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Topics - Majorth

Pages: [1] 2
Off Topic / Since when has Blockland had awards?
« on: April 12, 2016, 02:28:51 PM »

EDIT: AAAAaaaamd brilliant. I was telling myself over and over again not to post this in off topic, and look what I went ahead and did.

Gallery / [VIDEO] Badspot's not too sure
« on: April 02, 2016, 10:33:33 AM »
I was gonna copy Kenko and make a collage of Badspot saying 'uh' in an interview of 2008, but halfway through the video corrupted or something like that so I gave up, so I made this crappy video instead, expect that video once I'm less annoyed.

Off Topic / Get snot2 his account back
« on: December 18, 2015, 10:47:50 AM »
On the 12th September 2015, he posted a semi nasty gif:



He was banned for a week as a result. However, evidently, it has been more than a week and he is still banned...

ban sez 1 week but its been past a week and i still ban

I'm not sure whether this was an accident from an admin who chose the wrong option for the banning, but it's only fair to un-ban him, so as the title suggests, get snot2 his account back please!

The man himself

I almost cried at the end of Drive (Ryan Gosling one). Oh and I almost cried with joy at the end of the shawshank redemption <--- highlight to avoid spoilers

Drama / Pearooster - 31551 - Banning new players + people who like FNAF
« on: November 21, 2015, 11:50:03 AM »
I was on Pearooster's freebuild, just building and looking around, and he would ban people with IDs over 100k

Note, Forum Reject (94072) Has made a Steam Blockland guide on how to spam + crash FNAF servers, and was encouraging all of this.

First off, we have Berbie who admins he/she likes FNAF:

People complain and say it's trash even though it's Berbie's opinion, then:

Berbie then stays quiet and looks around for a bit...

Fast-forward, Forum reject is here, talking about how he thinks all 100k+s are 4 year olds, then somebody with a 100k+ ID joins the server, and builds quietly, then:

Since I didn't bother to do pageup to see what had happened, I asked:

Later another 100k+ joins:

Notice, Nikola joins the hatred of FNAF and 100ks too, and:

During the time the second banned person (staSSas) was building, he built this:

Nikola asked once for it to be removed,

He was called annoying by the annoying person himself, then:

Creativity / My friend made a short film about depression
« on: November 15, 2015, 04:25:53 AM »

Help / How do I un-trust someone who is not in the server?
« on: November 08, 2015, 07:18:44 AM »
There's somebody who is defacing my builds in servers, so I would like to remove trust, but I don't know how!

Off Topic / Merry Christmas Everybody!
« on: October 24, 2015, 03:24:49 PM »
I hope you got what you wanted

(Not to mention I took that picture on the 26th September. It's begun)

Off Topic / The Gamechangers [Only available in the UK]
« on: October 10, 2015, 01:32:26 PM »
I found a really cool film on BBC iPlayer (BBC own the rights to this film so it's not piracy), and I gave it a go, I really enjoyed it. It's a film about the development of GTA Vice City and San Andreas, and about some guy that tries to take Rockstar down because he's the perfect christian rich guy

does contain some blood and violence and bad language (also love (hot coffee mod))

So I was on Badspot's Block Party just doing a few finishing touches to my castle, and this annoyance starts building behind my castle, fair enough. But...

I had finished my build, so I went elsewhere, to build some miniature things (miniature barn, shark, cow, duck, etc,). Once I had build 5 things, I turned round and saw this:

He had build a staircase to my builds. He then proceeded to pester M0RRIS and I who were busy building:

Thanks for answering. It seems so. I might just buy it now and let it sit in my library 'till I've got my PC.

Off Topic / [POLL] Do you use a forums skin?
« on: August 22, 2015, 04:11:16 AM »
Just wanted to see how many people use a forum skin/ style.
If so, tell me which one you have. I'm currently using Kingdaro's Blockland Light 2.

If you don't have one, you can get them here.

Off Topic / What is your most popular thread?
« on: August 18, 2015, 11:54:19 AM »
My most popular thread is my 'Word Association' one in Community Projects. As of making this thread, it has 1,877 posts.
(My second most popular thread was my World Cup 2014 thread in off-topic which got ~650 posts).

Games / Sad Satan
« on: August 18, 2015, 11:36:32 AM »
Story behind the game:
Sad Satan is a 'game' that gained some media attention in July & August 2015. It apparently originated from the dark net. It's basically a weird corridor walking simulator with the theme of child abuse (Pictures of Rolf Harris and Jimmy Savile some up every now and then). The original version contains gore and child research, and would create notepad files saying '666' and 'I can track you'. Apparently the original version contains many 'tracking cookies' and a 'worm'.
The game has the scariest screaming noises I've ever heard. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a recording of some kind of child abuse found on the dark net. Oh, and nobody knows who created the game

Search up 'Sad Satan Vimeo' (As all gameplays of the original version have been removed from YouTube) but you have been warned, gore is present (But the CP picture is heavily blurred).

How to play
If you have a spare computer, please do us all a favour and download it from /r/SadSatan (There should be a sticky with a 'clean version') Please run malwarebytes and all that to see if it is as clean as they say.

holy stuff this is creepy

this stuff's spooky 2 the max

Off Topic / I have a website (Sort of) what should I do with it?
« on: August 13, 2015, 10:00:51 AM »
My dad has created me a page on his website, but I don't know what to do with it. Ideas?

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