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Topics - Cynic

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / JazZ's CityRPG
« on: April 30, 2016, 03:59:18 PM »
JazZ's CityRPG

Hosting a CityRPG for a while since it's been forever since i played the game.  Map is currently unfinished and being worked on, i will also be working on additions and cleanups to the mod i'm using.  Going to say it's in beta until i find some of the more glaring issues with the mod that will require data wipes, but it currently works and is going to stay as is for another couple of weeks.  Any bug reports or criticisms are welcome.

-New Jobs
-New Drugs
-Updated labor

None yet

Admin Applications
Code: [Select]
In-game name:
Previous administrated servers:
Reason for applying:

Off Topic / Affordable Care Act [rant?]
« on: January 10, 2016, 11:49:27 AM »
i'll start by saying i'm only posting this to see if i can get someone to respond with an opposing situation in which the ACA helped a family or individual here on blf, i'm writing a college essay on the topic and i have to provide both opinions/situations.

my grandparents have lived of a fixed retirement income for nearly 10 years now and they both have various lung problems caused by being born in a generation that didn't know cigarettes were actually terrible for you.  their income has been the exact same for 10 years, they have paid off their house and everything else however recently they've been slowly exhausting their savings just in order to stay alive.  just on one of their numerous prescription medications the co-pay from my grandfathers retirement health care to the co-pay with the new ACA the price has increased 400%.  a $30 medication previously now cost them $140 out of pocket.  this is one of the more acceptable numbers.  their average medication price increase is ~500%.  to me it's a very scary situation because if they had not had any savings or help they would simple of gone without medication causing them many problems.  i understand the premise of the ACA and i hate to be one sided about topics like this but it seems so ridiculous that the prices would increase that much for a family of 2 that lives off of a fixed income.  but anyways, post your thoughts below

Modification Help / [coding help] how to get a bot to accept commands
« on: December 19, 2015, 08:30:07 PM »
basically i want to have it so that when i click a bot it will display text along these lines

"Shopkeeper: What would you like to do?
Type 1 to sell ore
Type 2 to buy ore"

And when the player responds with 1 in chat it will not display the message but will call a function to sell ore.

Modification Help / [coding help] How to get a list of all weapon ids?
« on: December 09, 2015, 08:33:52 PM »
trying to create an event that will spawn a random item from the servers list of items.  tried to search for help but the merge kinda forgets it all up.  I don't know how to get a list of the weapon ids on the server

Off Topic / Cynic goes on an adventure
« on: October 10, 2015, 02:55:06 PM »
So quite some time ago I started having the dream of up and moving to California (I live in Ohio).  for several months now I've been saving money up and I now have right under $3,000.  I plan on taking my 2003 350z across the US and hopefully by tomorrow ill have some cool pictures from my stops along the way.  wish me luck and stay tuned

Games / Hearthstone Megathread | Officially P2W
« on: April 09, 2015, 06:37:52 PM »

Hearthstone is a F2P card game based on the same lore as World of Warcraft.  There are nine playable classes that each have their own unique ability and card sets.  Collect cards via card packs which can be earned with in game gold or real world money.  Because every card is balanced there is no real element of pay to win, a deck full of the most expensive cards is actually garbage.  There are many interesting mechanics and more are getting added with new expansions.

  • Naxxramas ($24.99 or 700 gold per wing)
  • Blackrock Mountain ($24.99 or 700 gold per wing)
  • Goblins vs Gnomes (Free)
  • [0]Tavern Brawl (Free | New play mode)
  • Hero skins ($10/skin)
  • [0]The Grand Tournament (Free)


Suggestions & Requests / Taking Suggestions [No Models/GUIs]
« on: January 29, 2015, 03:48:47 PM »
I've decided to get back into the Blockland add-on making scene and I have a hard time coming up with stuff to make so I need you guys to tell me what you want.  I've made quite a few modifications previously, a lot of which are not released however I did release a few such as Click Information & Hunger Mod.  If I find your suggestion to be something I want to pursue I will put it in a list below in order from most likely to be completed to least likely.  I'm not an artist so please no models/GUI's unless you can connect me with someone who can do that part and I will do the coding.

  • None

Off Topic / got in bad car crash
« on: October 22, 2014, 09:13:39 PM »
I already posted some of this story in the Car Thread, but I thought I'd make a topic to see if anyone else has had similar experiences/questions about what happened.  And I'm currently not allowed to leave the hospital so I'm downright bored.

I was headed towards my girlfriends which is down a 65mph highway.  It was raining pretty steadily but not too heavily, I was in the furthest left lane traveling about 60mph in 6th gear (my car makes ~530whp), cruise control is on and both my hands are on the wheel because I know my tires currently have 0 tread on them and honestly I'm trying to get as much traction as possible.  Well that failed terribly and for a second I felt the rear tires lose all traction and immediately afterwords the car throws, and I mean throws, itself 90 degrees to the right.  I try to correct the skid but it was so violent and quick I was already halfway through my first spin before even trying to correct.  After completing the first spin the car flipped twice and stopped when it hit the start of a concrete median.  

