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Topics - torak11

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Gallery / TCI Events Blokospa Hot Tub V2
« on: January 27, 2019, 10:39:25 PM »
My fifth gallery build.

One of my best event builds to date, this build is a hot tub (no duh) packed full of extra features. It's not based
on any real-life hot tub (As far as i know). This is actually the second version of the Blokospa Hot Tub (hence the
V2), the previous version was bigger in size and wasn't nearly as appealing in design or events, so i redesigned it.

Tech Specs:
- The Hot Tub was built on a 32x32 baseplate
- The Hot Tub has a compact, yet elegant design (more compact than V1 anyway)
- There are Three retractable additions on the tub: a Music Control System (MCS), a set of Speakers, and a mini-bar.
- The Hot Tub has a retractable Cover that doesn't block any of the above features.
- All of the Hot Tubs features are controlled by a seven-button control panel

How does it work?
- Each button of the seven button control panel controls a different part of the hot tub. All the buttons are labeled with
a letter to represent what they do. P = Power, J = Jets, L = Light, D = Mini-bar, S = Speakers, M = Music Control System, C = Cover.
- Certain buttons can't be used while other features are active or inactive, You can't turn on the Jets without turning on the power,
or turn off the power without turning of the jets. In the same vein, you can't activate the MCS without Activating the speakers first and
you can't de-activate the speakers without de-activating the MCS
- The "C" on the control panel is "backwards" because it faces toward the hot tub stairs, its the only one of the seven buttons meant
to be used from outside the tub.
- The Cover button can't be used while at least one person is in the tub.
- The Music Control system allows you to select from one of eight music tracks to play on the speakers, all eight tracks are set to
default music currently, but anyone with a basic understanding of music bricks and events could customize said eight tracks.
- The Mini-Bar dispenses Blue Soda with a press of a button, you can either dispense drinks one at a time or all at once using a
special button. Thanks to Conan's Drinks, the Soda can actually be used just like an item, once your can is empty, just place it
back on the platform it was dispensed from, and the Mini-Bar will remove it for you, no clean-up needed.
- I chose Soda over Alcohol for two reasons: One, i dislike alcohol, i can't stand the taste, Two, i don't want drunk blockheads stumbling around and making a mess of my hot tub.

Screenshots of the Build

Full view of The Hot Tub:

Same as above, but with the cover on:

Full view of the hot tub with everything on and/or activated:

The Seven Button control panel as seen from inside the hot tub:

Same as above, but seen from outside the hot tub:

The Music Control System:

The Speakers:

The Mini-Bar:

Same as above, but with four blue sodas:

Just for comparison, here is version one of the Blokospa Hot Tub:

And here's a side-by-side of both hot tubs for further comparison:

Final Information
Ratings in the form of x/10 are optional
DO NOT flame or make negative posts
Constructive Criticism accepted, (as long as it is not harsh)
Other Criticism NOT accepted

Gallery / Aggravation Board
« on: August 29, 2016, 08:12:40 AM »
My fourth gallery build.

As the title says, this build is based on the classic board game called Aggravation. The specific board design
and layout is based of off a real home-made aggravation board that i own

Yes, i know to some people the board desgin may resemble a swastika in shape, but keep in mind
that it is NOT meant to be a Swastika. If anything its more or less shaped like a plus sign. The placement
of the start areas are the reason it can be seen as a swastika.

Tech Specs:
- Board base is a 64x64 baseplate
- Total of 89 spaces on the board, including "start" and "home" spaces"
- Each "start" area includes a Player control panel.
- Each player control panel includes a pawn spawning switch, a dice block, buttons to respawn the pawns
in the start spaces, and counters for scoring pawns that are in the "home" spaces.
- The player control panel includes minigame events to enhance use in minigames (currently tweaking these events)
- The "pawns" are horses that have been resized to better fit the board spaces, said horses are coloured to
match player colors. I purposely chose horses as pawns so that players could simply ride their "pawns" to move
them instead of having to use some complex system or tool.

