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Topics - Blockbyte!

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / Blockbyte's Money Hei$t
« on: April 17, 2020, 11:15:54 PM »
Money Hei$t


Money Hei$t is a cops-and-robbers type game mode, in which the Robbers steal money from a bank and try to escape, while the Police try to stop them.


Robbers - Goal is to steal money from the bank and successfully escape by making their way to the getaway van, while avoiding, or more likely killing, any police that get in their way.

Police - Goal is to stop Robbers from escaping with the money. Since the Robbers are heavily armed, the police have no choice other then to kill them in order to stop them.


There may or may not be items hidden around the map that you could use to your teams advantage, such as:

-Invisibility Watch
-Adrenaline Syringe
-Throwing Knife
-Kevlar Vest

and likely more...


This is my first time ever hosting Money Hei$t, and it will be open 24/7 starting April 18th, 2020 at 2pm EST.



The discord contains some extra info like the rules, server announcements, or you can use it to give feedback on the server since this has never been tested before with multiple players.

Help / Strange bug with onActivate events.
« on: April 01, 2020, 08:22:03 PM »
I've had this weird bug for a while on my server and have tried to figure out whats causing it but to no avail -- basically, some "onActivate" events just simply do not work. For example, the centerPrint event, or the doPlayerTeleport event will both just not work if they're onActivate (but will work with onplayertouch, etc.). What makes it a little more confusing is that some of the events still actually work with onActivate, such as setPlayerScale, or the door toggling events

Anybody know what might be causing this/how I would go about fixing this issue? I have a suspicion it's an add-on causing the issue but I have a lot; perhaps there's a method to narrow down my search?

Side note: its only onActivate that doesn't work; onActivateTeam1, onActivateTeam2, etc. works perfectly with every event).

Suggestions & Requests / An "OnBrickFakeKill" event
« on: May 05, 2019, 08:57:16 PM »
dunno if this is possible but an event that gets triggered when a brick is fake killed. so like "OnBrickFakeKill > Self > playsound" or something like that.

General Discussion / Hosting Tezuni's SLOPES CTF
« on: April 08, 2019, 11:12:12 PM »

If you have played any of my servers before you would know that it is lag central... well recently I got a VPS setup for the server (with the help of Apak) and now I'll be hosting Tezuni's Slopes CTF on it 24/7. The cloud is also working so you will have any ranks that you had before on any of Tezuni's servers

If there's anything you would like to report on the server (glitches, players, etc.) DM me on discord: Blockbyte#3454 (or just post in this topic, but I will likely respond sooner on discord).

I need a script to automatically remove the password of my server and then add it back. For example, it adds a password at 1:00 pm est and then removes it at 10:00 pm est, and that happens every day. would anybody know how to do this?

Help / Custom faces not loading onto Blockland
« on: July 09, 2018, 08:29:12 PM »
so this problem is kinda strange, but for some reason none of my faces (except for the default ones) are loading onto Blockland. I'm 100% sure the file is in the Add-Ons folder within my Blockland folder. The file is called, and inside are a bunch of faces in PNG format, along with a folder named thumbs containing the same faces in PNG format. I've already tried putting the faces into, which is the file with all the default faces, and running the game but that doesnt work. I've checked the console for errors maybe, but it showed nothing helpful. Anyone know what might be a solution to this?

.-.. . - ... / .... .- ...- . / .- / -.-. --- -. ...- . .-. ... .- - .. --- -. / -... ..- - / - .-. -.-- / - --- / --- -. .-.. -.-- / - -.-- .--. . / .--. --- ... - ... / .. -. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .

Drama / I too am super sorry
« on: January 28, 2018, 08:50:54 PM »
I feel really bad for what I did, please accept my apology and give me attention

User was banned for this post

Drama / Fect (ID: 94072) Giving out a "lag machine".
« on: January 15, 2018, 03:36:29 PM »
*note: i was having trouble posting the photos so I just put the links

So basically fect posted this link on blockland glass:

I didnt know whether it was an actual "lag machine" or not, so I decided to download it to see what it was, and this is what was inside it:

Basically there was instructions on how to lag servers, and it contained a save, which the image showed to be this:

Looks like a spammy build that can be duplicated to lag the server or something. I recommend banning this guy from your servers.

General Discussion / 20000th topic!
« on: January 05, 2018, 02:09:44 PM »
we made it to 20000 topics in general discussion

Suggestions & Requests / does anyone have the duck playertype
« on: December 28, 2017, 02:36:54 PM »
/title I need it for my server, if anyone has it can you give me a link

Off Topic / Christmas Presents
« on: December 24, 2017, 10:07:54 AM »
Post here what you want to get for christmas. I personally want a windows laptop.

edit: post what you GOT for christmas

Help / Error when trying to change profile picture
« on: November 26, 2017, 01:43:18 PM »
so I'm trying to change my profile picture but i keep getting this message:

this is the picture I'm trying to change it to:

Off Topic / candy love thread
« on: October 24, 2017, 06:26:26 AM »
post and discuss your favourite candy n stuff here

Off Topic / I got $40.00 for steam, what games should i get?
« on: October 22, 2017, 03:34:24 PM »

i'm into online multiplayer/sandbox games. Any suggestions on what I should buy?

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