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Topics - skoopdahoop

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Help / MERP Empire Chat function not working
« on: May 11, 2015, 10:55:14 PM »
Everything else works with the MERP commands, but using "<" does not speak for your empire. All it does it the default colored text.

This is all I really have on the matter. Any ideas?

Gallery / I Like creating Mini-Maps, so I kinda made one for fun.
« on: November 12, 2014, 03:38:02 PM »
I love mini empires, but I also love making mini maps.

I decided to make a mini-map because it is a surprising mix between boring and fun.

So here are a few pics I took. Quality is a little bad but it's what I could do.

Now for size comparisons

I know it isn't the best as far as details goes, but I like it.
It took me about 10-20 hours work if I were to give it a rough guess. A lot of filling time.

Hosting a mini empires is a little complicated for me so I wanted this to see the light of day in case I never do.

Suggestions & Requests / Horizontal/Vertical poles download
« on: October 26, 2014, 05:21:39 PM »
I need the download for the horizontal/vertical poles. I don't have it for some reason.

There don't seem to be any working downloads on the forums

Edit: Turns out I found it while looking on the RTB archives.

For those who don't have it, go to and ctrl+f "horizpole"

Help / I cannot find any hosting services
« on: October 18, 2014, 02:16:17 AM »
Can someone direct me or tell me how i can host dedicated with a better connection than my home connection?

Add-Ons / SkoopDaHoop's and Deadzone's Medieval Armor (FIXED)
« on: September 29, 2014, 11:31:48 PM »
Big thanks to Pieislife/Pupcat5/Puppy347 for fixing the no-drop bug

Here's my armor. It's been requested a lot and highly anticipated among those who have seen it as a private add-on. It should be all ready to use.

Deadzone did a lot of the work. He made it an add-on, I modeled it. He gave me full permission to it though. Thank you Deadzone.

The armor will make you look cool and give you some health buffs or whatever

Here is what it looks like.


Ignore the weapons. That's for a different project. Some of the armors were edited. But the general thing is there.

Enjoy, rate, comment... All that stuff.

UPDATE: The armor had been quite troubling, and it confused me. After a brainstorming session with coffee, whiteboards and ties, I finally figured out how to fix it. The download has been updated. You can now enjoy the armor.

Modification Help / SkoopDaHoop's and Deadzone's WIP Armor Pack
« on: September 21, 2014, 12:10:14 AM »
The demand for this armor has gone up as more people have seen it in certain servers and pictures. I decided to give an early release despite it not being done.

Well, I have finally decided to let you enjoy my armor. It's still WIP and has a few bugs. But it's your choice to use it.

This download contains the armors me and Deadzone made. I modeled, he exported.

Really just one bug I'm aware of - you cannot drop the armor. You need to die or restore your tools.

Don't tell us how to fix it. Deadzone knows and will fix it sometime. Not sure when. He is a busy guy.

If you are using the armor on your server, I'd suggest you let others know where to get it. Tell them its an early access addon so you look special.

Enjoy. Rate, comment, suggest, etc. Or don't. I don't care.

I did not make these pictures. They are Deadzone's. The only thing in here you should care about is the armor.

General Discussion / Who would play a Mount and Blade server?
« on: September 07, 2014, 02:33:48 AM »
I've started developing a Mount and Blade server, or, a very new type of mini empires(BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE).

It will include an original story, lore, map, and gameplay will be based a lot off of Mount and Blade, minus the combat a bit(stay in there, it gets better).

For those of you who don't play Mount and Blade, I'll explain:

This is like a MERP, however, very different. There is a large map, players control smaller units, and we use the dice mod. What is different, though, is that you don't make an empire. There are existing empires and factions, that control pre-made cities, castles, and villages. These empires have co-existed long enough, and are each ready for world domination.

