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Topics - GrenadeBoy

Pages: [1]
Games / Space Station 13 - GOON SOURCE CODE LEAKED
« on: November 28, 2015, 11:04:47 PM »
I'll update OP later, since I'm on mobile right now, but this is pretty much a game where you roleplay a job on a space station. For example, you could be a scientist, geneticist, chef, botanist, clown, captain, ai, cyborg, and lots of other jobs. What makes the game interesting are the different antagonist roles that I'll make a list of:

Traitor -
Several people on the station are traitors sent from an organization called the syndicate, hellbent on taking down Nanotrasen(company that owns the space station). The traitors have access to a syndicate uplink through their pda's that can order several items to help complete their objectives at the cost of telecrystals. A few of those items are a pizza bomb, an "id" that breaks doors and cyborgs and lots of other fun stuff, thermal goggles, C4, revolver, energy sword (p much lightsaber), and lots of other items you can see on a wiki.

Changeling -
Creatures that can suck up DNA and impersonate anyone they come across are on the station! They can mutate abilities such as an arm blade or stinger, switch their identity to anyone who's dna they have absorbed, and spread mistrust through the crew. Sometimes these types of rounds are mixed with traitor rounds, which results in changelings having access to the syndicate uplink.

Nuke Ops -
5 Nuclear Operatives from the Syndicate are sent on the station, who have to blow up the station and escape with the nuclear fission explosive on board the station. They also have access to the syndicate uplink, with even more items on them. They will attempt to steal a nuclear authentication disk that the captain starts out with, and once they get it, they usually always win.

There are some other types of rounds like cult, revolution, and gang wars, but I'll write that down when I get on a computer.

There are 3 main branches of the SS13 source cod, /tg/ (most popular), Goon, and BayStation12. Each have there own advantages and disadvantages, but I prefer /tg/.

To get the game, you need this stuffty software called BYOND. Go on and download it, and create an account. You can run a virus scan if you want to make sure the installer isn't a virus. After that, just search space station 13 in the games list and it should pop up!

Welp that's the end of the thread, I'll add more later when I get on a computer. Try it out, give your thoughts to the game. This game also has a pretty steep learning curve, and a wiki is pretty much required to do well. Make sure you have the right wiki for the server you are on.

Woops sorry forgot to add the honk!!!!-man to antag roles yeah he obviously goes there.

Off Topic / 4kidschan theme is back
« on: April 07, 2015, 10:20:49 AM »
prepare your star fish

Help / Make a brick instantly disappear
« on: February 19, 2015, 08:55:47 PM »
Is there a way to make a brick instantly disappear without the fade out effect? I've tried setting the color to the invisible color but that also has the fade effect, and I can't think of anything else. If there isn't a way, is it possible to make an add on for it?

General Discussion / Stalkers vs humans gamemode
« on: August 06, 2014, 11:07:27 PM »
I remember this one gamemode from 2 years back or so that was called stalkers vs humans where the humans would attempt to steal an artifact or something from a temple and the stalkers (the guardians of the temple) would try to stop them from stealing the artifact. It was pretty fun. So i was wondering if some one could host it again.
I probably wouldnt be able to join bacause my computers being an ass. Typing this from an IPad

Heres the link to the topic BTW:

Sorry if this is supposed to go in S&R

Off Topic / Board Game Online Megathread *Currently no games open*
« on: April 26, 2014, 04:53:33 PM »

Basically a board game online as the name implies.
Current game:


Help / Authentication: Validating Key never ends (except sometimes)
« on: January 22, 2014, 04:19:19 PM »
Posted a topic like this before, but I got BL on steam and now whenever I launch BL it either says Validating Key forever or it launches successfully. Heres a traced console.log of me typing auth_init_client();

Suggestions & Requests / Propeller/Rotor
« on: January 09, 2014, 09:36:54 PM »
Basically I just want a propeller or rotor brick/vehicle to make something like a helicopter.
No, you wouldn't be able to ride the rotor as a vehicle lol.

Games / Help on SCP CB
« on: November 22, 2013, 07:56:13 PM »
Whenever I try to run SCP Containment Breach, I get an error that says "Unable to create 3D scene." Anyone know what does error means and how to fix it? Also graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce 630 and OS is Windows XP (dont kil meh pls)

Help / Blockland Not Authenticating
« on: October 20, 2013, 06:21:43 PM »
On the main menu it just keeps saying "Authentication: Validating Key..." This has never happened before. I checked firewall, and its still doing this. I have deleted the key.dat and reentered  the key and it still does it. Getting a clean copy doesn't work either. What to do?

Modification Help / Controlling a bot?
« on: October 20, 2013, 04:58:18 PM »
Sorry if I posted in the wrong section, but I want to know what the console command is to control a bot from a named bot hole. For example, if I named a brick "spawn," if it was a vehicle spawn I would just do findclientbyname(Username).setcontrolobject(_spawn.vehicle);. But what would I do do with a named bot hole: findclientbyname(Username).setcontrolobject(What goes here?);?

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