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Topics - MyNameIsYou

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Suggestions & Requests / RC Bomb edits
« on: August 14, 2017, 07:11:38 PM »
Hi all, I already have a slightly modified version of the rc bomb here that does not explode, has some speed tweaks, and shows the players name above the car.

I'm trying to use this version with the onplayertouch event to send a center print message that uses %1 in the text, but rather than displaying the name of the player controlling the rc car is displays "rc bomb". Could anyone who knows how to code try and fix this or anyone who knows events think up a workaround?

Gallery / radical unfinished builds pt. 2 [LOTS OF IMAGES]
« on: April 09, 2017, 08:42:38 PM »
part 1:

RC Car Races

Space Station

Mars Facility

Omaha Beach

Medieval Island

Suburban Home

Greek City

Smaller Builds

Jail for Crown

Fallout Vault


Tuscan-ish Thing

Condo Building

Country Thing

Add-Ons / Admin Fun Commands V1.3 UPDATE
« on: February 23, 2017, 03:03:25 AM »
first time b gentle
Admin Fun Commands V1.2
Some fun commands to toy with the plebs. Inspired by fooly fun commands. Admin only.

  • /Slay or /Kill [Target] - Kills the target and gives messages to the killer and victim. If a victim tries to use it they will be tossed into the air and given a message.
  • /Resize [Target](x)(y)(z) - Resizes the target and gives messages including the x, y, and z values to the resizer and the resizee.
  • /Mount [Mounter] [Mountee] - Mounts the first player to the second player's head.
  • /Slap [Target] - Tumbles and launches the victim in a random direction. Gives messages to the victim and slapper.
  • /Crab and /Uncrab [Target] - Turns the target into a crab. Crabs walk and swim slowly unless moving sideways.
  • /Dunce and /Undunce [Target] - Puts the target into the naughty chair with a dunce hat. Dunced players cannot move or kill themselves. To free them use /undunce or /normal.
  • /Normal [Target] - Returns the target to normal shape and size.
  • /NormalMe - A non-admin command to allow players to return themselves to normal shape and size. /NormalMe will not free players if they are dunced.

  • /SlayAll or /Killall
  • /SlapAll
  • /CrabAll and /UnCrabAll
  • /DunceAll and /UnDunceAll

This is a simple server script I made to help myself learn coding for my first addon. Ideas and criticism are welcome.
Thanks Conan for holding my hand and skill for whatever he did.


Quick Pictures

  • Added sounds to /slap.
  • Fixed some text not looking like it should
  • Added /Dunce and /Undunce commands.
  • Added /Crab and /Uncrab commands.
  • Added /Normal and /Normalme commands.

  • Fixed Dunce command

  • Added ALL modifier to Dunce, Slay, Slap, and Crab Commands

Modification Help / sound datablock names
« on: February 22, 2017, 09:15:55 PM »
Does anyone have a nice list of the default sound's datablock names? specifically the chest open sound.

General Discussion / UngaBunga's Nearly Impossible Challenge [Offline]
« on: January 27, 2017, 07:33:55 PM »
UngaBunga's Impossible Challenge
That's right folks, its finally here although nobody asked for it. A challenge so difficult its really not even enjoyable. But i'm hosting it anyways, and there is even a fancy reward incentive.

Complete with low quality pictures and a poor explanation of the server this topic must have you reeling to join, but just in case you aren't-

$10 Steam game to the first two winner winner chicken dinners.

I am not responsible if anyone kills them self because of this stuffty challenge.

Suggestions & Requests / Fence Window Brick
« on: January 14, 2017, 08:29:48 PM »
Hi people what I am looking for is a bricks that uses the shape of the inside of the fence brick:

but is shaped like this rough example so that it is 3 bricks tall and two wide.

Other sizes like 5x height or 4x width would be appreciated too.

Suggestions & Requests / Instant respawn when entering environment water
« on: November 10, 2016, 09:33:36 PM »
hi all I cant seem to find a mod that respawns the player as soon as they enter the water that you set in the environment settings

Gallery / UngaBunga builds stuff from One Piece
« on: October 19, 2016, 04:22:23 PM »
One Piece is an Anime about pirates that I really like so I decided to build some stuff from it.

