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Topics - Yndaaa~

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / Got older again.
« on: September 10, 2014, 05:05:35 PM »
ynd has reached old of 18
ynd has posted about aging on forums
ynd is eat sandwich made of cheese

discuss the oldenings

Games / Streaming: Chivalry MedWar
« on: June 29, 2014, 10:52:02 PM »
Hey guys I got chivry and haven't played it before so it should be interesting to watch
playing with honored guest BEN and newly playing MATT
Come along and watch us play some game.

« on: June 23, 2014, 07:47:02 PM »
Hello everybody I'm streaming game because im dumb and I have noone talking to me while I do
its great
watch if you want
im bad at games

I've been doing 3D art for a few years now and have made a bit of money from a few places. Since it seems that people will pay for my work I decided that it might be smart to make a thread to let everybody know that I love money. 

Reasons why you should commission
I have experience in both Blender 3D and Zbrush 4
I specialize in high poly but I do have experience in real time work as well.
While the majority of my work has consisted of human anatomy sculpts and hard surface weaponry I also have reasonable experience in the realm of vehicle and full character creation. The area I have the least amount of experience in is probably full environments.
I'm easy to work with and I'm way super friendly so we can always negotiate back and forth about pricing and model quality.
(I'll model for blockland)

Before now I've just had people come up to me randomly and ask if I could make them things, to which I would request compensation and then get money for it. But now it's time to establish a working system to satisfy both parties involved.

How to commission
First, obtain a desire for a 3D model.
Second, Come to me with that desire.
Third, I estimate how long it will take and calculate a round about price for the piece.
Fourth, decide if you want pay that set estimated price for it.
Fifth, I make it and give it to you.
Sixth, give me money. (Paypal)
Seventh, we both go home satisfied.

"How are you going to calculate the price?"
It's funny that you should ask that question! I actually spent a whole 30 seconds thinking about it before deciding on this:
The average amount I have been getting paid is about $3 to an hour of work spent modeling. With that in mind if I spend somewhere around 30 hours on something you only pay me $90. That's less than minimum wage!
(In some special cases we can negotiate other means of estimating the price.)

Here are a few examples of my newer models.
(You can view larger versions of the pictures by opening them in a new window)

                  A 3D experimental sculpt of myself                                                 A 3D sculpt of my father

A few more recent sculpts
Two hard surface models
A commissioned M4 and a Nagant revolver

Goals that matter:
I'm about $308 from getting a new computer built. It'll be totally cool to get off of this iMac from 2008.

That should be about it! Go ahead and start commissioning whenever you're ready, feel free to ask questions about anything.

Games / Attack on Titan Fenglees unity game
« on: October 03, 2013, 03:59:17 AM »

Really enjoy this game and haven't seen a thread about it so I figured I'd go ahead and make one

Fenglees Attack on Titan game is a Unity game made by chinese mega super star guy Fenglee, based on a manga by Japanese mega super star Hajime Isayama, which was adapted into a anime running during the spring and summer anime seasons earlier this year.

Attack on Titan Story Basics
More than one hundred years ago humanity was invaded by giants without reproductive organs that can only be killed by cutting the nape of their neck with nothing but a desire to eat humans. Nobody knows where these titans came from but humanity was forced to build great big ass' walls to keep the brothers from eatin' them, Wall Maria, Wall Rose, and Wall Sina. Sounds pretty tight am I rite? WRONG, the story begins when our heroes are wee laddies inside the walls, suddenly big ass motherforgetin' titan decides to wreck stuff and break down one of the walls to wall Maria, people panic and die and all that, titans are in the walls after all this time nobody knows how to deal with it wahhhh~ humanity retreats to wall Rose and our wee laddies join the mofo army to learn how to kill titans.

The Game
In fenglees Attack on Titan you play as one of (currently) eight soldiers on one of (currently) seven maps built in the unity engine hosted online through the Unitys webplayer plugin. Your goal is to kill titans by hitting the nape of their neck without being killed yourself, using nothing but your 3D maneuver gear and multiple blades stored on your person.
You heard me, Attack on titan is now multiplayer, 1 to (well it says) 99 players playing in the same server to kill the titans and win for humanity. (Recent patch allows for PVP Titan vs soldier)
(See below for more multiplayer information)
The City
The Forest
The Forest II
The Forest III
The Forest IV - LAVA
Annie II
(Trost and Colossal titan missions are not in the current version)
The controls are fairly standard. W A S D movement, Mouse 1 for attack, Mouse 2 for special, R to reload blades if the break, Ctrl to dodge, space to shoot both cables at an angle, Q and E to shoot single cable at cursor,Mouse wheel to pull yourself towards your cable. Shift to jump/thrust, 1 2 & 3 for flares.

Camera modes: There are 3 different camera modes, Original, WOW like, and TPS.
Original is super slidy camera
WOW-Like locks the camera unless you press RMB which unlocks it
TPS is third person shooter (What the pros use)
UI explained

Image is sliced up removing unneeded because I care about my carbon footprint.
Charactors as of now:

There are 4 major different types of titans, there are many sizes for each of these different kinds.
The only way to tell the normality of a titan is to have it move/attack,
Normal titan
A normal titan can only walk, swing, smash, kick, and grab.