How does it work?
- The dice block is a print cube evented to show a random number print in the range of 1-6 when clicked
(using set random events)
- The respawn buttons respawn the horses on their corresponding vehicle spawn space.
- The counter buttons use relay events and toggle event to prevent cheating, plus the fifth "win" button
doesn't appear until all others are pressed in order.

Screen-shots of the build

The board:

A close up of the "Short cut" area:

One of the player Starting areas and associated Control panel:

The same starting area with the "pawns" spawned in:

The hidden 5th "win" button next to the counter buttons:

(Normally this button does not appear until the other four buttons have been pressed, but i enabled rendering
for this image)

The Rules area, where you'd click to read the rules:

The real life home made aggravation board that inspired this build and served as the board design template:

(Yes, this board is old, i've had it for a long time. It was hand made by my Grandpa and, as you can probably
see, it was made to be used with marbles.)

Crediting Information
- JVS Switches made by Trader and Kaje
- Small Vehicle spawns made by HellsHero
- Cube Print Bricks made by Tophius
- Vertical print pack made by Emil
- Minigame events made by Zack0Wacko and Blake1
- Set Random print number event made by jes00

I give credit to all of the blockland users listed above.
I also DO NOT take ANY credit for the above addons

Final Information
Ratings in the form of x/10 are optional
DO NOT flame or make negative posts
Constructive Criticism accepted, (as long as it is not harsh)
Other Criticism NOT accepted.

Drama / Tezuni - A dossier of dramas, a history of idiocy
« on: August 24, 2014, 07:59:58 AM »

I know by now that i'm probably beating a dead horse, but i felt this had to be made.

Over the past few years, a certain Blockland player that goes by the name of Tezuni has attracted a lot of attention and drummed up an impressive amount of dramas, targeted either at him or at his server/admins, or sometimes both. Yet each time he simply brushes off the dramas as if they were inconsequential and subsequently ignored any comments and/or suggestions on said dramas that would be beneficial to his server. Considering all the dramas bout him, and the fact that he STILL refuses to listen to anyone who tries to help sort out his server tells me one of two things. Either Tezuni is blindly stubborn to a fault, or he has mental issues, considering his actions on the forums and his other actions in game, I'm inclined to believe the latter. Either way he has proven that he cannot handle the responsibilities of server hosting, nor can he handle the responsibility of keeping his admins in line, and yet his server is still the most popular...

Now keep in mind i am aware that the server has begun to show at least some decently lately in regards to the admin team and their actions, but that still dosen't excuse Tezuni from the history of problems he has caused, and the impressive amount of drama's he has racked up. You may be tempted to ask for proof of these claims, even though anyone who has been on BL for at least the past year should already know about Tezuni and the problems he has created, even so, i will be listing some of his dramas below.

Drama Lists

Dramas about Tezuni

Dramas about Tezuni's Server(s) and/or Admins

Please note that some of the dramas may have broken pictures due to age.


The writing is on the wall here, Tezuni is clearly a problem user and should not be allowed admin. I would also strongly recommend a ban to save yourself some grief. Tezuni should also not be allowed to host a server as he has proven time and again that he CANNOT keep his servers in order and under control, or restrain himself from breaking his own rules/abusing his power as host.

Drama / Admin Abuse - What you can do to stop it.
« on: August 19, 2014, 12:29:52 AM »
Admin abuse, a problem that's been around since the dawn of blockland, or very nearly. It occurs when someone decides to misuse the powers granted to them by the server host, which often leads to regular players suffering.
Mind you, Admin abuse is not a silent issue, people have spoken out, and some of the people who abused their Admin powers lost the privilege of being an Admin or Super Admin. But it's not enough, for every badmin dealt with, two more seem to emerge, this needs to stop.

The purpose of this topic is to hopefully educate all of you on what admin abuse is (as if you don't already know), what signs to look for to identify badmins, how to stop badmins, and how to prevent admin abuse all together. Lets begin, shall we?

