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Topics - lordfeline

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Forum Games / DELVE II Beta
« on: April 15, 2011, 11:41:41 AM »

Delve is a text-based adventure game set in a medival era world. but this is no ordinary world... in it exists monsters of all types, from dragons to orcs to angry mutant bees. you take the role of a brave adventuer, whos job is to travel deep underground and fight off the various threating beings that lay below the surface of the earth. they make their home in ancient underground structures, called dungeons. inside are contained fantastic troves of wealth, and traps ans other hazards to assist the monsters defense of their fortresses.
How It Works:
You begin by creating your charectar. the sheet is standard of most roleplays, so it shouldent be hard to figure out what needs to be on it.
Name: your name
Race: what are you? elf, human, mabey gnome?
Class: whats your profession?
Equipment: what are you carrying?
Health: hurt? dead? put it here.
Negative Effects: curses and diabling injurys.(example: Curse Of The Green Cat [-2 speed])
Positive Effects: blessings and magical ability

Warrior: the most common class of both humans and monsters alike, the warrior is your generic sword(or mace,axe, ect.) swinging, armored buffon. warriors arnt the most smart or wise class, but there durabillity and strentgh is unmatched among their comrades. warriors get a +1 bonus on all melee attacks. they can use all armor, and can use swords, maces, bows, and axes.

Rouge: the rouge is a masterful theif and genral trickster. he was born to stalk through dark shadows before putting a knife in his enemys back. rouges sneak with a +3 bonus. they can only wear leather armor, and use daggers, short swords, and crossbows.

Mage: The mage is a mighty practitioner of the magical arts. they are frail, and poor in the use of wepeons, but the array of spells they command is fearsome. they can cast spells. the player can make up their own spells, provided they are within reason. like fireball. dispell clothes, is unreasonable. they cannot wear armor, and only use their magic staves as a melee weapon.

Cleric: the cleric is a devoted preist of some diety. they can cast spells, but the ast majority of their magic focuses on healing. they can easily stand alongside a warrior in combat, but are best suited for hanging back and healing their comrades. clerics can cast curative magic. they can weild maces, bows, and swords. they may wear light and medium armor.

Ranger: part of brave organization of merry men who live in the forest: the ranger is the master of verdant terrain. He has spent his whole life training with bows, so he does double damage with a longbow. Rangers may wear only leather armor, and wield naught but bows and longswords. Note that there may be only one ranger in a party.