You, the player, can chose which of these empires you will fight for, or, if you want to be an emperor yourself, fight for your own empire and enter the race for world domination. The player will take control as a either a leader of mercenaries, bandits, or vigilantes. Or, if they so chose, they can start as, or become, a general, commander, or vassal of an empire, fighting with their empire's troops and fellow vassals against the empire's enemies (with a nice salary, too).

If you ever make it as an emperor and have vassals and generals under your name, you will be able to command them and fight wars with them, and go in there and fight alongside your faithful vassals. You will manage your wars, your empire, economy, taxes, structure, government, expansion, and much more. You also get some free soldiers, decide fief ownership, a big share of loot, and all the emperor perks you can think of.

The gameplay consists of you starting off as one person. You control you, and only yourself. You will buy your own troops, food, and weapons before you start on your journey into the world. You will constantly depend on your salary to keep your troops paid and fed, and your troops to keep you from getting captured by whoever could do such against you. You make up your own goal after that, whether or not you want to help a nation, lead bandits, take the law into your own hands, start your own empire, improvise for money, research technology and research for an empire, you name it.

So, why remake this in Blockland, and not just go play MnB? The possibilities and freedom, as always, are endless! You can make your own outposts, construct small villages, start a company, start an evil society plotting to take over the political system, you could be a viking and wreak havoc on the coast, you could customize your sieges, customize your player, make a full-fleshed character, create your own troop and tech trees, wall your empire, turn your empire into a democracy, turn your democracy into a dictatorship - I could keep going on

This is a roleplay and a merp mixed in the best way I know. Mount and Blade with infinite freedom.

The idea is to be a dependent player - dependent on your empire, salary, troops, food and luck. With most mini empires, you are controlling a whole nation on your own. You either take on full or no responsibility. I hope to create a roleplay, persistant world, real-time strategy game based on the amazing mount and blade series.

I'm not advertising, I'm not hyping, not asking for help - I honestly need to know if some of you would fill up the server and help make this a reality. I will do some major work and progress on this if I know it could work. I have the lore, rules, and map in line and ready to make on my own, I would seriously do this if it was a good decision, and that's what I want to know.

Would you play this?

(However, If you want to help, contact me. You could help make the pre-made cities!)

I'm thinking of some servers that will either never be successful or too big to make, regardless, you would love to see

Let's bring up some theories that truly test Blocklanders.

I'll start:

A MERP that plays like Mount and Blade.

This meaning that there's, of course, a MERP map of either medieval Europe, the Roman Empire, World War 2, etc. Where the player doesn't just start their own Empire, but can join another empire as a commander of self-purchased troops, the goal being to lead the faction you're in to dominate the entire map. Combat could either be a series of dice roles and fair roleplaying, or maybe with some bot work and good eventers, actual player sized combat on contact.

The best part about this is that players could, instead of fighting over existing castles and villages, could construct their own and have endless additions to what the server could have. They could also start their own factions with their rightfully owned fiefs.

The point is MERP combat and nation growth with a working and fun system, and loads of more freedom. Also, some leading and management for the common player.

So, what's your best server idea?

General Discussion / SkoopDaHoop and Deadzone's Warhammer40k: Marauder
« on: October 26, 2013, 05:54:15 PM »
In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.


Warhammer 40k: Marauder is my and Deadzone's new server taking place in the Warhammer 40k universe. This is a team death match, it consists of multiple large maps and fast paced gameplay.

After many weeks of work, the server will be released for the first time, today!(10/26/13) Myself and Deadzone have put countless work and effort into this for all of Blockland to enjoy. So do us a favor and join us!

Every other day*, we will host this twice. We will host twice a day with 2 different maps.

*: Cycle has not yet begun, right now we are doing this on the weekends until some things are cleared up.

Each map will consist of 3 rounds. Whoever wins the most rounds, their teams will win that map. The winning team will be mentioned on this topic, along with all the players on that team.

Server is DOWN until next weekend! See you then!


The rules are simple, follow them so you and others will have a great experience with Marauder!

