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Topics - Total Logic

Pages: [1] 2
Help / Complete Tier+Tactical 2.1?
« on: September 27, 2016, 04:32:00 PM »

Anyone have the entire TT2.1 Series? Downloads on the thread don't work anymore so I can't really get any of them, so does anyone have the packs in their addons that they could share?

Thanks in advanced. <3

Suggestions & Requests / Musical player/command?
« on: September 19, 2016, 09:31:11 AM »

Is there anyway to make a playertype or maybe a slash command that could make music emit from a player?

I have more detail on my original post here, I was originally planning on finding an addon that can produce music out of a player and it will follow that player where ever they go. Imagine the boombox addon, except cut out the boombox and be able to use other tools and weapons.

Any chance this could be made or a possible addon could be edited to do this? I'm not much of a coder so I wouldn't know where to begin with something like this, either way could any of you offer some help?

Thanks in advanced.

Help / Music playing playertype?
« on: September 16, 2016, 06:06:48 PM »
I'm trying to figure out some way to make music play from a specific person, like if you're around them they'll start making sounds and be able to play music out loud. I don't know what would be a good example, I'd compare it to blockaloni's basile games since he manages to play music wherever he goes (along side terrifying noises).

Any help? would this be something event wise or a possible playermodel?

thanks in advanced.

Faces, Decals, Prints / The spooker face pack
« on: September 13, 2016, 07:13:44 PM »

                                The spooker face pack


What's the scariest part about this pack? the pure fear it induces or the fact that this is an excuse to draw stuffty faces? It's both.

                  This pack contains four spooky faces that are listed here:

                Grinner - spends his weekends watching Stranger Things illegally on putlocker.

                                             Jerry - The reason why there's kids on milk cartons.

                                              Gasper - "No not the loving Undertale character."

                                             Long Face - I swear he's not an Imscared rip-off.

  Are you scared yet? no???? then you're brave enough to download this loving disaster of a face pack here.


Help / JVS doors not playing closing sound?
« on: September 07, 2016, 02:57:30 PM »


every single JVS item wont play their proper closing sound, it doesn't matter if it's custom or vanilla to the pack.

It has the normal events and everything, It just suddenly stopped working and it's kinda annoying when the door plays the opening sound instead of a closing one.

Any fixes? I've deleted and reinstalled it twice, had disabled every other addon and own all the packs for the content.

Thanks in advanced.

Help / Mind helping me with a few things?
« on: August 29, 2016, 03:25:56 PM »

I have several questions I'd like to ask you guys, if any of you have the time to lend me a hand here that'd be great. <3

I've been spending the past week making a map completely dedicated to the slayer Infection gamemode, so far the map is practically done, but I'm stuck with a bit of an issue concerning the shops I've made and spawn itself.

You don't spawn in the map, you spawn in a small lobby room where you can either enter the game right away through a teleport doorway, or browse the shop and purchase weapons. Now I can imagine someones bound to just sit at spawn and camp there, rather than actually playing the game, how would I go about sending them to the game over a certain amount of time?

If there's an addon anywhere that can force a player to teleport into the map and avoid camping, that'd be a great find, but I haven't found anything similar to that so far. So, any help? any kind of events I could mash together to send players into the map if they spend too much time in the shops? I've messed around with setPlayerTransform for awhile but it doesn't work as I hoped it would.

[30000] onplayertouch > brickname > setplayertransform > relative seemed like a good option, but you'll be teleported forcefully in a short amount of time.

I've also taken several screenshots of the project incase anyone is curious on what I'm working on here, so far I've been the only one developing this and it's actually my first major build, so if you have any opinions on the look I'd gladly take any form of criticism and advice.


I'm also interested in adding somekind of VIP area for people who've helped develop the game, almost like a lounge for admins and helpers, Is there any addon that could recognize a users BLID and possibly teleport them to a area? while also restricting users the object does not recognize?

Thanks in advanced.

Drama / dfire handing out research links
« on: August 12, 2015, 09:25:15 PM »

Decided to join a deathrun server and i encounter the user dfire, who called out a certain user named spacedog who was currently the age of 6, he requested him to be kicked and banned because he was too young.

after this failed, he decided to do this.


dfire took advantage of the kids age and sent links to him via chat, linking him to a few research sites, this went on for awhile and you can see that some others tried to prevent him from looking at them.


I would've taken more pictures of spacedog's reactions, but he said so little and a lot of if was practically pointless and was more focused on the game than anything, none the less, dfire is an starfish.

Drama / Kozzer spams falling platforms
« on: March 06, 2015, 10:02:12 PM »

Long story short, Someone mentioned the lack of any admins in the server and the user Kozzer started spamming.

This one is my favorite, As soon as Redcorner joined he tried to blame some other user(s) for the spam

Well deserved i suppose


Off Topic / Invader Zim comic series
« on: March 03, 2015, 10:45:02 AM »


                                                                                   ABOUT TIME

Publishers Oni Press is collaborating with jhonenv and Nickelodeon to revive the twisted comedy animated series "Invader Zim" into a comic, After a failed attempt to revive the series in 2010, Nickelodeon has decided it's time to bring it back (but sadly not as a show)


                                                           It's expected to be released THIS loving SUMMER!

more information here:


Games / Flipnote Studio's 3D is now available
« on: February 10, 2015, 10:20:44 AM »

Flipnote Studio's 3D was announced back when the animation sharing community Flipnote Hatena was shut down, And after two years we assumed japan was the only place getting a release, Until just reacently on the club Nintendo page we were told that all club Nintendo members, New or old, Will be given a download code to gain access to the application much sooner than it's actual release.

It will be fully released around June/July for all Nintendo 3DS users (Including the Hatena feature which is still being worked upon)


If you would like a copy of the app, Create or check out you're club Nintendo account and view you're survey's for a free download code.

It's under loving maintenance

Off Topic / -
« on: January 29, 2015, 08:18:21 AM »

Off Topic / BeatleJuice 2
« on: December 17, 2014, 09:49:58 AM »
Tim burton is up for beatlejuice 2, Even his hair is prepared..

Off Topic / The walking dead petition (Yeah spoilers btw)
« on: December 09, 2014, 07:41:38 AM »
Apparently a petition has been made to bring back a dead character, Also everyone should know that Beth was shot in the head, How the ever loving forget can she come back?

There's no cure for the zombie outbreak but there is one for bullet's to the head apparently.

Yeah sure I didn't like how she died, But that's how the show works, People have to die to move on, Each death changes the character and makes them different in time.

But nope, forget that. Let's bring back Beth since she's clearly savable, She just got shot in the head is all!

No one reacted this way when Hershel died now did they?

Also apologies to the one's I spoiled, I just wanted to rant and share a link, Had no intentions on ruining the season for everyone.

Forum Games / Share your "Art"
« on: October 23, 2014, 10:53:41 AM »

         Share that awful file of doodles you made out of pure boredom here and claim it's art, Because that's how it works.
                                                           No research pls (sorry, I have to ruin the fun for you guys)


                                           The other related or similar threads no longer exist, I am the keanu reeves of this thread.

Off Topic / Homestuck thread (oh god this again)
« on: October 22, 2014, 02:10:27 PM »
                                                          IT HAS BEGUN.

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