1. What is Admin Abuse?
As i'm sure you already know, Admin abuse is when someone who has attained the powers of an Admin or Super Admin misuses said powers and causes grief to players, However, that is only the general definition, in reality, it is deeper than that. Admin abuse comes in many forms, each as unpleasant to deal with as the next, some of the most common forms of it is kicking and/or banning players for either no discernible reason or for a very stupid reason, this is only made worse if the ban is permanent. Another common instance is destruction of builds others have made, in which admins destroy other players builds using the destructo wand or by clearing the bricks of said players. This type of abuse can be VERY frustrating to those who spend hours on their builds. Those are the more common examples, a less common example is using admin powers to cheat in minigames, which tends to ruin it for regular players. If you have admin and want to join a minigame, either don't cheat or renounce your adminship. The most severe form of admin abuse is player harassment, which itself my include things from the above forms, but is a different form in itself due to the fact that the badmin is harassing players using admin powers, this tends to happen in RP servers. Keep in mind, I'm not against admins having fun, but if it starts coming at the expense of the other players on the server, that's when you've crossed the line.

2. How can i stop admin abuse?
The easiest way would be for the server host or a Super Admin to De-Admin the abuser. In order for that to happen, the players (or regular admins) have to let the host (or super admins) know that someone is abusing admin, this is one of the biggest areas for problems to crop up, mainly because badmins may threaten players with a ban (usually perma) in order to keep them quiet, likewise super badmins might threaten regular admins with de-admining to keep them quiet. My point here is, don't let yourself be silenced because a badmin threatened you to keep you quiet report them to the host anyways. If you get banned or de-admined, so what? The host can undo all of that and keep it from happening again. In short, don't be afraid to report a badmin.

3. What if the Host refuses to stop the abuse/is being a badmin himself/herself?
In that case, you should probably leave the server. If the abuse is happening at the highest level (i.e Host), then there is nothing you can do. Likewise, if the host is not stopping the admin abuse or is refusing to stop it (*coughTezunicough*), then it would be wise to leave the server and post a drama on it (with proof of course) so people know to avoid giving that particular person admin. I would also highly advise you to stay away from servers that have had multiple documented cases of admin abuse (Like ANY server hosted by Tezuni), you can save yourself some grief that way.

4. Can i prevent Admin abuse?
Yes you can, i actually recommend it. Admin abuse can be prevented, quite easily in fact, it all starts with knowing which people to avoid giving admin to.

Do NOT!:
-Give Admin freely to players.
-Give Admin to players who ask for admin
-Give Admin to someone just because you're friends.
-Give Admin to someone just because they are well known.
-Give Admin to known problem users.

Having Admin is a privilage that comes with responsibilities, make sure you KNOW that the people getting admin will have earned it and will hold up the responsibilities associated with it. In short, Admin should be earned, not just given to players.

Another issue in this area involves admin passwords, i've seen (through drama) servers with good admins fall because the admin password got leaked or exposed somehow, which led to someone getting admin via password and abusing it. I have nothing against servers that use an admin password system, but if you must use an admin password, avoid talking about it in game AND on the forums. If you MUST do it in game, make a private server and ensure your admins are the ONLY people on.

5. Conclusion
Admin abuse is an issue that can be solved with little effort, just remember to use your common sense and to be careful when appointing admins. Thank you for reading, I hope you will remember the points and advice of this drama when dealing with badmins in the future. Good luck to those of you who have to deal with badmins that are on your admin team.


Drama / Admin Abuse - What you can do to stop it.
« on: August 18, 2014, 10:54:23 PM »

Admin abuse, a problem that's been around since the dawn of blockland, or very nearly. It occurs when someone decides to misuse the powers granted to them by the server host, which often leads to regular players suffering.
Mind you, Admin abuse is not a silent issue, people have spoken out, and some of the people who abused their Admin powers lost the privilege of being an Admin or Super Admin. But it's not enough, for every badmin dealt with, two more seem to emerge, this needs to stop.

The purpose of this topic is to hopefully educate all of you on

Gallery / Monument To RTB (Build)
« on: August 16, 2014, 05:38:03 AM »
A Monument To RTB

A Build i made to memorialize the recently shut down Return to Blockland, may it forever stand as a testament to a bygone era.

As i've already stated, this is a monument i built to memorialize Return to Blockland, nothing else more to say on that matter. The build itself looks best in a dark environment. The tombstone has a message that can be read by clicking on it. This build may be included in a larger build at some point in the future, maybe...