1. Respect players and admins (flaming, bashing, etc.)
2. No exploits (Please report such exploits)
3. Do not hold back your team ( hour long AFK, getting in the way, nuisance)
4. Help your teammates when possible! (optional)


In Marauder, there are 4 teams.

The first team are the Space Marines.
Space Marines are playable in Pra'yen.
Space Marines are known to be vastly powerful in combat. If it be in their armored vehicles, like the mighty Vindicator, or as infantry on the field, the Space Marine has the odds going for him.

The second team are Chaos Space Marines.
Chaos are playable on Hive City
Chaos Space Marines are the most feared enemy in combat. Take the all powerful Space Marine, make him extremely angry, and you have the Space Marine's grim rival.

The third team is the Imperial Guard.
Imperial Guard are playable on Hive City.
Imperial Guard are the largest body of Imperial military. Their strength is puny and their weapons are not the best, but given numbers and wit, any player can give a good fight.

The fourth team is the Tau
Tau are playable on Pra'yen.
Tau are a new rival in the galaxy. With their advanced technology, they stand a threat in the galaxy. They are always looking for allies to join the Greater Good, in this case, they have hired mercenaries from the Blacktail rogue traders. With combined human and Tau forces, the Tau are ready to fight all in their way.

How To Play

This flows like a normal TDM, with a few exceptions.

When you spawn, find the lighted gate, or, where ever the other players are going.
At the gate, chose one of the colored buttons, these will be your secondaries. (green = bolt pistol blue = plasma pistol for space marines)
Walk to the mini-map display, here you will see a minature version of the map with labeled capture-locations.

Hovering over the mini-map, you will see 1x1 flat stacks; these are your class choices. Some stacks will belong to the enemy team: you will be unable to pick from these.
The three classes are as follows:

Green: Special; much more powerful in comparison to the others, this choice may only be unlocked by capturing the relic; granting one soldier the power to destroy many.
Orange: Specialist type; while not having the widest variety of weapon choices, this class is typically more effective in certain situations.
Red: Heavy-Weapon type; just as it sounds, they spawn with heavy primary weapons that when deployed, will release their power onto the battlefield.
Grey: Frontline type; standard soldiers, however; they have the largest variety of weapon randomization.

Randomization; upon picking the class of your choice, your primary weapon will be randomly picked out of the appropriate weapon choices for that class. Saving time, confusion, and allowing for the players to get something rare/powerful.

Capture points play a large role in this game; each map will have Spawn Capture points, Objective Capture points, and the Relic.
The 'Spawn Capture' points, when taken; will allow the players on your team to spawn near it, instead of just back at your team's default spawn. [Marked by a cube in the sky]
'Objective Capture' points are one of the main things you'll need to win the game. When captured, your team is instantly granted points. [Marked by a half-cube in the sky]
The 'Relic' allows for the special class (and special vehicle on larger maps) to be spawned by the team that captures it, and will also grant points. [Marked by a Diamond in the sky]

That's how to play! Sounds easy, huh?

Battle Report

This is where the teams who wins the first two sessions will be announced and their players will be listed.

10/26/13 1st BATTLE REPORT:
Map: Hive City (by Deadzone and SkoopDaHoop)
Gamemode: Casual (point-superiority)
Teams: Imperial Guard and Chaos
Winning Team: Chaos
Shout out to You(player), brought his team to victory everytime.

10/26/13 2nd BATTLE REPORT:
Map: The Battle of Pra'yen
Gamemode: Casual (Point-superiority)
Teams: Tau and Space Marines
Winning Team: Tau

These two reports will stay here in fame, the rest will be a reply to this topic.


So far, we have 2 maps ready, and 2 more planned!

Here is what we have so far!
(Mostly sneakpeeks, visit the server to see the whole map!)

