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Topics - Alpha Command

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Off Topic / 1501
« on: April 10, 2011, 08:41:54 PM »
We have 1.501k pages! Celabrate  :cookieMonster:

Off Topic / How old is Blockland?
« on: April 08, 2011, 08:06:52 PM »
Two days ago, my friend and I were discussing BL. I said it was pretty old, and he objected, saying it was a "2009 game". I quickly said, "What? It's like 6 years old at least!"
So I've been wondeirng... how old is Blockland?

EDIT: Poll added!

Drama / Kittey - "OMG I SPaM EPXLSON EVNTZ AND VCE!1!!!1"
« on: April 04, 2011, 08:04:29 AM »
Ok, here's the story: I was on Thaky's Space RP/build, and this guy called Kittey connected. He spawned in our base, and my ally, AirHead, deleted his own malfunctinoing spawn. Kittey left he building but soon returned. He planted a brick in out base and set off a relay that continuously spawned massive explosions. He said, "Making enemies is fun." and that the brick was 'revenge'. After asking him to stop many times, we got him to. The he used VCE to continuously spawn powerful lasers out of his chest non-stop. He stopped eventually.
A few minutes later, Kittey returned using more VCE events to spawn mortar explosions out of his chest. He spammed our base with them until cancelling out the event shorty after starting it. Then he started it up again and continuously spawnkilled everyone on the server, minus Thaky, for several minutes. Then he stopped once again.
Then, he spawned a massive invisible explosion at our base, saying, "Bewm." AirHead asked if Kittey was 5, and Kittey responded, "Mummy told me not to talk to friends." and began launching LEGO Dynamites from his chest.
I then left the server.

Off Topic / Ghost!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: March 19, 2011, 01:20:16 AM »
It's 11pm and I just heard a door close on it's own! Then a wind blew past my feet, but all the windows are closed and the aircon and fans are off!
EDIT: Just after I posted this, I heard a low growl! But I have no dogs! Or any pets!

Suggestions & Requests / Army Man Playertype
« on: March 16, 2011, 07:18:07 AM »
Can anyone provide the Army Man player link? I already searched it, couldn't find it.

Off Topic / Lego Weapons (Full-size, some automatic)
« on: March 16, 2011, 06:09:16 AM »
A guy on YouTube called Jack Streaty created these fully automatic Lego guns. There's alot, including a HK UMP, M249 (automatic), minigun (automatic), AK47, Baretta M82A1, and even a chainsaw. The mag guns fire bricks, but the minigun and M249 fire rubber bands. They all look pretty real. Here's some links:
EDIT: Poll. Vote for your favourite!

Off Topic / Punisher Gatling Blaster
« on: March 16, 2011, 04:07:04 AM »
Airzone blaster. Ridiculously similar to the Vulcan.

What do you think of it?

Off Topic / Tribute to Zeus?
« on: March 08, 2011, 03:31:57 AM »
Is it a tribute to the sky god, Zeus? Or something else?
What I mean is, it has alot of sky-related and Zeus-realted things in it.

Off Topic / Blockland 2
« on: February 25, 2011, 07:29:02 AM »
This is basically an old topic from '07 where Wedge was thinking up this Blockland 2.


The long awaited sequel for the hit-cult game Blockland has finally been announced. The game will follow the traditional gameplay focusing on the construction of miniature plastic objects, with some new twists, and upgrades that fully take advantage of the capabilities of modern computational power.


Yes, physics. Long awaited, and long requested, Blockland 2 will feature physics! But the physics go far beyond what anyone previously imagined. You will be able to knock around bricks (which are fully destructible now, including gibs), other players, and vehicles. With enough force, you may even move large physical objects like the bed in bedroom, or knock down the lamp on the dresser.

The new physics engine is upgraded massively. Collisions are represented as a bunch of nodes representing the atoms of the structure, connected through rigid bones, which freely rotate. Every object expresses a small amount of "give" when someone bumps into it. Solid objects have rigid bones, liquids are simulated with loose bones, and gasses have no bones. Objects and movements are now simulated down the the molecular level.

Furthermore, there is a new fluid dynamics calculation system. Solid objects act on the semi-rigid nature of fluid to push them in a realistic manner. You can now trap liquids in containers. You can also trap gasses in some containers. Moving objects around influences the air, creating small changes in the air patterns (much more noticeable as a mini-figure, you can push people around with the wind). Flowing liquids push and create force against physical objects. If enough force builds up, weak containers may break or rupture.

