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Topics - grunterdb1951

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6
Creativity / grunterdbs horrible art thread
« on: February 09, 2015, 03:53:37 AM »
yeah so now im drawing stuff and i may do it more occasionally who knows but all i know is that i dont like any of it and that's why im putting it for everyone to see

that's literately all there is cause i just finished those things like idk ten minutes ago who knows

anyways tell me what you think or if you want me to do something cause i will do it maybe but if i have to draw flatflyers oc i swear to god im going to have a hard time

Games / Persona 5 trailer and stuff
« on: February 05, 2015, 08:01:48 PM »

This stuff's looking pretty damn good. Though the team seems smaller, unless it'll expand like in p3/p4. There's a new stealth system that will probably have to do with surprise attacks of some sort, or just a preemptive strike.

I am only getting even more hyped.

Off Topic / Discuss the animals you hate the most
« on: January 16, 2014, 09:58:50 PM »
Right lets get this show on the road.

The title should give you the gist of the thread, lets discuss the animals you hate the most. Wanna know mine? I have two.

Mother loving Swans & Canadian Geese

Lets start with Swans

These things are pure loving evil, you walk by a pond and you see this? Run. This is the pet bird of satan, if you die and go to hell and the Satan welcomes you into his BDSM castle of tortured souls, you'll see one of these in a bird cage made of childrens tears.

Now onto the most dumbest creature on this face of the planet.

The Canadian Goose

Now, I live right next to these things. So I know first hand how stupid and ferocious these things can be. All they do is loving scream and stuff in the air, they stuff into ponds and then loving swim in the water they stuff in. They lay their eggs in the most inconvenient of spots and when you take a step 20 miles away from it they go ballistic on your ass.

I own a pond, so I live right next to both of these things. I don't have a alarm clock, I just have to wait until 7am to hear a goose scream or someone be murdered by a swan. So yeah.

Discuss the animals you hate and stuff.

Games / My gmod is being stupid.
« on: August 04, 2013, 12:38:08 AM »
So like, pretty much is happening is whenever I startup the game, I get to the first loading screen in which there's a small black rectangle in the bottom of the right of the screen which says Loading and it simply freezes and I have to control alt delete to close it as it goes into a unresponsive state. What's stranger is it launches in windowed mode, which I don't use.

So far I've done the following:

Verified integrity twice for gmod, only.
Reinstalled around 3 times.
Defragged my computer.
Restarted steam along with my computer two times.
Cleared my workshop subscriptions.

I'm gonna verify the rest of my valve games in a bit, right now I'm just cleaning up C: a bit to see if that helps. If you guys can help me out with this I'll be thankful and possibly suck your richards.

Games / yeah uh let's play some Supremacy 1914
« on: June 08, 2013, 02:46:08 AM »

Supremacy 1914, also referred to as S1914, is a multiplayer online strategy game set in the First World War. Development on the game began in 2006 by BytroLabs and remained in beta until 2009 when the first version was formally released. Supremacy 1914 currently has over 80,000 listed players, and was named Browser Game of the Year 2009. In early 2010 the much anticipated new interface was released and has been followed up by many regular updates to it following player recommendations.

I've already got a game set up, unfortunately I cannot directly link you to the game.

Fortunately you can find it via the matchs code: 535012

Or it's name: Blockland Supremacy Game (I didn't know what to call it don't hit me)

Max players: 20

Remaining Slots: 19

Peace Period: 1 day

NPC Peace Period: 1 day

Max. Inactivity: 3 days

Map: The Great War

Note: The match starts when all player slots are filled cause I know someone would flip their stuff "you didnt use the big map!!!!"


-Deutsche Sozialistische Republik
-Democratic Republic of Yugoslavia

Nation Format:
Code: [Select]
-Insert flag here-

[b]Nation Name:[/b]
[b]Government Type:[/b]

[b]Economy Type:[/b]
[b]*Currency in comparison to Euros:[/b]

[b]Population:[/b](Starting pop. max = 800,000)

[b]*Major Cities:[/b]
[b]Capital City:[/b]

[b]Trade Partners:[/b]

[b]*Defcon Level:[/b]
[b]Military Tech:[/b]

*= Optional

Grace Period:
The grace period allows people to join the game whilst the OP is absent, and are allowed to roleplay passively along with the other nations. However, if a nation within grace period attacks a player whilst being unprovoked can result in eviction from the thread, if a nation under grace period is attacked they are allowed to attack the nation(s) attacking them and invade them, if Grace Period is found to be abused, for example: A nation under grace period having their friend attack them so they can be big before they're officially implemented, Grace Periods shall cease to exist and no one new shall be able to enjoy any bit of roleplay whilst the OP is away.

1. This isn't the future, you're not gonna be zipping through space in your fancy shuttles.
2. You may not use real life political figures as your own, ex. Riddler, Stalin...
3. You are to start as a small nation, this is to provide room for other nations.
4. You cannot asspull help from aliens or western civilization, this is about europe, not the United States.
5. You must create your own empire, I don't want some half assed, "Union of Britain" I want something creatively made by your own individual mind.
6. You are not allowed to powergame, ex. taking land without properly battling.
7. You are not allowed to metagame, ex. Billy tells Sam about something Chris told to Billy about Jim, and then Sam uses that info against Jim.
8. This is a roleplay, you are encouraged to roleplay out your actions and to keep drama out of the thread, what I mean is don't get mad when someone ICly takes an action or says something you don't like and flip out in the thread.
9. By request, at the moment you are not allowed to create nuclear weaponry such  as nuclear missiles and what not.

1. You are allowed to upgrade your technology so long as it isn't excessive.
2. You are allowed to begin wars over racial or religious reasons.
3. You can perform secret missions in attempts to sabotage or obtain information.
4. You can play.
5. You can attempt to attack/sabotage trade routes.
6. You're allowed to expand in land, but not excessively in a short amount of time.