The battle of Pra'yen was a battle during the Damocles Gulf Crusade between Imperium and Tau forces. The Marines destroy on the field, the Tau own the skies!
Made by: SkoopDaHoop, Deadzone, unknown(free map)

Imperium hive cities are famous for their large population. But when one falls to Chaos, the casualties are in the billions. Enter the intensity of the Imperial Guards last stand against the heretics!
Made by: Deadone, SkoopDaHoop

During the Great Crusade, many humans colonies were reunited with the Imperium. Some, however, were forgotten. The worlds unfortunate enough to fall short of worthiness were taken by Chaos during the Horus Heresy. This planet, long controlled by Chaos, was immediately ordered to be taken back by Space Marine forces when told of its peril.
Map made by: Deadzone, SkoopDaHoop, Unknown


Map donations are gratefully accepted! If you would like to contribute and join the Marauder administration and progress team, please contact me or Deadzone on the forums or RTB. We will see if we need your help and negotiate plans.  

Ok, some of you may have seen me around, some of you may remember my failed projects(hopefully not)

I just want to let you all know that I won't give up. I have received a lot of suggestions and helpful input from the forum, as well as experience in hard work and planning. I think it has all been leading up to something, and THIS might be it.

An accurate and fun recreation of Dawn of War in Blockland.

This won't be a mini empires type deal, I now understand Blockland doesn't want that. I do, however, know that you people would like something for sure: something new and simple.

Enough rambling, I will tell you exactly what this server is about now.

The server will basically be a lot like Dawn of War, including upgrade-able squads(weapons), capture points across the map, base upgrades (Vehicle building, Race-special building and Armory so far), classes, all that good stuff. The catch to it, is that you are one of the soldiers in the squads, fighting.

Each round will randomize the scenario, the map you were on before could be the annihilate gamemode(destroy the other team's base and capture points on the battlefield) and the next round could be KOTH, CTF, Space Hulk, and many more gamemodes on a new map. Your team, class, position, and weapons will be randomized. You could be a devastator(heavy) marine and your whole squad would depend on you for support. Randomizing nearly everything will lead to team-dependency, exactly what this game will need. (The squad will also include a boundary so if you try to abandon them, you will die)

This may sound too good/far-fetched/massive to be true, but this time I won't let down my promise, I will work top hour on this(when I'm not busy or asleep) and finally deliver a top-notch Warhammer server like I promised those two times before. I would like some support for this, too. Not in money or such(some addons that would help the game would really help), but just your hope in this server and visible interest would be highly appreciated.

Here are a few things I need from Blockland:

A Space Marine suit(Gravity Cat, I saw it, and you tease me.)

A squad boundary (or how to make it)

Some terrain maps(nothing with too much work into it, could be a slapped together modter and I would be ecstatic)

Some tips

Thanks for reading, if you don't have any of the above your tips and insight would be just as appreciated.

ALSO: some maps I already have (all edited for the DoW usage)

Map made by Bravo, given permission by Bravo and LegoPepper to use

Seeking maker of this map, was an old save on my computer I totally forgot about.

General Discussion / What would be the best server? How would it play?
« on: September 27, 2013, 09:19:35 PM »
This mainly is about opinion/fantasy thread: what would be the greatest server? What would it be like?

Not "what makes a server good", but what new idea could make one of the greatest servers?

I would like a server based on military(or related) combat, where two(or more) teams are put in a certain scenario, where they are given a random class or profession and must solve the conflict. The scenario would change every round.

My idea for this, would go like this:

Warhammer40k: all players are randomly sorted into a different race (Space Marines, Chaos, Orks, etc.) given a random class, and need to complete a scenario, such as a Space Hulk sort of mission, a skirmish, or any of the sorts.
(I would actually really like to make a server like that)

Another idea:

Robocop: A large force of policeman and/or SWAT supplied with small, weak weapons(pistols or SMGs) and patrol a large city waiting for a call or some sort of signal to be deployed to the area of the crime. It sounds like APB, but here's the twist: one of the police officers spends the round (time duration of the free-roam APB game) as a super strong soldier, who most of the police will depend on for support. An intense fast-paced Robocop server.