there are many different non-hostile peoples living in the world of delve, who often endeavor to aid humans in their fight against monsters. When you create your character, you may choose one of the races below, or human.
Dwarves: the stout mountain folk of the north, the dwarves have been a longtime ally of humanity. They are short, standing 4ft tall on average, with long beards. They favor the classes cleric and warrior. Dwarves have +3 HP, and know the secrets of brewing the infameous “Dwarvish Black Beer”
Elves: the fair folk have always been on neutral terms with humans, and even engaged in a minor war with them. After 10 years of uneasy peace, elves and humans have begun to intermingle again. Elves hate monsters, but also think themselves above humans. Their arrogence can sometimes get them into trouble. Elves get +2 to all checks involving diplomacy. Their favored classes are mage and rouge.
Gnomes: gnomes are a jolly race who makes their home in the lush green hills of the southern lands. They are small, and are the distant relatives of dwarves. Gnomes are the masters of mechanics, and have a knack for machines. They get a +5 on all checks involving working with machines.
Humans: you are one. You know what a human is, what one does, and what one looks like.
Ok. Now your character is done. There can only be groups of five. This is the way your post should go: >I swing mah mace at the troll
get it? You put a >, and then what you do. Your first few posts should be buying equipment, learning spells, ECT.
As the game implies, there are many types of horrible monsters dwelling in the world of delve, waiting for their chance to devour foolish adventurers. They are all different, and none are the same. But they can all be placed into the following basic categories:
Undead: anything that has been reanimated through the power of unlike. They take extra damage from holy spells and blessed weapons. Their appearance can vary greatly. Some examples are zombies, skeletons, vampires, and mummies.
Demons: rising from the dark pits of abyss, demons are some of the toughest foes an adventurer will face. They are strong and hardy, and hunt in packs. They take bonus damage from blessed weapons.
 Humanoids: humanoids have the most beings categorized. They are anything that is in the shape of a human, but have some animalistic traits. Some examples are goblins, orcs, werewolves, and bodaks.
Humans: kind of self-explanatory.
Monsters always carry some form of treasure on their person at any given time, which can range from a few gold coins to gem the size of an ogres fist. Most of their treasure is horded at their layer. This is where a monster most likely goes after acquiring some form of wealth, so that they may add it to their collection. Consult the following chart to see what monsters are carrying:
Undead   10-15 gold coins, rusted weapons/armor   20-25 gold coins, intact weapons/armor, unlife ring   30-45 gold coins, high quality weapons/armor, rune of unlife
Demon   Various demon parts (worth 5gp each)   Various demon parts (worth 5gp each), minor fire scrolls   Various demon parts (worth 5gp each), major fire scrolls, unholy weapons
Humanoids   20-25 gold coins, intact weapons/armor   30-40 gold coins, good weapons/armor   50-65 gold coins, enchanted weapons/armor, minor magic scrolls
Humans have special rules pertaining to tresure. Because of the wide variety of rolls that a human can fill in a dungeon enviorment, it would be impossible to make a complete chart of their tresures. Gennarly, they carry good weapons and armor, and maby some magic.
every hero needs the tools to do his job, and the local blacksmith can usally fill in those needs. Here is a chart of weapons and armor sold at a basic blacksmith/armorer:
longsword   15 gp   1-8 S   
Short sword   10 gp   1-6 S   
mace   20 gp   2-8 B   
axe   18 gp   2-8 S   
dagger   5 gp   1-4 S/P   
quarterstaff   5 gp   1-6 B   
crossbow   30 gp   2-8 P   
longbow   25 gp   1-8 P   
Cloth armor   10 gp   1
Scale mail   30 gp   1-4
Chain mail   50 gp   1-6
Full plate   100 gp   1-8

ok. nnow your charecter is done. there can only be groups of five. this is the way your post should go: >I swing mah mace the troll
get it? you put a arrow things, and then what you do. your first few posts should be buying equipment, learning spells,ect.

here are some other rules/info about delve:

The Cosmos:
The world is flat: for reasons unrevealed, the world is little more than a mass of rock, oddly shaped and covered with life and water and such. thus, it is possible to fall off the planet. but becaue you can breath in space(see next paragraph), you will simpley fall untill you hit another planet.many people have jumped off the world onto nearby asteroids to build cites, trading with the planet whenever their orbit takes them close enough.
Space is friendly: unlike the real world, delve space is more of a welcoming enviorment. it has oxygen, and supports life. it is not freezing either, rather a cool 68 degrees. nor is their pressure. there is however, still zero gravity.
The moon is a mystical place: the moon of the planet is composed of sand, held in place by a bizzare condition that gives the planet normal gravity. many people fly space-galleys to explore its ancient ruins. it is indeed cresent shaped, and contains the remanents of a once mighty civilization. being a popular destination for many, travel fare is cheap.

Karma, in cause you dont know, is the theory of "what goes around comes around". this can and will effect delve in the manner told here: charecters with good karma find more tresure, get more girls, and have more followers. but charecters with bad karma get hit by traps, are a favorite target for monsters, and are disliked. the karma of your charecter is a hidden number. it starts at zero, and points are added and subtracted from it in a covert fashion by the Game Master.

Forum Games / The Defense of the Wittenburg Plantation [GAME]
« on: April 12, 2011, 01:21:01 AM »
Location: deep within brazils rainforest, a plantation with 400 workers.

Last night, a goverment agent pulled his boat to your plantation to speak with you. he warned you that a massive horde of army ants was coming on strong, and was set on a collision course with your plantation. "id advise you run." he said. "those ants are not a normal foe. they are an act of god.". you, of course, scoffed away his warnings, as all of the other "acts of god" had been faced and defeated by your brilliant mind. but now the reports are rolling in. the snts are indeed coming, a nine by ten mile long formation. in two days, they will arrive.

