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Topics - Uncle Bengs

Pages: [1] 2
« on: November 25, 2012, 07:01:43 PM »

W3LC0M3 2 5UP3R 5NU884RN4 64YM1N6

we r pro gaymers destind 2 84N6 45535 in vidergames n pwn gay dweebs......

playin it like pros......................... ............................. .... yeahhhh
diz grope am flled 2 da brim w/ cool ppl, ppl coo,l as forget

gay uncool dweebs adn nerds wil die from 5H0CK wen dey c all cool ppl cuz its 2 much cool 2 handle (unlike ur moms richard lol it is small)

if ur not cool dont boter joining grope, u wil b thurughly cheked (cavity serch, gaydar cheked et cetra) adn kiked adn 84NN3D if ur a gay fuqen dweeb nerd homogay

xX420 BLAZE IT cigaretteETXx (but only ingame and on pretend,,,, drugs r 4 losers winners dont do durgs)

~the holy skripture...... (the steem grope descriptien)

JOIN oUR GORPE RITE NOW (if ur a gay fuqin bich just d0nt do it, if urt a 8U574 81CH and join anywesy u gona get forgetin 84N63D in da butt adn banned fuqer)
adn remmeber 2 partispte in clan discessions adn evemts like R33L trroopper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Games / New CS:GO models?
« on: August 11, 2012, 02:09:47 AM »
Say hello to:

Mr.Mushroom hat

Scary burlap-sack-with-holes-and-a-beret man!

« on: August 07, 2012, 02:44:14 PM »

Off Topic / Hasbro interactive
« on: July 23, 2012, 01:44:30 AM »

software registration is for the cool kids

Off Topic / a moped for handicaps
« on: May 05, 2012, 06:29:42 PM »
i have one

Modification Help / StateEmitter is giving me crap
« on: March 25, 2012, 12:04:47 PM »
So, I made a simple cigar model and took the script from the SuperSuit addon and polished it to fit my needs.
Then I decided to add a little smoke emitter, so I added
Code: [Select]
stateEmitter [x] = gunSmokeEmitter;
stateEmitterNode[x] = "tipNode";
and I have a joint on my model called "tip", but I can't seem to get any kind of response.

Script can be posted if necessary.

Off Topic / fill my orifices with chocolate pudding
« on: January 20, 2012, 06:48:24 PM »
do it im desperate  :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

Off Topic / Tryptophobia
« on: January 05, 2012, 06:30:21 PM »
Tryptophobia is like most phobias except it's about holes, or more specifically holes in organic stuff like apples.

Watch this video and follow the guidelines and post the time when you start to get itchy:

The reason for this (as far as I know) is that seeing a a bunch of holes in organic stuff pretty much causes strange itches for pretty much everyone because for some reason your eyes interprets the holes as your skin(?) and therefore causes itches or something like that. I don't really know if just getting itches is classified as having tryptophobia, but as far as I'm concerned it's not.

read title please help is appreciated

I needed to change my model a little bit, and I animated some stuff on the model.
But when I tried it in-game, parts of the model disappeared.
The animated parts are visible in first person view, but in "world view" you see the entire thing, with the animated parts gone.

What the forget happened?

I use Milkshape by the way.

i modeled a simple syringe, took the Pill script and files and edited them a little (replaced "pill" with syringe and "heal" with healed, i also changed the emote.) and it works just like i want it to. except for one thing:
i figured out how to change the playertype but now i need to know how to make it change back after about 5 seoncds.

i'd also like to point out that the model has an error as well, the syringe is stick inside the hand even though i added a mountPoint joint at the right place, it still gets stuck inside the hand in a very strange way.

i posted this in the General Modification Help and then realized that it was in the wrong section.

i modeled a simple syringe, took the Pill script and files and edited them a little (replaced "pill" with syringe and "heal" with healed, i also changed the emote.) and it works just like i want it to. except for one thing:
i need to know how to make my little syringe change a player's playertype into PlayerQuakeArmor then after 15 seconds change it back in to in to PlayerStandardArmor.

i've tried with some different scripts but they all get this error: "Can't find function player, attempting setDataBlock" or something like that.

im also keeping this private because its a test so no need to get mad about me copying scripts.

Gallery / Jetpuff's Towers V2
« on: June 19, 2011, 05:43:51 PM »
Hi, and welcome to an amazing piece of art made by Barnabas, Blocktim and Jetpuff. I took photos and added something.
It is made out of bricks and Mercedes-Bengs cars.

Here's a picture of it:

Here it is from another angle:

And yet another angle!

Look closely and you can see the beautiful fireplace inside!

Here is Blocktim enjoying the build:

Wonderful isn't it?

Feel free to rate!

Suggestions & Requests / Default-like weaponry/items and such
« on: June 08, 2011, 06:25:06 PM »
I'm pretty sure there has been a couple of threads like this before, but still.
The point of this thread is to hopefully get more "default-ish" weapons, items and such.

By "default-like", I mean a straightforward item/weapon that you can pretty much tell what it does, just by looking at it's name (Such as: Sniper rifle, Gun),
but also having a model that looks "default", overall basic and blocko.

And nothing overused, like "flamethrower", "sniperrifle", "megalasergun". I know there isn't much more default-ish stuff to be done, but try to figure out something that's pretty kickass.

        Default like examples:
  • The Geek's Chainsaw
  • The Default Gun and Gun Akimbo
  • Ephi's Shotgun
  • Ephi's Flamethrower (I would enjoy having this ported, please)
  • Kaje's Minigun and Sniper Rifle

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