Post your ideas such as the above, and tell how it would play.

General Discussion / Chaos Unleashed: Big simple rule thread.
« on: August 31, 2013, 07:03:58 PM »

How To Play

Knowing how to play is very important. If you skip this, you are not only breaking the server rules, but will not know what to do. Do not think you can guess how to play.

Each race is given a turn. In that turn, each player in that race can either fight, move, occupy territory, make camp, gather supplies, start missions, or do nothing. With every race but Orcs, you can do all these unless you are given a mission by your race leader. When given a mission, you find your way to the mission destination and find how to accomplish the mission in your own ways. (Missions do not grant extra turns, they are things to do while using your turn)

Now, onto the basics:


Movement is the most important thing to know what to do. Every time you want to move, you roll(say /roll 1d6 two times) and get two numbers. When you get the numbers, you move that many studs. There are ways to move faster, and in certain directions. You will learn that here, so let's not waste any time.


Here is your squad, they are given an objective: get across this field. It is your turn.

So, it is your turn and you need to get across. So you roll the dice twice. (/roll 1d6)x2

You roll a 10.

This field is quite large and the objective is right in front of you. You don't want to take two turns just getting to point B. Knowing you don't need to turn at all, you decide to march this turn.

Marching is when you take your earned rolls, multiply them by two and move that many studs.

You covered a lot more ground than you would've. Marching is best for long fields and impatience.


You have been taking a few turns, but to your horror, you find that there is an impassabe object infront of you!

You think you are stuck, is this the end?
Of course not, dumb head! Of course you can move to the left or right.
you cannot actualy run straight to the left, however. you can only do it this way. (use your brain to figure what a left strafe would look like.)

see those bricks the lines cut through? To see how many studs your strafing took, just count up where the line starts through where it ends. (the lower line is the one you count.)

Day = saved. You can now continue to your next objective.
You cannot march-strafe, only walk-strafe.


You want to turn your whole unit to the left/right for some reason. Can it be done?

Yes. This is simple if you know anything about angles and degrees.

Turning gets its own roll, and takes up the whole turn. You roll once, and if you get a 3 or higher: you can turn 90 degrees. if you roll a 5 or higher, you can turn 180 degrees. Easy.


Somehow, this happened:

Oh please, there is no way to get out of this one...
Oh wait there is.

Fleeing is when you take your whole unit, place them backwards, and get the hell out of there.
Heres what you do: turn your unit 180 degrees and roll twice, then, multiply the outcome by two, then move that many studs away.

Warning, that takes up your whole turn. If you end up ten studs away, and your pursuer ROLLS a ten, you are back where you were.
You cannot flee if there is a hill/mountain behind you. You cannot strafe-flee.

Charging is only useful for close combat. If you charge into another unit with an archer squad, you would have single handedly proved natural selection.

Charging is when there is an enemy in front of yours, either facing one of your units, or 3, or all, etc. You can roll, and if you roll the amount of studs between the two of you, you can run towards them and situate your units to where they are facing them. This is the best way to enter close combat.

Charging is extremely harmful to archers, the whole archer squad will die on impact if a close combat unit and them are locked with eachother. (unless they have crossbows or muskets)

Monster formation

When your whole unit makes a formation where there is atleast one on each side looking out. you cannot be countered in this form, but move slower(-2 studs).

Magic will be added by Beta.


In this server, All ranged weapons fire at different lengths
Musket: 4-12 Studs
Bow: 5-10 studs
Crossbow: 7 studs

Unless you had some kind of brain fart, mistaking these more than once can put you in trouble.

Shooting the weapon

Lets say this scenario came up(musket can be replaced by other range weapon for reference):

Notice how i squared that line behind the front? That whole line cannot shoot through the front. heres how to fix that:

Notice that the general formation is still there - they moved on the hill and elevated each soldier differently, now they all can shoot!