Tech Specs:
- Built on a 16x16 baseplate (ergo, NOT spam)
- Two bots used as statues, seen on either side of the tombstone and RTB blocks.
- RTB symbol made from 2x2 Blocks, Colours co-ordinated to match the real emblem.
- Stone torches use "Player Jets" and "Fire A" for the fires.
- Monument outer border made of 18 degree ramps.

Interactive Features:
- Tombstone as a readable message in the form of a player prompt.

Screen Shots of the Build:

Overview of the build (day):

Overview of the build (night):

Angled closeup of the build (day):

Angled closeup of the build (night):

Crediting Information:
- Amade's Bot Events made by Amade (yes, i still use them)
- Halloween Theme Pack made by Rotondo and Badspot
- MessageBoxOK by [UNKNOWN AUTHOR] (sorry about that)
- A few unnamed addons (i couldn't get the names of all of them)

I give credit to all of the blockland users listed above and to any i did not list.
I also DO NOT take ANY credit for the above addons or any addons i did not list.

Final Information:
- Ratings in the form of X/10 are allowed but not required.
- NO Flaming, Negative comments, or other criticism allowed, they will be reported. (this includes any arguments you may have against my use of amade's bot events, don't even try it)
- Constructive Criticism welcomed (as long as it isn't too strict)
- Keep you're opinions of RTB to yourself please, i know we all feel strongly one way or another about the shutdown of RTB (thats what inspired this build after all), but thats no reason to flame this topic like a moron.

Suggestions & Requests / External RTB-Inspired BLiD Lookup
« on: August 13, 2014, 03:47:03 AM »
BLiD Lookup was an especially usefully feature of the RTB forums, it came in handy whenever you needed to
get the BLiD for a problem user and could not in game. Now, i know what you all might say, "just lookup the forum profie of the problem user." That doesn't always work, besides that, a users forum name and in game name might be different.

So, i got to thinking. If people have made online archives of the addons origionally listed in the rtb forums, why can't we do something similar with BLiD lookup?

Drama / Dre5567 - Possible Stalker and generally creepy.
« on: March 31, 2014, 10:58:56 PM »
I've seen some odd things when it comes to the forums, but this is the creepiest thing i've ever seen from this forum. Okay, so earlier today, i got a notification from my email saying that someone sent me a PM, so naturally, i decided to take a look, the message was:
what a coincidence i live in edmonton ab too.
i'm coming for you

Okay... *scarcasm*That isn't creepy in any way*end sarcasm*. Even weirder was the fact that before this, i had never med this guy at all, not even in game, so he (or she) is a complete stranger. I replied, asking who he or she was, stating that i hadn't ever had any disagreements or arguments with him/her, and never even met him/her before. He replied with:
but i know when you started an argument
and i watched you interact with yourself

Okay, now that was loving creepy. Even though both things he apparently "knows" about me are wrong, I haven't started any arguments recently, and there was no way he could be watching me. This led me to label him as a Stakler or someone who is just really creepy, discuss.

P.S Learning from my previous dramas, I also think he might've just been trolling... But i can't be sure unless Dre5567 replies to this topic him/herself and reveals that he/she was trolling.

Add-Ons / Renderman Sound Pack
« on: March 04, 2014, 05:32:08 PM »
Need sounds for a scary build? I've got just the pack for you.

You might recognize these sounds from the Renderman mod. Thats because they were taken right from the mods files and repackaged into a convenient sound pack for all your scary build needs. Now i know what all of you might say. "You just stole the sounds from Chrisbot6!" And you'd be wrong, Before i posted this, i contacted Chrisbot6, he has given me permission to post this sound pack.

Here's a list of the sounds in this pack.


Sounds like the ambient sounds, creak sounds, botvanish, and even lightsback can all be used to build suspense or create a slight scare. the boom sounds can be used to build suspense further and even induce feelings of terror, especially if used in the right order (quietboom-boom1-boom2-boom3). The playertaken sound can be used for a jumpscare, and the needlessly creepy indoorgrowl (more like indoorlaugh) can bee used to scare players or just creep them out. There are MANY more purposes for this sound pack, i've just outlined a few.


