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Topics - Tally

Pages: [1] 2 3
Off Topic / #Pizzagate
« on: November 23, 2016, 10:58:39 AM »
Wanted to let the BLF know about pizzagate!!
Warning: you will be woke

Main page to keep updated:

I frequent a website called funnyjunk where a couple of users have kept track with everything going on.
The links are safe.

Clinton is involved with love trafficking, and powerful people are trying to control different situations.
A lot of censoring is happening and main stream media is not a reliable source of the truth.

Read everything with a grain of salt, it's easy to go full tin-hat mode.

Gallery / The Dark Tower
« on: June 27, 2014, 03:53:06 PM »

         Childe Roland to the Dark Tower came.

I really enjoyed reading The Dark Tower book series by Stephen King and encourage you to read it too! This is my interpretation of how the tower would look.

dear bubbler,

Help / Crashing when downloading datablocks.
« on: January 30, 2014, 09:04:37 AM »
Hello I need your help
When I join this one server I keep on crashing around 10% into loading datablocks.
Is there a way to fix this?

Just like a command in the console to be able to place a brick inside another brick. Would be awesome if there was one. Thanks

Suggestions & Requests / In-game colour creator.
« on: April 23, 2013, 03:11:32 PM »
 I like to build with a lot of different colours but often limited by the colour sets and the capacity of the colour sets. I thought of one way that it could be changed if you had the normal colour set that you use but then a + in a circle near the colour menu in the bottom left. So when you click on it, a GUI would open where you can mix your own colours with a palette and have a couple of 'favourites' that you could pull up easily with a keystroke (similar to 0-9 with bricks). Would this be possible?

Suggestions & Requests / Possible Building Improvements
« on: March 04, 2013, 03:32:24 PM »
Ideas that I believe are worth investigating into if possible!
  • Rotate bricks 45˚ and more!
  • Split verticle bricks into 2 or 3 plates like horizontal bricks are.
  • Maybe even rotate and place a brick any angle in between 360˚ and 1˚, that would be cool!
  • Make your own bricks in-game e.g. need a plate that is x7 long but don't want to download a new brick pack? Well you could just type it in a little GUI where you select what type of brick and what dimensions and it creates it for you!

Off Topic / Cheating in an Exam.
« on: November 07, 2012, 03:16:07 PM »
Morally wrong? Why? Why not? Past Stories? Got caught? Consequences?

General Discussion / Happy Birthday Badspot!
« on: September 09, 2012, 09:44:39 AM »
Happy 31st birthday! Hope you can chill today and just enjoy life.
Thanks for the amazing game too its p. great

Gallery / The Farmhouse
« on: August 29, 2012, 04:34:17 AM »

Lovely picture taken by Mr.LoL

Here is the color it actually is

A townhouse in a quick cubescape

Just some more of it

Thats the last of em

I broke the brickcount once

This is a long house over 128 studs. It is a converted and renovated barn.

Different color scheme

Download link

Add-ons used
Brick_18Degree = 1;
Brick_1RandomPack = 1;
Brick_2x2FRoundPrint = 1;
Brick_2x2x1print = 1;
Brick_4x4f_Print = 1;
Brick_4x4f_PrintPlate = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_4x4fPrintPlateC = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_4x4Round = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Arch = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Barrel = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_BlackDragonIV = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Checkpoint = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Christmas_Tree = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Corner = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Curtain = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_DecorativeBlocks = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Essentials = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_ExtraPrints = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_ExtraRamps = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Fence = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_FloatCubes = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_FloatCubes2 = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_GrillPlate = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Halloween = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_HorizPoles = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_InvertedCorners = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Jirue = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Large_Cubes = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_MiscellaneousPack = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_MoreRounds = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_NewWater = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_PersonalSpawn = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Pole = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_PoleAdapters = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Poster_8x = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_PrintPlates = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_PrintPlatesCeiling = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Round_Corners = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Slanted = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Teledoor = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Tiles = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Treasure_Chest = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_V15 = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_VerticalPlatePack = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_WaterPack = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Wedge = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Window = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Windows = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_WMPlants = 1;
$AddOn__Brick_Zones = 1;
$AddOn__Content_DaleksDoors = 1;
$AddOn__Content_PackerDoors = 1;
$AddOn__Content_Phydeoux = 1;
$AddOn__Content_PhydeouxTraps = 1;
$AddOn__Content_Safe = 1;
$AddOn__Content_ZonearkWindows = 1;
$AddOn__JVS_Bushido1 = 1;
$AddOn__JVS_Content = 1;
$AddOn__JVS_DoorsPack0 = 1;
$AddOn__JVS_DoorsPack1 = 1;
$AddOn__JVS_DoorsPack2 = 1;
$AddOn__JVS_PlungerSwitch = 1;
$AddOn__JVS_SwitchesPack1 = 1;
$AddOn__JVS_SwitchesPack2 = 1;

Not all of these were used but I am not sure which ones were not

Help / Crashing on start up
« on: August 27, 2012, 08:15:41 PM »
Here is the log, what is causing this crash?

Help / Nested add-on will not execute what does this mean
« on: August 25, 2012, 10:23:53 AM »
I cannot run this add-on because,

Checking Add-On Brick_FloatCubes/
         Nested add_on - will not execute

How can I fix this in the add-on folder there is no .zip on the folder so I am unsure of what to do

Suggestions & Requests / Rotate bricks 45 degrees
« on: August 14, 2012, 05:56:41 PM »
It would be great if we could rotate bricks 45 degrees and would be able to place two brick right next to each other 45 degrees
Also a 1 height brick is split into 3 plates, well could 1 length brick be split into 3 horizontal plates?

Suggestions & Requests / To like or dislike comments.
« on: July 26, 2012, 11:47:50 AM »
Many other forums have this ability to like and dislike certain comments and it would be nice if we could do that on here also.

Help / Looking for x2 Height Brick
« on: July 13, 2012, 07:11:06 PM »
Yes I used the search button, is this a private mod? It is like the x3 height bricks except x2. I have been unable to find it on RTB and forums could anyone (if not private brickpack) send me in the right direction please?

Gallery / Building a building, opinion please.
« on: July 01, 2012, 12:49:36 PM »
Started building this turned out. Can't decide if it is good, like a chef I don't enjoy meals if I make them. Like a builder I cannot decide if it is good if I make it. So please post your opinion and anything I can do to make it better.

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