Speaking of shooting, heres how:

You count all all available/unblocked guns

take that number and roll that many dice (7 guns = roll 7 dice)

roll the dice - don't add them

only take the ones that rolled higher than the enemy's initiative. ( e.g. enemy has 2 initiative - only dice that rolled 2 and above killed the enemys)

Count how many rolled above enemy initiative - take that many enemies away from their squad/platoon.

End turn.

That is basically how to shoot - very simple.

Close Combat

Close combat is the most important thing to know in Chaos Unleashed. This is the time where swords ruled the battlefield. So you should know this, listen up!


I order to do close combat, your squad must have a close combat weapon.
This can include a sword, axe, spear, and more.(and crossbow, only range weapon that can do this)
You cannot fight close combat with a ranged weapon unless there are two lines of men.


Heres how combat goes:

Your squad is around 7 studs away from the enemy, you can tell today is when one of you will leave with a sore foot from all the ass kicking that is going to take place.

One of you may(will) decide to charge at the other, depending on who's turn it is when you are close enough.
Heres what you should do:

Get at most 7 close (5 encourage)

Roll, unless you rolled a 3-6, charge.

When you lock up with them: all units faced with another, both of you roll.

Who ever rolls higher gets first hit.



You roll higher, its your turn to hit

count available weapons (spearmen can hit from 3 rows back)

Take number of available weapons and roll that many dice

every dice that rolls higher than enemy initiative is a kill: take away killed from the back to the front

combat goes that way - you take turns until victory.

So, thats it. Ask questions in mega thread only.

Locking thread



Motto of the day(9/2):
It is time for things to go well, again.


BREAKING NEWS: A whitelist! In order to play, ask in this topic. We will PM you as soon as we can with some questions. Give the right answers and you will be whitelisted!

Mini Empires: Chaos Unleashed sounds like just another repetitive Mini Empires server, but I am in-fact trying to bring Mini Empires out of its falling with a new concept!

You know what servers we don't see a lot on Blockland? Warhammer themed servers. I notice we have all these avid Warhammer fans around blockland and its forums, but no servers! I'm here to find an answer. I'm introducing you to a Warhammer Fantasy(Medieval) based Mini Empires. All complete with race leaders, up gradable/increasing squads, based lore, storyline, rolling(dice), and a large map! This server has 4 races and is based on "legendary battles/apocalypse" from Warhammer .

 40k fans will be able to enjoy this. It is basically the relic games with more complex combat and swords. Nearly all personalities and such from 40k will be here.(relic fan here, I prefer 40k personalities) Think of it as a smaller scale 40k without guns.

This does NOT play like mini empires. This is a campaign, each (normal) player is given a squad of soldiers(minifigres). They must complete missions given by the race leader. Mission example:

Race leader: Go to (island) from the west and defeat all inhabitants
The player will then find a way to the island(finding a docked boat nearby). When they arrive at island, the player uses his tactical and strategical knowledge to defeat the enemy occupying the island

The (normal) player is basically you at a tabletop game - controlling the mini figures and fighting in combat. The race leader (admin) is much like the player, except they tell a player to do X instead of going through travel and combat. So here's the ranks of controlling: mini figures > player > admin(race leader).

I understand that Warhammer fans hate to see a good concept be ruined. I will take the liberty of placing the server under strict rule. This will ensure that such doesn't happen:

  • New players chat spamming questions
  • pissing contests(internet fight)
  • wandering players(crowding near a battle, or in personal space)
  • Noob players who don't read rules or know how to play despite constantly being told to click given links
  • Dumbasses
  • Trolls
  • Spammers
  • richards/friends("forget you I don't take orders from you"/"mondayfriend")
  • Spewing random crappy discusions into chat
  • Edgy 12 year olds trying to start fights ("wow you are pink gay"/"wow the cultists remind me of christians")

Admins will be placed under strict rule too. Don't be afraid of tyrannical admins going off on a power trip unanswered. They are players with a little power. Don't leave the server and go crying to Drama because one of the admins/you were a richard. A simple discussion later and everything is solved.

