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Topics - Skyra

Pages: [1] 2 3
Games / Thrive
« on: August 25, 2013, 12:52:40 AM »
Thrive is planned to be like Spore except, it will improve on past concepts. This game is very early in development and is planned to be fully released around 2019 from what I have heard. The devs also plan to make it free.

Link to the page

Suggestions & Requests / New game mode-Robot combat
« on: July 15, 2010, 11:21:46 AM »
After watching a few g-mod robot battle videos I thought it would be cool of we could bring that in blockland. Yes I do know this seems half way impossible.
The arena pieces
Floor:It's a floor need I say more?
Traps:The traps need to be on a arena floor for it to work. The traps would range from spikes, saws, flippers, flamethrowers?, and what ever else.
Saw:A slicing weapon. Makes little cuts in the opponent's armor.
Chainsaw:The saw on steroids. Slows down the robot, but does a great deal of damage.
Hammer:A crushing weapon. Puts dents in the opponent's armor
Flipper:Flips the robot over. Does little to no damage.
Flail:Can be spun around or swung like a hammer. Does moderate damage.
Spikes:A ramming weapon. Can get stuck in a robot and drag it around.
Drill:Like the spike but spins and will not get stuck.
Steel drum:Spins around and has little ridges that dent the armor.
(more to be added)
Body shapes
Triangular, box, hemisphere, cone.
Paint:Add a little style to your bot.
Right up flippers:If your robot is flipped on it's side these can be used to right itself.
Wheels: A standard movement piece.
Tank treads:Not as fast as regular wheels but stay on on and can't be punctured as easily.
Crab legs:Enable the robot to walk not as fast as wheels but can stab a robot under it.
Other stuff.
Budget: The minigame owner will set an amount of how much money can be spent on a bot.
Building area: The spot where players can build there robot. Can be a GUI or a brick placement( building like you were building something in blockland)
Well what do you think?

Games / What game FPS should I ask for?
« on: June 15, 2010, 05:07:51 PM »
In July I'm turning 13 and I want a FPS.
Able to be bought in stores.
Has to be rated "T" or lower.
Does not have to be mutiplayer but would be nice.
Has to be for PC.
Any ideas?

Suggestions & Requests / Hide and seek game mode.
« on: June 13, 2010, 09:39:58 PM »
After playing some hide and seek on a server I noticed how unorganized it was. So I came up with this idea.
There will be two options for this on how to select the seeker a random mode and the "last person there mode". The last person there is the last person to be found and they become the seeker.
Finder or seeker will have a tool used to find the players. The tool will be a melee so no sniper seekers. Will have a special spawn. To help the seeker there could be a little thing at the bottom that tells you the closest player. This will be optional. If the seekers dies or leaves the Hiders win.
Hiders are the players that hide. They are given a certain time limit to find a spot and when time runs out they are frozen (so no chases happen) And it is focused on the seeker to see how close or far the seeker is from there point. Will have a special spawn.
I know this idea seems silly but games could be interesting. What are your thoughts on it?

Help / Is it possible to disable all player lights?
« on: February 15, 2010, 08:24:57 PM »
I would like to know would it be possible to disable player lights. And no not the press "L". I mean when you hit "L" it will pop up a message that says "Player lights are disabled" or something like.

Off Topic / Snowman hunting.
« on: February 13, 2010, 12:03:01 PM »
Yep good ol' snowman hunting. I used my bow and arrow, then my knife, it was quite fun. Which items would you use to hunt a snowman?

Forum Games / Zombie RPG. Canceled.
« on: January 30, 2010, 08:39:39 PM »
I have always wanted a decent zombie rpg, instead I get a GSF map. What was I expecting? Something like iceblue's zombie rpg! Since that is long gone I decided to try and make a new one.
Outskirts of town.
Helpers. I am only excepting 15 all will be given credit. I might add I 16th spot.
Jacob 12345.
Jungle ranger.