Currently waiting on an estimate of repair but I don't believe the car will be totaled.  I've already made my mind up that the car will be sold upon repairs simply because as much fun as it is, keeping my senses to a point that I'm able to competently drive is as a DD simply isn't going to happen.  If anyone here is interested in purchasing feel free to shoot me a PM, I'm not entirely sure what I'll ask for it but I'll definitely be losing quite a bit of investment.

I myself have a broken nose, a few cracked ribs, not sure yet whats forgeted up with my shoulder but definitely something, and some pretty severe whiplash.  It could have ended much worse if another vehicle had collided with me, or had the flip not slowed my down before striking the median, I'm honestly lucky to be alive.

Games / help me remember a childhood lego game?
« on: June 01, 2014, 09:25:03 PM »
alright so i'm going to describe this lego game i played a long time ago in the best sense i can (very vaguely)

it wasn't on a CD or anything like that, it was a browser game
i remember it by the name lego universe but obviously that was a different game

it was a sort of strategy game with no like first person or character elements

it had a system of blueprints and building certain items like jars and bees or some stuff like that

it had a facebook-like system of meeting NPC's and etc

i cannot find it anywhere

basically i get the urge to just play this game every so often but every time i cannot remember or find a trace of the name or what game it was

someone please help me

my lego network

Modification Help / Capitalize first letter of string
« on: April 15, 2014, 05:58:02 PM »

the input could possibly already be capitalized so just converting to ascii and adding, etc, etc isn't the way to go

any preloaded functions or resources already written?

Off Topic / need to vent (large rant)
« on: March 30, 2014, 09:15:57 PM »
alright so let me start out by saying im not posting this for sympathy, im posting it because i need a place to put my thoughts and just get stuff off my mind.

so basically i started attending a community college last fall, after recently getting kicked out of my grandparents house.  i had everything going for me.  i was attending school on full grants due to my parents passing away and not being able to financially help me.  i had a decent job at a computer shop getting experience in the IT field.  living in an apartment with a nice car, just doing fine.

well this friday i was fired from my job, and two weeks ago i got a statement the grants would be ending due to a change in status of my criminal record (i was arrested and found guilty of possessing an illegal substance, judge me as you want).

this means my life as it currently is, is over.  i have talked to my landlord and he cant give me any sort of help in letting me pay him later.  ive applied to so many places and just cant find a job that would pay enough to support me.  i honestly dont know what to do or where to go.  my grandparents are my only family and they basically want nothing to do with me.  i havent built up friendships because im such a cynical starfish.

i dont know, i have to be gone in three weeks when this months rent expires, and i have $1500 in savings.  thats it.  i dont know where to go or what to do.

Games / DayZ Group?
« on: March 30, 2014, 08:27:12 PM »
Just wondering if anyone wants to start playing DayZ as a group.

Would be preferred if you were at least mildly mature and I really don't want anyone without the capability of using a mic.
I am on pretty often so we can continue playing and such

So yeah just post here if you want to be added into a group, post you steam/skype along with it so i can figure out how to get ahold of you.

I am talking about the standalone however if MORE people have only the mod then i may switch.

Modification Help / BanManagerSO ability to grab a ban from ID?
« on: March 13, 2014, 05:11:40 PM »
So I need help getting the bans from the BanManagerSO using the index of the ban.

When you call a dump on it while running a server the tagged fields seem to be in some sort of array, yet arrays are very wonky in torque and accessing the data directly using an index doesn't look possible.

any help?

basically i need

Modification Help / GUItextlist multi-line support?
« on: March 12, 2014, 09:12:54 PM »
alright so let me describe the issue i'm currently presented with

i have a GUItextlist as a child of a GUIscrolllist or whatever it's called.  this worked wonderfully for keeping track of records and etc, however i would like to have multiple lines in one record, is this possible?

if not is there any way I could create a 'listbox' of rtf controls?

and don't suggest using columns, the information being displayed is too long to be in different columns, it needs to be multiline

Modification Help / bbm || better ban management | ban system overhaul
« on: March 12, 2014, 08:28:44 PM »

better ban management is a complete overhaul for Blockland's current ban system.  i will be working to entirely redo the system in a much more feature-rich, and user friendly fashion.  this will include changes to the very basics, such as changing the actual ban prompt to include more fields, all the way to a system that allows you to share your records with your server friends or even just to your multiple servers in order to keep a very persistent and orderly system.  i think this will help the larger, more populated servers out in an absolutely great way.  with this tool you will be able to track the past bans for a users, including the reason and the person who issued the ban, or even to leave notes on an individual user.  i hope this project gets some support seeing as i have a tendency to leave projects about midway due to lack of interest, however i do believe i will take this one where it needs to go in order to be finished.

complete feature list;

    • track log for users, including previous bans and reasons
    • leave notes on users profiles so that other admins can see them
    • allow for a voting system to either add a note to a players record or to temporarily ban them if an admin is not present
    • a better looking and functioning ban GUI
    • (maybe) a realtime updated website that will display the most current bans
    • ability to share these details with other users
    • other things that are thought of on the spot or requested

    03/12/2014 - restarted the project, started redoing GUI's

    beta testing;
    i need you to sign up for beta testing!  i will be distributing a functional copy of the mod within a week or two, so i'll need the testers by then

    list of testers:

      • none yet

      Pages: [1]