You have 50,00 dollars to spend on defences, and two days to build them. there is a list of buildible items, complete with the approximate construction time. your goal is to build your defences in such a way that not only stops the invvading insects, but also eradicates them. each game day is 24 game hours. these pass when I select a work order filled out and posted here, and the allotted money/ time is spent.
here is the price list.

Trench (20x5 ft.)
water diversion from river
250$ per 20 ft.
kerosene diversion
500$ per 20 ft.
concrete trench lining
75$ per 20 ft.
wood barriers
50$ (10)
water control system
chemical airstrike
land clearing (10x10 ft.)

chemical thrower
1,000$ each
high boots
poisen antidote
1,000$ dollars 20 doses
100$ (5)

TnT charge
advanced map
chemical tanks
1500$ each
kerosene tanks
1000$ each

-This is your primary source of income, so dont go crazy with bombs/chemicals
-you have 48 hours to build... use them wisley
-there is no "rescue". either eliminate the ants, cause them t retreat, or retreat yourself.

Ill post a map so you can see where your building in the morning

Drama / "Im just a nine year old."- The newest in trolling
« on: April 11, 2011, 08:44:37 PM »
Ive noticed abunch of new accounts being made on the forums, and they post really dumb stuff. they dont use punctuation, and type everything in a "wall of text" format. and if you ask what what theyre doing, and what the hell is wrong with you, they respond with "geez, im only a nine year old." no. nine year olds do not use these forums. if youll notice, none of these accounts get more then 50 posts before they just suddenly stop posting. theyre so obviously alt trolls. it bugs me. I have some names in mind, and may hyperlink to them later.


Off Topic / banned from Xbox until... wait, what?!
« on: April 10, 2011, 05:04:30 PM »
my friend and I were playing Xbox, and he was hacking. I know its wrong, but its pretty funny. then he got reported. big deal, we thought. he'd been banned before, but only for a week. and then the message came in: YOU HAVE BEEN BANNED FROM XBOX LIVE UNTILL THE YEAR 9999

and we just sat there. then I started laughing, and he started beating his Xbox controller on the wall. if you look up his account, its name was eetingennaro.


then we go on youtube. after about five minutes, he gets banned. the ban message: you have been banned for hacking xbox live. what the hell! so we go play with photoshop. same thing: your adobe account has been banned. reason: you have been banned for hacking xbox live. so in short, he got banned from almost everything he had an account on in under five minutes.

of course, he made new xbox and youtube accounts, and pirated an adobe key.
the only bad thing he was doing was using a modded gamertag. and hosting 15th prestige lobbies.


Forum Games / DELVE II Community Brainstorm
« on: April 09, 2011, 08:12:19 PM »
you know what DELVE is. its a medival fantasy esuqe text game that I locked a few days previous. but in the lock, I sadi there would be DELVE II. well, im short on ideas, and I wanted to see what others thought about it. post your ideas for new races, classes, rules, items, ect.

Suggestions & Requests / Wolfenstein Items/bricks
« on: April 07, 2011, 01:37:08 AM »
I was playing the newer wolfenstein today, and thought it would be really neat if we could carry over some things from it to blockland. priamrily, i would want the ability to enter and leave the veil. for those of you who dont know what that is, its some wird alternate dimension where the world is green, and speicial doorways appear. the veil doorways would be a scripted print block, I suppose. so heres a list of the stuff I would want:
-Enter/leave the veil
-veil doorways
-particle cannon
-national socialist shock trooper AI
-veil bug AI

Drama / Randomly banned from the Return to Blockland IRC
« on: April 07, 2011, 01:04:37 AM »
so I was playing blockland with a few friends, and asked over the global IRC if anyone wanted to help me with my half life TDM. then, I was, in thirty seconds, given 3 warnings, then banned, during which I hadnt even posted anything. the ban reason: Caps overuse. and I hadnt even used a single freakin capital.