Games / Let's play Sub Rosa
« on: May 02, 2013, 12:01:24 AM »

Let's play this, it's a multiplayer game about making tense deals, double-crossing and crashing cars.

I'd like to play this with some people, and who better than the Blockland Forums?

I've got a server set up called Blockyland ready for us to play and I suppose I'll wait for people to join?


So yeah I posted a couple days back a thread called The Legend of Cage for this and now it's finally done with all its beautiful textures.

Off Topic / The Legend of Cage
« on: March 10, 2013, 07:42:39 PM »

We're all going to meet with a terrible face on the 17th

The Empires of Erinn
1422 A.D.

The World Of Erinn

Click for full Size Image


Current Events:
- Few Golems continue to rampage due to new races.

- Aule, God of Dwarves, Blacksmiths, and Stone.
- Morrighan, Goddess of Warfare, Love, and Humanity.
- Aeria, Goddess of Livestock, Vegetation, and Elves.
- Bane, God of Hatred, Tyranny, and The Dreadrealm.
- Nienfal, God of Magic, Spirits, and Goblins.
- Cichol, God of Evil, Rage, and Orcs.
- Lunaria, Goddess of Night, Lycanthropy, and Vampires.
- Xeo, The god of Ice, Peace, and Golems,
- Divitus, Entity of Knowledge, and Wisdom.
Deity Application Format:
Code: [Select]

- Humans
- Elves
- Orcs
- Goblins
- Skeletons
- Lycans
- Dwarves
- Vampires
- Dragons (Non Nation Race, yet sentient so listed.)
- Golems(Non-Nation Race)
- Banelings
- Darklings(Non-Nation Race)
- Hob Goblins
- Fomorians
- Giants (Non-Nation Race)
- Zaovans

Race Application Format: (Because sometimes those races just don't cut it.)
Code: [Select]
[b]Physical Properties:[/b]
[b]Background Story:[/b]
[b]Nation Race:[/b](Yes/No)

- Fleris, Predator, Domestic. Maximum size is approximately the height of a large dog.
- Morian, Predator, Wild. Maximum size is approximately the height of a Ape when standing.
- Heris, Prey, Domestic. Maximum size is approximately the size of a fully grown buffalo.
- Kreet, Prey, Domestic. Approximately the size of a large dog.
- Listrin, Predator, Wild. Approximately the length of a fully grown eal.
- Veran, Predator, Wild. Approximately the size of a large Rabbit.
- Dreigen, Predator, Wild. Approximately the size of a fully grown alligator.
- Jinkiri, Prey, Wild. Approximately the size of a small child, acts similar to one if a kid were on LSD.
- Fieri, Prey, Domestic. Approximately the size of a fully grown Ostrich.
- Canine, Predator, Domestic. The size of a loving dog.
- Feline, Predator, Domestic. The size of a loving cat.
- Horse, Prey, Domestic. The size of a loving horse.
- Mortirian, Predator, Wild. The size of a small Horse.
- Onos Marius, Prey, Wild. The approximate size of a lobster.
- Horian, Prey, Wild. The approximate size of a Orca Whale.
- Clorian, Predator, Wild. The approximate size of a Great White Shark.

Click here for map of common locations. (This will be done at a later date.)

Expect this to be updated later on with more animals and possibly edits to others.

- Divine Right of Crispia
- Roskianye Tsardom
- Constability of Seros
- Wayholt
- The Monks of Xeo
- Avalonia
- Raovenia
Fallen Empires:
- N/A

Empire Application Format:
Code: [Select]
[Insert Flag Here]

Nation Name:
Nation Theme:(not the necessarily the anthem, it can be if you want but just a theme you're giving your nation. And it had better be a music video, so don't pull a swat and just put in some silly lyrics.)
Most Common Race:

Economy Type:
Governmental Type:

Population:(500,000-700,000 For starters.)
Military Specs:

1. Don't Powergame! Ever! Not even once!
2. Don't Metagame! Please! Don't!
3. You don't get aid from deities or aliens ever, so don't say you do.
4. There's no gunpowder, on Erinn gunpowder doesn't exist.
5. Don't use real/Mythical world leaders for your empires world leader. (Ex. King Arthur)
6. There's no Teleportation magic that mortals can use so no.
7. You can't slow time either.
8. And no summoning ridiculously large or powerful creatures or excessive amounts, no matter how many people.
9. Okay, just don't over do magic and I'll let you know when you do.
10. Start with a reasonable amount of land.
11. Please don't be stupid about Deity and Race creation. You guys be stupid and it's gone.
12. Edit the map yourself unless you for whatever serious reason you can't. Like someone has you at gun point and they'll let you go if I do.
13. You don't have any Dragonborns in your empire, no overpowered individuals within your armies or nations please and thank you.

Off Topic / Silent Night: A Father's Love for his daughter
« on: February 23, 2013, 04:15:26 PM »
Yet another Roy Kelly voice over video which uh...

Is amazing.


Off Topic / Fairy Wish Prince.
« on: February 08, 2013, 03:21:32 PM »
So I just so happened to stumble upon what appears to be the reason we all exist in this world.

Games / Does anyone remember this "Impossible Creatures" game?
« on: February 01, 2013, 12:13:23 AM »
So like, this game was about taking two animals and stuff and like combining them and it was like a rts and stuff and it was fun.

I was wondering if anyone remembers, has played it before, and if possible knows where I can buy it atm.

Off Topic / What animal represents you best?
« on: January 30, 2013, 11:53:45 PM »
I was wondering what you'd consider the animal that represents you best via traits and such.

I alway thought of myself as a Honey Badger....

Adorable and a starfish.

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