Going Merry - The Ship that the main crew uses.

Note: I know there are no jolly rogers on the flags, and I apologize but it was hard to make and I could not get one I was happy with. Maybe I will try again another day.

Also, the tangerine bushes on the ship are not in the source image I put up because they are from slightly later in the show.

Baratie - A Sea Restaurant that one of the crew members is from.

Some Notes: A few problems with the builds are the proportions, especially on the Going Merry where the deck is far too small and the upper cabin is too thin. The wacky proportions will make the interior pretty difficult but the outside still looks good so its not a big deal. There are some details missing and some parts slightly different from the source material, but things tend to change in the anime versions of the ships even from scene to scene so it is difficult to get a perfect representation. Otherwise i think they look p good.

I am posting these now not because they are finished but because my interest in finishing them is waning but I think they are in a presentable state. On a similar note the interiors are empty although the Going Merry has a floorplan set up. If i ever manage to finish the interiors I will update this thread.

Save: I am using a lot of brick packs and even custom prints for parts so maybe I will bundle those all up later and post them here but for now if you want to see the builds my server might be up as "UngaBunga's Server".

Pls give CC but remember these are based on cartoon ships so saying "no way that thing would float irl" is not very helpful.

Also go watch One Piece its so good.

Suggestions & Requests / [Request] Flat Glass Panes
« on: September 14, 2016, 04:50:56 PM »
This but a flat 1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 1x4, 1x6

Gallery / radical unfinished builds [lotsofimages]
« on: September 06, 2016, 08:52:22 PM »
Some sort of Asian castle fortress

Ski Resort canceled because of terrible physics

Medieval Battle

A big table

A roundabout for some reason

Gallery / donald Annoying Orange block land rally 2016
« on: February 19, 2016, 02:46:52 AM »

make america gr8 again and remember u cant stump the Annoying Orange

Add-Ons / Old Addons i found
« on: February 27, 2013, 08:11:00 PM »
So i was on my mediafire account to upload a pokemon rom to download it to my ipad to play with an emulator (i own the gameboy game of course, i just dont have a gameboy anymore) and i found a bunch of old Blockland addons i had no idea were there. Some of them might work, others may not, they may have also been posted before. There are also some maps but v21 removed them obviously so those are of no use. anyways, Enjoy. - The "Falcion"... It is only a .dts file but i think its blockland and some people might be able to utilize it. - Tie Fighter from star wars, from a very old version of BL so it may need some fixing. - X - Wing from star wars... this one also may need some fixing.

I also have a few crap on'd ones like the mini nuke, ion cannon, etc. but i hope you can fix/enjoy these ones. i would have posted the 4 maps i have (GSF_San Fierro, and a few ones i have no idea about) but they obviously wont work.

Maps - San Fierro - Hoover Dam (Terrible map i made from a long time ago, can be fun though) - Desert Oasis (Also one i made) - Map_Computer ( You are inside a computer)

Thats all

Games / Anybody Wanna Play Draw Something?
« on: December 24, 2012, 01:48:52 AM »
Not draw my thing, but the ipad/iPhone/iPod app draw something. Just leave your username below and I will start a game with you.

Off Topic / I have the most annoying condition ever
« on: November 30, 2012, 10:09:00 AM »
Tinnitus. It's when you hear ringing or windy sounds in your ears when there is no external sounds around, and its extremely loving annoying when I'm in bed trying to go to sleep. The worst part is, there is no cure for it so I get to live with random sounds in my ears.

Suggestions & Requests / Request: "Charger" playertype
« on: September 27, 2012, 09:01:26 PM »
No, not the charger from l4d, just a simple playertype where if you right click, it sends you flying in the direction your facing for a second or two, and if possible, either it does damage If you hit someone and they fly back, or even better, when you hit the person while charging it will use the base damage of the (melee) weapon your holding and double that when you make contact with the player, wothout you having to actually click and use the weapon. Also, a cool down of about 45 seconds whether you hit someone or not would be good. Thank you in advance.

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