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Topics - Tammy

Pages: [1] 2 3
Off Topic / how to theoretically turn a sphere inside out
« on: February 02, 2013, 11:34:31 PM »

Off Topic / Panderman!!!!!11!!
« on: January 12, 2013, 01:02:14 AM »
wow man this is crazy stuffQ

Gallery / Riverside
« on: September 03, 2012, 05:40:49 PM »
A town on a river.

EDIT: Uploaded higher quality image.

Gallery / Advanced Tutorial: Better DoF Screenshots
« on: September 01, 2012, 05:17:21 PM »

This is a tutorial on how to make lovey DoF screenshots in post using a depthmap. This was written mainly for GIMP, but you should be able to figure it out in Photoshop.

Left: Normal screenshot
Center: Depthmap generated with shader
Right: DoF screenshot from screenshot and depthmap

There are two methods that can be used to create a depth map:

Method One: Manual Creation

  • Can be applied to any screenshot
  • More control over the focus
  • No shaders needed

  • Less realistic
  • Requires some skill with image editing
  • Time intensive for more complicated images
  • Can look bad if not enough cared was taken in creating the depthmaps

Go to Section 1 for manual creation.

Method Two: Shader Generated

  • More realistic
  • Might look better depending on your taste
  • Much quicker for more complicated images

  • Depthmap must be generated at the time of screenshot-- cannot be applied to old screenshots
  • May be hard to do on multiplayer, super admin is required
  • You computer must be able to run shaders
  • Requires at little techincal skill

Go to Section 2 for shader generated depthmaps.

Add-Ons / Point Light Brightness Fix - Shader Patch - Updated for r1715
« on: August 16, 2012, 10:40:31 PM »
This script modifies the v21 shaders to make point lights not be so bright (and hopefully slightly more realistic)

A few notes:
- This add-on automatically replaces 'common.glsl' on game startup.
- This add-on SHOULD only work for this revision (in case the next build changes the shaders), thanks to Port for helping me fix this.
- Using another shader mod that also messes with 'common.glsl' will undo this patch. But don't worry, I'm working on a shader extension add-on that will allow multiple shader mods to be used at once.


v7 - Updated for r1715; Fixed some bugs (caused by this patch) with colored lights by using the YCbCr color space to calculate point lights.

v6 - Updated for r1713; Fixed some bugs (caused by this patch) with colored lights by using the YCbCr color space to calculate point lights.

v5 - Updated for r1707

v4 - Shader code reworked. Takes shadows into account to provide much more consistent results. Point lighting is a little brighter in this version, but it matches the brightness of the old fixed function point lighting.

v3 - Fixed the revision check, so now I'm pretty sure that it won't replace the shaders if an update is released.

v2 - I messed up the math a bit and made things a little TOO dark-- a light that should be 100% bright was only outputting 50%! But things are still a little too dark in shadows.

I've had the idea of a Blockland Adventure mode in the back of my head for awhile, and I figured with the new game mode feature now would be to time to actually make it. While I can handle the scripting, there's obviously no way I can do this on my own. So, I'm starting a topic here to take suggestions and recruit a team.

Some Concepts:

Gameplay: This gamemode will be based heavily off of the FPS concept. I hope to add an ammo system and simple bot AI for enemies. I also want to have some elements and exploration and puzzles; it would be really cool if we could find a way to feature building (since this is a building game).

Plot: This is the area where I don't really have any ideas. I would like it to be something like India Jones-- the player character is an archaeologist who is searching for the Golden Brick and has to navigate though dungeons to find it. It would be nice if we could even have scripted characters.

Currently Recruiting Writers:

Writers will be in charge of coming up with the universe, the plot, the characters, and dialog. I'm going to need four to start with, we can always get more if needed. I'm signing up writers on a first-come, first-serve basis, so all you have to do is think you meet the requirements below.

Requirements for Writers:
- Willing to be dedicated to the project and attend meetings over the internet
- Have a good imagination

Just post here if you would like to be a writer. First four people to post in this thread get the position. I need to know your e-mail and/or Steam name, you can either put it in your post or PM it to me.

Other positions we will need in the future:
Level Designers/Concept artist: Come up with the layout, appearance and gameplay of each specific level.

Builders: Help build the level designers concepts

Artist: Create art assets (models, textures, etc.)

Scripters: Write the game scripts.

Lately I've been seeing people bashing Intel graphics because they are incompatible with Blockland's shaders. Many people seem to imply that Intel graphics are completely useless for gaming. These assumptions are mostly false, because I am able to Source games smoothly on medium settings on my sister's 2-year-old laptop with Intel Graphics. She is able to run her newer Sims 3 games at low settings with decent performance.

I'm not saying that integrated graphics are any good for gaming, I'm just saying that you can make a modern integrated chipset work.

I would like to get some opinions from more informed people, I don't really know what I'm talking about and can only provide anecdotal evidence.

Off Topic / Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse
« on: July 06, 2012, 01:24:34 AM »
Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse is an animated web reality show about the first world problems Barbie encounters in the dream house. It is actually pretty funny.

Youtube Playlist:

Imaginary Friend Megathread

What are imaginary friends?

Imaginary friends are friends people make up in their head. They are usually associated with children, but any1 can make one! They r great people to play with when you don't have any friends ): U might loose all your real friends trying to make up characters in your heads, but it doesn't matter because you have a cool new imaginary friend you can brag about!

Can I make one myself?
Well u just have to make up a character and then u have a new friend you can talk to n stuff.

Blockland's Imaginary Friends

This is a drawing of my imaginary friend Bobbybill he is very nice he also likes to play games just like I do!!!

Please post drawings of ur friends so they can be featured in this topic.

So discuss!

Off Topic / Suddenly, VOLVO 240
« on: May 28, 2012, 06:12:08 PM »



Off Topic / Forum Challenge: Don't visit the forums for 5 minutes
« on: May 27, 2012, 11:43:46 PM »
I bet you can't do it.

Off Topic / I dougied.
« on: May 24, 2012, 01:00:50 AM »
I had my little brother teach me how to do it, it was a life changing experience.
my lil bro is black so hes ghetto enugh.

Discuss life changing experiences like dougieing.

« on: May 22, 2012, 01:38:44 PM »

Off Topic / Oh my gosh...
« on: May 17, 2012, 11:40:32 PM »
I found something oddly shaped like
In my parents bathroom.
It probably is because it's minty fresh, meaning it's made to make something clean, and not make it smell bad

Help me :C

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