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Topics - Morpheus

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Off Topic / What phone do you have?
« on: July 29, 2014, 02:37:52 AM »
I am just curious on what forum members have as phones. Currently I have whatever the hell this Samsung in the picture is, but I just ordered myself a new phone called the OnePlus One.

Current Phone

Phone that I ordered yesterday.

So what types of phones do you guys own? Post a picture if you can so we can get a visual.

Edit: Here is a link to the OnePlus One's Specs if interested. Cant beat it for $350

Games / So i was playing Saints Row IV...
« on: August 24, 2013, 11:38:51 PM »
and then this happened...

Off Topic / After 1 week of school...
« on: August 23, 2013, 07:52:50 PM »

Yea... Lots and Lots of reading out of a 1200 page history book.

Anyways, are there any classes which you "regert" taking. Personally I find history interesting, but not reading :3.

Wildfires are raging in Southern Colorado at the moment and so far I have seen five houses burn down on tv within a time frame of 5 minutes. Just last year, Colorado Springs got hit with the most destructive wildfire in state history and it seams as if parts of it are going to get strongly hit again. At this moment, the Black Forest Fire (North of the Springs) has burned down five houses in about an hour or two. Just south of here, the Royal Gorge area is on fire as well as around Huerfano County.


Ill post more info and update as the news comes in. Last year,  as some of you may know, I got evacuated for a week from the Waldo Canyon Fire. Hopefully, these fires wont affect my area again as well as any other area.

Update: The house in the first picture is now reduced to its foundation.

Off Topic / Could someone make me a gif of this?
« on: June 06, 2013, 10:04:07 PM »
Im seeking a new avatar, but i dont know how to create gifs. Its from 2:07-2:10.

Thanks in advance.

Help / Blockland wont authenticate and the forums wont load
« on: May 08, 2013, 05:28:46 PM »
I can access the forums on my laptop, but ever since the server change I'm not able to authenticate Blockland or go on the forums on my desktop. How can one fix this? Thanks in advance.

Drama / *Altair*: Tries to ruin people's fun in servers...
« on: April 10, 2013, 11:09:09 PM »

*Altair*: The story of a child who accused Morpheus of aimbot and annoyed others.

Here's how it goes. I was on High-Definitions Dogfight and I'm playing like usual. However, this time a kid called *Altair* accuses me of aimbot after killing him a few times.

After accusing me, I tell him that I am not and explain to him how following him in an airplane is not aimbot. (sorry for the typo)

After accusing me a few times, I ask him this.

After a while, Supcrazy comes in (admin) and starts to see the chat and what *Altair* is doing.

However, *Altair* replies back.

Here's where his last stand comes in of false accusation..

Seconds after that, he switches to the red team (auto-switch) and still tries to get me banned. (again, sorry for the typo)

I then report him to supercrazy....AGAIN (as he gave Altair a warning). He then gets banned and all is good. Or is it?

After about five minutes, he decides to irc me this.

I'm primarily making this as evidence if I were to get banned because he gets his way. I do have players to back me up from these accusations. I just wanted to make this as a warning on how he spoils people's fun in servers.

(P.S: sorry for the bad layout, i don't really make dramas)

Off Topic / What is the scariest thing you have ever seen?
« on: November 09, 2012, 10:38:19 PM »
Just post the scariest thing you have seen in your life.

A few months back I saw this right outside my house which caused 350+ houses to burn down.

Off Topic / Cakeday! (three handsome forum members have B-Days)
« on: November 04, 2012, 09:33:20 AM »
I turned 16 today :O

