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Topics - khanu

Pages: [1] 2
Off Topic / just saw zootopia
« on: April 08, 2016, 05:04:33 PM »
it was the biggest piece of stuff ive ever seen

my grandma told me it was loving awful and wanted to walk out

so i walked out and agreed it was loving awful

how did ANY of you enjoy this movie?

Off Topic / Fred Gaystone's Streetlight Manifesto
« on: April 07, 2016, 05:33:10 PM »

Off Topic / is zootopia good
« on: April 06, 2016, 09:36:46 PM »
my grandma wants to see it with me and begs me to watch it with her

1. is she a furry should i be scared

2. is this movie good? i want normal person responding, no furry b/c obv bias no offense

Off Topic / mama its not a phase!!!!!
« on: April 04, 2016, 01:41:26 AM »
ive been sad/depressed/lonely/autistic for an entire year now for reasons i wont say what the forget do i do

how do i not think about bad stuff and be happy

help help HELP


what is this propaganda comrade?

the Soviet Onion Union is a DMing clan which seeks to weed out improper clans with the iron heart of communism! only the best of the best frickin frickheads here

brother this is prodigy 2 or nexus 3 isnt it

no u frick turnip yank

well how the frickin heck do i get in this stuff

To get in, you need to file a ''form'' out that looks like this:
In-game name:
Time I can be at a tryout:
my favorite frickin meme ever:

Remember, anybody can join.

wow that sounds really cool but where are these tryouts going to happen FRICKHEAD

ok comvrade they will happen at ''4chan's сука''. the rest will be explained once you join. frickfaced turnip.

the damn rules
Over-all just no cheating. If you are suspected with using speedhacks or any other exploit you will be removed immediately from the clan and banned.

Hulk Hogan

Antony Kar

Allied Clans
The Wreckers
The Squad

list of clans that have been squashed to a turnip
The Trenchcoat Mafia

russian landbase

blyat song theme of the week

Nexus Triumviate: Friday 6:00
t-t-t-thats all folks

by the way this isnt a frickin joke clan

Since all the general spots are filled out and I'm content with them, It's time to open up the Gulag. These are open to ANYBODY and I mean anybody. Just post that you want to join and I'll add you into the Gulag.

Off Topic / I AM ENRAGED
« on: April 03, 2016, 02:24:20 PM »
i just loving exited out of blockland i didnt save and it was a 5 hour build and it was really loving good holy stuff


Off Topic / ((((smug anime girl face thread)) / soundclown chill
« on: April 02, 2016, 11:25:12 PM »

plAY THAT forgetIN tRACK

« on: April 01, 2016, 10:47:42 PM »
just look

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April Fools 2016 / LeafyIsHere, making fun of autistic youtuber
« on: April 01, 2016, 10:12:51 PM »
papa klein                                                                                                                                                                                     
this guy sucks. im friends with these guys.

April Fools 2016 / when you SHUT THE forget UP
« on: April 01, 2016, 10:03:40 PM »
i hope this is the last thread.

« on: April 01, 2016, 09:42:11 PM »

April Fools 2016 / Badspot here.
« on: April 01, 2016, 09:26:32 PM »
juat kidding Juat Juat. Just Kidding. April Fools. Haha pattycake.

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