There are more offenses. Such as not having common sense. Long bans for offenses and strict rule will filter out the players who have no chance of giving anything to the server. Players who know how to play, are mature, and have been a help(1 or more successful deeds, missions, battles) will be given more warnings and chances.

At that, the most filtered, top notch server will be born. This will only happen with your help, so come join us!

Table of Contents



How to Play


List of official players



There are four races in Chaos unleashed: Second Assault on Albion: Humans, Chaos, Orks, and Dwarves. Each have their owns strengths and weaknesses. For example, Dwarves: They are smart(inventions, factories), grow quickly in mass, and are as strong as humans(above average). However, they are slow, bad at range, and start the game with a tiny force compared to other races. All race info can be found in a link under "How to Play" section. Now, the story behind this server(Will not explain lore for each race - go here if curious:,,_The,,,

Welcome to the world of Warhammer Fantasy, it is great in size and history.

Our story, however, does not cover this map above. Our story is set right here...

Between the land of Norsca and Albion lies a great ocean scattered with icebergs and bitter sea. Albion being dangerous to get to and being known as "swamp island" by the majority, it was kept by the Orks undisturbed due to its general uselessness. This was how it was until a human scout ship landed in southern Norsca around 1997 IC. They told that there are a group of islands North-East of Albion that are resourceful, big, and inhabitable. The story traveled around southern Norsca with small influence to actually invade the land. The story eventually made it to The Empire, and then to The Emperor(ruler of The Empire) himself. The Emperor saw great opportunity invading this land for resources. This was forgotten, however, as none of the Human kingdoms could afford to try and capture the islands at the time. All the kingdoms were either financially stuck or already at war.

The discovery was archived by The Empire, and forgotten by minds.

Now, two centuries later around 2240 IC, the archive was brought to a new emperor's attention. He took much interest in the islands, a new war for resources was just what The Empire needed to spark a new economical boom. The Empire needed to start massing a military force great enough for an Ork war. They called across several regions of The Empire for volunteers, mercenaries, and great soldiers. Finally, after 3 years, The Empire had an invasion force large enough to take the islands in less than a year. It only took 2 years to fully train and prepare their new force for the war. The future seemed bright for The Empire.

The Empire's invasion launched from Nordland,

 the force had also represented Nordland, which was where the soldiers were called to and trained. (blue ingame, [except for flagmen - yellow] damn 1 limit coloring!)

The Nords(Nordland) had encountered surprisingly high resistance from the Orks on contact with the islands. They had to resolve to boat-to-surface combat because they couldn't even land. Their high powered cannons and over-whelming force drove back the Orks long enough for the Nords to get to shore. After many long fights and skirmishes, the first island was taken. It was the second largest island but did not have as many resources as they thought it would. Nonetheless, bases were set up around the island. They named the island Bijoux after their commander, Bijoux Fontin, who had lead great strategical performance and caused victory for the Nords.

The Nords and Orcs had fought for nearly a year, fighting at least every other day. By the middle of the campaign, both had owned half the islands. They both had met their match, each learning more about each other's tactics by the battle. The fact that they were at a 5 month long stalemate felt worse than the tip of any sword. This was how the war was going until the tenth month. On the tenth month, the sun shined less, the clouds came, the grimiest, coldest, darkest winter. This wasn't a winter as much as it was a warning. The sky got redder and darker. The land had felt unnaturally unsettling. The high priest of the Nords knew, however. He had been through this before. The dark essence of Chaos was starting to corrupt the sky, and would soon corrupt the land. The priest sent a messenger party of four back to Nordland to report of what he saw, and make sure they send reinforcements.

