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Topics - deathrider

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Games / Can you chain kills in assassins creed 2?
« on: May 09, 2013, 09:57:03 PM »
Some guy at my school thinks that you can only counter then chain the kills in and after brotherhood.
im talking about when you counter someones attack then using thumbstick you like highlight the other layer then attack witch does a 1 hit kill kinda like an exacutin

i think that you could do it through all the games he thinks not i say you can chain them by highlighting the next character using the thumbstick and they have a white outline.

Gallery / Got my first gpu and i decided to run BL
« on: April 25, 2013, 07:36:18 AM »
sapphire 7970 OC edition
good to see that blockland actually got kinda a graphics upgrade
( i have never used a gpu always integrated graphics)
(maxed out settings everything x8 AA x16 anisotropic filtering 1920*1080)

brick limit hit still hits 40-50 fps
theres the screenshot cant upload here file size too big

Help / How to only get certain vce events to activate
« on: March 23, 2013, 06:23:45 AM »
It has been a long time since i have used vce im trying to find documets on all the vars like <var:player:firing>

but anyway how do i get it to only avtivate event 7 if the varible is true? i know its something to do with the numbers at the end but what

on activate > self > vce_retrocheck > ifplayername > player then do event 17 ONLY not the opther 15 events that have onvaribletrue!

Help / Blockland always removes my key.
« on: January 17, 2013, 02:17:10 PM »
I have to constantly keep entering in my key after a restart,shutdown,sleep and hybernation. I did search and badspot said "You are adding or removing a network adapter, which makes Blockland think it has moved to a different computer.  This can happen from connecting a laptop to a docking station for instance.  "

i use a wifi antenna for my laptop could this be causing it? if so how can i fix it.
i have made sure blockland has read/write ability's to its folder.

Suggestions & Requests / Icon for blockland
« on: January 17, 2013, 11:55:52 AM »
We have an icon for the launcher but when you actually run the application its nothing pic below shows what i mean.

All i want is an icon

Suggestions & Requests / RTB's Infomatics tips changed
« on: September 25, 2012, 06:54:22 AM »
can you remove it saying "did you know that the clock in the kiction and bedroom actually show the time" we dont have those any more

and the one saying most the maps in bl have secrets

Games / minecraft piston help?
« on: June 03, 2012, 06:24:27 AM »
hi i have a mob trap the mobs fall into a 3 long tube when i activate lever one side fills in and the other pushes a block in their head so they die. heres my problem i have a sticky piston to push a sticky piston forward. the one that has been pushed forward then pushes a block to kill them but when the pistons retract the one that pushes the block to kill them does not bring the block with it.

how to bring block with it its kinda hard to exsplain sorry

Yes, what i want to do is get an application(a game) to use more ram lets say 2-3gb atm it uses less then 1gb i dont care if it wont do a difference or make it run faster i just want it to do it then i can apply the settings to other applications, would i need to hex edit?

Games / Minecraft NATURE OVERHAUL 1.1 Not compatible?
« on: April 10, 2012, 08:42:24 AM »
i have 1.2.5 the latest minecraft and mod loader i put the files for NATURE OVERHAUL in then mod loader just like it says to do i open MagicLauncher_0.9.7 and it says not compatible? how do i fix it?

Off Topic / cat sleeping on my hand
« on: April 08, 2012, 07:45:11 AM »
i want to use my mose witch i have but hes sleeping on my hand and i dont want to disterb him How2move?

Suggestions & Requests / new brick to fill in this gap
« on: April 08, 2012, 04:38:44 AM »

Modification Help / stops loading after "Loading Objects"
« on: April 08, 2012, 03:40:19 AM »
the game thinks i spawned but it does not load heres part of server.cs
Code: [Select]
package Script_Message
  function gameConnection::onClientEnterGame(%client)
  messageClient(%client, '', "\c6This server is running the Personal Message mod \c6use \c3/message USER MESSAGE \c6to send them a personal message.");

the game does the message client but it does not load past objects

Help / what are all the /c3 like color's
« on: April 07, 2012, 08:37:09 PM »
so like /c1 /c2 /c3?

Modification Help / messageclient(); does not work?
« on: April 07, 2012, 11:21:02 AM »
it works like the script is error free but when i do /message deathrider hi in game nothing shows up. This is really starting to piss me off.
Code: [Select]
function servercmdmessage(%client, %user, %message)
%name = findclientbyname(%user);
    messageclient(%user,'',"Message from :" @ @ ": message: " @ %message);
    messageclient(%client,'',"The username " @ %user @ " does not exist!");

i also need to know how to let a variable use more than one word see when i make the message only one word will come i also need this for the user.

Modification Help / how to display variables?
« on: April 06, 2012, 01:27:54 AM »
new op.

so how do you show variables?
i cant get it to work. i dont know what i have done wrong as i just learnt this last night and theres no posts on variables or what to put in the () at the end of
Code: [Select]
function servercmdmessage(%client) all i know is that %client goes in there.

i also need to know how to do IF statements i know what they are i use them in batch.
if you get the chance whats the diffence between client.cs and server.cs?
Code: [Select]
function serverCmdmessage(%client, %message)
function serverCmdload(%client)
talk("Loading script...");
talk("Script loaded!");

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