Sounds belong to Chrisbot6 (used with permission)
Soundpack belongs to me.

After looking at the other Star trek Decals, i found myself disappointed with them, so I decided to create my own Star trek uniform decals, based of uniforms from The Origional Series, The Next Generation, and Movie uniforms. Including Variants as well. Picture below, Download link at the bottom.

From left to right: TOS Uniform, TNG Uniform, Generations/DS9 Variant, Captains Vest (from First contact), Enterprise E Uniform (First contact/Insurrection/Nemesis)

These are not just Command (Security in TOS) colored uniforms, The red parts of each uniform shown in the picture are in fact transparent, they can be made any color. Meaning you can have uniforms from any crew category, be it science/medical (blue), Engineering/Security (Red in TOS, Yellow in TNG), or command (Yellow in TOS, Red in TNG). You can even create your own custom uniform color. I apologize for the mismatched sides of the majority of the TNG/DS9/Movie Uniforms, i tried to fix that but couldn't, but please don't let that be a turn off.

Lastly, Please don't complain about them not being "blocko" enough. Although i kept blockland in mind when designing these, i primarily focused on making them look good, as the other star trek/ scifi decals just aren't good enough. Also, if you use any of these in blockland movies or youtube videos, please credit them to me.

Download (Mediafire):

(I know mediafire can be a bit off, but its the best option i have right now, Let me know if the link breaks)

Drama / Colten (BLiD 752) - Graphics Whore and dumbass
« on: December 12, 2013, 10:13:32 PM »
I really didn't want to do another drama, knowing how well my last one went. When i met Colten however, i just had to drama him. Normally i can ignore most kinds of people, but graphics whores just piss me off, Colten is a prime example. I joined badspot's block party to see what kinds of builds were up and what theme the server was rolling with, when i encountered Colten. The sum total of that encounter is as follows.

Colton starts out by complaining about the price of Blockland:

Why in the world would you want a game to be more expensive? Its just stupid, and counter intuitive. Luckily, Smitty #1 seems to be in the right state of mind and offers an opinion that instantly shoots down Coltons Argument:

Colton must be ethier really thick or really stubborn, as he continues to argue, even though his arguments have been already shot down:

He tries to prove his point further with a surprisingly narrow minded opinion, which also serves as the first clue that proves he is a graphics whore:

Dubkip drops in next and provides a simple counter argument that once again shoots down Coltons argument:

However, Colten, being the sore loser that he is, instantly retorts with an insult, showing that he clearly can't handle others opinions, especially when they contradict and defeat his:

Colten then proceeds to further argue his already defeated point while proving even futher that he is a graphics whore:

Smitty #1 Raises yet another great counter-argument, and mentions one of the most famous NES games of all time while he does so:

Colten then proceeds to directly insult super mario bros. 3, not only that, but he claims he's never heard of it:

Again, Colten is either dumb or stubborn. Who hasn't heard of super mario bros 3? Someone with a BLID as low as his has surely been around long enough to know about super mario bros 3. The fact that he dosen't further shows his possible stupidity. Meanwhile, Smitty #1 Raises yet another great point by asking a question, the answer to which is painfully obvious:

Colten chooses the wrong answer, in doing so he proves that he is nothing more than a stupid graphics whore:

That just takes the cake, why on earth would you buy a more expensive game just because it has great graphics? That is just stupid beyond measure. It's foolish, narrow minded opinions like this that have led to the most major disappointments in gaming history. A new game is announced, gamers (especially the graphic whores) drool over the shiny new graphics, only to be disgusted and majorly disappointed when they find out the game is terrible.

Meanwhile, Colten raises yet another stupid point, again trying to keep his argument about Blockland being made more expensive alive, even though it died at this point:

Suuure... So,  your'e saying Blockland isn't popular? The game that has over 40000 users and more on the way isn't popular? Are you BLIND? Or just stupid. Blockland is already one of the most sandbox building games on the internet! You'd think someone with a BLiD in the 700's would know that, unless he considers the majority of Blockland users to be non-existent. Either that or he thinks the majority of Blockland users don't matter. Both of which make him a selfish idiot in addition to being a graphics whore. Oh and even though he thinks he's helping, he isn't.

