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Topics - simpletonnn

Pages: [1]
Modification Help / sound requirements for blockland
« on: May 04, 2018, 03:54:51 PM »
can somebody tell me the specifics for sound files for blockland? i.e whether the WAV should be 16 or 32 bit, size limits etc etc
i havent been able to find any guides anywhere else so doing that to keep as reference would be helpful for myself and others who may want to add sounds but dont know how

Suggestions & Requests / v0002 gamemode (zolved)
« on: March 29, 2018, 06:50:34 PM »
i saw someone host a gamemode that sort-of emulated v0002 in v21 last year, i tried to find it through search on BLF and RTB archive but couldnt find it

Off Topic / i just exhaled, AMA
« on: March 28, 2018, 01:28:33 AM »
im scared that these AMAs will lead to a chainban

Suggestions & Requests / crouching blocko shooter playertype
« on: March 25, 2018, 01:53:59 AM »
can someone edit the blocko shooter playertype to function the same as the other shooter playertypes with the crouching ability, as opposed to sprinting? i tried to hack it myself but i ended up loving the animations, can someone help?

Off Topic / reply "happy birthday" to die instantly
« on: March 24, 2018, 11:19:45 AM »
its my birthday 2003 im waiting for a call from my family

Off Topic / post songs with complete pauses in them
« on: March 24, 2018, 01:37:22 AM »
i might put them together into one audio file

heres my contributions 1:29 1:00 & 1:04
timestamps are helpful

The (american?) BLF expresses their opinion on various states of continental US through a stuff ton of polls

color code:
white= not voted on yet
gray = "who?"
red = stuffhole
orange = "just go away"
yellow = "danger danger i dont like you"
blue = okay
teal = good
green = very good
purple = i have positive bias

the polls will be moving from north to south and east to west, starting from Maine and ending on California
polls will be given 3-4 days for voting, i will give this topic about 2 days to pick up attention and then polls will start
when a color gets the majority vote for a state, said state will be colored with also said color

Drama / officerzach: underdeveloped blind child
« on: March 22, 2018, 09:43:16 PM »
this is the actual drama

officerzach has, over the past few months, gained a reputation for his undying obsession with doraemon and other old "obscure" anime and shows, making sub-par mods and (honestly awful) art related to such shows and cultures, and then having a terrible response to those who strike down his creations as stuffty or just plain flawed; usually with the claim that they only don't like it because they don't like whatever show or anime the creation derives from; and though admittedly not many people give him very good unbiased constructive criticism, he still makes poor decisions when it comes to negative feedback.

in general, officerzach is very sensitive and very hostile to mostly those who oppose him, in most cases with the aforementioned claim that they are just a megatonic starfish in general, or are only a megatonic starfish because they just don't like what he likes, evident from the following quotes:
How about you for today
All of you, i hereby exile all of you from this place until you watch at least ONE episode of doraemon in its entirety before you complain. In fact heres the loving pilot from 1978 just so you can get started, and then tell me your complaints. Dont judge an anime by its concept. Actually loving watch an episode or two before you say anything.
Furbys arent unique because of their appearance, theyre unique because it was the first electronic pet you could touch that did more than just do a continuous action on loop.

Tamagotchis, while their character designs on-screen are adorable, cant do as much as Furby. Im not saying Tamagotchi sucks, (in fact mametchi might be my fav) Because it clearly doesnt. Its just the simple difference, Tamagotchis are in a screen and Furbys arent.
PhantOS youre just being a richard because you hate doraemon, just stop. ever played croc? the eyes on the characters were just 3 or 4 segment spheres, and nobody complained about that (plus the arms of croc but the vertices were stretched)


plus, idk if you know this, but croc was conceived before mario 64 even started development (though the game was originally gonna star yoshi instead of a crocodile but nintendo rejected it because argonaut already helped nintendo make starfox)
How about this for size you loving richard
M'kay off bich
oh wait pomp youre not a south park fan so you dont get the joke HAHAHA
(unable to directly quote due to topic being too old)
(also unable to quote directly due to topic being too old)
(unable to directly quote, this isn't by zach but i think it reflects the situation well)

and then when someone shows that they like and/or are "devoted to" one of the things he likes, he begins to kiss their ass
Dude holy stuff

Oh my loving god

I actually regret what i said before

You are actually a doraemon fan and i thought you were joking

Dude im sorry

And whats cooler is that you have the chinese releases, where as the volume 3 book i have is the japanese-english bilingual release by shogakukan

zach also really likes to try to derail the situation whenever it as pointed at him, shown in the following examples:
Kind of unrelated to thread as usual but

No stuff meta knight
kirby was the original pink puffball you scamp

Kirby series-1992
Pokemon series-1995

there you go. now you cant have any excuses to make stuffty posts like that, i provide evidence to try and make a point.

he also really likes to block people, presumably to maintain his ignorance or whatever
sorry cant hear you

(funny note: he probably has me blocked too so he may not be able to see this thread)

what is most interesting to me is officerzach seems to be a complete parrallel of how i used to act on the zdoom forums. i was completely obsessed with some of the characters i made, making sprites of almost every kind for said characters, and i even made a loving box art cover for one of the stupid handicapped characters i made, as well as a player sprite, and one or two weapons. i also had an obsession (thank the loving lord i didnt bring much of it into the zdoom forums) with MLP:FIM that i now regret and cringe at whenever the memory comes back to me, not very different with how officerzach treats keroro gunso (which i actually did watch a couple seasons of 2 or 3 years back) or doraemon.

as you can see, 2014-2016 me and current officerzach aren't very different at all, atleast in behaviour, so to officerzach i plead: please loving grow up. i know you are about the same age as me, so why can't you begin a change that i made about 4 years ago? you have to think about that; you are actually physically on the same level as me when i was 10 years old. please think about that for a second. you need to change, and fast.

that concludes my drama topic of officerzach, this will probably get me blocked by him and also derailed but that doesn't really matter to me, hopefully he'll see this and consider what i have said

Off Topic / send your name to the sun
« on: March 09, 2018, 06:19:10 PM »

Off Topic / #TriggerALiberalIn2Words
« on: March 04, 2018, 07:36:41 PM »
Ti To
DonaldAnnoying OrangeWonThe AmericanPresidentialElectionO f2016
Buzzfeed Gay

Suggestions & Requests / door frame brick
« on: February 19, 2018, 12:42:18 PM »
/also dissapearing door? like the door goes away but frame is still there

Suggestions & Requests / stair clipping bricks
« on: February 17, 2018, 10:13:31 AM »
a bunch of non blocko ramps fit for stairs to make them super smooth
god please

Suggestions & Requests / an event that makes the player perform an action
« on: February 12, 2018, 08:55:33 AM »
i.e enter a zone and the player crouches without having to press shift or whatever it's bound to, and when they leave they stop crouching
you could do some cool stuff with this- for example a window that makes you roll when you jump out of it, spooky ghost movement, or automatic jumps/jets/whatevers
and also an event to lock the player into doing said thing or prevent them from it with a toggle

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