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Topics - Senor Devin

Pages: [1] 2
Games / What hats do you have (TF2)
« on: August 10, 2010, 08:55:42 PM »
Simple, just tell us the name (or post a picture) of the hats you have. Excluding Gibus, Alien Parasite, bills hat, Cheater's Lament and Earbuds

I have Trouble Maker's Tossle Cap, Hotrod, and the Trophy belt

Games / Elder Scrolls: Morrowind
« on: August 07, 2010, 02:41:21 PM »
I had this game for like a long time but I never really got into it, because it was when I was younger and ran around in game rather than sticking to the main quest.

I just bought it on steam from the sale and im doing a playthrough now, so I guess we could have a Morrowind thread, or something. That is if anyone still plays it.

Drama / reaper is really gay
« on: August 06, 2010, 03:25:36 AM »
he is a poop head and likes having love on BL


Games / Metal Slug 3 and XX for free (Xbox only)
« on: August 05, 2010, 08:49:41 PM »
No this isn't a torrent and it is not piracy for that matter. Just a glitch that allows you to bypass the trial version. I just thought I would share it with you, as these are some fun games for either co-op or single player. No I did not make this video, but I can confirm that it works as of August 5th 2010


Games / Not a single tear shed
« on: August 05, 2010, 07:27:02 PM »
Video games.

Off Topic / Thread of Music Sharing
« on: August 04, 2010, 12:42:59 AM »
Basically post one Youtube link of a song you like, and then watch other people's links and discuss your opinions on their music.

I wasnt very elaborate at all, but im sure you people will get the picture. If by chance you dont, ill just lock the thread, lol.

Here ill start -
(ignore the video)

OK EDIT: Watch the video of the post ABOVE you so this is music sharing and not just spamming links no one will listen to

General Discussion / Memorizing Blockland Key
« on: July 30, 2010, 06:33:47 PM »
I havent played Blockland in a year and so I downloaded the game again but my old email containing the key got closed down, I was panicking and then some how I remembered parts of my key because earlier in my life when I got it I related it to words and I know and hoping with all my heart, it worked. I am so proud of myself right now.

Drama / Blockland...
« on: July 27, 2010, 06:33:37 PM »
I dont know if any of you are like me, but I got Blockland back in early 2008, it was for sure the greatest experience I had with a video game and led me into PC gaming, and pretty much being the defining game of my adolescence. Zombies and team death match were a blasy, and there was so many creative servers and add ons that gave me hours of enjoyment. I look back at it now and its just not the same, now its plastered with low quality add ons, and younger children (not like I have a problem with them just some aren't bright enough), just isnt the same when I used to be some what involved with the community and know a lot of the players.

Thats all, the glory days of this game are long gone, but I saw a random Blockland video and it hit me how I forgot about this game. I dont really see the point of this thread anyways, its more of appreciation rather than ranting.

This was probably the greatest game I have played and I hope all you new players can enjoy it, even if I dont find it as enjoyable anymore.

User was banned for this post

Music / Dead Rising Theme
« on: November 23, 2009, 07:30:12 PM »
Put into your add-ons > music folder and enjoy  :cookieMonster:

Good Mall BGM and is fun to kill zombahs to

Theme One (loop):
Theme Two:

Off Topic / Thoughts On Physical Education
« on: October 26, 2009, 08:57:18 PM »
So what you think. Personally I think its irrelevant to learning, even though it will serve us later in life, what does it matter. It should be optional because alot of it is necessary for more obese people leaving us regular people to do all there stuff. Its like a joke, because physical state is not relevant to intelligence, which is the point of school, right? It just pisses me off that they consider that a grade, I do good acedemics wise (all A's in advance classes) but I just do not try in PE because it is unessecary. Sorry if I am ranting or whatever but it just seems more logical if it was optional, leaving kids (or there parents) on if they want to do it or do some other way to stay fit, like go to gym, be in sports team etc.

 TlDr: Me Ranting on that PE should be obtio

Help / Blockland Crashes When Launch
« on: October 23, 2009, 12:30:16 AM »
I have AMD Phenom 2 550 Dual Core, so that might be the problem. I downloaded the patch from the site to make it work but it still crashes.

Help / Blockland Wont Launch
« on: September 25, 2009, 09:27:00 PM »
Hey when ever I launch Blockland it just crashes (it never worked on this computer yet) I think may be because I have AMD Phenom II x2 Processer. I downloaded the Patch thing opened it repeatedly and nothing happens. Hawlp?

Off Topic / Good accoustic song?
« on: May 30, 2009, 02:42:22 AM »
I picked up player guitar after 5+ months for no appearnt reason. I learned the song Roulette - System of a Down (lyrics and all) I liked it alot because it was a simple song I could play and sing to easily. Any other songs like these that I should cover (that don't suck)

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