When the messenger party arrived, they told The Emperor that Chaotic storms where headed towards the islands, that Chaos was likely to invade. The Emperor understood this major problem and ordered that the rest of the military left in Nordland be shipped to the islands. It took nearly two weeks to gather up all the remaining soldiers and ships as a last minute rescue. When they arrived, they saw the aftermath of what the priest feared would happen. Chaos forces had seized and taken countless islands and nearly completely wiped out all Nord forces on the islands and took prisoners for sacrificing. When the report came back to The Emperor, he was not happy. He immediately called to start growing another invasion force and finally force all hostiles out of the islands.


2246 IC: The Empire invades Albion islands with Nords.

2247 IC: Chaos invades the islands, taking them by surprise. Nords are wiped out, Orcs lose land.

2248 IC(now): Nord reinforcements arrive only to find grim aftermath, The Empire starts massing a new force that will take the islands.


The rules are simple: know how to play, read all topics, don't be a noob.

Some of these, too. Being these people will get you banned.

  • New players chat spamming questions
  • pissing contests(internet fight)
  • wandering players(crowding near a battle, or in personal space)
  • Noob players who don't read rules or know how to play despite constantly being told to click given links
  • Dumbasses
  • Trolls
  • Dramatic hams("BOOHOO I DIED")
  • Spammers
  • richards/friends("forget you I don't take orders from you")
  • Spewing random crappy discusions into chat
  • Edgy 12 year olds trying to start fights ("wow you are pink gay"/"wow the cultists remind me of christians")

Some major ones: Respect admins, respect players, don't be a richard, be civil, don't get into debates, and don't be an annoying cunt.

You will be banned if you break the rules and rarely warned. They all add out to this: Have common sense, be respectful, be civil, don't be an annoying cunt, and read all the topic.

I probably repeated the same one a lot, so you shouldn't have problems following.

How To Play:

Official Chaos Unleashed instruction manual:


First Alpha releaseFailed: 8/30/13 5:00 PM Up after HOW TO PLAY topic released
8/30/13 Timeline: no one came :[

Alpha release - 2: 9/7/13 3:00 PM
8/30/13 Timeline: First dedicated server - no lag, first white listed server.

List of Official Players

Referees/Rule Enforcers: Advanced Bot, Hotspot,

Race leaders: SkoopDaHoop,(Orcs,) Caribou,(Humans) Badger,(Dwarves,) BlockoBlocko,(Chaos)


Humans: Favela,





Imgur makes it lower quality btw :\

Some future game modes:

Apply for admin! I need a lot! Admin Topic WIP

Please only use this thread for questions and comments.

Suggest some add ons if you want :)

I'm going to make a mini empires server, and will need a lot of admins.

This is going to be a very different mini empires however, it will be a campaign where the normal players take control of a regiment of soldiers, they do missions given to them by the race's General/leader for upgrades to their weaponry, mass, and power. The admin will take role as the race's leader, they will command the other players in their race to do missions. The admin will need to be dedicated to playing this, enforcing the rules while planning strategies for their team.

This here is basically claiming VIP and running the big things, you do the planning, players do the playing.

Few things you gotta be able to do to be admin.

1. You are a good Roleplayer, can stay in character*
2. Don't abuse, you will lose admin and be perma banned for multiple(2) offenses.
3. Know you can manage doing this. It is a time consuming and hard job that will need your 100%. If you can't do that, don't bother. Don't apply for the sole purpose of being in power.*
4. You are under strict control of me and other SA's. We will not hesitate to ban or remove your admin if you are not helping your team or are abusing.

(1. You could spectate and enforce rules or generally help and improve the server in other ways.)
(3. You will have substitutes if you aren't available.)

A few things will help you:
1. You are a good Roleplayer, can stay in character
2. You like to play Mini Empires and am good at it.
3. You have played Warhammer or know the lore/games. This will be somewhat based off of it. (medieval)

Thank you, and don't worry about being late, I need a lot of admins!

Admins/Role players: Dezacaban, Caribou, Badger, Hotspot*, BlockoBlocko*, Advanced Bot*
(* for rule enforcers or undecided.)

Super Admins: Jitank, Dezacaban

Also, some teasers.

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