P.S. If this does not go through as plan I will shut the project down. Stuff like flame or people not showing up lots of times could cause it to collapse. May you wish me luck I do hope I get this done.

Password to server is end.

This is now canceled. Reason: Could not continue with took up to much time. If you want this to be unlocked PM. Other wise this will never be finished.

Off Topic / Soda war.
« on: November 06, 2009, 07:42:51 PM »
                                                    Soda wars.
            The big joke on people thinking there soda is better than others.
Which soda will be the best.
The teams.
Diet coke.
Root beer.
Dr. pepper.
Fruit flavored sodas.
Recon: Fast but has the weakest of weapons with nothing but 1 pistol and a knife.
Main soldier: Charges in with a M-16.
Pyro: True hot heads. Use only fire based weapons.
Bomber: Master of explosives. Great with grenades and such.
Big guy: Strong ,slow ,and stupid useing only a Minigun.
Mechanic:Makes vechicals and defends himself with a Uzi.
Medic: Heals troops in combat. Using only a Uzi and a pack of Medkits.
Sniper:Takes enemys out from a distance. For close combat he uses a club.
Now them pick your favortie and begin to wage war on enemy sodas.

Suggestions & Requests / Alien egg break mod. (can't think of a good name)
« on: November 06, 2009, 06:31:25 PM »
This might sound stupid.
One night will I was asleep I dreamed I was playing blockland and there was this alien mod. There were 2 teams "Humans" and "aliens". The humans need to brake all the eggs by guns ,melee ,explosions ,or I think a special egg breaking tool. Eggs were stacked and it was dark with a city. Green lights glowed giving plenty of light.
Ways to win
Humans: Destroy all eggs ,destroy mothership.
Aliens: Protect the eggs from being destoyed for a certain time.
This seems like a seige like gamemode with eggs. Anyone like it?

Games / Want a FPS game.
« on: October 23, 2009, 07:45:39 PM »
Sorry about my stupid needs but I would like one.
Has to be 20 bucks or lower.
Has to be T or lower.
Fun.(of course)
Does NOT have to be online but would be nice.
Could be bought in a store.
So any good ones?

Suggestions & Requests / Shows where you got shot at.
« on: October 19, 2009, 04:42:20 PM »
I would like to see where you got hit. Say you get shot from a guy at long range and you don't know where he is. With this you could find and have a chance to fight back. Yes or no?

Off Topic / Which weapons/items would you use in a zombie apoc.
« on: October 13, 2009, 09:25:20 PM »
Now this is only for fun so don't take this for real.
You can only use weapons that are in or near your home. If you can provide pictures and some detail.
Secondary: (Not required.)
Melee: (could be primary)
Explosive:(not required)
Primary: Big knife.
Secondary:Smaller knife.
Other:Food, backpack, water, light sleeping bag, my medicine, cell phone, and medical kit.

Suggestions & Requests / A different gore mod.
« on: October 12, 2009, 03:43:36 PM »
Now this is just me. Out current one is way to bloody. It is good for explosions but not good for standard gun fights. I mean you shoot some one and boom they explode. Any one like this?

Off Topic / Would you? (forum game)
« on: October 12, 2009, 01:18:45 PM »
This game is simple. Answer yes, no, or maybe. To the above post.
Ex.Would you hack?
     -insert question here-
Since no one is above me I will start.
Would you eat a rotten peice of tomatoe?

Drama / Stupid people/person and useless teammates.
« on: October 05, 2009, 04:57:42 PM »
Ok you sometimes encounter them. Lets start with me.
Stupid person:Well it was just one (can't remeber his name). Here is the story. One day I was in a TDM and some one wanted to build. (not supposed to build and no else wanted to youcould not any way since he had no trust) I killed him and he said "I am reporting you".
Useless teammates: Yes you get them ALOT in TDMs, CTFs, zombies and so on. You think in CTFs when yo have the flag your teammates will help you. But no they keep charging not do anything. Zombies are 1 enemy the zombies sometimes I find people shooting at others and killing them.
I might add more as the time passes.

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