Dynamic AI System

Something lacking in previous versions of Blockland was an AI system. AI is now present, in the form of NPCs. These are generated from npc bricks. NPCs have a variety of needs and aspirations. They will find food and eat it if they are hungry. If they don't have food, they steal it. Certain bricks or items can be set to be owned by an NPC. If you jump into an NPC's pick-up, for example, it will chase after you and try and take it back. If they have weapons, they will kill you.

The AI is smart now, taking cover behind bricks or any available cover, even other people and vehicles.

Next, the weather system and climate system.

The time of day is taken from your system clock. If you start the game up at 12 at night, it will be dark out. Weather systems are generated from real data, collected by NOAA. For example, the new "Bedroom" map is located in Charleston, South Carolina. Streaming weather data is taken from the server and used to generate simulated weather patterns. This service is only available to cities in the US. Through a server option, you can pick what location you want your map to be located in, from a list of about 200 locations.

The maps.

Terrain maps are generated using real terrain from USGS data. Advances in rendering software allow the terrain to have caves and other features. Like stated before, weather and light are calculated from data on your computer.

The bricks.

Bricks are back and better then before. Rendered engine side in full 3d, these bricks look better then any previous incarnation. Through a server option, players may toggle on "wear and tear." Bricks will now be generated with random scratches. If one is unlucky, bricks may even be deformed, missing pegs, chewed, or split in half.

Bricks can be dynamically modified in game. Through the new physics, players can saw bricks in half. However, quickly sawing will result in jagged edges, so sawing must be done carefully. There are also various sanding, carving, and polishing tools.

Brick gibs are now fully featured, with collisions. If a brick is destroyed, small gib pieces fly around. It is possible to accumulate piles of gibs, creating hills of plastic bits. Large piles may collapse and flow, killing players and blocking doors. These pieces can be cleaned up using the broom tool.

Physical joints.

Bricks can now be connected through LEGO Technic style pieces and various sized strings, winches, and rubber bands. This allows for the construction of many interesting weapons.

Vehicles are now constructed from scratch. For people who do not want to spend a lot of time building the ultimate car, various prebuilt cars and car pieces for quick assembly are included. Players may also save their vehicles and load them in other servers. Support is fully supplied for flying, floating, and land vehicles.


The new physics abilities of the new engine allow for more fighting possibilities then before. However, playability had to be balanced with capabilities. Even though players could move each arm or leg independently, it is difficult to push 4 keys at once just to move forward. Standard player movements are used for the most part. A movement editor lets you modify the way you move each arm or leg, allowing you to modify every aspect of how your virtual characters moves. You can maximize speed or mobility. With the movement of each arm independently, and maximizing on the physics engine, you can create specialized hand movements for decapitating your foes even faster then before. You can customize how your player holds and swings swords and maces, even how your player holds a gun. Every movement of the player is editable.

Each part of the player has a set number of hitpoints, when these are reached, the item is lost. Since the head of a mini-fig contains no vital organs, these can be removed without physically stopping the player. Only when the chest is destroyed can players be completely killed, as this is what binds all of their other pieces to the body.

Losing an arm or two isn't as bad as you might think. To counter for the disadvantage of being unable to use any weapons, you gain the melee attack bite and the ranged attack torcreep, which folds your body up and launches you forward. These options can be turned off for a more realistic playing style.


Hundreds of new items have been added to the game. Items can be bent and used as bricks. For example, if you are having trouble reaching a location, you can pile up a dozen hammers and jump up it. Similarly, you can drive a spear into a wall, and use it to launch yourself to higher locations.


Many new weapons populate the land of Blockland. Weapons have a random colorshift applied to them, depending on the location. For example, in a desert, weapons may have a slight brown tint to represent the dirt of the environment. Weapons also have slightly randomized attack speeds, damage, and reload times, within a certain margin. You can also save weapons between servers, if you find a great AK47 in one server and want to stick with it, you can save its qualities. Next time, when you find an AK47, you have the option to substitute your own. Servers have the option to disable this.

You may customize your saved weapons with a variety of decals and spare parts, and can even change the colors of existing parts.

Community features.