So far I have gotten $260.00
and a ton of homework

Off Topic / Blurry Visions (A Short Story by Morpheus)
« on: September 16, 2012, 10:16:38 PM »
Blurry Visions
The alarm buzzed early in the morning signaling a new day for Hendrik. It was always dark and cold outside by the time he got up, but he always knew it was going to be a perfect day. After taking his shower in a room that felt like a sauna afterwards, he went on to put in his contacts.
Having an hour before he had to leave for school, he made some cereal and sat down to watch the morning’s news. Nothing bad ever happened on the news and all they ever showed was the country’s great leader. This was okay with Hendrik since his leader gave his family a place to live for free. When the clock reached the top of the hour, he cleaned up after himself and took his backpack out the door.
The sun was rising on his walk to school making the dew on the grass sparkle like diamonds. The speakers around his neighborhood played the only radio station in the nation. It was always the same stuff every day, but that was okay with Hendrik since his leader has giving his country everything. As he came closer to the school, he stopped by his friend’s house to see if he still was on vacation. His friend has been gone for months, but the great leader granted his friend’s family a free trip to a resort.
After a thirty minute walk, he finally arrived at the school courtyard. The flowers just started blooming for the day with vivid colors everywhere. Eventually the school bell rang and all the students went to class.
Hendrik’s teacher was strict, like every teacher, but he did not mind since it would help him in the future. He sat in the back of the classroom where most of the pictures of the great leader were as well as the influencing posters. His class usually watched a video every day on how another country was trying to change what they did and how they could stop it. Usually violence was portrayed in these films, but neither Hendrik nor his classmates minded since it was mandatory that they join the military later in life.
At twelve, the bell rang for lunch. During this time, Hendrik usually played soccer with his friends, the country’s national sport. Although they played rough at times, the teachers never intervened since they needed to show that they were tough enough to survive in the world. Very few times did people get hurt, but today was different. As Hendrik was trying to go for the ball, he got hit in the face. After getting up from being dazed, he realized that his contacts had fallen out and that he could not see clearly anymore. Everything he once knew seemed to look different.
The bell rang again to go back to class and as he walked through the courtyard it no longer had flowers with vivid colors and blooming blossoms. To him, it now looked like a bunch of dead grass with dirt patches everywhere. He thought that maybe it was still because of him being dazed and ignored it and went back to class.
Back in class, Hendrik’s teacher put on another video. However, this time Hendrik found the true meaning of the film and realized it was a propaganda film. He wondered how a cartoon influenced his views as well as his nation’s. Even though he started disagreeing with the film, he sat through it for the rest of the day trying not to say anything bad in fear of getting in trouble. After a few hours of waiting that felt like a day, the school bell finally rang to mark the end of the day.
Hendrik always went the same way home as he did to school, except this time the sun was at its peak. He noticed that the grass no longer looked like diamonds in the sun from sprinklers and dew, but instead it looked like hay attaching to his shoe with each step. The speakers that were playing the same thing every day now bugged him and he no longer wanted to hear them. His pleasant walks that he used to have on his way home were now ruined with propaganda in which he did not believe in anymore. When he came up to his house, he realized it was not what it used to be. The house, which he thanked the leader for, now looked like an abandoned building in a ghetto. Hendrik no longer felt that his nation was the best and decided to do something about it.
The next morning, Hendrik decided to stay home from school to plan out what he would do to get his country to change. Although he knew he would get in trouble at school for not showing up, he took the chance to change something he felt that needed to be changed. After about four hours of planning, Hendrik finally came up with the perfect plan. He decided to try and get a few of his friends to see the world for what it really looked like by showing them his own propaganda. He knew that they thought the videos they showed now were real, but if he tried to get them to believe what was really true, he would have people to back him up.
Quickly making his way to school during lunch hour, Hendrik felt like he was being followed. Trying not to be late, he ignored looking back and started to run. He arrived at school with seconds to spare for the last part of the day. The teacher asked why he did not show up for the beginning of school and quickly gave the punishment of five lashes. Walking back to the class in pain, Hendrik eventually sat down and talked to his friend on how theirs lives could be different. Fearing that they could be punished, his friends quickly ignored him and got back to their work.
After about thirty minutes at school, the teacher gave Hendrik a note to go to the office. At the time, Hendrik did not know what he did wrong, but he soon learned. When he arrived in the office, he realized two government workers were standing in the room. Showing respect, he stayed in the room and waited until they talked. After a few minutes of staring at each other, the government workers said that he was going on vacation to a resort. Forcefully bringing Hendrik to their car with tinted windows, they started the car and drove out east towards the desert.

What do you guys think?

Games / Amazon Labor Day Game Sale!
« on: August 30, 2012, 09:19:01 PM »
Over 400 games are on sale in the PC download section right now and most of the major games activate on steam (you can check in the product description if it is or not). The sales end September 9th, so there is still time for more games to go on sale.

What's on sale?
Look at all the games here

Bundles for Sale!
Max Payne 3 + La Noire Complete $30
GTA IV Complete + Max Payne 3 $30
Bioshock 1&2 + Spec Ops: The Line $20
Duke Nuken + Borderlands:GOTY + Darnkness II $20
Just Cause 2 + Kayne and Lynch 2 + Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light + Supreme Commander 2 + Tomb Raider: Underworld $9.50

There are more bundles that are on sale, just look around to find them.

P.S: Is Max Payne 3 worth 30 bucks?

Off Topic / Can someone make an avatar gif of this?
« on: August 26, 2012, 02:49:37 AM »
I dont know how too and I need a new avatar.

Thanks in advance

Off Topic / Drove for my first time today...
« on: July 22, 2012, 01:39:23 AM »
And I'm not good at it. I predict that in a week I will be like this.

Off Topic / Jesus is my home boy!
« on: July 21, 2012, 02:27:51 AM »

I am from Colorado Springs, Colorado which got attacked by the Fire Nation.

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