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Topics - The Lawyer

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Help / Server could not verify my ID?
« on: May 01, 2019, 10:47:26 PM »
I can't join any server. Connection fails and it just says "Server could not verify your Blockland ID."

Any clue?

Games / Anyone want to play SimCity?
« on: March 25, 2018, 05:22:45 PM »
Hey guys, haven't been on the forums in a while. I've been playing a lot of SimCity on my own and wanted to get more into the multiplayer aspect. I set up a world called "Pandora" and I've been working on my city. Some other random joined and he hasn't been talking in chat so its kind of boring. I'm not sure how to invite other people in here. My Origin name is "Jakob14941" if that helps you add me.

Suggestions & Requests / Jasa's Brick Tesselation
« on: December 31, 2016, 08:56:37 PM »
Hey guys, I'm looking to try out Jasa's Brick Tesselation but his DL link is broke. Anyone have it or have a mirror to the link?


Suggestions & Requests / Trackable Face Decal
« on: September 01, 2016, 02:23:41 PM »
Heyo guys. Just wondering if there was a face decal with very easy to see tracking markers. Maybe in black or pink. Seein if I could test something out. TY

Help / How to change schedule limit on dedi
« on: August 22, 2016, 04:28:15 PM »

Do I need a console command? I've searched but I can't find it. Help is appreciated

Off Topic / the lawyer is in this strange university place
« on: August 07, 2016, 11:39:24 PM »

I'm at the University of Oregon for business training and I'm moving into their dorms for a week.

this dorm room is...

well if you've been to college you probably know.

discuss college experiences.


General Discussion / Jakob's Sky Fort Wars
« on: July 10, 2016, 01:54:22 AM »
This is a placeholder topic for now, I may come in and redo it.

ignore fps on corner

This fort wars isn't flat fort wars or island fort wars, but sky island fortwars! The combat is primarily focused around air, however there is a sea below for naval tactics. There are multiple layers of islands for you to build your small and large bases.

This server is complete with an established rule system, established spawn and - get this, public minijet stations so you don't have to create random vehicle spawns to get back to your base! The server is also running the Fort Wars mod, a private mod created by Visolator. It includes teams, builder and attacker modes, and more. Please come to the server and try it out. You'll be welcomed by our friendly administrators that will help you get started.

Please ask any questions!

Off Topic / Film Company possible music rip off?
« on: April 04, 2016, 08:45:33 PM »
I'm a small fan of Daniel Ciurlizza and his music such as his Force Awakens (which was taken down by Lucas Films).

I saw an add of an interesting automatic camera.

Listen to one then listen to the other.

Daniel Ciurlizza:



Off Topic / Check my Computer Build
« on: March 20, 2016, 12:20:09 AM »
Hi guys,

you might know that I've been looking to build a computer for a long time.

After quite a bit of research, I think I'm going to head to that (the above) build.

(Don't worry about peripherals or operating system, I already have that covered.)

I believe the system is very good as it is at the moment; and should be able to run almost any AAA game at ultra with the 970 in combination with 5820k. I'm focused on video editing, effects, and of course gaming. The combo should be able to edit any 1080p footage spectacularly, and should only get really slow during huge layering (at which point overclocking could cover that). The best part about the build is that it's upgrade-able. The case will allow for more hard drives in Raid 5, and the motherboard will support a future 5960x for insane video (not sure I would ever need that, 5820k should be fine), and a GTX 980 ti in the future to supply 4k (and maybe 4k video editing in the future).

The cooler should be good for any overclocking.

It's tipping over my budget, so I'm really banking on this as a good deal.  Do you guys have any opinions that you would like to point out? Any tips or things to keep in mind?

Also; I'm looking for a 4k monitor that's about 27-35 inches wide, and at least 60hz. I know the GTX 970 will not run games very well on 4K, but I'm going to be using the monitor for streaming video and using it's 4k space for having more windows open. Price range is about $400-$700.


Gallery / [IMG] [ADVERT] Kong123's Death Race
« on: February 28, 2016, 09:56:45 PM »


made in a quickie.

Off Topic / The Lawyer has leveled up
« on: January 20, 2016, 07:17:47 PM »
Mi cumpleanos es el veinte de enero. Feliz cumpleanos a me!

I have leveled up.

brb changing name to The Judge

Off Topic / I just had the strangest dream about Blockland.
« on: January 09, 2016, 12:35:55 PM »
I was randomly dreaming, and in the middle of my dream I was on the Blockland main menu. Somehow I had performed a glitch that allowed me to join a single player game. When I joined the single player game, I had the obvious loading background but instead of the normal "Loading" text, it was replaced by "Blockland Version 2, Adventure". As I was freaking out in my dream about there being an adventure mode, the loading screen started to show a slideshow of procedural generating terrain. When I finally "spawned", the game kicked into like a movie trailer for Blockland Version 2, Adventure. Different Blockheads were roaming around huge maps, gigantic heights, tombs, anywhere imagined. Blockheads could fight any type of creature and use almost any kind of vehicle. There were improved player types, animations, textures, and rendering. There were even custom voiced NPCs. It was like a full fledged actual BL2 trailer. After the trailer ended I got on the forums and saw there was already a topic about it, and Badspot was actually inputting development into the game with the support of users.

Eventually my dream ended, but it was very interesting. I'd think that this kind of Blockland would be very possible come time.

Help / No RTB Prefs
« on: December 27, 2015, 05:23:06 PM »
Hi guys. I've installed a a few add-ons for my server I'm hosting locally. I want to change the preferences for Duplicator and Restrict Events but when I go to the RTB Server Control, it says this server has no preferences to manage.

Please help,


Off Topic / Blockland Forums - Help me Build a Computer
« on: December 20, 2015, 03:29:56 PM »
Hey forumers. I've made a few topics in the past but I'm probably going to go all out on this one. I'm looking to build a computer that will suit my needs in video editing, gaming, and rendering. I have a few ideas, but I would like to see your opinions and comments to help me get the best build at it's best price with your experience.

I'm looking to build a computer that will have preferably an NVIDIA graphics card to support CUDA rendering in After Effects and Cycles in Blender. Would multiple low end graphics cards work better than one single high-end graphics card?

A CPU isn't that big of a problem for me. I'm leaning towards Intel i7s but also considering some of the new AMD CPUs. I'll take any suggestions too!

Motherboard is a big part. Is there any motherboards that can fix a large graphcis card, but possibly have room to upgrade in the future? Same goes for RAM.

Also a fan and tower. Anything that can keep the sound down helps.

I'm not sure if this is really clear but I hope you guys can make sense of it and help me out. Thanks!

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