to the USSR clan.

King's Architects Building.

Outside looking at the main corner.

Outside again looking at one of the entrances.

Inside the reception/waiting area.

Inside office no.1 (head architect).

Inside office no.2 (architect apprentice).

A small build, but lots of detail.
Feel free to comment and rate.

Rate x/10 the possibility of yourself becoming friends with the above poster. Now is the time to use your forum experience, and see what they are like.

Ethan: first post.
Okta: Cool guy, 9/10.
Blockhead124712387: OGM 1000/10!!!!!
Ethan: Uhh, 0.4/10.

Get it? Now post.

Gallery / Ethan's USSR application.
« on: November 09, 2008, 12:12:27 AM »
A day of hard work and here it is.  Finally I finished it.
I tried to keep it as simple as possible yet still sophisticated enough to get in.
You're probably raring to get on with it, so I won't keep you any longer.

Outside.  Fancy blur :D

Outside again, different angle.

Close-up of exterior.

Kitchen looking one way.

Kitchen again.

'Lounge' sitting area.

Foyer with the best coat rack I could make.

Foyer again looking towards basement entrance.

Basement entrance.

Basement entrance yet again.


Looking up the ladder in the sitting area.

Up the ladder we go and to the bedroom.

Bedroom again.

One final look at the exterior.

Thank-you for spending the time looking at this application.
Feel free to comment and rate.

Off Topic / Toilet Paper.
« on: October 25, 2008, 07:46:49 PM »
Why the forget do people buy scented and printed toilet paper? You're only gonna wipe your ass with it.
The prints will soon become brown and the scent will be overwritten by this putrid 'rotten compost' smell.
And then it all gets flushed away.


General Discussion / [Event Tutorial] toggleEventEnabled
« on: October 20, 2008, 08:32:03 PM »
How to use toggleEventEnabled:

This simple Lightbulb will help you understand toggleEventEnabled.
Place the bulb, any brick you want.
Place the switch, any brick you want.
On the lightbulb, call it LBulb.
On the switch, call it LSwitch.
On the switch, have these events (note that the number at the front is the event number):

0 [ticked] onActivate>NAMED BRICK[LBulb]>setLight>Player's Light.
1 [unticked] onActivate>NAMED BRICK[LBulb]>setLight>None
2 [ticked] onActivate>self>toggleEventEnabled>[here goes the event numbers you want toggled (switched from ticked to unticked), in this case it is 0 1 (use a space to separate)].

Any questions, feel free to ask.
If this is in the wrong section, please move. Thanks.

Off Topic / Post a pic of your handwriting.
« on: October 20, 2008, 03:40:39 AM »
Post some pics of your handwriting.
Post your best, your normal and your fastest if you feel like it.
I will get some pics uploaded tomorrow as here it is pitch-black at the moment.

Off Topic / Hairkut.
« on: October 19, 2008, 01:58:04 AM »
A hairkut is being forced upon me.  I need new style suggestions ASAP!

Mai hair is long enough so it gets annoying.  To give you an example here is an old picture of my current haircut, tamed (it's longer now):

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