The new community system includes the website front integrated into the game. While on the forums, you can see who is logged on the game and even what server they are in. There is a button on the profile which allows you to join their server. You can check your messages and send new ones both in-game and on the forums. The join server screen features an IRC lobby. Much of the communication in Blockland 2 occurs through IRC. There are 3 official channels, Lobby, General, and Forums. Everyone on the lobby is automatically logged into the lobby channel. People in servers log into the general channel by default, but can also join the lobby and forum channels. The forum channel has replaced off-topic.

Player customization.

As stated earlier, every movement the character makes is customizable. Custom colors can be defined to color in parts of the minifig. Decals are now shapes made in the game, players can make custom decals in game in addition to using default ones. Using an in-game tool, players can carve their own leg and arm shapes. Various customization items can also be modified to some extent, for example, the air tank item allows you to change the number of tanks and the valve shape.


The new deathmatch GUI allows you to select from several base game modes, such as capture the flag, or racing, and then modify them. Although standard free for all and team deathmatch is included, more options are available then before. Included with the stock game are the aforementioned CTF and racing game modes, as well as reverse capture the flag, one flag capture the flag, king of the hill, defend the fort, among others.

Pre-constructed builds are included to play in, in addition to the ability to build your own.

Co-op missions.

Before I go into the co-op mCIAons, I should probably mention the singleplayer campaign.

Campaign mode.

In addition to freebuild, there is now campaign mode. You begin as a lone mini-fig, liberating the house of the evil human presence. Using various constructions, weapons, vehicles, and even normal human affects, you retake the house. You must sneak throughout the game without being seen by the human players, solving objectives, and battling giant insects, rodents, and other animals. If seen moving by a human, you immediately lose. If you freeze though, the humans may ignore you. If you complete all of the objectives, the humans are driven out of the house, leaving you control over the entire property.

Co-op mode allows you to play through the campaign. The AI is much smarter in this mode, and there are many more enemies, some unique to multiplayer only. Puzzles are upgraded to require team work to accomplish, and dynamically scaled to the number of players in the server.


Games / Zombieville USA & Battleheart
« on: February 17, 2011, 05:40:33 AM »
Two more decent iPod/iPhone games, both made by the same people.
A strategy game, where you adventure through levels fighting off trolls and skeletons and Cyclopes. You create a group of heroes to fight for you and level them up to get better abilities and gear.
You start off with a cleric and a knight. You can get better heroes in the Tavern where you get recruits. The Armoury is where you upgrade your units' gear and weapons and swap their gear. The Academy is where you see your units' abilities and levels. The Keep is where your unequipped units (you can have a max of 4 equipped at a time) are and where you can swap them in and out of your group. The Merchant is where you buy and sell weapons and items.

Zombieville USA
A shooter game, where you choose a character and blast your way through endless waves of zombies.
You begin with a basic gun. You get money by killing zombie and looting houses. You can get ammo by looting houses too. After each level, you can purchse and upgrade your weapons, including shotguns, machineguns, chainsaws and rocket launchers. The final upgrade for a weapon is extremely powerful but expensive. The chainsaw turns into a flamethrower then a laser. The machinegun turn into a gatling gun, and the shotgun turns into a double-barrlled auto shotty. The rocket launcher turns into a nuke launcher. You can replenish your health after each level, and upgrade your melee weapon from a bat to a sledgehammer to a katana.


Games / Trenches 'n' Stenches, two iPod games
« on: February 11, 2011, 04:45:37 AM »
Trenches, Stenches. Both quite impressive, in my opinion.

Gallery / The Trenches (TDM)
« on: February 09, 2011, 02:24:12 AM »
This is my new TDM. It's a simple trench layout with five trenches, two bases and some outposts.
The first trench on each side has an outpost with a Frag grenade box and Famas F1.
The second ones each hold an outpost with a Scattergun, MKI and He grenade box.
There are three capture points: one to each teams, and one neutral.
The two team CPs are the ones before the neutral CP.
The neutral point is in the centre trench, which holds the Mortar and Repeater Gun. Any team that controls this point will gain a big advantage.

Off Topic / Trenches 'n' Stenches *MOVED*
« on: January 29, 2011, 07:35:03 PM »

Requested in 1337.

EDIT: Ok, locking and sending to the depths of Tartarus.

EDIT2: Off-Topic: This and this.

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