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Topics - Saxophone

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Suggestions & Requests / An onion.
« on: December 21, 2009, 11:33:20 AM »
An onion.
And when you throw it, it does that screen white out thing. And 15 damage.

It needs the white out because onions burn the eyes.

Off Topic / What really grinds my...Computer's Gears.
« on: December 19, 2009, 10:37:48 PM »
I don't know why, but there is this weird grinding like noise coming from my computer right now. It happens for a while, and when it gets real bad, my comp makes a loud whirring noise that won't stop.

I think it's the fan, but I'm not to sure.

Please heelp mey.

Off Topic / Star Wars - The Original Trilogy
« on: December 19, 2009, 10:12:05 PM »

I just finished watching it. Ah, lots of good memories.
It suprises me that they used no CGI effects too.  :I

Discuss Star Wars.

Off Topic / My mouth is now normal!
« on: December 17, 2009, 08:36:16 PM »

Well, i just had my space maintainer yanked out since one tooth attached to it "fell out".

And now ny mouth is feeling really forgeted up because of the Anethetics.


Off Topic / Turtles - Those little chocolate treats.
« on: December 14, 2009, 05:48:51 PM »
Yummy. I have had like, 4 today.

Discuss turtles.

Off Topic / DSi Protective screen fail.
« on: December 14, 2009, 01:18:00 PM »
I have this touch screen protector, and within 2 days of having it, t'was covered with scratches, and now, that I want to take it off, there is no room to pry it off with my fingernails.



Off Topic / Kink in my neck.
« on: December 13, 2009, 11:42:31 AM »

Whenever I turn my head to the right after it being faced purpendicular to my body, It hurts alot.

ANy ways to help relive it.

(Also, I cannot lay down, I woke up a 6 with my searing pain.)

Drama / Uno da cat - Bad start off kid.
« on: December 12, 2009, 09:43:13 PM »
If you've been hanging around drama lately, there is this stupid child by the name of: uno_da_cat. This kid has totally reached a new level in stupidity. From what I've seen, he does nothing to contribute to topics. he talks without proper punctuatuon and it gtes quide annoying when evey post of his has a speeling error. His approach to some topics is completely stupid, and he also overuses cigarette.

Now I'm sure you've seen his mayhem if you read this.

Off Topic / What would you love after death?
« on: December 12, 2009, 08:29:30 PM »
I'd love to become a ghost, and scare the living crap out of children.

What'd you like to do?

Drama / PS3/Xbox 360 - Games Section Drama
« on: December 11, 2009, 08:21:53 PM »
When someone says, "I've got PS3, any good games that you recommend?" Someone blabs on, "Should've gotten a 360"
Also in the in the opposite way.

Seriously? They got a PS3/360, big deal. They are just question that can be answered by a simple "here are a few good ones (List games here)." I don't think they give a crap about getting a 360/PS3. They choose what they want, and once chosing your opinion is now pointless. Now, both systems have flaws and other stuff. but for god sake's, just deal with it. I hate seeing these pointless posts coming into the games section.

Now let me say this again.
They don't give a crap about getting a different system once they have one.

Now this is based off the last year, it may not be entierly accuate. But this could, in a way, help the future...

Creativity / Rooms - An all new poorly drawn escape thingy!
« on: December 09, 2009, 11:55:03 PM »
Oh deary me, you've been teleported to a werid room.

But i'm sure you can help Fred.
(Just tell him what to do. :P)

Please play along with this, and not be cigarettegy.  :/

Gallery / Blockland Battle Arena
« on: December 09, 2009, 11:14:08 PM »

Sorry about that Badspot. Didn't mean to post the same thing again.

Off Topic / Cake
« on: December 08, 2009, 09:49:21 PM »
Mmmm, nothing like a nice fluffy peice of cake.

Now, bet your thinking "lol im gona say THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!11!1!one!!1"
But please don't, considering the fact that you can see the real cake (due too some glitchy stuff).

But anywho, that is different. I love cake, esspecially DQ Blizzard Cakes.
But any ice cream cake will do. Although, the fluffy cake is melt in your mouth good, but the icing is blech. But anywho, discuss cake.

Also, the cake isn't a lie, since my mommy is going to make the that cake.
(Not with the "ingredients" listed on those computer screens in portal.)

Off Topic / Can you get PS3 Controllers with Turbo buttons?
« on: December 06, 2009, 11:52:34 PM »
Oh please, I need one verily badly.
Mainly because I am jealous of my PS2 remote having one, and being able to waste a 30 round clip of bullets in a few moments.

I mainly want one for helping me beat some more Motorstorm Races, and some CoD4 shooting. Also for HL2, TF2, and Fallout 3 when I get them.

*Not sure if this belongs in games or not*

Games / Incredibots2
« on: December 06, 2009, 12:59:53 AM »
Some kind of cartoon-ish physics game. Load and Save your builds for the world to enjoy. I guess it's kind of fun making stuff.

Incredibots is haer!

Also, you can make an account in under 10 seconds. (Literally)

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