Abnormal titan type A
the A type Abnormal will run at you, smash, kick, grab, and belly flop.

Abnormal titan type B
The B type Abnormal will run at you, smash, kick, grab, belly flop, and leap straight up at you.
 (Need confirmation)
Crawling Titan
A crawling titan will crawl at you at ridiculous speeds and kill you if it steps over you.
(Crawlers have also been known to leap up at the player)

Somebody that plays more than me should tell me what to put here, do we have a guild yet?

PRO TIPS (from a pro)
Never swing too close over titans unless you've confirmed their normality.

If a Titan starts swinging either cable straight into its stomach or cable straight away from it, they have wide sweeps that can often forget you over if you hesitate.

Don't Hesitate! Come up with a plan and stick with it, if you slow down for a second you're as good as dead.

Switch between thrust and no thrust often, no thrust will pull you close to the cable, thrust will swing you so it takes a long time before you reach the end of the cable.

Be careful while dodging on a roof, often the dodge function will toss you down the slope of the roof rather than the direction you press.

Discuss this fab game

Off Topic / Oldify, Big 17
« on: September 10, 2013, 08:44:05 AM »
I came into the world 17 years ago. Honestly, feels like it was yesterday 17 years ago.
I can now legally purchase Mature games guys, this should be interesting.

Games / Help me remember the name of a game
« on: August 21, 2013, 10:49:26 PM »
At some point in time there was a thread about some role playing game on here for the PC where one player would like play as a character in the second players world. I seem to recall it working on a timer where player 1 would put his player somewhere on the game and then he could enter text to say what his character did and then player 2 would like get his turn and in a world editor control panel thing he'd like manipulate his world sprites and such to make player 1's character like do what he said.
That's really all I can remember about it, never actually bought it but I was wanting to and now I can't seem to find it anywhere so yeah. Does anybody know what I'm talking about?
pixel arty, the world master guy could make his own art for it and set up scenes beforehand?

Off Topic / Help Identifying a pair of gloves
« on: July 09, 2013, 11:59:39 AM »
I was farting about on the international spider silk and came across a shooting illustrated article for running your AK by Paul Markel. Instantly fell in love with his gloves but he doesn't seem to mention what they are and I can't seem to find them anywhere.

One of the pictures has a brand logo on it so I was wondering if anybody here could help me identify them.


Off Topic / Need a new headset < $100
« on: June 23, 2013, 10:53:31 AM »
My Gamecom headset died on me so I'm looking for a new headset. Any suggestions for headsets in a $100 price range? preferably USB ones.

Tokthree has suggested a Vengeance 1500

Any other suggestions?

Games / Forgotten: rpgmakergame by yours truely
« on: December 12, 2012, 03:01:45 AM »

Forgotten is a really short really clunky game I went and made today after getting home from school. Basically its just my little project to get rpgmaker working and see just what I can do with it.
Forgotten for the most part is a game about a girl who wakes up in a strange house without any information being given about her or the house or anything!
So you go around basically bumping into things and reading them and such to get a rough idea of what the forget is going down, and when I say rough I mean rough.
Multiple endings which are also really short and don't change all that much but are still fun to get.

So yeah, here's the link to the download

Have fun and thanks for playing.

Off Topic / Birthday: 16
« on: September 10, 2012, 08:33:08 AM »
Yes. Today 16 years ago, in a house that is now a parking lot. I, sir Yndaaa of Camelot northern Nottingham,  climbed my way out of a hole and set forth to rule these lands.

So I woke up at 6 and remembered its a late day so I get to sleep till 8. Fun.

Off Topic / Chess: Tokthree vs yndaaa
« on: August 09, 2012, 01:50:11 AM »
"An epic tale of two men who haven't played chess properly in years"

Sir Yndaaa and Sir Tokthree fight head to head for power in an epic game of internet chess. Both lacking in recent experience decide that as a form of entertainment they would record the battle and post the recording upon the you of tubes.


Link incase anyone wants to challenge their friends

Off Topic / Aoishiro: onion was actually a potato all along
« on: June 23, 2012, 12:07:00 AM »
So I've been playing Aoishiro and while preparing food for the group I couldn't help but notice that my potato was actually an onion

how did this happen?

Is it possible to draw this box without lifting the pencil drawing tool from the page or backtracking over your existing lines?

I can't seem to do it, if somebody knows a way or if its even possible please post.
of course this isn't really thread worthy but we don't have anywhere else to post this kind of stuff so I figured I would anyway.

Games / Police Warfare - Elastic Games
« on: April 13, 2012, 01:38:21 AM »

Early Trailer
 -Note this game is not call of duty, they made this video as a joke-
Kickstarter trailer

As some of you may remember back around February 13th there was a Teaser trailer type video released on youtube for a game mock up under the name Call of Duty: Police Warfare. Today it was announced that this game is really going to happen, the team has named themselves "Elastic Games" and is composed of professional and experienced individuals who have worked in the gaming industry.
They have opened a Kickstarter page hoping to get some funding for the game Link-
more detail on the game in the links.


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