I do not have screens. my controls were reset to default, so I couldnt take any.

I dont know why, but I discriminate against people with more than 5 numbers in their username. something about that says to me: this person was to dumb to think of a decent username.
now watch as the hate rolls in from said people

Off Topic / The Asylum- how the hell arnt they getting sued?
« on: April 06, 2011, 11:14:51 AM »
perhaps youve heard of them. theyre a movie company who makes shameless ripoffs of other movies. and their so blatent: "alien vs. predator" "alein vs. hunter"
heres a link to somthing about em:

if you google them, you can find their site.

Off Topic / Who uses return to blockland?
« on: March 30, 2011, 12:24:07 AM »
stupid question.
but I just started using it, and you wouldnt belive how cool it is after youve played blockland for over a year without it.
now im gonna get responses like "o how u not uze rtb? n00b"

Off Topic / Whats the hardest decison youve ever made?
« on: March 29, 2011, 09:01:50 PM »
whats the hardest decison youve ever made?
mine was most likely deciding wheather or not to put my cat down. it was suffering, but I loved it.

Off Topic / I face a dilemma
« on: March 27, 2011, 01:10:26 AM »
help me.
ive been hosting a minecraft server for about a month now. then someone started stealing from chests. now, two players are accusing another guy of doing it. but they were also being richards. they killed him and took his stuff. what should I do? the accused claims his innocent and that I should ban the two guys for killing him, and they thinl i should ban him for stealing. and theres no evidence on either side! wut shud ah do?

Games / Warhammer Online
« on: March 24, 2011, 10:42:13 AM »
this is a great, yet little known MMORPG, set in the owrld of warharhammer. you know, the little plastic people. its tons of fun. the free trial is infinate. you just cannot go over level ten. here are some of its really cool unique feature:

1. public quests. sometimes, when you enter an area, you automatticly recive a quest to do something in that area. every other player will have that same quest. its usally something like "kill bill tarface." once thats done, you progress onto the next stage of the PQ. once its over, all participators gain some cool reward item, usally a unique weapon or set of armor.

2. beutiful graphics. it has way better graphics than WoW. the enviorments look more real, and so do the charecters. but this came at the cost of lame combat animation D:

its a ton of fun. im looking for a trial member party of about six people to do this dungeon I found.

« on: March 24, 2011, 01:02:51 AM »
My friend bought crysis two limited edition. he brought it to another friends house. we played it. the game was so loving bad we didnt even want to finish the first level. the first thing they do is kill off the last thing connecting crysis one to the second. with prophet commiting suicede. lame. any guy cool enough to jury rig an alien ice gun is cool enough to live in a second alein invasion. then, we say the enimy. humans? WTF? I thought aliens were invading, not terrorists.
$60 down the drain. you failed me Crytek.

Off Topic / Lordfelines Conspiracy List
« on: March 22, 2011, 01:01:48 AM »
Ill admit it. im a conspitribal. against the US government. but before you go all like: "oh u cigarette u hate amerika u cigarette" please look at my theorys for government coverups of various events.

ok. lets start with a classic. the people who dont belive we ever made it to the moon. ok. we did. however, during the lunar landing, there were some strange happenings. they all focus around sturtures on the moon. first of all, there is a auidio recording from the lunar landing which went like this, between neil armstrong and NASA
"hey theres some kind of structure out ther. i wonder what it i-"
"but i se-"
k. thats pretty odd. Neil says he sees something, and NASA says they know its there. then they tell him to go the other way. kind of weird.
there are some photos of the moon. published by NASA. look closley, and youll see that there is a grid of tiny airbrushed spots. what are they covering? i have no loving idea, but its obviously something they dont want the public to see.
onward to part three. the space castle. now when you hear "space castle, you really must think " oh now felines really talking some Bullstuff." not so. in the image of an astronaughts helmet, you can clearly see the reflection of a castle like object on his visor. this is shown in multiple photographs. so. weird stuff on the moon. pretty wacky.

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