He then tries to use his so-called friends opinions of him as another point:

Firstly, Does he even have any friends? Secondly, does he really think they'd care about him playing a game that's only 20$? Just how thick is he?

Very thick, apparently, as he adds three more opinions that are just over the top and ridiculous:

A game rights shelter? No such place exists. Protesting for all games to be 60$ just for better graphics? Wow, such stupidity. If games had rights, they wouldn't be rights to better graphics, they'd be rights to a better game, as in better game play.

In conclusion, Colten is an idiot and a graphics whore. He is not worthy to be a gamer and never will be unless he gets his head out of his a$$ and realize graphics are not and never will be everything. Not only that, but he is incredibly undeserving of his BLiD, as he seems to lack a lot of the knowledge that people in that BLiD range should have.

I'd recommend a Ban from your server.

Off Topic / Ugh, SOPA's back.
« on: August 25, 2013, 01:28:33 AM »
Just when i thought we'd heard the last of this stupid bill, it makes another return, with more serious implications this time. From what i hear, we might actually lose blockland if we don't stop this, so please sign the petition in the link below so we can shut the idiots that keep trying to pass SOPA to shut up about it forever.

Suggestions & Requests / DOOM II Weapons
« on: June 05, 2013, 10:13:37 PM »
I'd like to see more DOOM II weapons in blockland, so far all I've seen is the pistol and the DOOM 3 Plasma gun. Below is a list of DOOM Weapons i would like to see in blockland:

- DOOM Chainsaw
- DOOM Shotgun
- Super Shotgun
- DOOM Chaingun
- DOOM Rocket Launcher
- Plasmagun (DOOM/DOOM II ver)
- BFG9000 (DOOM/DOOM II ver)

Suggestions & Requests / Doctor Who playertypes/ Bots?
« on: June 03, 2013, 02:46:26 PM »
Some of you may not know this, but i am a whovian, a doctor who fan. And i would love to see playertypes/bots based off of doctor who monsters, like the cybermen, and especially the daleks. I would love to see someone make a dalek playertype/bot, along with a dalek gunstick weapon (the gunstick is that little thing the extermination beam comes out of)

Drama / Tezuni's jail RP/escape - Tezuni and his admins have issues?
« on: December 16, 2012, 06:02:06 AM »
I've noticed a lot of drama topics popping up about Tezuni's Jail RP/Escape, and its starting to get ridiculous. Here are the links to the Five most recent:

i've read all the dramas on that list, and from what i've read, there seems to be a MASSIVE problem with the admin team. Whats more Tezuni, the host, should be helping to keep his server fair and fun, but instead he has hired inadequate admins who abuse their powers, refused to fix the most basic problems/ to settle the most basic conflicts, refused to straighten out his admin team/ de-admin all the badmins he hired, and even broke the rules himself. Tezuni is an absolutely HORRIBLE host whose server shouldn't be so popular. Seriously, why is Tezuni being so irresponsible as a host!? He dosen't deserve to host ANY servers if he's acting like this.

Here's a post from one of the above topics that proves my point:
Tezuni refuses to ban people who are abusing, even when reported by moderators.

Tezuni refuses to put in effective admins and remove ineffective ones.

Tezuni refuses to provide working tools for moderators.

Tezuni refuses to intervene in troublesome situations when there.

Tezuni refuses to remove himself from taking part in trolling and teasing of players.

The problem is still with the host.

He has been offering admin to people, even me, but that won't solve the problem. I don't recommend anyone takes his offer and becomes associated with the awful admins there. Many of them abuse and worsen the issue.

Yet, even with all of this, his server is still one of the more popular ones, may i ask WHY!? What do people see in that server that so compels them to join? How do people stand playing on this server!? And lastly, why has this server not yet crashed and burned?

I think we all need to boycott this server, that would show tezuni that he needs to get his act together and unforget himself and his admins.

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